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Albert Hall, London Rights and Privileges Thursday Night the young Not Tragically Colored races, Presented To King of Was Voted Unqualified England at Wembley Success The cital given by Mrs. Olga Noted English Statesmen and Londən April 24. The King King on Thurday night last was Says Dr. Moton President of Pucllcists will be present and Queen with the Duke and ag unqualified success, and it goes punctually at 2:30. It was the assisted by Mrs. Adella WalkerDuchess of York, were at Wembley without sayin that the recitalist excelled herself, Tuskegee Institute.
Mrs. King was Queen first Cup Final.
The Negro World of the 12th inst states that the Headley who also was up to her When the players were lined usual form, Clevelando, Ohio, May opening.
mon. Marcus Garvey, President General of the Universal up to be presented to the King The Panama Symphony Orches. There is one thing which we South Growing Better Negro Improvement Association, at present on a tour of Huddersfield supporters regarded tra must be congratulated for the must keep in mind, black and Eirope in the interests of the Negro Race, will deliver had the old om in that their team eble manner in whickbaitae quitted white alike, declared Dr. Ro today the South is more agresDr. Moton also declared that his first public address on the night of June in London, bad the honour first.
itself, it has lived up to according to advices received at LA. headqnarters The West ludian cricketers reputatian. Special mention bert Russa Moton, principa!
must sive in seeing that justnce is The famous Royal Albert Hall has been securea were the guest of the Football be made of Miss Daisy White, Tuskagee institute at the open done our people than it has Association at luncheon and the who for the meeting, at which some of the most noted states. mateh. Nunes, the captain press this cerinud reade, a fiue ley association building in this history. He lauded the buildpromising Violinst, ing of the new Phyllis Wheat ever been in the course of its men and publicists of England will be in attendance. Hon. said they were delighted to bave impression on her audience. Knox, personal representative of the President the privilege of witnessing a na The selection Lucia Di Lamer city, the largest of its kind in ing of the association ne General in the United States, has been summoned to tional London to confer with the famous leader and will be among as the spectacle in such a setting moor by the Orebestra was one the country, on April 24 and nine story structure az one ci Wembley Stadium of the crowning pieces of the 25. There is one thing about the first examples of interraciprovides eveoing, and was received with which we must not fool our al co operation that he had the speakers on this notable occasion.
Cup Finals in history. The seat. It is assured that the public fool us. That is that our Race ter, founder and executive secIt was one of the most orderly creat acclamation.
selves nor allow anyone else to ever known. Miss Jane uning worked splen has beee Says duly and there was de dit toronline clientieris be eager to has and always will insist upon retary of the association, we in to Wembley by such entertainments and Feminine Author any of the main traffic routes Mrs. King accompanist for lege of any American citizen, service to her race rail or road.
the evening, was Miss Doris the right to save, to work unStephenson, the Hodder field Rodney, a young lady of unassumPhyllis Wheatley associs In the Chicago Defender ture somehow has given them sportsmanlike when the match plishments, who displayed great dren, an equal say in govern Hunter had collected 550 captain, was perfectly fraok and ing disposition and maoy accom hampered, to educate our chil tion was founded in 1914. Mis one of the most influential Ne a low down, dirty deal and was over, artistic taste on the Piano. ment affairs, and the right to from her people. The wepithy iro newspapers of the United whose feelings are hurt about The better team won. he be treated not as a black man white friends whom she had States under the caption In it. Even in the helter skelter said without hesitation or Wife: wonder what will be nor yet as a white man, but irierested in her dream for her Christian America the New skirmish that is my life, have qualification the fashion in hats this spring? as a man and an American ci people waised 1, 300 more.
Negro publishes the follow seen that the world is te the The receipts of 23, 237 are not Husband: My dear, women tizen.
The board of the new organia record for Wembley. In the bats will be divided into two lag:strong regardless of a little memorable Bolton Wanderers. styles this Spring, as usual. There For the sake of ourselves zation contained both am Colored, but offer pigmentation more or less. No, West Ham mateh of 1923 the will be the style you don like our children children and our and side by side they have rothing in the way of extenu. do not weep at the wori gross gate was 27, 776. and the style can afford.
God, we must strive sincerely worked and struggled all ating circumstances except the em too busy sharpening my and honestly to bring this to through the years for a finer fact that am the only Negro Oyster knife.
SPARKLETS pass. Else Christianity is a association. Their first buildin the United States whose Some one is always at my mockery, and democracy is a ing had 24 rooms, the next randfather on the mother elbow reminding me that am failure, Dr. Moton concluded 75, and the new one can house side was not an Indian chief. Ce grand daughter of slaves. BY KING)
to the 500 prominent Cleve. 135 girls in addition to the That sentence came from it fails to register depression The Old Folks ordeal of fire. This pep in land citizens of both races, educational department, the the pen of Zora Neule Hurs with me. Slavery is sixty years youth is, of course a component who packed the gymnasium of gymnasium, the cafeteria, the My blood relative, Mr. Cespecies part of life, but we also need that ton, one of that crop of young in the past. The operation was Burke of the Army, whom coa sageness and maturity of opioio, the new building at the lunch parlors, offices and reading er impertinents of the Race successful and the patient is fidently expect will practice a which comes only from advance eon whịch began the two day rooms.
who are responsible for the coing well, thank you.
little nepotism get me on the years.
term New Negro. and one string for a soft but amply rem. as of those who, while not exact This is a mighty fine philo unerative position when my locks a check on the other, yet it cannot Flowers for the Living The State Gambling ly fitting the term, can always sophy and could well ab sal shall to Op be denied that youth has in the its silvery gray when be described by it with im sorbed by the entire group. Afam no past, does not and alwaye must more able to match steps with the punity, Miss Hurston is writ ter all, as Miss Hurston has has been throwing wisdom and two scorers.
vine depena on its elders to impart Spain goes the rest of the cable despatch from Loning in the World and her sub said, we have everything to stones at imaginary oldruen in a ly good ject is How It Feels to Be gain and nothing to lose by well intentioned article which he today, when youth: Especial world one better in putting into don, dated April 14 says: reckless, should the admoo practice that oft inculcated You might as well try the fact that we are starting recently published in the local itido and guidance of the old holka advice of handing the Colored Me.
flowAs you read this article at the botiom. And man his thuong dalies. If you wade couat. for the value that it reallyers to the living instead of eating their daily bread as try prevent the British public from his youthful aberrations, and all of you ought to read tory has shown that where we gentle reader, you will readily is.
waiting until they die. In Spain to prevent them gambling, but he it you somehow get the feels are observe that Life is as the cycle of seasons monuments are erected to the we have to administer the law were once, now, others prides in playing words, as is the case with which needs its autumn as much are If ing that this young woman and others will be again.
many young as we find it.
ful if he bad hadisaid something in her flip that isn enough to make us with would agree to the springen Spring is a beauti: great while the great of budding life. they like This remark was made by pant way that you would like more cheerful at the prospect went to the effect that there are autumn is done the whit less them.
Judge Atherley Jones the in beautiful and necessary.
ranks Though to have said. She goes on fur before us then we might as well a few incorrigiese people here youth, like spring, gives of The latest thing of this sort addressing the jury at Newour us middle age love ther: mer But am not tragically Col. ter knives and go home. Fools then noto cold men, who due to ao proces, it remains from autumn was the inauguration at San castle Sessions yesterday were intolerance have really to produce the barvest, in other tander of a library and statue, garding a case of alleged ored. There is no great sorrow still rush in where angels fear shout their last asleadership is words, it is age which gives the in honour of Concha Espina, gambling.
needed mellowness to the green dammed up in my soul, nor to tread, and many have wea concerned.
sprout novelist.
of rash youth.
The novelist could Our youngsters need The law is wholly anomallurking behind my eyes. do thered their precarious vennot be Again we say. God bless the contemplate a likeness of her ous he added, and as the not mind at all. do not be tures and are no longer fools, poisy. They must not waste words in denouncing the old gogey as old folk!
self seated before a white mar State has gone into partnerlong to the sobbing school of the New Negro may yet incompetent impractical As promise you last week, ble background between two ship with gamblers by receiv, Negrohood who hold that na prove to be the real thing. Yougsters are going to have their the above is canned stuff but fountains. She could also hear ing a portion of the profits, it turn, hence their chance to make it still retains its original mellow King Alfonso, orator of the appe:fers to be necessary that good. When they succeed, the ness.
old Isthmian Literary and theme with what they merit, and occasion, praise her work. It beads will never fail to credit The Needs of The some rational legislation must have given quite a thrill should be enacted by which, at Musical League, Hour them and Popular Title be glad.
to the woman who struggled any rate, some protection may In the meantime, however, it will be worth while for them to reason through poverty to fame. be offered to the young against bit over the following little The most popular title in movie.
Benito Perez Galdos is an the gambling spirit which has By DOTTIN As a result of a meeting held sterling advice dedicated to the dom nowadays is the King of other Spanish novelist of re been instituted in this countrIn these modern timas, when in the auditorium of the La Boca old folks by that luminus week Kings This picture has a grip nown, who may gaze on his to a much greater degree relife demands so much from us, Clubbouse on 5th Inst. when the ly, the Pathfinder of Washing is the these movie fans for the whole own likeness in bronze as he cently than in former times.
Isthmus. The reason its there is a pressing need for cer question of a magazine to be ton DC.
taio traits in human nature to published by the League was given Thank God for the old folks! larity is because of its general walks through a certain park Card of Thahks help os carry on, and win our way much consideration, the following They supply the balance so neces: acquaintance with the subject, in Madrid, Ramon y Cajal, through; bat there are various persons have been appointed by sarga font not only this but every as deberenthia theologia doubprecia: geologist who won the Nobel is that inistaken ideas as to what many the President of the Association day and age.
Mrs. Florence of these traits should be.
tion wherever it is shown.
prize, may contemplate his Mr. King to investigate Many persons will have their and report at the next meeting. generation for being sold togies general appeal to all peoples and drid park. You may rail at the older The King of Kings bas a own statue in the same Ma widow of the Inte M. Wilkioson, takes this opportunity to exindividual views of this situation, press ber bigh appreciation and but, ail cannot be right; there Athenaeum.
Mr. Sewell. The La Boca and behind the times. But races, therefore one should go to can be no doubt, that money is snowy crowns bring a seasoning see it whenever it is available. Spaniards argue that con thanks to the various Fraternal organizations, Friendly societies, as well as education; these Mr. Dottio The Etude of reasoning which the soap judgetemporary judgment is the many friends who have Club.
ment of youtblacke, Etude Club To Meet two, of course take precedence sound as that of future gener tendered to her memorials apd of ths many other needs Silvera. The Gatun can bark back and profit from very important meeting of ations, and they believe in pay letters of sympathy; and begs that Religion is also one of the great Forum years of experience while youth, the Etude club will take place ing these honours to their dis they will accept this medium of though fired with enthusiasm and at 30 tonight when all acknowledgment as they are too (Continued on Page Continued on page 6) ambition, has yet to undergo the members are asked to attend. Continued on Page 6)
many to reply to individually and to with and rejoice with Wilkinson, as seeded and Old age


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