
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 19, 1928, Trinidad Dairies, Ltd.
THE WORKMAN STETSON HATS Rapid Development of Worx LA MASCOTA CARLOS MULLER LATEST SCIENTIFIC APPLIPublished on Saturdays by Patas for Advertisemen on applica.
WALROND, at the office No. 16 tion. Correspondence on all rusties ANCE IMPORTED Stacet East Central Avenue Panama of public interest invited.
All copy for publication must be Ideal Estate Acquired PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy.
the writer, not necessarily for publica From the Weekly Guardian Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three We do not undertake to return reOne Month jectedcorrespondence.
The Trinidad Dairies Ltd. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS a private company formed two months ago to carry on the SATURDAY MAY 19, 1928 business of dairymen, cheese and butter manufacturers etc.
have already For the World Best Dressers made rapid MAN INHUMANITY TO MAN strides towards the inauguration in this colony of a model dairy and farm for the purMan desire for peace, happiness and prosperity is There is no article of men wear that has the world pose of supplying the inhabitants with an ample and pure not meeting with as much success as some modern optiwide reputation of Stets on hats.
milk supply. In view of the admists would have us believe. His progress within the mittedly insanitary conditions past nineteen hundred years is, however, noteworthy; under which the bulk of the but his crowning success is far from being within sight In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue existing milk supply is proat the present stage of his civilization.
de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads duced and marketed, the ad.
From their semi barbarous state when they used vent of this modern milk conto trade in human beings from Africa and hold them as of fashionable men who know what what cern, fully equipped with the chattel slaves against their will England and the Unitin men headwear.
latest electrical apparatus to ed States of America, the two present leaders in the eliminate as far as possible huownership of worldly things, have graduated into what man contact, and the inost apmay be termed the peak of modern civilization. Other We have the same styles here as are now being proved methods of sterilisation nations are making the grades behind them in proporand refrigerating, is of an im, tion to their respective strength and desire to win and worn in the style centers of the World.
portance which scarcely needs hold a fair chance to grow and expand.
to be emphasised Since the leaders of the civilized nations of the world The directors of the comstaged the last series of disgraces which have left an irpany have recently acquired removable blot on their highly prized civilization; went from Dr. McShine a prowell on ihe way towards eliminating themselves as perty consisting of 255 acres don. inant world powers, they have been pretending to of land between Cunupia and work toward synthesis by the forming of national and international alliances, organizing of peace meetings Jerningham Junction where SOLE AGENT the dairy building will be e.
and, in the meantime, inventing super destructive marected. On this estate is a may.
chinery and scientific develry as if they are this time 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY nificent pond fed by an underworking to effect a more systematie, dramatic and specground spring which ensures a tacular demonstration of their progressive proclivities 44 practically un nited supply of and imposed guardianship over other human species pure water. he buiding of who are gathered in smaller and weaker groups.
the Manager residence and Be that as it may: man progress has been given a good start, from the fact that the world is almost enOne Never Knows model cattle shed has already been commenced and it is extirely free from chattel slavery, this form of oppression pected that the entire group of and exploitation One, never knows buildings inseparable from an a form of slavery which tapers down to the little fellows How far a word of kindness goes; up to date dairy will be comand places them in a category several shades higher One never sexs When comthan that of chattel slavery.
How far a smile of frieodslip pleted by July.
flees: pleted it is claimed that it will Civilized man should not at this time purposely Down through the years be the most hygienic and inbecloud his mentality into believing that he has up to The deed forgotten raoppears stallation of the kind in the now succeeded in any way far above and beyond eleOne kindly word colony. The building itself will mentary preparation for the formal ruling of the rest The souls of many bere bas stirred. consist of steel work, with a of mankind. The mass of mankind of today have not 50 Watt Vacuum Lamp Consumos Man goes his way, yet been awakened. small fraction have for some time Cents Worth of Electricity overy Hours.
And tells with every passing day, galvanised iron roof. The floor Untill life end: will be of concrete laid out succeeded in holding back and down the masses with a 50 Watt Inside Frosted Edison Mazda Once uoto me he played the according to the most approvmore or less iron hand, subduing and exploiting them, ed fashion and a trolley runndirectly or indirectly, mainly through the agency of orBulb Consumes The Same quantity of We cannot say ing on an overhead rail w!! ganized superior forces. But this condition will not conCurrent But Givos What lips are praising us to day be installed for removal of reWe cannot tell tinue indefinitely. As generations come and go, backWhose prayers ask God to guard fuse. The company has also ward peoples and nations pick up momentum and beordered a large refrigerating fore long where they used to bow and beg they will But kindness lives plant to cool the milk to demand with adequate backing and reserve to compel Beyond the memory of him wbo temperature of 45 which gives.
recognition and compliance. EDGAR GUEST will have the effect of reducAs Alexander Pope fittingly observed: Man ining the bacteria contents of the humanity to man makes countless thousands mourn.
Therefore Insist on milk to a negligible quantity.
This inhumanity was apparently a condition which a Dr. Fred Sterling sterlising plant has also been contributor to the Holy Book foresaw or experienced EDISON MAZDA imported and every article THE NEW YORK DENTST when he wrote of the fluctuation of the ruling powers which is used in connection of the Kings of Israel.
182, BOLIVAR STREET with the production and dis INSIDE FROSTED The opressekl and exploited will eventually shake CULON, tribution of the milk will be off oppression and block further umauthorizeu foreign Box 171, CRISTOBAL, thoroughly sterilised. As all BULBS exploitation. It is out of harmony with man developTELEPHONE 247 COOLN the cows owned by the Trindad Dairies are tuberculin ment for one section of mankind to indefinitely hold down another. It is well, therefore, that rulers nations, tested, it will be possible for FOR SALE BY peoples, organizations, individuals. use discretion and McClymont raw milk to be used without moderation in handling the now weak and opressed who, risk. The dairy herd now conin accordance with the law of development, are likely Cia. Panameña de Fuerza y Luz MODERN TAILOR sists of 20 head of pure bred CALIDONIA NO. 16 Holstein heifers, 12 pure breu to some time develop strength and might.
AND ALL GOOD LAMP DEALERS One of Great Britain seasoned and experienced See us for up to date Work. Ayrshire heifers, 10 half bred writers who travelled to the Dark Continent and omanship at Modernte Prices, and the remainder of mixed milking strains.
ther backward places and observed conditions which were being forced upon the natives by ruling powers, milk clarifier has also been stressed the point, for the benefit of his countrymen, BOWEN ordered. This is a centrifugal NOTICE that should the conditions as he saw them continue, machine which is now being when these subject people rise, as some day they must TAILOR rapidly installed in all mode!
rise, they will surely attack their oppressors with bayo The office of Doctor Arnulfo Arias, located at No. M Street San Migue dairies abroad. Milk cannot be nets steeped in revenge.
Panama City freed of all its impurities by We long to see on the horizon of time clear indica. CENTRAL AVENUE No. 137 filtration alone, but becomes absolutely pure after passins tions that man is arriving at the time when he will, in fact, be his brother keeper.
Will be opened every day from 11 a. to Dr. Nathan Rowe with production in bulk, the ihrough a clarifier. By dealing p. and from p. to p.
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON public will be assured of moc Negro Race Must Have Negro Paper 11th and Bolivar Sts.
erate prices for milk prepared To Build Up.
COLON, under ideal conditions.
given real support will take its place along with the BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE The Company has already church and school in race building. We appeal to the Chase National Bank ordered a Diesel engine to How can we build a race worth while without the people for a more charitable attitude to the race papers. Office Hours: a. to 12m drive the dynamo which will Negro paper? Negro thought must be assimilated, how can They are indispensible. No race has made it without to pm. supply electric current for the it be without the Negro paper? The Negro paper may newspapers. What it took to build others will be OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 lights, and opertaing the apnot measure up, but it is, after all a necessity and if petded in the building of ours. Tampa Bulletin. DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154. pliances already referred to.
More Light For Your Money friend, us well.
Over 50 More Light


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