
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable The Film Dawn Report Against About Apelles JOB. PRINTING States That Delay in Holding HX Consultation Probably Hastened Poliec Corporal Death INCIDENT IN HOSPITAL Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH DMO. Refused to Associate Wi Brother Practitioner Suggested by Deceased Relatives AT THE MUT HAVE HIS OWN CHOCIE WORKMAN PRINTERY The British Pharmacy COLON (Continued from Page 3) Apelles, the famous Greek torically correct, in the first artist, is said to have painted place.
a picture of Alexander with Embassy Hears Protests.
a horse, but the king did not It was made plain by br. think the steed was very lifeGerard and Mr. Oberwager like. One day, however, a horse that if the State Department passed by and neighed at the of Education refuses to prohi one in the picture, The lorze bit the showing of Dawn. an is a better judge of usinting appeal will be made to Fede. than your Majesty, said Apel ral authorities. The fiim alles. We don know what the ready has been brought to the monarch said in reply to this.
attention of the German EmAnother day Appelles heard bassy in Washington by the a shoe maker finding fault many protests received against with the shoes on the feet of it from Americans of German one of his figures. The artist, descent, and the Embassy in seeing that the cobbler was turn, it was said, has cabled right, painted them over. Dat to Berlin for advice and in when the same man began to structions in the matter.
criticize the shape of the leg.
Approval of the film was Appelles said he had bette made by James Wingate, who keep to what he knew abort.
is Director of the Deviżion of And so we have the wellMotion Pictures of the State known saying: Let the cobDepartment of Education, af bler stick to his last.
ter he insisted on a few minor changes. Mr. Wingate was not DENTIST HOWELL in his office yesterday, and could not be reached for furHouse No. 912 La Boca ther comment. At his office it Canal Zone was said that he was out of OPPOSITE RESTAURANT town and would return this PHONE 1941 BALBOA morning.
Mr. Selwyn said yesterday Specialises in all Branches o that he was ready at any time Dentistry to have Dawn shown to offi ALL WORK GUARANTEE cials of the Department of State or other authorities, adficials at the German Embasding.
sy declared to day they were If the United States Gov contemplating no move to prePernment sees fit to object to vent the showing in this counthe presentation of Dawn. try of the Edith Cavell motion naturally stand ready to com picture Dawn.
ply with the wishes of the The State Department deGovernment in every respect. clared it had not been apMy interest in Dawn is, of proached on the subject and course, purely as a business would certainly take no step proposition and needless to unless appealed to. If represay it represents no littie a sentations are made to it, the mount of money to me. Thou understanding is that the most sands of American women, the department could do however, stand back of me would be to suggest that the and are of the opinion that film not be shown as somethe picture should be shown. thing that might inject a posNo Federal Move.
sible note of friction into inWashington, April 13. Of ternational relations.
The Jamaica Mail of the 3rd, inst. says: The death of a Police Corporal a couple of weeks ago in the Public Hospital of a country parish has turned out be an event of more than passing interest.
It is stated that the sub officer in question attended the hospital to be treated for an affection to one of his toes. He was admitted by the District Medical Officer in charge of the institution, and a day or two afterwards the ailment is said to have become worse.
The District Medical Officer informed the patient wife that blood poisoning had set in and suggested that a consultation should be held with another medical man.
The relatives of the Corporal, and himself, for that matter, realising the seriousness of the matter mentione the name of a well known medical practitioner in the same township as the party with whom the should hold the consultation. But the District Medical Officer did not approve of the party suggested, and it is said that he named another brother practitioner, who resided some ten miles away. After some amount of persuasion and dissuasion, it was finally agreed that the Continued on Page 5)
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