
THE WORKMAS SATURDAY MAY 19, 1928 PAGE FIVE The Executive And La Boca Athenaeum X40Yorgis W20328 M4 Report Against Legislative Councils IMPORTANT NOTICE iallyThe Workman Printery AND Stationery Store as CENTRAL AVENUE TO he No. 16 Street East Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage may in Covering The Workman BOOK STORE go Bay La Boca Clubhouse, May 1928.
Dear Boys and Girls:Ubder the above caption the Voice of St. Lucia says editorBeginning as from next month, the La Boca Athenaeum will conThe constitution of the Execu ARY COMPETITION. This duet a SEMI ANNUAL LITERis tive and Legislative Councils meant principally to encourage is arousing much discussion, you to achieve greater things Formerly the two Unofficials of ure of the opinion that you will tbe Executive Council chosen from the Unofficials of earnest wish that your endeavors were te interested in this, and it is our the Legislative Council. There will warrant our controuance and now seems to be a change of a bigger and better scheme.
policy in that respect.
The apThe tollowing are the conditions pointmen: of Mr. George Wil with which if you comply will iams who has no seat on the make you eligible to compete: Legislatlug Council to a seat on the Executive Council is some SEMI. ANNUAL LITERARY evidence of this che COMPETITION change. This change of poiley may be due to the fact that the Unofficials are Ending June 30, 1928.
today more strictly regarded An Essay on :the opposition. If that were so WHAT HAS CAUSED THE in point of fact the Governor LACK OF AMBITION AMONG would bave no alternative in the appointment of members to THE MAJORITY OF OUR Executive Council bat to appoint YOUTHS Ibis competition is open to elder wbo are not profesand actually members of all boys and girls who reside at the Opposition. The Executive the Pacific end of the Isthmus, Council is much like the Cabinet that is, within territory south of where full Responsible ment obtains, and the be likes to birthday.
Govern Gamboa Bridge including Pacama City, who have not reached their of that Council to ministers without portfolio The essay must be written General agreement with the with ink rule paper, ia com policy of the Government is es petitor handwritting, and on one sential in a member of th side of the paper; aod should Executive Council. little con consist not less than 300 nor Bideration would show that the more than 500 words.
admission of opponents into th contidential deliberations of the their names to their essay, but Competitone should not sign Executive Council would make should submit same on a seperate the position of the executive very slip attached.
The Unofticials of ou Legislative Council, bowever, the two best essays.
do Two prizes are offered for pot constitute an Ooposition to Prize to consist of 00 and the The first The constitutional sense of the second of 00. The prizes may term.
We have two elements on our Legislature, the and the Electa. In Nominated be in cash or its equivalent. Competitors should forward the position of of nominated unoft their papers to the Secretary of the cals ibe following, set out in a La Coca Clubhouse not latter than despatch of Secretary of June 30 1928.
State, is still applicable: their The decision will be rendered duty is to co operate with the by three competent judges.
Crown in its general polies, and The society reserves the right to not to oppose the Crown ou ou sy accept or reject any or all papers important question wi hout submitted o nou strong substantial reasous. Du of the validity of these reason Yours for success, LIBOCA ATHENAEUM, y will be themselves the they judge. The Elected Member Das a free band. His primecod did WITH THE SAGES sideration ought to be bis coustituents and not the support of Government policy. As it pSome men who reem to pe conpen snow there is no serious tented are just too lazy to comquestion of policy at is:ue and pluio.
the Uunofficials ought to be Many a man popularity is undivided io assisting in the due altogether to what he doesen working out of any plan for the say.
ultimate good of the Colony. min can have more friends tban needs if ge has pleuty of Agricultural Report money and isn particular, An Opimist is a man whebas entire confidedce in the label; a The Barbados STANDARD of pessimist ref ages to take a chance the 14th ulto says: on the contents.
Reaping this year is far in man opiniong cost him advance to that of last year. nothing so long as he keeps them Most of the estales contributing to bimeelf.
their crops to the various facTo day man is judge by his tories report the satistactory news that between One half to drass; woman by the lack of of their drese two tbirds of their canes have already left the fields. After the barassing conditions which woich preTAKE NOTICE in 1927 owing to the ex.
ceptional rainfall bindering the The WORKMAN can be reapink this is a matter of great had at Mr. Sanchez place relief to the managers badgerud 24tb street, Nc building cause by upsala We are glad to be to report ibat th juice yield is beter than in 1927. Doe matter wasco Dr. OGILVIE bas causea como platut cunos tbe enormus amount of Puttn canes that have to be lett PHYSIGIAN SURGEON litter the tields; a result of the ter si 80 Street, Chorillo.
heavy rains last year.
Io the black soil districts eigot tons oi viac Advertise in the Workman have Cart one ton of sugar the red soil districts between to tons have to be To fault is that an increased amount parches knowa limit in wages of suale canes are being forward be is content to cease work until necessity compels him to seek ed to the factories. Stale being those lett for days in the employment Knowing that the fields after being cut or else comto years will find no solution at band of the vexed quescanes froin which the tops have tion of beou cut for fodder while still to labour commensurate with low adequate and efficient the ground.
cost of production owners must As al visit to the country will look around and survey outside show the young cape crop is a methods Not only in the delight to the eye. bealthy factories will this question vigorous growths presentiuk a be an acute one but if the cheering picture of green pros agricultural life, which is the perity. Ratooning districts are backbone of this island pros Cow golox abead applying nitrate perity, tis to continue on smooth of potash to those tields intended lines then the possibilities of for Labour and its mechanical ald must be conpeculiarities has been perplexing sidered without delay the planters this year. Fears! The price demanded for foodhave been expressed as to the stuff and ground provisions is possibility of the crop being on the upgrade. Should the prebrought to an early end owing sent weather continue the finish to the inconsistent attention of of the present crop will see a the labourers. The lure of bigbar further increase.
wages appears to be of little use potatoes are now fetching 5s and in correcting this menace to 63 per 100lbs respectively, while economical managemens. Il ap the City fodder is retailed at in pears that aiter te labourer 1, to 1s 8d per 100 lbs. Continued from po 41 should not be deprived of his right to consult with whoever he chose. message was sent to the doctor who lived ten miles way; but he was out on the day he was sent for; and it was not until the day following that his presence was available for the consultation.
Meantime, the patient showed no sign of improvement.
Rather, he gradually became worse, and eventually the man died, some days after an operHAS REMOVED FROM ation was performed.
Now for the sequel: the wife and other relatives of the de reased have taken the view that death would probably have been averted but for the delay occasioned by the absence of the doctor from his district on the day he was sent for, and that under the circumstances, the serving of the nearest doctor should have been requisitioned. They have accordingly reported the mat.
ter to a prominent Justice of Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous the Peace for the parish in question, and the latter has Patrons and the Public generally.
forwarded a complaint against. the action of the for the district to Dr. Wilson, supKUIN XXUWINNIN42:40 erintending Medical Officer, setting out tire facts and ask.
ing for an enquiry.
Those La Boca It is understood that a thorough investigation is to be Chickens!
CALL IN AT held into the cidcunmsiances surrounding the incident and (By a Rooster)
the result is awaited with inIt is not the intention of the terest.
writer to lay too much emphasis on chickens, but rather on the boys of the Watson Institute who New Hotel For Monte.
are in need of assistance, but io No. 16 STREET EAST believe me you should have seen those chichens on Saturday nigbt Oppsite The Wesleyan Church. last, was placed between two of them, faci one, and a part of According to the Northern one was placed in my dish a real News of recent date Hr. GOOD SELECTION OF chicken treat it was. Aarons, of Montego Bay Representatives from the Etude commenced the erection of a NEW BIBLES Club, the Felix Club, and the entire membership of the Athena. large hotel on the outskirts of Hymn Prayer Books eum attended this function. that town: The paper states: Miss Leonora Jump, President The owner will be Mr.
of the Aspirants Club, and ber Aarons a wellknown citizen of co workers, are to be congratu this town, and one who has lated for having so ably arranged more than once helped to pre this unique function.
Secretary and Mrs. Neely serve the reputation of lontewere on the job, also Mr. and Mrs, go Bay, as a tourist resortWILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR William Jump, Mr. and Mrs that is to say, when accomC. King, Mrs. Lilian Raveneau, modation has been lacking oMrs. Florence Smith, and the Misse: Undine and Edna Smith; therwise, Mr. Aarons, less for among the other invites were the profit than to facilitate, would Misses Doris Rodney and Vera open his private home to apNo hot irons or special combs required Markland.
proved visitors. Becoming few complimentary remarks therefore well known as a cawere made by Messrs Reyterer, Mr. Aerons last year deSOLD IN DRUG STORES volds, Dottin, and Markham Jor. Mr. Sewell did not put cided that he would enter the in his appearance until a very late local hotel business and therehour?
fore as said above has decided Music was dispensed freely, the to build a new and up to date only regrettable feature to the whole affair was the bour for dis hotel.
This hotel, which may be Long live the Aspirants Club known as the White Sands Hotel, will be located right opTaking Chances With posite to that famous bathing FOR REAL WORKER.
Your Life beach. It will be a structure of re inforded concrete and two We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men There are many chances in life storeys ana will contain twennd women, in which an exeellent income can be made even which one may risk and feel safety eight sleeping rooms and all to those who work but PART TIME. During onr 35 years in under the risking, but taking a other necessary apartments.
chance or chances with one life. There will be running water business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents wbo supp should have the fullest considera in at least fourteen of these our household necessity to our customers in every country in tion possible; which the world. Many of our agents bave been with us over 37 was not given by Inocente Campa, rooms to start with, and all a colored Panamanian who lost sanitary conveniences.
years and have achieved Financial Independence Increashis life (as a result of drowoing)
ing local demands and repeat orders, make it nece sary to The hotel, we need hardly in the Chagres river on appoint more local representatives in many localities in the 14th instant.
the state, will command a inagniUnited States. No special experience or capital required. it Despite the fact of his inability ficent view of what is now, as is a straightrfoward, digoified business. Why not represent the to swim, he deliberately removed ever, one of the world most largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send clothes, and jumped into the his famous bathing places, and river, never to rise again.
us your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau William Todd, of the Gamboa coupled with its proximity to will send you full particulars. When we appoint an agent police force recovered the body that place, it ought certinly to we faroish free samples for Trial Tests in the bomes in the by dredging the river. No signs of claim, a fair share at least, of locality of the agent, foul play could be detected. the tourist trade of Montego In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in Bay.
which you saw this advertisement, Small Mr. Jennings, the wellAddress ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, DC, known builder of this town, ia DENTIST the contractor and in his very (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street W.
MASONIC TEMPLE capable hands we look for Office Hours: am to 12 ward to seeing a magnificent 30 to 30 IT building raised upon what is Sundays, by Special Appointment now an open bit of land.
It is planned that the hotel Masonic Temple ilth St, will be opened on December 1, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL this year; and even at this earPHONE: OFFICE 1664 ly stage we wish Mr. Aaror AND GET GOOD RESULTS RESIDENCE 538 every success in his venture.
Contra Crespo vailed with the tear of delayed rescue Guachapali.
GOOD POSITION been recessary to it pays.
we are sure Sw be used a.
Langard Advertise in The Workman


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