p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 19, 1928 ridica de Flowers for the Living For Sale Cheap 28888 (Continged from page 1)
tinguished citizens while they are living and can enjoy their fame. But other nations generally persist in waiting until a man is dead before erecting his monument. His whole his tory cannot be known until he has passed off the stage. And as long as he is living he is capable of doing something to spoil everything. Besides, such an honour to a living man is enough to spoil him, make him vain and sap his genius.
Then there will always be others, who will feel that they are discriminated against because their monuments are not yet built, will become embittered, and that will harm their work. Pahfinder.
and Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
www CILS Mayara Tne Need of the Hour mananananananananamamaga nangangamannaamaan way at times The Pistol fieldlig Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City of others who been 117 ATLANTIC SIDE Tomorrow Races CRICKET The following is the Program for tomorrow races:Wanderers Silver City Cup FIRST RACE Match Fnds In Draw Forloge Porse 100 ratber interesting game of Honey. Dew 123 cricket was played on the Mt. Chiqui 120 Hope oval on Sundry the 13th Dieciseis lost. between the Wanderers Fenomeno 126 and the Silver City This Mayoral game viewed by many and it SEOOND RACE was. pleasant surprise to the admirers of the Silver City boys Furlongs Porse 125 to see bow they acquitted themselves Garza 90 Dolly 112 Wanderers, wipoing the toss. Bandera 130 elected Reid and Llewellyn to Valencia 119 bat wbile the leather was en trosted to Holder THIRD RACE Martin of the silver club, Both bowlers did exceedingly Furlongs Porse 100 well, but Holder beaded to. Cococha the 126 average Toli Tunney for 13 runs. Things began to look 98 sonewhat cloudy for Wanderers El Chichi 109 but they eventoally managed to Jakle Dardanels compile 91 runs for the inding.
104 125 After the usual recess, Capt.
Small of the Silver City FOURTE RACE eleteed Collymore and Bell to bat o Furlonge Porse 125 wbils many voiced the opiolon that the entire inolog would Rolando 128 not yleld double figure as total. La Nena 93 At the fall of the first wiekat LA Cbiquilla 90 the score board registered 16 Ocurrencia 119 and at the call of time wikets fell for 83 FIFTH RACE The Silver City boys were the Furlongs Purse 100 Teciplents of much praise for their display of cricket 126 of Phillips Pounder, Grafico 124 Martio, Brown, and Collymore Intimo 109 was remarkable, and they also Don Simon 95 kave Rood account of them Silver Spray 93 selves at the bat, except the zipo 119 first mentioned who became a SIXTB RACE bit anxious in trying to place a ball to the boundary and was Furlongs Purse 125 clean bowled.
Hamilton Meelan 90 as skipper for Wan128 derers did very creditable work Carcajada 98 while the batting of Dodney. Malwirada 90 Thrope, and McDopold saved (Gravedad their team from defeat.
SEVENTH RACE Furlonge. Purse 125 News Notes Sao Chee 119 Kitty will Two cup mstebes are sche Cantones 119 duled to be played tomorrow in Dbole 126 connection with the Surprise Popó 110 Cup Competition: Kent Vs West End on the Mt.
Hope oval and Westmorelald Vs CHURCH SERVICES Pickwick at Gatur.
On the occasion 08 Missionary services at the Colon Wes St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca ley Church mor ow, the v. wade will be the preachHoly Communion, 6, a. The er throtghout the day, at 11 a.
Rector 3and 7:30pm. The public mert. Matins and address 11. a. ing will take place on Tuesday Lay Reader evening, when several addresses Church School, 00, will be delivered.
Choral Evengong and sermon, Despite the cloudy days and 30. pm. The Rector.
frequent light sbowers which MULUARE. Rector indicate the approach of the rainy season intense, beat still prevaile on the Atlantic side, St Simon s, Gamboa The Litany Holy Eucharist Man Becomes Own and serinon. 10, 45, a. The Rector Grandpa by Marriage Church School and Confirmation Class. 30, Harrisburg, Ky man has 30, pm, The Lay Reader Choral Evensong and address, been found bere who claims to be bis own grandfather. He explains MULOARE, the queer situation in the followPriest in Charge ing manner. married a widow with a grown up dauhter. My father, widower, married my stepdanghter St Bartholomew s, Lasthus becomiog my son in law, and Cascadas his wife, formerly my stepdangbter, became my stepmother also.
Matins and address, 11, a. My wife had a son who was Lay Reader.
Church School and Coufirmation stepdaugeter brother. Thea my father wife had a MULCARE, son, who was my brother and also my step grandceild, because Priest in Charge he was the son of my stepdaughter, Seventh Day Adventist My wife also became my grandmother becaause she was STREET CALIDONIA the mother of my stepmother, ROAD aear Istbanian Park Pans.
and as the busband of anyone ma.
grandmother is called must be my own grandad.
Sabbath (Saturday) 945 a.
Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. u. GenTTORNEY DEFENDANT. Class: eral Worship Spanish An old fellow was arrested for 30 um. Society, stealing chickens, and as he bore meeting 30 pm. Junior Sud a rather bad reputation it was Senior Standard of attainment found difficult to seeure counsel Class, p. a. Vespere.
for him. At last a young lawyer GRIZZLE Pastor, who had known bin a long time, took his case, to the great joy of the old fellow. At bis trial the British Consulate Notice jucge asked him Are you the defendant?
The old fellow. was perplex for The British Consulate General a moment, and then replied: at Panama desires loformation No sab, dat o de defendant, of the whereabouts of Ferdinand sah, pointing proudly to bis Holdsworth, a native of Jamaica counsel.
who came to the Isthmue many se de man wot stole de ebick years ago and has not been heard from for the past fourteen years.
Continued from Pege neede, tho, all humanity may not take to it, but, how very often it has been discovered that there are many other essentials whicb take a very important place in the field of human activities one selves out is this persons who will put them.
of the it along as much as possible, for to assist a good cause, and belp one may bave education and money and yet, in this particlar respect they may be utterly useless. may draw a small refereuce by way of explanation. How very often in lodges and other organizations, you ll find persons possession amazing qualifications, financial ete. and yet their support is OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH infinitely small compared to that might have less fortunate and it needs 00 great next door Nash Motors Garage.
amount of argument to bear out this statement. The ind:vidual with organizing qualities is as much annannammanamamamayanamamanam an asset in any venture as the one with success lf the undert. 2: D; for the There ts also the one whose senmeans oss timents, and ideas can be turned into hard ench but on the contrary, it has often been found that misuse and misappropriation of funds which might bave been in the possession of some, have been socie ies. Be this as it may the argument here introis not for any specific, purbut racher to the difference between use and abuse, and abuse may come in many GIVE IT TRIAL AND YOU WILL TAKE ways, not only by harsh words, but by privilege, office and many NO OTHER other ways.
The needs of the hour rightly To be had in all Fashionable Places used serve as steps on which men And women build piouacles to succoed. Let us not misuse or abuse, but use what we poseess for the uplift and bettermot of WOMACK AMERICAN WHISKY CO.
Soci ty, the human family, and the bright world in which we General Distribution. 8th Street and North Ave.
NATIONAL WHISKY OLD PANAMA the ruin of Jduced is pose, show weices STILL ON SALE Liberty Hall 20 St.
Wes Indies Cricket History my father brother in law, my Class, 30, Isthmian Literary And Musical League PRIVATE ACADEMY Continued on page 1) S. Quarless The so. Cristobal.
City William Arthur English Classes, Day and Technical School. Colon.
Night. Dr. Barton begs to Mr. Sewell will preside as cbairman of this Committee.
announce that this School The instructions are that the reopens for the Summer League be provided with a wellVacation.
edited magazine with the expressed aim to develope the effort into BARTON above bamed Society.
a respectable mouthpiece of the Principal It is hoped that this venture will meet the general approbation House Rom, Receipt Books in as it is intended to be a great of the members of the League, Spanish nd Eglish in sale at the WORKMAN PRINTERY, source of usefulness in the community.
AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages grandfather Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players Váluable, lastructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
Notice to Correspondents. Baptist Church Services Colon 11:a. Decoo Drummond Contributors and correspondents 15 p, Teacher Smith are asked to send in their contribu Chorrillo 11 e Decon Meintions not later than Thursdays io tosb 7:15 Chaplata Reyoold insure publication. This is impera 17. 15 Pastor Witt Red Taak 11 a. Leader Fox tive and must be adhered to.
Calidonia 11 a. Leader Tol ough, 7:15 Decon Reid British Consulate Notice Pueblo Nuevo 11 a. Rev.
IYearwood Gatua 11. 4, m, Mrs Parris The British Consulate Geneal 7:15 Pastor J. Williamson at Panama would like to get infor mation of the wbereabouts of a New Providence 11 a. Pastor woman named Abella Poleon whn Will amson said to resides in Panama, House Renth Receipt Books in All roads will lead to Juan Spanish and English for sale at Frapoo race track tomorrow, the WORKMAN PRINTER Secure yours now there will be great rush for them.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama


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