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Pasta ma Marble Hearted Ingratitude THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY WEEK AND LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL 16 No. 42 PANAMA, SATURDAY MAY 26. 1928 PRICE CENTS Panama Women in Business Carveyism The Cure Excursion To Taboga Wanton Outrage on Jamaicans and Politics at Cuba and pameven For Race llis, Says Decoration Day May Howard Students 30th Washington D, May. In a debate that was filled with elo Taboga has a health resort, and Everyone knows the Island of Outnumber Men In Institutions quence and intelligent discussion a time plade at which folks take Staff of Steamship Office Roundthe of of Higher Learning political science of Howard Uni. not had the pleasure of witness their outings; those who have versity unanimously agreed that ed up and Deported Garveyism ws the solution of same.
ine, have read and heard much The following article culled own maganize and the press the international problem of the Negro.
On Decoration Day, the Boyfrom the columns of the Negro of the country, and by means scouts of Panama and a bevy According to Jamaica exchanges The debaters on the affirmative of beautiful girls will go for most regrettable cocurrence New Stadium To Be World of the 12th inst. will of conferences undoubtedly surprise many of phlets.
sited bistorical facts to show that well deserving outing, and ample took place in Sautiago De Cuba, Erected.
race has been a decisive factor in sccommodation is being made for recently in the office of the our readers. It is peculiar to One of the initial accom the political life of man; that the fair crowd, but getting your by orders of the Cuban Authori Webster Steamship Co. when note that it is not made clear plishments of the National Fe Negro bad been ridiculed and ticket early is what is urged from what source the informa minist Party was the founding ta his pot building a state of his made an chject of contempt, due by the promoters of the scheme ties the whole staff was arrested and deported to Jamaica, without In the near future, according to tion is gathered. But this we of the first night school for owo. Garvey philosophy was any reason being given for the reports from the Municipal Counknow that there is much of it women in Panama. The Gov distinguished from the cil of Panama, a new Stadium will men action. The honible story that is new and much that is ernment of the Republic pro ing that Garvey was temporal but Mrs. Gallwey Goos arvey, one of the debaters add. Black Hole of Calcutta might be erected on the site of the IsthHome true; but what is true is not vided a building in Panama Garveyism was eternal.
have been repeated on the S. mian Park ia San Miguel. The Jamaica Stories of hardships and contract for same has been already new and what is new is not City and Senorita Gonzalez, as privations were told by the mem signed and the sum of 29. 000 true. The article reads: The negitive contended thut principal, and nine other tea Garveyism was not the solution, the Crynssen of the Royal steamship Co. when they landed share, bas already been granted.
Among the passengers sailing by bers of the staff of the Webster representing the municipality Women in the Republic of chers have served without pay that it was a menace to world Netherlands Line today is Mrs. at Kingston.
The proposed cost of said stadPanama who are going into and charged no tuition. They peace; that it has stirred colored Gallwey and old resident The mso are Alfred Wallace, ium is estimated at 60. 000 of business and the professions, taught civics, hygiene, care of raceted a rabast Nordiosa They need of the Isthmus, and mother of Gordon Blair, Egbert Golding, which, half will be contributed and who outnumber the men children, domestic economy, ship will emancipate the Afro mein bered as that intelligent leader Gallwey had the municipality, and the in institutions of higher learn sewing, cooking, reading and American politicalls, socially and Panama and a well knowo violinist bad excellent Characters. After the other half; bids will be opened an oldtimer in beea in Cuba for many years and government plegdes to contribute ing and night schools, have ob other elementary subjects. Wo economically.
Mrs. Gallwey goes to home, St. Vincent I. te money bad teen refunded to the immed ately for the stadium, and tained acceptance of the new men flocked to the school. It ideas of freedom for their sex becanie so successful that the preponderance of majority, the meet her son Dr. James Gallwey passengers, the four men were work must be started within thirty taken from the office and lodged days after the acceptance of the The bids the right to vote. This right is now out of the hands of the cepted as the solution of the inter. an appoiotment is the government were other Jamaicans, some of submitted will be received and cational problem of the Negro. Continued on Page 6) then with their bands tied. studied by the committee appointthe women in Panama are Feminist Party. Two hundred Before they were shipped like ed by decree No 51 of December striving for in a feminist cam students were enrolled last a lot of cattle, one of the men 1927 which will supervise all conSPARKLETS paign, begun four years ago, winter.
asked the reason for the action struction work. It is assured that of the Cub in Authorities, and be this work will be very much which has already reached be Civil law reforms have been was told that Cuba was for the appreciated by all classes living yond the pioneer stages. It has influenced by the feminist. Un(BY KING)
Cubans, and they Jamaicans bad in this growing Republie.
exerted an influence on legis der them women may now adto get out out of They claim tbat lation in the National Assem minister their own property some would have you believe, ing, all of which were carefully Immigrants in Santiago, but he ready expended 1000, 00 in in.
In just the rame maoner as Panama lottery tomorrow moro they appealed to the Protector of The Municipal Council has al.
bly and has suggested certain and the property of others. gentle reader, that all things tucked away in my old bill fold paid no heed to their call for proving the grounds at Isthmian other reforms which, it is ex They may go to court for being equal, a black boy or girl on which my bimble name was assistance.
pected, will be enacted. themselves and others, and act in my native home, Jamaica, has emblazoned in gold. am not Fifty women, including dele as witnesses to wills and other equal opportunities for general any tpore interested in the fold, advancement as a white, mulatto the receipt for the watch nor gates from each of the nine legal documents, and women or brown boy or girl, some statis. the bank roll. but am The Seriousness of Sir Anthony De Freiprovinces, met on September lawyers are admitted to the tician economist or expert on intensely interested in the blank labor fluctuation 21, 1923, at Panama City in a bar. Since the advent of the will try to couvince you that there help tº protect it again4t all and turnover check, hence have sought official Ignorance tas And Prisoner, feminist congress called by Re. Feminisi Party the marriage is bardly any surplus Ixbor in this comer. Therefore, be it knowo By DOTTIN novacion, a group in Panama law has been altered to read part of the world. Don you by all these presents that if The Grenada Guardian of This subject is one which bas recent Unfair any one find himself in post been date publishes City. They organized the Nat that husbands and wives owe believe any of them.
the sersion of are placed on blank check engaging the attention following:ional Feminist Party and elect each other mutual protection handicaps ed as their president Senorita and consideration. instead of, chances of success of the black which carries serial number. of well thinking persons the world. In sentencing a man named Clara Gonzalez, the head of as formerly, that obedience boy or girl in Jamaica, and there please deposit same either with over, and it is indeed one whish James Lawerecce who convicted does exist a large surplus of com editor of the Workman or can be treated many ways, of an elaborate buried treasure Renovacion, Señorita Gonza was due from the wife to the mon and semi skilled labor male with Sidney Yong, Editor of and one is which boundless in di swiodle the Chief Justice of mensions Demerara, Sir Anthony de Frellez, the only woman lawyer in husband. Divorce, also, may be and female in this pirt of the sorts in bis sanctum sanctum world.
in the Panama American, return Ignorance does not mean, nor tas, thus addressed the prisPanama, is still the president. had. by. mutual consent, acI notice that the Keen Demo at half past nine o clock on Mon should it ever read to mean oner:She is now studying for her cording to one provision of the receive your cratic Convention went on record reward which will be in propor: mry be ignorant on some, political persoa, Poople of your type are persons; but, an individual Lawerence you are an evil government at Columbia Uni new law, under which as favoring for United States value of economical. or social subject, and pests. You have just sufficient versity.
and women are made equal.
citizens all Panama Canal jobs tica to the accrued in this respect, classed as being intelligence to be an extensive ignorant, which is also far reach thief. You ave victimised this They have adopted a pro With a view to enacting new above the grade of messenger. The said check.
Panama Metal Trades Council is unfortunate farmer to the exteot gram of twenty specific points, legislation as proposed by the even a bit more liberal on this Jack Johnson No More ing.
grouped under the three fold feminists, the Government of noroes would only bar Ignorance of the law does not of 535, and look at you now Famous from all Panama excuse one from being punished. ot worth fourpeace. People goal of cultural, political and Panama has sent Senorita Gonjobs above the grade of that 90 does ignorance of some parti like you it would be weil for economic improvement of wo zalez to the United States to of The once famous Jack Johnson cular political, or social subject any community to stamp out, but messenger Of course both who held sucb a wide world box brands one as being guilty of a unfortunately it cannot do that.
men status. Asking for more make survey of women organizations are in fact bent on ing career a few years ago, is great mis demeanour heace comes it has to bave recourse to the law schools for women, for social prisons and juvenile courts. discriminating against West Indian nor making his living by teaching punishment.
He regretted that hat he could not legislation and for reform of Laws will be based on her re Negroes. Both these organizations the art. It will be remembered There much which might be sen tence the accused to more the civil laws relating to wo port to the Department of does not seem to believe that that this noted boxer won his men affairs, they went to the State. Also she is to study gov bistory repeats itself. White wo: from Jim Jeffries in 1910. Johnson said in connection with this sub than three years penal servitude men were conspicuous among the however, won the title from ject, but, it must and should be which he did, and added. limited according to the hope that if you again try case, and they are carrying on a report to the Department of Indian Negroes to the virtues in around the world to Australia, be the duty of those place in mer will thrash you to the brios going to the front the late their campaign through their Public instruction.
World War and sacrifice ther where in 1908 they battled for the authority to try to climinate same rentive thief, and when turn you of death; you coward, you exchampionship lives to save democracy. The boxing world ranks Sohnson will be always less danger of any loose and every time he meets you as much as possible, so that there members of the Keen Convention as the greatest fighter of all times. We again, you worm.
Colon Panama Excur St. Lucian Ball Tonight Metal Tradesh Council may not sur. Johnson marvellous ability. He malady, and as there are societies as well as those of the Panama Buras has estable explanation times one getting involved, when the thrash you can be attributed to this Take him away.
sion on May 30th vive to enjoy their juet deserts, says that Johnson opponents for the prevention of cruelty to All road lead to Juan Franco The Hall of Chawter 17th of but they are all in time to warn beat themselves, wearing down animals, 80 should there be simil their off spring to be careful not their strength trying to penetrate the will be a scene of to wilfully obstruct the fair ebaoces the Negros defense.
lar organisations ia number of Colon residents much merry making and enjoy of weaker peoples to earn an honest the cause of race track tomorrow.
igaorance, whether there be are preparing to take advantagement, when the members of the and decent livelihood. St. Lucian United Friendly ever else that may be provided schools, acadamies, clubs, or whatof the excursion train which is St. Lucian Society weet tonight, Solemn High Mass announced to run to Panama and will demonstrate their ability All set for me to request the Society so long as it answers the pursTomorrow on Wednesday, the 30th inst. to trip the liebt fantastic art to postmaster at the Cristobal post pose.
Decoration day the music of Professor Ford office to pay a small amount to live meeting of the St.
This excursion will be carried crchestra.
the order of a well hnown lady Lucian United Friendly Socl Band Concert at Solemn Higb Mass will be out under the auspices of the member of the literati in Colon, ety is anticipdted to take place Star of Bethlehem Lodges of held tomorrow at 9:30 a. in Altho their country is some misfortune uninvited and u wel at the Liberty Hall Hall No. 877 the Cathedral of the Immaculate Colon, and will start at a. what small there are neverthe come, intervened and deprived 8tb street and Hudson Lane at Conception, 5th street. in bonour making stops at Mt. Hope and less loyal and energetic, having me of my bank roll totaling 50 4p. tomorrow, The purpose Members and friends will be ot the blessing of the statue of Gatun, and returning, leaves such a livewire as secretary in in United States currency, of this meeting is to discuss entertained at the above oamed little St. Theresa of the Child Panama at 30 the person of Mr. Thomas receipt for my jewelled gold filled important matters relating to hall tomorrow evening from 00 Jesus, and at p. there will There will be numerous attrac. Edward, it is felt certain that watch under repairs and a check the well being of the lodge, and by the Colon Municipal Band, be a procession of the children tions in connection with the ex. with the present arrangement, with 9, 999 chances against it all members are asked to at and local orchestra, This variety around the church premises.
cursion. Music will be provided everything is sure to reach the to mature into a face value of tend in order to know wbat is Program, will no doubt be very acordial invitation has been (Continued on Page 5)
expected mark 1, 000 aftər the playing of the happeaing. Continued on page 6) extended to the public, the foolish men a The

    DemocracyFeminismFranceWorld War

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