
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 26, 1928, STETSON HATS ishion and Ltd. Mr. Longley, 10 LA MASCOTA 474 The Possibilities of THE WORKMAN Coconut Oil In Important Research Work Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advan302 applica Carried out by Two English WALROND, at the office No. 16 tion. Correspondence on all inattes Chemists in Trinidad Stacet East Central Avenue Panama of publie interest invited RP.
All copy for publication must be PARTES ARE IN THIS PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and COLONY Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of se Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica tion but as a mark of good faith. 20 Mr. Parnell is Surprised at Six Mouths.
Tarse 30.
We do not undertake to rețara re.
Quantity of Edible Oils ImOne Month 23. eted resp Tence.
ported Here From the States The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS Says the Jamaica Mall of the SATURDAY MAY 26, 1928 12th lost: Efforts are being put forward MARBLE HEARTED INGRATITUDE For the World Best Dressers, in various directions for the development of the coconut oil Industry in the island so that it might receive full benefits of the The government of the United States of America will protective tariff adopted by the never show nor practice ingratitude to the aliens, the bulk There is no article of men wear that has the worldLegislative Council last yaer.
of whom were West Indian Negroes, who played an in.
Two or three parties in this dispensable part in the construction of the Panama Canal.
wide reputation of Stetsɔn hats.
island have ordered machinery We hope we will never have cause to regret having made from England for the setting up this statement.
In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue of factories.
It has been reported in a local daily paper that the It is Interesting to state that Keen faction of the local Democratic Convention which de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads in Trinidad very successful experimente bave been made in the met in the Ancon District Court room on Sunday the 20th of fashionable men who know what what puritication and filtration of the instant, among other things, went on record as favoring coconut oil 80 AB to Ret rid of the employment of United States citizens for all posiin men headwear.
the rancidity wbich some people tions on the Panama Canal above the grade messenger.
complain of and to make it a This faction met for the purpose of electing delegates substitute for the imported We have the same styles here as are now being sweet oil. These experiments to attend the coming Democratic Convention in the United have been carried out by States. This it did; and it instructed them to support the worn in the style centers of the World, Paroeli, candidacy of Governor Smith of New York, Democratic who is a well known chemist of the British Empire aspirant for the next President of the United States of Sugar Researcb Association a Director of the British Suchar a America.
Processes If the above quoted resolution is true, and if it carries eogineer, connected with the with it the genuine spirit and principle of the Keen Convensa ne company has also taken tion, we offer no apology in branding it as an expression part lo these experiments.
These gentlemen are on a visit to of the rankest iogratitude, a type which the Bard of Avon CARLOS MULLER Jama ca. They have manufacturwould define as narble hearted ingratitude.
ed a very neat plant for the We are sure that from the Democratic Committee woman SOLE AGENT removal of the impurities from Mrs. Keen of Balboa, wife of one of the most genial the coconut oil so that it will of Canal Zone District Physicians, down to the last uni: on kerp for a long period and will 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY retain the coconut tavour which in the aggregation of the three hundred fighting demothe West Indian people apprecrats of the Convention, many must have spent so ne time on the Panama Canal Zone when the Canal construction 974 ciate Messrs Parnell and Longley force composed but a shell of American citizens; when, have promised the authorities apart from the chief engineer and his assis ants, there was of the Agricultural Department a disgraceful absence of brawn and brain incased in skins Dr. Fred Sterling way of getting in touch with the of the citizens of the United States of Americi For this fact we wax bolder in denouncing the marble hearted THE NEW YORK DENTST makers of the plant. As inatter of fact, the fire which ingratitude endorsed by the Keen Democratic Convention.
182, BOLIVAR STREET these gentlemen represent are We strongly denounce such expression because it is not CULON, the manufacturers.
The office of Doctor Arnulfo Arias, located at only out of harmony with common intelligence and justice but it lacks every semblance of honesty; because it is an Box: 71, CRISTOBAL, that Jamaica is spending 30, 000 Mr. Parnell is amazed to find irrational out burst which is opposed to Law and Order.
CENTRAL AVENUE No. 137 TELEPHONE 247 COOLN per annum in imported cotton We denounce it because it is prejudice unveneered, seed and bean oils when it has in conflict with and in diametrical opposition to the alienable Will be opened every day from in a. to such an excellent suppiy of corights of man to live and pursue happiness, living and the conut oil on its own shores. p. and from p. to p. McClymont What it is hoped to do in Japursuit of happiness being the strongest fundamental MODERN TAILOR nuaica is to develop a simple principle upon which the moral structure of the United States of America is built.
CALIDONIA NO. 16 procedure of puritication and filtration which will enable the. We are fully aware of the fact that the Keen DemoSee us for up to date Work small producers of cocoanut oil cratic Convention defiance of moral principles as emmanship at Moderate Prices. kets of the colony first class to produce in the yarious mar.
bodied in its resolution aforementioned does not carry sweet oil for cooking purposes.
the endorsement of largo hearted, broad minded, well inCALL IN AT Those persons who are going formed citizens of the United States of America at home BOWEN in for factories intend to operate and abroad; citizens who know the size of the moral debt on a larger scale.
their government and people owe West Indians and the TAILOR other alien builders of the Panama Canal. To at this time No. M Street San Migue try to seek out a President of the United States who would TAKE NOTICE sanction the reduction to menials of the lowest strata a Panama City The WORKMAN can be people whose services were indispensable in the construction of the Panama Canal, ani by whose services the United No. 16 STREET EAST Dr. Nathan Rowe 24tb street, No. building had at Mr. Sanchez place States of America saved millions of dollars, and whose services helped to finish the work probably years ahead of Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
the time originally estimated upon, is an open disgrace, 11th and Bolivar Sts.
even to common sense and ordinary decency. GOOD SELECTION OF COLON, The Democrats who compose the Keen Convention NEW BIBLES Major Gray declared that a BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE modern University requires a would have the wives and daughters of th:alien builders Chase National Bank very well pald staff, expensive of the Panama Canal to work in their kitchens in dishabile Hymn Prayer Books Office Hours: a. to 12m buildings and elaborate eqipand rags and there wait to receive the crumbs from their p. to pm. ment if degrees are to be tables. We are almost sure that several members of the OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 equivalent to the best UniversiKeen Convention are at present enjoying the services of Drug STORE TELEPHONE 154. ideal should be the development ties. An immediate West alien builders of the Panama Canal in offices and shops; existing teaching organisations that in their bedrooms these aliens are to be found taking to preparadon University. Local care of their young and loved ones. Would, therefore tative men and women into places where such representa West Indian University at those three hundred fighting democrats have filth and tion counts on the right side of the ledger. Chicago World.
training institutions should disease introduced about them into their very dormitories alm at the standard of the and cooking untensils? That is what their marble hearted No Prospect Of Immediate London Matriculation. The comRealisation ingratitude amounts to! They would strip of clothing or missioner further urged that it Standing together obliges us to punish those who refuse was doubtful whether a possible leave in rags former alien builders of the Panama Cinal! to live and act up to the rules of the game, as much as it West Indian University would That is what the marble hearted ingratitud: amounts to. demands that we stand with those who are denied the VIEWS FROM BRITISH provide insttuction and residen tial accomodation at an appreThough a comporatively weak organ we hereby con privileges under those rules. criminal is against society GUIANA ciably lower cost than older and tribute our quota of derision. Shame, shame, and heaps and, regardless of his color, we must desire to see that he well endowed European instituof Shame upon the heads of the members of the Keen get the limit of the law following a fair and impartial trial. tions.
dus: He also urged the great Democratic Convention who voted or sanctioned the Washington Tribune.
Georgetown, British Guiana. advantages that students reMay 1st. Major the Hon. ceived at Universities in the further oppression and exploitation of the Negroes who Bain Gray. Commissioner of United Kingd3m. other stood by Goethals and Gorgas, helped them to build the Education. British Guiana, dis formal educatien, viz. travel and Panama Canal, sanitate the Panama Canal Zone and make cussing the question of a West contact with world wide drawn it what it is today the healthiest place on earth. There is the economic and political problem; that is and Indian University yesterday tellow student and streseed the must be in every democracy. And there is no getting a described it as a noble ideal but higher standing of the work and round the fact it will always be as long as the educational with no prospects of immediate sport to the older institutions SNAPSHOTS ideals and the ambition of all the people are subject to the realisation would obsaid Universities grow out of tain of taia in comparatively small West influences of the same civilization. Certainly, the theological seminaries, teachers Indian Institutions.
Negro must win his way: he must contest the ground training institutions or technical doubted whether any West InFROM THE NEGRO PRESS over wich he passes and the fact that he is making schools and West Indian insti dian community outside Jamaica It the Negro race is ever to get anywhere by its own progress is the encouraging evidence of his gains. tutions of the nature were not could afford the necessary conleadership it must boost reliable, reputable and represen Birminghan Reporter.
suficiently developed to warrant tribution to endow such an instiUniversity bopes.
NOTICE The Workman BOOK STORE Indian for degrees He also


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