
THE WORSAY SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1928 PAGE THREE If Jamaica is Prosperous WHERE IS ITS RICHES. The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Work Done While You Wait TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled REID Propietor FLOWERS Struggle With Police Abogado. Attorney at Law In Court OFFICE No. 44 ST BOX NO. 38 PANAMA CITY TELEPHONE No. 1377 Sequel To Scene in St. Paul Ca hedral Practicing before all the cour of the Republic since April 1914 London, April 26. There was an amazing scene at the Guild hall Court London, this morning, when Herbert Ainley (54)
commission agent of Hemmersmith appeared on remaind on a charge of riotious behaviour in St. Paul Cathedral. Ainley as soon as he got into the dock commenced to pray, and now NEED and again shook his hand me.
nacingly at the magistrate.
WATCH? Stockily built and wearing glasses, he cried: Oh, God.
DROP IN AT Greatest Judge of all time.
Officials tried to pacify him, FULLER but it was of no avail, and then the magistrate (Alderman 122 CENTRAL AVE. Howell) remarked sharply You ill Find Them Will you listen to me and be quiet.
Moderately Priced. Objection to Magistrate.
Ainley: refuse to allow you to take any part in the case. You will commit any wrong the police ask you to.
The magistrate: Will you listen to me?
Ainley: won I have been in Brixton prison for 14 days.
You will commit any wrong Mr. Baldwin or the police ask you to. It is a monstrous scandal.
so XISSEXSS 0:00 Ainnley then commenced to pray again. When some officials again attempted to get him to pay attention to the magistrate, he turned round sharply and said, object to him taking part in this case.
The Magistrate: If you won be quiet you will be committed for contempt of court.
Medical Report.
Ainley: You treated me before in the most disgraceful manner. am going to write to Mr. Baldwin and the Prince of Wales. Listen, object to you sitting in that seat. medical report was handed to the magistrate, who said that in the circumstances. Ainley would be discharged.
Ainley: Discharged after fourteen days in Brixton Prison! knew what you would do. It is disgraceful.
Ainley was told to leave the dock, but he refused, and had to be ejected by force.
Violent Struggle.
He struggled violently, and the few policemen sitting in the well of the Court had to go to the assistance of the court officials. Eventually he was taken out, shouting, Fourteen days in Brixton, monstrous! Oh, this is disgraceful!
Later Ainley was detained by the police and taken to Bow Infirmary.
Under the above caption a correspondent asks the following in the Jamaica Herald of the 12th inst: The Editor, Sir: We have been reading and hearing quite a lot of things about Jamaica is prosperous and at the same time is rich, but fail to see where the Isle of Springs and the land of perpetual sunshine is one or the other.
The prosperity of this Colony depends wholly on various productive and reproductive concerns in the Island in general and not at one and only one spot. Recently there came from the Hon. Legislative Council a Tariff. the preference being that native must be supported against the foreign, but lo and behold, the foreign is still in front.
Some people believe, that they possess the ideas and intelligence of all people, and no other can use their brain as they. Then they become the Dictator of all, that is just the reason why it is irritating to them when they read the views of others; but this is only narrow mindedness on their part.
The Slogan of modern time is Common Sense which will rule the Universe; therefore these criticisms must either be constructive or destructive.
Can anyone say that this Island is Rich or Prosperous. because it can ship Bananas, Cocoa, Ginger, Coffee, etc. etc.
to foreign lands and in return get a good price; Or is it be.
cause it pays very large sums of money in Official Salaries and procure very expensive quarters for them to live in.
Thousands of acres of land are in the hands of the rich while the Government own a retinue of lands known as Crown lands, and most of it is in ruinate, Some places like the John Crow could be oc cupiel free of let or hindrance and without property tax.
Where is the prosperity and the riches? The poor man wants land to settle on.
Looking around one sees poverty in our midst and starvation rampant to say nothing of those who ask for alms on our street; who amass their riches are for themselves.
They are the ones who indulge in luxury. No one horse concern can be of any material benefit to any country.
Hundreds of motor cars are imported here yearly, and the benefit goes abroad. One can just imagine the amount of money that leaves here yearly for luxury but this is the rich man concern, and therefore he cares not a jack of a fool laughter. Can it be affirmed that the poor man is comfortable and contented with his life of living? Does he not think that he must climb life ambitious ladder? The small settlers who find that under pressure of paying taxes and meet other obligations do not even think of enjoyment and such things as Balls. At Home and different functions.
What this Colony need is men who earn the money here and use same in helping to build up the Colony Commercially, Educationally, Mechanically, Politically, and other wise. Let us now take a look at the Starvation side. What do we see: poverty, and Vice.
The causes are big unemployment in a small country, families large, rent high, property tax a burden. The Chinese SILVER SPRAY those PILSENER IS GOOD DRINK FOR EVERYBODY Peaka Pow and Drop Pan lottery should be suppressed by the Government. These will help prevent a lot of the immoralities in our midst. Where is Jamaica prosperour or is rich?
The wage question is heart rending to the core. The labourer should receive not less than 4s. per day. The Collossal undertakings and works of magnitude are a great boon to this country in any direction Blessed be the Mayor and Councillors of The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation.
The popuiation of Jamaica has increased by leaps and bounds. The next census is sure to show One million and a quarter of people in 4, 200 sq.
miles of land with a vast amount of the said land in wilderness and ruinite. Where is the prosperity in the Island. Continued on Page 4)


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