
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable senseXWEVYMERIAVN922 PSENADAXXX Girls Sold to Slavery Persian Carpet Industry Scandal JOB. PRINTING EATING AND DYING WAGE Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY The British Pharmacy COLON Geneva, April 27. terrible picture of the appalling conditions of child labour in the Persian carpet weaving industry is given in a document shortly to be published by the Internationai Labour Office at Geneva.
The document reveals that eight years ago the governing body of the International. Labour Office received from British sources irrefutable evidence showing that in Kerman and adjacent villages children from five years of age were working from sunrise to eunset, herded together in insantary rooms, making carpets for American and European man.
Foreign Companies Benefit.
Friendly representations were made by the Labour Or.
fice to Persia, which as menber of the League organisation is pledged to secure and maintain fair and humane conditions of labour for men vomen, and children.
In support of its plea for reform the Labour Office at Geneva quotes a recent article in the Persian journal Shafage Surkh, entitled. Thic Cutting Off of the Offspring of Kerman. in which it is shown that the export of carpets from the province of Kerman alone amounts to over 2, 000, 000 a year. Of this sum 95 per cent, goes for the benefit of foreign companies. leaving the workers only an eating and dying DENTIST HOWELL If Jamaica Is Prosperous.
House No. 912 La Boca (Continued from Page 3)
Canal Zone This Island needs building up OPPOSITE RESTAURANT by Empire Trade in the line PHONE 1941 BALBOA necessary. Many of Jamaica sons and daughters have returned to their native land af.
Specialises in all Branches of ter having been domiciled in Dentistry the near by Republic for many ALL WORK GUARANTEED years. Tears come to your eyes when the conditions are told Small you by those who return. They are returning by batches of DENTIST 150 and 186 Experience tells MASONIC TEMPLE deposit money is drawn right away, less ls. immigraOffice Hours: 8, am to 12 tion fee. 30 to 30 If riches is in Jamaica, it Sundays, by Special Appointment must be where the Jamaicans Masonic Temple ilth St, themselves don know about. 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL We want more factories for PHONE: OFFICE 1664 the manufacturing and turning RESIDENCE 538 out of Sugar, Refinery especially. Tobacco, Biscuits, Mat.
ches, Rope, Oil Domestic, ject, hunchbacked, with de Soap, laundry and toilet, Boot formed arms and legs, entirely and Shoe Factory, Silk Indusunfit for other work.
try, etc. If Jamaica is pro 15 For Four Years Work claimed rich then it is a few The tragedy is more appar who find things as nice and ent in women and girls, who sweet as a Plum Pudding.
number 3, 000 in Kerman itself It is all a rotten idea from fand a larger number in the those who was warm, live in villages of the same province. ease and comfort with abunThey enter the industry by dance of luxury. In some quarwhat the writer describes as ters it is reported that Jamaica contract of sale. which is prosperous, and here we means that mothers contract have a few of such expresstheir six or seven years old sions.
girls for a period of four or The splendid crops of citrus five years, in return for which fruits and the high prices obthey received 15, one third tained therefrom during the being paid in advance. Thus, past season is note worthy.
remarks the writer, these un The exportation of banana is fortunate creatures are sen 21, 000, 000 bunches and as tenced to death. but what much as one dollar per bunch a tragic death.
is obtained.
Even more tragic are the Coffee, Ginger and Cocoa consequences of these lament are in advance.
able conditions of work on Step, by step Jamaica will motherhood. Lack of sanita be prosperous, but not at pretion and continuous work seat sent, for the main product of ed on narrow, bare planks, the island is subject to the check the normal development wind which blows east and of these infants, and produce the wind which blows west, deformation, the result being and makes the banana trees that when they marry 75 per fall.
cent must undergo operation am, etc. at their first confinement. Robertson.
IS NOW LOCATED AT 11. 1154 11th STREET Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY wage. One does not meet in the city of Kerman itself. says the writer, a single carpet wea ver, man, woman, or child whɔ has the appearance of a haman being. All are sallow, abADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN It pays


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