
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 26, 1928 PAGE FIVE Kuxna 8240SX98909 Wireless Telephony LONDON LETTER.
IMPORTANT NOTICE The Workman Printery Stationery Store HAS REMOVED FROM CENTRAL AVENUE TO No. 16 Street East a Contra Crespo Colon Boy Institute tor Trinidad Celebrales 8th Anniversary (By Andrew Blackmore. Contributed)
The Weekly Guardian London Millions Inspite of inclement weather caus says editorially:Official decuments are seling the late gathering to the Colon The decision of the Govern dom considered as being worBoys Institute eighth anniversary and ment to institute local experi thy of the attention of anyone second quadrennial convention which ments in wireless telephony but an expert. They are recame off on Sunday afternoon last, which was announced at the garded as mere tombs in 20 28, there has hardly been an op cassion of special importance making last meeting of the Legislative which are buried numerous for the well being of colored youth AND Council in reply to a question tables of statistics and ordered in the Windy city which has called by the Hon. Henry Pierre, facts which are better ignored forth greater interest on the part of marks an important advance in by the mass of mankind. But the colored population in which the the consideration of how best this is a view which is not enlodges (fraternities of the elty) and religious denominations shared than the outlying districts of the tirely justified. Between the the said festive function of the Colon colony may be linked in a com covers of many official pubBoys Institute said date, which is munication system with the lications are to be found items now a matter of history to the credit city. The need for telephone of information which could not of the said institution.
connections at distant points fail to interest large sections Key Note of Proceedings.
has been referred to on fre of the public if the individuals We may as well report it here at quent dccasions, and the deve forming these sections would the outset, lest we forget, that the keynote of the various speeches, and lopments which have taken but read them. Take for extherefore of the Colon Boys Institute place in recent years point to ample the Statistical Abs1928 anniversary colebrations was an increased public demand tract for London, 1917 1926, mere support of the said work and for such service which augurs recently issued by the London the call for better housing accomwell for the possibilities of fut County Council. To anyone modation of the boys viz a structure ure extension. Up to 1923 the with an enquiring turn of mind worthy of the name Institutional Opposite The Wesleyan Church Telephone Company owned it is as interesting as rotraining home and school.
Of course et seneral report of all 200 miles of trunk line circuits mance. It tells a story of ten or most of the speeches and points Next door Nash Motor Garage but this mileage now has been years growth of the world made is out of the question at the more than doubled, and parti greatest city in concise and present time, a. synoptical sketch of cularly in the South have there simple terms. It answers hunthe programme as follows will be therefore in order.
Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous been notable additions to the dreds of vital questions affectsystem. If there has been es ing the lives of about seven Sketches of Programme: Patrons and the Public generally.
tablished a service at Guaya million people. It presents in It was 30 when chairman Mr.
guayare and at Brighton and words and figures their proWhittingham called the occasion to Erin, at Siparia and Moruga, it gress from birth to death. It order. After making excuse for the XUNNU JNIJE is because their residents shows how the authorities are seeming cause of the tardy gettingtogether, the latter goutleman called tall programme for the occasion, wanted it and were wiling to interested in them from the upon the institute choir which was It is the opinion of the writer that pay for it, and because of the day they are born, and how ably accompaniei at the organ by Mr.
Mr. indelible Impression was made on influence of the oil companies publie efforts in a score of Bennett for the first musical item the minds of all who attended the WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR on the programme. The piece well day function from the manner a operating in the neighbour fields has helped to prolong hood an influence to which their average change of living suited to the tecasion and as its which, speech after speech spoke of opening ode entitled PRAISE YE the value of Mr. Watson work amons too little credit is usually given to a reasonable old age. Poor THE LORD. was rendered with ex. the boys committed to his care, and for the extraordinary growth Law Relief, Public Libraries quisite effect iho young voices sing. the urgent need of a respond to his of the telephone system under and the Police Force; Educaing a sweed soprano and alto alded call for special help at this time to put No hot irons or special combs required the progressive policy of the tion, Rates and Mortality Reby Mr. Lovell singing a beautiful up a building to be the property o operating concern; and the as. turns; Temperance Reform bass.
the boys and to save the payment Rev. Wade of the Wesleyan of high rentals month by month.
sistance of the Government in and Transport are all passed SOLD IN DRUG STORES Methodist perstation, the resident the case of Moruga was also a under review. The last point is Among the leading speakers from incumbent of the Panama City Wes fraternal societies the following might factor that made the instalia of particular interest in these cyan church, was the first speaker. be mentioned: representative of St.
tion there possible. The claims days when rapid movement is Mr. Wade begin with what he char James Rodge of God Sumaritan: Mr.
of places like Cedros, Mayaro necessary in affairs of busiacterized as a confession e, that Roberts, representing Court Brook and Toco have repeatedly ness, and the statistics show he was bitherto in ignorance of the delivered a forceful carefully worded enormity and need of support of the address also Mr. Bruce, reprebeen, urged and, speaking at how travelling has developed work being done by commander Dasentative from the Flower of the sth GOOD POSITION the opening of the new Ex and which method is now mosi vid Watson in the community for the mus Lodge And Others.
change at San Fernando early favoured. The total number of good of the entire community, and The of Colon was repreFOR REAL WORKER.
in February, Hon. Kel. trips made by Londoners in which be thought was a shame, would sented by one of its lady president; shall said there was no service 1917 by rail, tram, and bus, appear that those who should be the A. div. No. 877, Hudson Lane We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men of greater public utility than was 2, 419 millions; in 1926 greater supporters of the good work was represented by its secretary Mr.
West Indians, whose offspring were Bruce, whose main point indi nd women, in which an exeellent income can be made even the telephone and he hoped this number had increased to in the majority among the many being cate the need of greater race conscisoon the time would to those who work but PART TIME. During onr 35 years in come 3, 507 millions.
eared for in the Watson home, were, ous as emphasized by the founder of business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who suppwhen the Government would During this period of ten or had elected to remain in as great the organisation Marcus Garvey, its our household necessity to our customers in every country in see that it was absolutely ne years the increase was almost ignorance as he had been of the nat aim and object; the 11th St. and ure, extent and needs of the work. Broadway division of the he world. Many of our agents have been with us over 37 cessary to have every Police entirely in favour of the bus, years and have achieved Financial Independence IncreasStation in the island connect whose passenger trips had inThe good gentleman eulogized Com.
and was also represented, mander Watson and what he had ing local demands and repeat orders, make it neee sary to ed. Three months before, Mr. creased from 654 to 1, 716 milsaid representative bringing special achteved for wayward youth; his in greeting to the Boys convention from appoint more local representatives in many localities in the Pierre had been given the as lions, whereas the railway terest in said unfortunates and the his organization with promises of United States. No special experience or capital required. it surance in the Legislature that passenger trips had increased way he porfermed the good work, support from the various auxillary is a straightrfoward, digoibed business. Why not represent the the Government would again by but one million and the making a telling appeal for support departments of his division, largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send examine the whole question of trams passenger trips by but thereot to the gathering of the even Material Contributions.
us your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau telephone communications and 47 millions.
ins, promising his future unistinting rather pleasing feature of the support, in evidence of which he told work this year of the boys anniverwill send you full particulars. When we arpoint an agent the plan which has now been Railway Travel in Luxury.
we furoish free samples for Trial Tests in the homes in the how he had already made arrange sary celebrations might be noted from determined upon is the outAlthough English Railways ments with one or two of his church the fact of the practical help to: locality of the agent.
come of their recognition of have always been ahead of Ruxillaries, especially its Dorcas in only promised, but sent in good casa; In answering be sure to tell us the uame of the paper in the vital need for increased those of other countries, it is stitute, to divert its interest and ac, which might not have been in a which you saw this advertisement, facilities of communication not so very many years ago tivities from other directions in order large amounts as the demands would Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, with isolated police stations. since they had no dining cars.
to aid the Colon Boys Institute with wish but it was regularly coming from (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street Further action will depend u The first restaurant cars were clothing, etc.
the various representatives, hal Rev. Wade drew illustrations in the from fraternal as well as the religious pon the results of the experi those running on the Midland course of his address out of the ex organizations.
ment which, if it is successful, Line between London and Litent and support which a similar may prove to be the beginning Iverpool in 1874. The first The Musical Feature of the work for boys was being provided Function.
Boys institute for the community in ing to wope off his slate to be better sion not only in Trinidad, but ed for railway traveling was of a new era of voice transmis. sleeping compartment ever usfor in Jamaica. He said it was about which law loving people reside.
30 to 40 times, the size numerically It has already been intimate the able to improve the status of the or Commander Watson Address, as the Colon Boys Institute, but no roll played by the institutes choir, ganization or institution along sant in the other West Indian col of English design, and began where more important than the local composed entirely of boys of the in Despite the fact that Commander tary, educational, Industrial (teching onies and between the col to run between London and work here and its need of being taken stitute in process of training by Mr. Watson, founder and manager trades) and like lines, he feels conti onies. The coming into opera Glasgow in 1873. Both restaucare of as the Jamaica government Bruce of whom mention has of the Colon Boys Institute does not dent of realizing his expectation. tion of the Transatlantic tele rant cars and sleeping comfor many was doing for the said work over at already been made in these notes, in at the present time, after eight years Comdr. Watson se he deplored phone whose traffic has alrea partments were Stoney Hm this years. Institute celebration. With strenous labor in the directions the indifference of colored people in dy justified the reduction by years provided only in the It goes without saying that the Mr. Bennett, one of Colon noted is were lebe bike behepe parte de men the community to an institution in the London of rates first class coaches. The next force of Mr. Wade address, the imantst at the organ, Mr. Bruce with make chile playofaat ber peal, Chew Hot which all shouid show greater inter for messages, has finally prov stage was the provision of dinMr. physical or bodily showing estHe it pression it made on an attentive and his special violin touches and of the carller years of his work, it in Cson that the type of bad boysed the feasibility of long dis ing cars for third class passengecurred appreciative audience was marked Lovell professional bass part and of after many Mr. Wade closed his well tenor solos, making his special hit was praise worthy and encouraging to speech promising tangible or material with his perfect rendition of the far note that he is not a bit lacking in or pure hooligans now to be found tance conversations by wire gers, and now. Continued on Page 6)
support as well as his prayers for its from worn Holy City. the musical) faith and courage to carry on his on the streets of the city defying the less; and the proximity of the one ancontributions of the afternoon were work to the greater dimensions of police, having been allowed to reach Caribbean islands to ages and physical dimensions anů har ethis point the chairman made not without demands for encores progres soucht, irrespective of handi proportions for the lack of timely atother should make it correscaps and like setbacks to quicker tention as to have outgrown the con man and only one of the gans was point by emphasing it that if Mr. from am appreciative audience.
some fifty bad boys beat up a police pondingly easier to introduce Wade address was properly taken, An interesting and pleasant feature success.
trol of a boy reformitary, might It was hardly necessary to reiterate of musical performance presented The Commander speech this year have been prevented had there been of the report.
or has been captured up to the time successfully an intercolonial radio telephone. This would that the burden of the Colon Boys was in the rendition by a little tot far from being lacking in its charac means and the proper steps taken to 1928 anniversary function was sup of a fellow, James Fersus yn by name, teristte forcefulness, as well as being tackle them before it reached such The Commander spoke of words seem to be a logical and inevionly port and more support for the good his solo entitled Parting Hỳmn as he told of how, though the work that numbers of eleven years old, who rendere particutarly appealing in its character climax where for has been reported and deeds of encouragement he is table answer to the present of way ward boys and girls of the with such effect as to call forth great has increased with the years of its reaching as many as fifty in a single thers he desires to thank for all timate touch with neighbours these bad boys ple in the community. These and o of maintaining quicker and inconstantly receiving from white peo growing demand for a means community.
applause and a voluntary cash dona history making his expenses for its sang, have deriod isolated and small their kind tokens of care for the Representatives From Several tion from the audience to the little upkeep reach the six hundred dollars batches of polteemen, even attacking welgeing of the work he is doing whom only few miles of Lodges.
fellow. Such anthems by the boys mark for some monhs, his monthly them with missles, till the question were represented at this years Colon Gathering thom in were like seeds mains at its one hundred and tirty peaceabla and law abiline eltizens, necessary home and scheel for the than which there is no more The following are the lodges which choir as Opening the Gates and allowance from the government re is being asked with much alarm by Now Making this special appeal for water separate but who stili help from all sources to erect the suffer the effects of isolation, Boys Institute celebrations: sown in the right soil or notes of dollar mark, with a monthly rental what next. case of the kind above All of whom made speeches, toge significance from the nature of the of one hundred and twenty five dol mentioned was reported to have taken boys.
insuperable barrier to ultimate ther with other items making for a work being done through tha Colon lars as the big item which he is seek place as lately as the 10th Inst, when (Continued in next issue)
political and economic unity.
pitaken progress Warto a


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