p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 26, 1928 For Sale Cheap Good Assortment of Master, abe 98 mamammapapanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammino Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Mayara lotimo Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City ATLANTIC SIDE Tomorrow Races London Letter Underwood The following is the Pro(Co inurd on Page 5)
gram for tomorrow races:years interval, there is to be the third class sleeper. It is FIRST RACE Honored by Pride of Atlanclaimed for the recently de.
tic Lodge Furlongs Purs 100 signed third class sleeper that (El Chichi 125 will soon be running on cer(Zapo 115 Following the regular meeting Pistol 106 tain of the English Railways of the Pride of Atlantic Lodge Intimo 117 that it is ahead of those used No. 2362, held in the Grafico 110 in any other country. The comBuffalo Lodge Hall, 6th street, on Friday night the 18. inst. SECOND RACE partment may be likened to a light banquet was given in comfortable two bunk cabin Furlonga. Parse 100 honor of Mr. Underwood.
on a steamer. One bunk is G. as the first meuble Maps Muodi ober Lapa 98 above the other and at the that house of that 113 attain to of position side is a space where passenDistrict and Honey Dew 126 of the Panana strict. Dieciseis 119 gers may stand, wash, dress After the regular exercises of Mayoral 100 and undress; it is practically the evening the band exe banquet was ser during which address of THIRD RACE ved, the same as the present first congratulation class sleeper, except that there were given by 61 Furloogs Paise 125 Mexsts Sealay, PDGMEN are two bunks instead of ore. Calendar, A;p3 Mil Dolly 91 Electric lights, a wash bowl lington, As of the Victoria Valencia with hot and cold water, a large Lodge. Addresses were als) Garzyna 90 curtained window a big mirdelivered by members of the Marcela 100 Pride of laatic Lodge, and (Nimosa 132 ror and a well carpeted floor Underwood suitable replied. Bolando 136 complete the comforts of the The function was eojyed by all and terminated at FOURTH RACE conpartment. It is certainly a step forward on the old com6 Furlonge Porse 100 partments, and is more luxuriEl Chichi 112 CRICKET ous than the first class of not Pistol 90 many years ago.
Dardanela 135 Beginning of Second Half 119 The Export of Cinema Films.
95 Season Ja!
125 The British film industry (Cococba. 26 still continues to make pro133 (Lundey The second half season of the gress. It was thought a year or FIFTH RACE two ago that a considerable cricket competition commenced OD Sunday last, the 20th inst. Furlongs Parse 100 time must elapse before there but the fixtures were all wasbed could be an export of film: out by the beavy rains which Fenómeno 115 fell on that day.
Don Simon from this country, on a scale 103 Two matches are fixed to be Silver Spray 99 which would produce good fiplayed tomorrow: Wanderers Coiqat 136 nancial returns. But already VA Kent at Mt. Hope, and (Dieciseis 115 there are signs that the indus: Silver City ve. Victoria at Colop (May 96 baseball park.
try is sending abroad nearly Result of SIXTH RACE the ball sex400 every film that is made, and which has just closed show Furlongs Purse 125 the most recent report is that West End o. to be leading by 12 points, with one important company has Victoria (Gravedad 126 OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH second, and Wanderers occupy La Chiquilla (Bandera 110 just completed a series of a.
ing the third place.
90 greements under which prac(Popo next door Nash Motors Garage 100 tically world wide exhibition La Nena 97 is guaranteed for pictures News Notes SEVENTH RACE ammi nammannammamamayanamamannammmmm made by this firm. These a8 Forl ngs Purse 123 greements cover forty one difThe St. Ann Catbolic Friendly Society will hold their Moelah ferent foreign countries, in90 136 Barbados Railway half yearly domination and elec Care. jada cluding the greater part of Eution of officers 109 rope, the Far East and Cenevening, when officers will be (Malmirada 107 tral and South America. Neselected for tne essuing term. Dhole 100 The Barbados Alvocato. gotiations are now taking All members are expected to states: that the financial report of the Barbados GV atrend.
rnment place which, it is hoped, will CHURCH SERVICES Railway for the year has come result in the inclusion of every as a pleasant surprise tbt remaining country of imporHis Lordship shop J.
public. It has been takin for Maistegol Catholic Bishon 01 Cilon sailed for California o St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca granted that the railway would tance. Hitherto the average reWILL BE WORTH always show lost and those turn from the advance forThursday the 17th inst. 01 the in favor of contlouing the rail eign sales on a British film has Mongolia His dahip Holy Communion, 6, a The way never put foward the View been in the neighbourhood of is gone on a very special busi Rector be ness trip Holy Baptist, 7, a, financial proposition bot simply ten per cent of the cost; un Matias, Holy Eucharist and se.
stressed the bardsbip that the der the recent agreements a Dr Joseph Hamlet, well country people would sustain it bout forty per cent is guaran kaown phyician of Coloa sailed mon, 10, 45, The Rector for New York on Tuesday the Church School, 3, 00, the railway were closed down. teed; and when the agree22 lost.
Choral Evensong and sermon, Now the railway has shown a Two first class cricket mitcb. 30. pm The Rector.
profit of 2, 000 aad this in ments now being negotiated spite of the fact that some are completed a still higher es are scheduled to be played Mouday, Holy Communion, of line have been percentage of the cost will be tomorrow. Victory vs Sil. a The Rector, relaid and the stations repaired. assured in advance. Twenty ver City at Colon base ball park and Wandererers ys Kent a. The Rector, Tuesday, Holy Communion, With an adequate tas on lorries important British films have the amount of freight sent by on the Mt. Hope oval.
Meeting of the Young People rail will increase but at the been sold within a few days Service League, Monday, 30 in present low rates the railway under the new agreements, Petition of Britishi Girls Friendly Society will meet Cannot compete with lorries.
ON and further sales are assured.
Thursday at 30, m, o clock.
For the first time it looks as Cuiana Constitution All road leads to Juan Franco if the film industry in Great MULUARE. Rector race track tomorrow.
Britain will be able to make Delegates St Bartholomew s, Las.
Cascadas BAND CONCERT AT exporting pay; and it is im portant that it should pay, is Not Rece ved By British St Simon s, Gambia On the first of June you will be view of the limitations of the. House of Commons Continued from page 1)
Coal able to trade in Your old home market.
interesting, from the fact that it Matins and address, Church Dutch West Indian Cable Co. School and Confirmation Class, will entertain both tbe followers despach from British Guiana Evening Prayer and address, Iron, Gas Iron, Electric Iron Flat of the popular band and a welldated May 8tb states that the at the usual time.
knowa orchestra, there is no room Dr. OGILVIE The Lay New Daily CHRONICLE publisb Readers will officiate.
Iron, even if they are broken For for doubt as to the success of the es letter from Captain Guy evening entertainment, PHYSIGIAN SURGEON o. Fansbawe Parlimentary MULOARE. Fifty Cents, at Mr. Thumas who is sponsoring Private Secretary to the SecrePriest in Charge this move, is doing everything to 80 Street, Chorillo.
accommodate tary of State for the Colonies SHOW ROOM the large crowd THE GAS ELECTRIC which is expected.
stating that the petition by the the Constitution de Seventh Day Adventist who expect to patronize this fuocAdvertise in the Workman it pays.
legates tion, are requested to attend early before Mr. Webber lent STREET Cia. Panameña de Fuerza y Luz CALIDONIA and secure a comfortable seat.
London is informal and will not ROAD aest Isthmian Park Pana.
PANAMA. COLON EXCURbe received by the House as ma.
it contravenes the rules of the Sabbatb (Saturday) 945 a.
Mrs. Gallwey Goes Home SION MAY 30 House in two respects.
Sabbath Scbool; 11. 15 a. GenFirst, the petition is type eral Worsbip Spanish (Continued from page 1)
written and not written by Class. Continued from page 4)
band as the rules require and medical service of St. Vincent throughout the trip by the secondly, it is addressed to the 30 Society, Mrs. Gallwey carries the best Metropole band, which will also King and the House of Lords as meeting 30 pm. Junior and wishes of her many friends in entertain at Liberty Hall, Division as to the House of Con Senior Standard of attainment Panama, by whom she is well ter 17. where there will be dar.
mong, whereas if ought to have Class, p. Vespers.
respected and held in high esteem. trom 12. noon tl been addressed to the House of GRIZZLE Pastor, Mis Gallwey was entertained at Cricket lovers will also b: Commons alove.
ADVERTISE a farewell party givən by Mr. and having their abase of ej?
The New Daily Chronicle Mrs. Fuller at their res desce ment. Two teams will be carrid publishes further correspond Liberal Parties respectively, as last night and at which quite from Colon: Victoria bi ence disclosing that the patiti the delegates feared the evenS number os frier ds met to bid will engage East End was not entrasted to Mr. Amery, trality cow disclosed. pies aer God speed.
La Boca, and a special pe alone, The Workman joins with all which will meet the Ancon le since seperate e spies of the petition were also mild were badded to Mr. Geo. Las to those members of the Comin bidding her bon voyage. and at Anoon.
bury and Mr. Lloyd Gorge, mons who bad taken part in IT a happy reunion with her son and PAYS Add the Briasa Guiana debate.
Tickets are going fast at 123 present the Labor relatives in her native home. first class and 00 second cia, round trip.
to no row Kitty Gill YOUR OLD IRON that it would 50 CENTS twelve miles JUNE 1ST.
All persons British Gunded to Mr.
Watch This Space On June well In the Workman


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