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can fowa Art ور America and her Position in the READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY WEEK ANC THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL 16 No. 43 PANAMA, SATURDAY JUNE 1928 PRICE CENTS Writer in London Newspaper Our Colonial Societies Caieket In England. Reasons Given For Deporting Advises Close Watch Jamaicans From Cuba should be given to the toxular so England states that the West Io Claim That They Exploited Own On West Indian Cricketers Who cietis now operating in this grow diaga met and defeated camAre Now Touring England Countrymen on Way Home Determinedly Pushing West Indies Team Wins Way Through Last Two Matches great deal of consideration The week news of the cricket in to a Gilligan, former captain of England and Cambridge Harry Holmes Mystic Millioner som er en opphenended, Womandame was take LOOK trick.
ing Republie, from th: fact that bridge University by ten wickets.
they are still diterminedly pushing Fernandez and Neblett were the their way through.
principal scorer 73 and 61 Throw In writes in the Daily Express of the netually domiciled in this country Mubea il, obloges were the only 22 ultos Altho are with. Roach 19, st. Bill 13 respectively.
Challenort came text Says the Jamaica Mail of the ment have had their eyes upon 5th inst. have this week had the privilege of seeing their early impresions of their players to get into double figures. tioned edat misteet Jamaicans had gation of the Santiago police is West Codians who were engaged in 10 the field the courageous band of cricketers who, under bomeland cannot, nor will ever Last Saturday this journal med. this particular enterprise. The alle.
the leadership of Mr. Nunes, an old Dulwich College betekenis en and the fast releet het nog met Northum serland at New Castle been seat back to this island by that they bave been guilty of fraudOn. the West boy, have come to challenge England supremacy at se binding themselves together in the ulent practices, the sufferers being our own indigenous summer game. Let me draw a litti land groups, canot fail to attract in favorable weather when Captain the Cuban authorities oa the attention of those who think.
Nunes having won 22, Scott scored ground that they were undesir West Indian themselves, especially those who are seeking to return pen picture of an incident which may have a moral.
20. Neblet 11 and Bartlett 11. Norables, In making further reference to thumberland replied with 81 in It was a dull, grey, chilly morning in Dulwich on this subject, it must be admitted their 1st. ionings and 216 in the were deported numbered eighteen received in Kingeton state that As a matter of fact, those who bome with money after working on estates. Cuban newspapers Tuesday. The West Indians, nearly all of them natives that the Antrigar Progressive So second innings, thus lesving the They were more or less connected wore their thickest sweaters and shivered under the lash ciety is the pioneer of such a move West Indians victors by an ioning with tu shipping office conducted Temento Molina, Supervisor of Im.
of a shrewd south eastern. One sympathised with them ment, all others following Unity and 45 runs.
and made allowances for a few dropped catches. Even which is the all essential watch at San. veku by Messrs Webster migrants, was deputed to put word, seems well what the hardier Englishman would expect to be forgiven by then there to be there observed by Another Tax to Be Im which they were sent back to the transactions on the part of some his captain for failing to hold a hot return in the what will the other Islanders do?
island on the Empresa Naviera de West Indians with their gullibl.
posed Cuba steamer Jamaica, hud led count countrymen slips on such a morning.
Sometime ago a female member in a compartment witbout food, Lieut. Molina Tince writing about the propos, and under a police guard have came at the beginning of last week opportunity NATIONAL HERO of one of these Societies was dis ed theatre tax which has not yet caused considerable conment in waen a train lood of Antillians charged for some. come effect, Municlpal But things were not going badly for the West Ste, on account of her birth, could authorities of this city is now Kingston. They were apprehended derived in the city from the sugar Indians. Two or three wickets of the local club batsmen pot join any other of the Colonial discussing the impost of 75. 00 with that suddeness by Cuban sold belt to embark for home, the run had fallen cheaply. And then occurred the incident to Sacieties, monthly cu each Banking Insti lery and the police, tied in a ners were as u ual, on the which have referred.
Dart this food for thought? Let tutions in this city claiming that laurch and packed on to the qua: their efforts to get patrons for the Line, Other There emerged from the pretty pavilion a lithe arrived and round con las ball bave Bad es geh Care Tiable tos tiration thence placed on the Jamaica, there also on behalt of a rival shipat conclusions.
bronzed figure. The meagre crowd raised as hearty a as such that cheer as it could muster, for it recognised in the their personal effects behind. Wen swooped down upra Haitiahe and incoming national. one of the number being Jam xican canvassers. Upwards of before leaving.
that the Diar Cuba University, of Sussex It is learnt that the parties in able to announce that the SuperINow, the crowd thought, we shall see fireworks aire Escapes Jail the loeal Government within the has dealt a very hind blow to those make. Gilligan paused in his march to the wicket to adjust his pads and as he approached uext day or two inconnection with bad elements that usually operated the pitch was IS GIVEN STIFF WARNING BY JUDGE the treatment meted out to them in the commercial and marine zote, greeted warmly by tae West Indies captain with the by the Cubao authorities They robbing ma unbappy Hi ians remark. Its good to see you walking to the wicket The Jamaica GLEANER of the will probably interview the color and Jamaicans who come from the again.
18th ulto says: Colon Boy Institute in secretary today on the subject, central sugar mills; some of the It bring a Ine remark was accompanied by a hearty handshake, Harry Holmes the mystic milGovernment have had no intima ey with them back to and the greeting was repeated by the wicket keeper, lionaire. who in the course of. Fernandes. The stage was set. Arthur Gilligan meti tour in the western purishes of Celebrates 8th Anniver tion of the matter from the Britist their respective countries. The lates Santiago and conseteation of the e bad the island has been falling foul elements, the culously took two legs from the umpire, and prepared of the police at more than one sary quently cannot take any action goes on to state, to receive the first ball. Alas! it was the only one. The point, was again set at liberty Various stories are afloat a doubt was entering the station effect Per dark skined bowler sent down a beauty and it bowled yesterday from a charge of larceny (Continued from last Issue) uoderlying motive for the drastic the erstwhile England captain neck and crop. schoolboy of goods by a Other Things And Persons.
step which has been taken by with 100 Antillians who were going Sitting near me was heard to remark, Well, could have His Honour Marka Rot Breladon spoken and the persons speaking and the recortada de pestice dolinien ubi perts of the municipal police interThere are many things which were the Government of Cuba. Two obom. These people started to Egbert and in exdone as well as that. and so he could.
Resident Magistrate for Alfred don, sitting at May Pen, in LINE OF SMILE the order releasing the acrog promising support in the months a head to the work of the Institute for 10 and 20 years respectively rupted their arrangements while Leut. Molioa promptly rounded Dismay in the Dulwich camp! And twenty two rows expressed regret at having to do deserving of mention were there time they were within recent yeits up the delinquents e time clerks in the Webster Shipping so because of the fact that the and space available, the innovations of gleaming white teeth!
technicalities of the law had not in this year anniversary program Agency at Saotingo. Gordon Blair program and Robert The round up of the porters did Stone controlled not satisfy Lieut. Molina. Clerks its musical contributions from branch offices for the firm, while were takes from the main and The moral? That cricket is cricket, and that you been met; and holding the scales me never can tell in this most uncertain of games don of justice impartially, he was not the institute own chotr, the soloists Wm. DePass who by the way branch shipping offices and the treat the accused differ helping, the able speech of Mr. possesses a testimonial given by Webster Line. As stated above, suppose for a moment that our West Indian visitors re eutly to any other wrong toer, Whittingham entitled the evolution Mr. Ewen who ufficiates Haitians were included in the raid.
garded the swift downfall of an England captain as a pres who might come before him. He of an idea, wherein or wherewith Mr. Cuba as Protector of Jamaicau These latter, eight in number, age of coming triumph over the might of cricketing Eng also uttered a warning to the Whittingham forcefully portrayed immigrant as.
were deported the middle of last land in the Test matches. But it, at leass conveys a man whom be considered the guide the work of Mr. Watson from its week to their native land, philosopher and friend or the inception warning to ourselves against overconfidence. DEPENDABLE INDIVIDUAL to the. Yes. It will be interesting to keep a close watch on pseudo millioneire. and promised ing in a minute word picture the looked after the general in erest! Up to yesterday those who were a long term to either year of intending passengers by the eruployed as Clerks in the shipping the West Indians. And also on the selectors of our Eng. Jever they come befo partner, if work frem month to month and year Webster lige.
him offices at Santiago were at a loss to again by year to now, together with the Jand teams We shall need our best men to beat them and there are a fost stablished to able plea he made in clostno pote operated in and around Santiago of the country in such an uncereThere were thirteen porters who understand why thev were sent out the requirem. nts.
at for the MES IN THE DOCK HOLMES for the getting up of passengers for monious manner.
which Commander Watson is now the Webster steamsl. io.
Decoration Day They are very anxious to know Malaria On The Canal Harry Holmes looked rather asking and stands so much It appears that for some time bow they will get their personal Zone Decreasing worn and worried by several days of.
past officers of the Cubaa Govern elfects from Cuba.
This memorable holiday (when the of coofinment in gaol, wben be thoughts of America as are more was brought up in the Resident dres was very rietingly followed by According to reports from the or less concentroted on thier Magistrate Court at May Pen Memorial Service Panama Wesley as istant Ceief Health officer Dr. has come and gone, dve tribute yesterday for the conclusion of organist Bennett and Mr. Lovels Carry, malaria on the Canal has been paid to the departed. of several pieces of cloth by weled Gather them in trom the high For The Late his was wass volce Activities Zone is becoming a thing of rare The memories of those whom tri trick, from the store of Mr.
existence due to the careful suni. they love and bonored have been Birbari, Syrian shopkeeper, at way of sin, and Mr. Lovell render Wilkinson tation; the Dr, also states tuat revered.
this day is In consequence of the rain which there are mosquitoes existing in observed as a holiday it brings May Pen. He wore blue ing of a solo entitled Mother Mac prevented the subject which was Tomorrow evening at 4p. m, a scheduled for Wednesday eveoing the various sections of the Canal happy reminisence, and mixed venetian suit without a tie.
Mr. Pilgrim Wilkins Speaks. Memorial Service will be held for last under the auspices of the PaZone but owing to the means feelings. the living doing bonor COMPLAINANT EVIDENCE Mr. Pilgrim Wilkins who has from the late Wilkinson at the sams Wesley Society, and used for thier destruction, the to tveir dead, and tho parted from the number is being eliminated. among their brethren, they have led by the Court, said the de. mander Watson to do his bit for the friends and sympathisers are in a most deliehtful affair with Dr.
Oscar Nicholas Birbari. examin its earliest begining stood by Com. Wesleyan Church, when relatives, which gave promise to have be: On comparing figures of this place in the general order of Johason as chairman and month of May shows 35 for the relationship between here and He went to the police about three year, praising the spirit which had island of Antuigua, and Myers on the Future of West Inyear to those of last year the things. It shows some important fendant came in his store on the inmates of the Colon Boys Institute vited 7th of April and got the The deceased hailed from the Mr. Reynolds and Miss Ivy 3rd week in 1927, while the 3rd Hereafter, and it is week for the saune month of this reason that we should think those weeks after, He knew the accused been making evident the fact of siv. was president of the Isthmian disns in Panama. views of London year is only 27; and only five much this great and nem two weeks berore the 7th of April. ing the support which the manage League of British West lodians were ebowa by the Rev. e. de cases for the sea week or adorable day na great day of days the melti bien loibis berusede never endent of the stood work was soliciting to the time of his death, thi Wade and we wenye much appremontb 1928:wnich and. had drinks with accused. De at present time.
has been in Too much praise canaot be to be recated in the year 1928. fendant ouly came to the bar oace atr. Wilkins particularly emphastea Gedde. Han for many years, and diated by the members of the soand never went to bis house, the need of the means to sanitarily bas done, and is still doing mush The subject has been deferred given for the efficient means used His Honour: Why didn you go house the inmate of the institute good for its members As a West until June 13th, when a bigger ty the 2oue oue of the healthiest place actual toll of life during the war to witness Belausee Graham wlio endeavor undertaken by the manager and beloved by all with whom he to listen to this most interesting They estimate police before?
as well as the educational be. ou this old earth, and also a was 10, 135, 000 tne diminution in came with him, promised pay ment of the work.
came in contact, bis deanh was a most fit place to live.
births as a result of the war for the goode, He reminded the inmates and the shock to the comunity, and it is topic which concerns the wellfare of West amounted to 20, 895, 000 and the All road lead to Juan Franco increased civilian mortality to His Honour: Why when you clder members of the audience, West felt that a great soul bas depart ed. The Rey. Weade All roads will lead to Juan Pace track tomorrow, 19, 016, 000. Contioued on page Continued on Page 6) wili officiate.
Franeo race track tomorrow, The going to his in need Mr, chairman Whittingham adthe choir of boys, accompanied by and as collar or Rae,


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