
Creat Brittan and Her Colonies THE WORKMAN STETSON HATS 23.
thier for Kenya, LA MASCOTA CARLOS MULLER ved African Derod civil riks wherjss The Jamaica MAIL of the 15th ulo publisbes the following Pablishsl ou Starlys by Butas for Adverlesena oa applies.
which is culled from the Loreon VALROND, 3: the office No. 16 tion. Correspondaasa on all mattes Daily Express of May 1st:Stace: East Coatral Avenue Panama of pablic interest invited The Weat Ineles seem to have FLP All copy for publication must be been forgotten by the English, PO Box 74. Pas na RP written on one side of paper only, and and for two generations at least Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of their peoples have felt this e Year 249 Cy.
the writer, not necessarily for publica neglect, ar yet these colonies tion but as a mark of good faith.
with their natural 20 Sx Months.
beauty Wa do not undertake to return ra.
and wonderful riches Three were One Month jected correspon lence.
once looked on as the brightest jewel in the Imperial Crownislands which many thousands The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS of British lives were sacrificed to wrest from Spain and France SATURDAY JUNE 2, 1928 and around which some of the most brilliant exploits of our Navy were achieved.
AMERICA AND ITS POSITION IN For the World Best Dressers The people of the West Indies see the successful competition THE WEST INDIES of American Roods in markets rcd push uch a rapid The Philadelphia Review of a recent date published There is no article of men wear that has the world increasing trade with Canada that formal Union with Canada the folowing: wide reputation of Stetson hats. strexation is is the word used is being spoken of in Somehow our Government at Washington seems to some of the jelacds.
get into very hot water whenever it turns its feet in the In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue The West Indies ask why thy direction of the West Indies. Passing over entirely the are so forgotten by the Mother.
embarrassing situation just beyond the West Indies, in de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads land, which is doing mucb Nicaragua We cannot overlook the fact that Porto Rico West Africa and is making ugly faces at the paternal authorites in of fashionable men who know what what other parts of the Empire, Never was the strong band of Washington It may be, as President Coolidge his broadly in men headwear.
the supreme Government more intimated, that Porto Rico is somewhat ungrateful. But needed than now.
there can be no doubt at all that our youngest wards in The state of the potle services that neighbourhood, the Virgin Islands, are justified in We have the same styles here as are now being is illustrated by the fact that in their feelling that we have not been so paternally conone island, typical of all the siderate of them as we should be.
worn in the style centers of the World, tollowing responsible posts were recently beld by acting officials, The Virgin Islands were happy and prosperous during the Governor being the only their long experience as the poseession of Denmark.
senior substantive official, and About a dozen years ago they were bought by Uncle Sam, be not resident on the island: who was then fearful that they might fall into the hands of Acting Aduinistrator.
the German Empire and be used as a base against the Acting Chief Justice.
Panama Canal. Since that time misfortune has fallen Acting Treasurer ad Controlupon the inhabitants of those islands. Their chief :ler of Customs.
Acting Chief Medical Officer.
industry was the raising of sugar cane for the manufacture of Santa Cruz rum, and trade was good. Our Volestead SOLE AGENT Actiog Surgeon (ope only. Aeting Agricultural Superiolaw has ruined that business. We have been, in other tendent.
PANAMA CITY ways a poor parent to those islands. We have been 87 CENTRAL AVENUE Acting Inspector of Schools quite indifferent to the needs of the people, and now Acting Director of Public comes another cause for complaint.
The Senate Appropriations Committe has made a savage Acting Postmaster Acting Attorney General.
cut adivision by six in the sum appropriated by the House Acuing Registrar.
for an improved plan of administration in those islands.
LONDON LETTER. Acting Chief of Police.
It doesn seem fair.
There are tot a zen wihte NOTICE families in the whole islard. The From Sail to Steam.
place is given over to the imporStudent Attitude To Garveyism The office of Doctor Arnulfo Arias, located at The wonderful development gual political in the building of ships during are at all politically conscious with the Europeans. Those who CENTRAL AVENUE No. 137 the past seventy years was re lose no opportunity of exploiting Under the above caption, the NEGRO WORLD says:cently referred to by Sir Geor this circumstance. As there are Quite a little army of highbrows who delight to be classed Will be opened every day from 11 a. to ge Burton Hunter when he re no wbite lawyers or magistrales with the so called intelligentsia, will have read with sur. p. and from p. to p.
linquished his position as head it follows that the Europeo prise largely saturated with astonishment the release sent of the Great Tyneside ship sooner or later finds himself out from Howard University and published in the Negro building firm of Swan, Hunter undesirable situation.
newspapers, including the Negro World. In the discussion and Wigham Richardson. In NO WHITE JURY by students in political science, after a full presentation 1860, when he entered the There is no such thing as a of the case, reached a unanimous conclusion that GarveyGOOD POSITION shipyard as a boy of fifteen, even one white mao so serving.
wbite jury, and it is rare to find ism is a solution of the international problem of the Negro.
the yard was only just begin. The naturaly rich and fruitful This is quite a remarkable fact by showing the drift of FOR REAL WORKER.
ning to build iron ships. There land is not wade sufficiently prothought on the part of the student of the race who are were no steamships except ductive. Large tracts which were generally an independent lot and disposed to think broadly steam tugs. Some of the best once flourishing estates are now on the vital questions of the hour.
We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men either under bush or are divided It is also quite surprising that students of political nd women, in which an exeelleot income can be made even vessels of that day were very me among petty proprietors (nescience should lead off in a university discussion of the to those who work but PART TIME. Duriag onr 35 years in fast sailers, but they were mere groes. who have insufficent international problem of the Negro should reach the con. business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who suppsmall boats compared with means for proper cultivation.
those of to day. In 1853 Sir Transport is lacking for the clusion that Garveyism is the only solution. And because our household necessity to our customers in every country in Howard University is the outstanding institution of the he world. Many of our agents have been with us over 37 George father took what was collection of produce for shiprace and the political science department is one of the most years and have achieved Financial Independence Increasconsidered a very fine ship to ment, and there are few ships to Australia, ing local demands and repeat orders, make it necessary to with carry market. Withertip diemigrants. sease in the limes, mosaic disease advanced departments in the university course the action is significant. If the students in our universities are going to cane, Panama disease in the appcint more local representatives in many localities in the That vessei was of 450 tons re in hes take this sort of attitude toward Garveyism and the Negro United States. No special experience or capital required. it gister! Compare this with the bananas, have bit the smaller international problem, what will become of those amusing is a straightrfoward, dignified business. Wny Got represent the White Star Liner Majestic of estates, very badly, and few planters seem to have a strong, Negroes who insist that they have lost nothing in Africa, largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send 53, 000 tons. In the early days ecough position to overcuma that they are perfectly satisfied where they are and that us your address and the Manager of our appointmeat Bareau iron shipbuilding was done on set backs of this kind.
the white man can take the people of Africa and the un will send you full particulars. When we arpoint an agent very primitive lines. There Although it has been a British limited resources of the continent and do what he will we furoish free samples for Trial Tests is the homes in the was little drawingoffice work, colony for more than a hur dred years, only a with them? Evidently the young Negro of the United locality of the agent.
and a vast amount of the ha ya small proportion of States is beginning to think along Negro international lines ebe inhabitants anderstand a In answering be sure to tell us the uame of the paper in constructional work was done word of English. No new man and without the greed and se fishness which characterize so which you saw this advertisement, by rule of thumb.
The ma can come in and engage in any much of the thoughts and efforts of the present day Negro Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, chinery also was primitive enterprise without first learning the abominable patios uplifters.
there was very little of it, ex people.
of the (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street cept punching machines and a There have been conferences few hand cranes. There was of delegates from the various is.
Justice Not Racial not much steam power, and lands, but they have usually electricity was not available. Tailed to agree except on the IN THE WORKMAN AND GET GOOD RESULTS All of which tends to show most general aod least important Three recent instances in which justice was done in subjects that a marvellous advance has the courts of Louisiana to members of the Colored race, ADVERTISE though whites were involved in the troubles, are worth been made is course of what citing in view of the impression which exists in some is after all but a very few ITEMS OF INTEREST part of the North that the Negro gets no show at all, says Gov. Simpson approved the recommendation and the years.
the New Orleans Daily States.
accused did not hang.
Grandma: Oh, Mary darling.
Not long ago in New Orleans a number of white men Colored farmer was found murdered on the levee Dr. Nathan Rowe to give your brother part of your going became involved in a quarrel with a party of Colored per near his home in East Carroll parish. Sheriff Bass picked apple?
sons in an automobile. The latter were chased, one of the up clues that led to the arrest of a white farmer. Under a PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Mary. No, Grannie, Eve did whites drew a gun and fired and an innocent Colored strong examination the latter confessed, was indicted, plead 11th and Bolivar Sts.
that and she been criticized ever woman was killed. The white culprit was prosecuted before ed guilty and in less than 48 hours was in the penitentiary COLON, since.
a jury composed of whites and convicted of manslaughter. beginning a life term.
BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE Recently the board of pardons took up the case of a We cannot too highly commend the course of the The World War cost humanity Negro who had been convicted of murder in a northern authorities in these cases. It gives warning that judges Office Hours: 9a. to 12m, nearly 37, 000 000 lives, according parish and was about to be hanged. The board went and juries and those who hold the pardoning power mean P. to pm.
to statistics in pampblets just thoroughly into the testimony, concluded that the verdict to see that the Colored citizen is to be protected in the OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 published by acques Seydoux and was unjust and recommended commutation of the sentence. rights under the law, which is as it should be.
DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154. league of Nations comittee.
Rober Lange. delegates to a in the Chase National Bank

    FranceSpainWorld War

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