
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable Long Spell of Dry Weather JOB. PRINTING Its Effects Upon Banana and Other Cultivators in Various Centres QUALITY OF THE FRUIT Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Leads to Large Rejections in Buying Districts; Output Will Be Moderate This Year AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY The The British Pharmacy COLON Serious Situation In DENTIST HOWELL Famine Stricken China House No. 912 La Boca Canal Zone Half Population in Western OPPOSITE RESTAURANT Shantung Subsisting on PHONE 1941 BALBOA Weeds and Leaves Specialises in all Branches of Conditions in the famine disDentistry trict of Western Shantung ALL WORK GUARANTEED China, bave become so acute that balf the population is subsisting on weeds and leaves, House Room, Receipt Books in according ts a cablegram receio. Spanish and English for sale at led by the Chica Femine lief the WORKMAN PRINTERY.
Committee, 419 Fifth avenue.
The message was from the Pekin corespondent of the ManchesJ. Small ter Guardian, who said that he and the Rev. Troxel. of DENTIST Tungchanfu, had completed a motor trip of 350 miles acro99 MASONIC TEMPLE the Chibli border to Tamingful Office Hours: am to 12 and back 30 to 30 main impression brougbt back, the message read Sundays, by Special Appointment Is an unforgetable vision of Masonic Temple IIth St, thousands of bonest bard workP. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL ing famers steuggling grimly to bang on to their little bits of PIONE: OFFICE 1664 holdings, with no better outlook than slow, painful death for RESIDENCE 538 themselves and families. This ins a epactacular famine, ex leaves gathered from the fields, cept for the unending stream The life of the Chinese peaof fugitives wearily trundling their high piled barrows along Bant is hard matter in the best of times, but previous rethe main roads leading north, and the smiling green the terrible intensity of the ports, it anything, understates ness of the spring landiscape might easily delude the casual struggle for existence which the observer into imagining that all peasant now is facing with such amazing fortitude.
is a well in this land.
Surprise Bat visits to typical villages here and there wasn a single stage of there reveal the same pitiful the whole journey when we didn story. In one of the dozens of and well over ball of the popoa miserable mod dwellings that lation living on weeds we looked into was there anything better in the family pot than a mes of stewed weeds.
Seasons bave obtained since feeble woman of seventy. April. The St. George (Black. who had kept herself alive for stonedge) Correspondent of this months an this fare, aptly said: journal writes that refreshing With this, we are deceiving our showers of rain continue to fail stomachs.
in that area with the result Every day the need becomes that, agriculture is flouriebing greater and the suttering more Banana plants have recovored acute. Exchange. from the blow of last Autumn; and this year production in the district will be up to the Notice to Correspondents.
average. Last week, rejectious represented 25 per cent of the Contributors and correspondent naeput; while the price paid for are asked to send in their contribu eruit was but one shilling and tions not later than Thursdays io pinepence per count bunch.
insure publication. This is imperaBlackstonedge cultivators are tive and must be adhered to.
extending their cultivated areas in preparation for the wider marketing facilities that arel House rent Receipt Books in promised under the programme Spanish and English for sale at of the Producers Association. The Workman Pria:ery to tbe The Jamaica MAIL of the 8th inet, says: The protracted drohght, which has jus to been broken in some parts of the island bas left its mark on the banana industry.
In many districts, the drought bas been the most excessive the island has experienced for Twenty years. The result being that bananas which are brought to some buying centres are of very poor quality, necessitating total 40 per cent of the weekly supplies in districts that were biterto known for the excellence of the fruit brought out by large and small settlers. This total does not include rejections at the point of shipment, the latter being about 10 or 15 per cent. In good many districts this will be a very moder: rate year for bananas.
The Harry Watch correspond ent of the Jamaica Maii writes: It is the opinioa of the oldest inbabitant of this district shat the drought that has been affecting most of tbe parishes is the worst experienced in this section of Man chester for the last forty or fifty years. For six months the drought continued and it was only broken on Wednesday last.
Since then a few good showers bave fallen.
As a result of drought the outlook is far from rosy. Catch crops which generally mature during this monih or early in June are just beginning to grow.
Ground. provisions are very scarce, DO money is bein circulated among the ordinary peassats business it present is almost at stan istill.
REASSURING NEWS FROM ELSEWHERE On the other hand there are other centres in which good IS NOW LOCATED AT 11. 1154 11th STREET Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies and LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN It pays


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