
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 1928 PAGE FIVE SAVE EREG. HTM ST. CHARLES West reminder thu, the Sundior West at least regarded LABELS li British Wes In dians EVAPORATED ML. They will Save You Dollars Bridgetown closer loter. ST. CHARLES for seeing view be sister EVAPORATED MILK rendering questions rom Turks to Georgetown, be was Gomments on GomEvents ot Outstanding ing W, Conference Interest Jamaica Legislature ComFOR BENEFIT OF WEST mended for Action Taken INDIAN COLONIFS The Barbados Advocite of Events of oustanding impor April 28tb published the followREMARK tance are to occur in the West og: Indies next Winter. Says the There appears in tbe telegrams Jamaica Mail of the 20th lost. a news item Toe Slavding conference of from the Delybbouring colony of the West Indies will assemblea Jamaica, wbich must serve as that in ons 1o.
Barbados to enrsider matters ne These BRAND common Interest to these colodlan oies. Every island and mainlar. with something more than polite Indies is Colony will send representatives to that extremely important amusement. Toe Jamaica Legis.
lature bas found time to discuss gathering which sbould mark the first practical step towards the the forthcoming meeting of the unification political Interests Conference and bas passed a ReUNSWEETENED in the Caribbean outposts of solution suggesting saineol Empire, and which will, it is subjects which demand the ea.
hoped, be followed by political ly attention of statesmeo in un on.
these colonies. The Resolution.
proposes that the question of It is also probable that the tercolonial migration, as well as o triennial meeting under the auspi.
ces of the Associated Chambers the emigration of of Commerce will be beld at Barto foreign countries, ad bados about the same time.
the immigration of aliens inu Plans are being laid for anothese islands should be cjusid ed as the next meeting of th ther coaference of far reaching West Indies Conferenc Forimportance to the west indies.
10 18 on the tapis that represen ther, the g slature of Ja male bas expressed its let in th: tatives of the West Indies. Press Should meet at necessity for West Lod an during the conference period.
Uaiversity and desires that thi, too, should be one of the subjcu The proposal has been put forfor discussion at the Cuoference ward as a result of the recent visit paid to Jamaica and TriniFinally, the question of trade da 11 Our Premium Department has in stock a large Assortment, of by the Hon Webber, representation both in Canada and Editor of the New Daily Chroniin Eigla bas been moved an Cle of Georgetwon, and a Mema decision was made to invite th Aluminum Kitchen Ware, Toys, Vases Hand Painted Boxes, ber of the Legislature of British other onlonies to discuss a pracGaiapa.
ticable sbewe for ucited trad Teapots, Cups and Saucers, Razors, Manicure Sets, etc. etc.
representation in Great Britahu While in Jamaica Mr. Webber, and Canada In conjunction with the ManagAll Free. Just Bring Your Labels of ing Director of the Gleanor and TO BE COMMEENDED the Editor of this journal conferThe Legislature of Jamaica red with Mr. G. Blackwell, Is to be commended botb 101 local Superintendent of the its early consideration of these Janalcı division of of the Direct important questions and more West India (via Bermoda) Cable ospecially for the generous and Oo. on of whicb it but course between tble island and taken of its responsibilities in tation In coopection this matter and of the with tbe of telegraphie news. The which tunities wblob ibo con Por offers for cooperative action bas been arrived at is, with the The decision to refer these valuable assistance which the Pto the conference cific Cable Board is wbich will be held in this Island to the Eastern island early in 1929 will be Richest in Cream Caribbean and back, working to generally approved. These wat the advantage of the Colonies ters are indeed of paramount concerned. When Mr. Webber importance and will affect the arrived at Port of Spain on bie TO individual, no 1188 than the way back common, welfare of these coloconvinced that the time wge rir nies.
of ger ger eral Press Since the regrettable destrucConference in Barbados naar nuary thun ut Cudriogwon College by fire is reason to believe 1w5 years ago, tbere has been that leading members of the a great deal of diccussion in Trinidad Press bave received tbese islands aod also in EngPANAMA COLON with interest the suggestion for land with regard to the creation a gathering such as that suggestuf a West Indiaa University, ed by Mr Webber Public attention bas recently Tbat tbe conference will be been called to this question by beld is certain, and it will not We also exchange against premiums the labels of the Mr. Haskell, the Headbe the fault of Mr. Webber and master of Harrison Colege. In otber world famous Nestlé Sweetened Condensed Milk.
Indian Prebers of the West the last issue of The Hasri.
if it is not beld on sonian. The question bristles a scale that will be of cutstandwith difficulties and, lika our log interest to the entire West Todle contemporary, The Agricultural Already Mr. Webher, hoa Reporter, we reluctantly condem.
com and with Sir Edward ned Mr. Haskell scheme as President of impracticable. Many insular Associated Chambers of prejudices must be overcome of Com the outworn beliefs of the mer in the Press Conference. and the morce, to interest that gent that before the necessary cooperation ses to be increasingly beneficial can be obtained.
to both parties to the treaty.
chants, have to be captured and General Managersoft he Direct Further efforts to draw closer WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR the producer who waits for the West Indian (via Bermuda) Ca MANY DIFFICULTIES the commercial bonds between market to open itselt automaticable Co. and the Pacific Cably It is, bowever, on the anvil of the Dominion and these colonies lly, will suffer a quick and rougb Board to send representatives discussion that many of these will meet with general support.
to tbe gathering. It woulj be a can But perhaps the question of situable occasion to organize a ly hammered out and we vec The local Chamber of Commerce, with it is true, most immediate importance to not doubt that as a result of Obstinacy and obtuseness, has West Jodian Press Association.
No hot irons or special combs required these colonies is that of emigthese discussions the scheme ration. Attention has been focus these brutal attacks cannot be eme persistently given will be brougbt nearer to reali shoulder adider any proposal for the sed on the question of Intercolo: allowed to go dopunisbed. The zation than si present SOLD IN DRUG STORES pia emigration by the expressed West Indies, unfortoately do not Commissioners either ot to be possible. At the bears Trade ent of Trade Agents desire of ence table there will be a frank to London or Montreal. It is Repeel op Governthe colocinei to speak with a united voice on this ment to exchange of views, and the unlikely.
however, that the of. From another des would long ago hayo been rom another question, or the Cuban authoriattitude of the various Gover. Legislature will take so narrow and less pleasant angle the ques forced to take action in the Toen te will be made plato. This view, and provided that the tion has been brougbt to the fore. matter. This queation is also ininterchange of views should be burden of its upkeep is not usThe treatment which is given most enlightening, It should duly beavy, we believe that it West Indian labourers in Cube extricably bound up with the cause no surprise it a few colon would willingly give its support question of of colonization CALL IN AT bas been constanly the subject British Guina and British Honles are found to view the pro to a trade agency in Montreal.
jot remonstrances by the Colonial daras. It opportunities for selposal with disfavour. Even in The benefits of trade agents in Goverments and ou more than ulers and labourers existed in Barbados where, perhaps, the the capitals of Great Britain and one occasion by the Imperial these colonies the exodus to Cuba desire for such an institation is Cap can bardly be be overesGovernment. About two years would automatically cease and ago the Jamaican Government most insistent, there are many timated. Ganada, New Zealard, who look asyance at the proposal Australia and Newfoundland was compelled to appoint an would have to seek elsewhere for sent the slave drivers of Havana and regard it as both impractic have each proved by experience emigration agent in Cuba to able and undesirable. The view that the expense of a Trade protect the interests of the All these points will undoubtedly men to work on the plantations.
1s as unjustifiable as the confident Agency in London is more than thousands of Jamaicans who receive due emphasis at the predictions of those who imagine counter balance by the increase No. 16 STREET EAST annually seek employment at the fort Conference and it that a University can be estab. In trade which has followed on Cuban factories.
liebed overnigbt. It is, however, the establishmeot of Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
not be impossible to forcertain that nutblug but good agencies.
mulate a scheme, of West Indian TREATMENT IN CUBA colonization. The time is can rosalt from the discussion ripe for What the West Iodies need most and it may well be that some GOOD SELECTION OF But in spite of this protection such a the treatmeut of west Indian la dos and Jamaica with their teexa sceeme, and both Barbapracticable scheme will emeree are markets for their produce, NEW BIBLES bourers in Cuba leaves much to at the Conference which will and these must be created, Agen ing populations would be ready push the produce of these be destred. Reports have recent to support any seheme which win the support of all the Colon ts to islands and to bring buyers into ly reached Jamaica through a co beld forth the promise of Hymn Prayer Books sucesies.
contact with West Iodian produrrespondent of the DAILY GLEAN ful and useful careers for their TRADE REPRESENTATION cers are essential; and it suitable ER to the effect that at a certain surplus citizens. The 1929 Conferol po less importance is the men are appointed, and th produfactory labourers have been ence, it is clear, will be called question of trade representation cers are ready to co operate by machettes shot down when they refused to great magnitude and paramount deal with problems, of in Great Britain and Canada. gowing the crops which are most Fortunately successful efforts in demand and by grading and load Canes after cutting them. importance, and careful pepara have already been made by these IN THE WORKMAN AND GET GOOD RESULTS Not even in the blackest slave tions by all the Governmeots conIslands to engage in closer packing them attratively, then days was treatment of this kind cerned 18 necessary if the Contrade relations with Canads, there will be an immediate imADVERTISE meted out to labourers in the ference is to archieve any apreand the Trade Agreement promprovement. Markets, in spite of British or French Colonies, and ciable results.
Contra Crespo glogolar culi of the Canada The Workman BOOK STORE such beaten with mari and others upon to


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