p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 2, 1928 Henry Holmes Mystic Millionaire ENERAUX4313MERITEO. Colon Boys Institut: Tomorrow Races IMPORTANT NOTICE Continued from Page came back in the store you didn ask the accused for paymeot?
Witness: did sit.
His Honour: But when you sell goods to a maa didn you expect bim to pay for it before leaving The Workman Printery AND Stationery Store the necessity CENTRAL AVENUE TO No. 16 Street East if not and born Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous in NEW IRONS FOR OLD FIFTY CENTS 66 THERMAX Continued from page 1)
The following is the ProIndians and their offspring in the gram for tomorrow races:majority, that whatever the feelings of the older ones among us with regard to law making in the country, FIRST RACE the rising generation, the said offspring of West Indian parents Furlongs. Purse 100 being the future men to em various positions in the country future El Chichi 120. and share in whatever Dieciseia 125 the developments bring in the Fenómeno country progress, this was the time Silver Spray 95 to prepare to fill these positions and that creditably, and profitably when SECOND RACE the older folks were no more.
Mr. Wilkins laid special stress on Furlongs Perse 100 of these the offspring (El Chichi 126 of alien parentage to learn the (Par6 11 native language. He said that it was Intimo 107 his belief leng before stepe were Gratico 119 taken to enact what were characteriz Pistol 102 ed by West Indians as disereminatory laws particularly aiming at us that THIRD RACE the time would come when a sort of comeback at us would be attempted Furlongs Parse 125 meant to teach us, and not La Chiquilla 115 excluding these residing and Marcela 90 in the Canal Zone, that neglecting to Garzona 96 learn the language and customs of Bandera 132 the country of their sojourn, adop. Resolute ex Dully 104 tion and birth would sometime, some Mischief ex Lorensets 98 how react against us, being far from not being recognized or taken note FOURTE RACE of by the people of the country and its law makers. Furlongs Purse 125 The speaker charged that ignorance Pop 95 and vulgar habits of life were res. Carcajada 132 ponsible for much of the hard things (Malmtrada 107 said about us in the country and that (Gravedad 90 was a stigma on all of us that most of of the punishment and evils FIFTH RACE experienced at the hands of the courts of the ccuntry, wastage to Furlongs Purse 100 court expenses etc. were inflicted on 126 British West Indians resident in the Honey Dew republican cities and the Canal Zone. Lena Diecisels 118 He concluded saying that until a Pan Americana ex 102 higher standarad of life, greater Mapa Mundi 108 economy in specific lines were observed, the deserts for their labor SIXTH RACE and expending contributions to the various quotos of thefr country s! Furlongs Parse 100 progress could not be realized and recognized Pistol 90 At the moment of closing a native Mayara 113 antoti representative of native society Jakie 126 ributed a well thought out and El Chiqui 109 well werded address of appreciation (Tuppey 119 of Comdr Watson work for the (Cococba :17 comunity welbeing.
Dardanels 115 Thing Hindering bigger Attendance, SEVENTH RACE It goes without saying that the Furlongs Parte 125 heavy afternoon down pour of rain prevented a bigger house. The Valencia 110 gathering however was a represen Chiquilla 90 tative and appreciative one. Popo 120 The correspondence submited will (La Neda 105 that some of those persons of Kitty Gill 132 note hindered by circumstances of (Bolando some sort from putting in their per. Dbole 103 sonal appearance at this year anniversary celebration of the Colon Boys Institute were far from forget British Consulate Notice ful of the event and lacking in interest for its support.
The British Consulate General With a closing anthem, the Re at Panama would like to get inforpublic national anthem and the mation of the whereabouts of a dexology, the Colon Boys Institute woman named Adella Poleon who eighth Anniversary and second aid to resides in Panama, quadrennial convention have passed on into history.
The Programme. BOWEN (1) Opening remarks by. Chairman. MR. Whittingham)
TAILOR (2) Opening anthem, Praise ye the No. M Street San Migue Lord. by the boys chior. 3) Address, by Rev. Wade Panama City (4) Song. The children jubillee, by the boys choir. 5) Address, by St. James lodge No. McClymont 28. Representative. 6) Address, by Mystic lodge No. 28.
MODERN TAILOR Representative.
Solo. The Holy City. by Mr. Lovell.
See us for up to date Work (8) Address, by Representative of manship at Moderate Prices, Armistice lodge No. 28. 9) Address, by Representative of Loyalty lodge No. 20. Dr. OGILVIE (10) Song, He taht walketh righteously, by the boys choir. PHYSIGIAN SURGEON (11) Address, by representative of the United Negro Improvement 80 Street, Chorillo.
Assn. 12) Solo, Song of supplication, by master Ferguson.
Advertise in the Workman (13) Address, by representative of Assn No. 877 Div 14) Address by Commander 25) Address by representative Div Watson.
No, 877, of 11th St (15) Solo, by Mr. Ricketts.
Broadway (16) Address, by representative of (26) Solo, In the country. dawn.
Court Brock. by Mr. Lovell. 17) Address, by representative (27) Address, by representative of Caswillpold lodge.
Sun flower lodge. 18) Song, Floral Sunday. by the (28) Address, by representative of the Boy choir.
Three Sisters lodge (19) Address, by Representative of (29) Address, by Mr. Pilgrim Wil.
St. Bernard lodge.
e kins. 20) Solo. This is the children (30) Solo, Mother Mac Rae by day by Mr. Bruce.
Mr. Lovell. 21) Address, representative of (31) Address, by representative of Seventh Day Adventists Church.
even (22) Address, Logia Oriente de Colon.
res representative of (32) Chairman address of thanks Flower of the Isthmus lodge. and closing remarks. 23) Song. Open ye the beautiful (33) Chorus, by Boys choir.
gates by the boys choir. 34) Panama National anthem by (24) Address, by Ebenezer lodge choir.
representative. 35) Doxology.
sha long term.
Witness: Yes sir, but he took some of the goods and said be would come back, The prisoner said he had asked to be allowed bail o that he could produce the duplicate of letter and telegrams be bad sent to Mr Birbari.
His Honour: You said the last HAS REMOVED FROM time you were going to briog papers and witnesses.
Inspector Magee aid two witnes tad been oubpceued and were present, The prisner then took out a buucb, of paperz wbich was bau. ded u to His Bubour His Honour. After perusing the papers. Ibese are your implements of Iraud. see you got some one to poiot letter beads Bursau of Loans Mountainside PO wonder if that bas been paid for yet. Laught.
er. Io discharging the prisoner. His Hopour said: bave no doubt you are one of the biggest rascals have bad to try. can help knowing a lot about you, but would not Patrons and the Public generally.
allow that kuowedge to interfere is sny way with the case that is before me. You go about promising UNAWANGABVC3 loans of 500 and don bave 550 farthings. Your brother criminal and tout, Graham goes the way hefore e you, so that you CHURCH SERVICES may be able to take in people. In this case you were in the store af ter you had taken the goods and St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca you were not asked for payment.
It was not until three weeks after CHURCH NOTICES FOR that the complainant went to the TRINITY SUNDAY police in the matter. can belp thioking that it was only when they saw to the newspap is that Holy Communion, 6, a. The certain things had happened in an Rector Allowance on Any Old Iron Traded in other parish that action was taken.
Holy Baptism, 7, 30, a, m, For a New go, but if the case had been estab.
Matins, Holy Eucharist and serlished would have sentenced you mon, 10, 45, The Rector to a long term. can held bin.
ing, tou, that the people you have Church School, 00, robbed are people who want someChoral Evensong and sermon, thing for nothing. You, of course, 30. pm. The Rector.
ELECTRIC IRON have nothing to lose and they ex pect to get something for nothing MULCARE. Rector It is really a battle of wit. warn St Bartholomew s, LasTHIS OFFER IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST SIX HUNDRED you, however, if you come before me again the case is proven Cascadas CUSTOMERS look you can out for a Your partner in crime, that scuun.
St Simon s, Gamboa rel Graham, had better look out for himself also. You are disch irg.
Regular Cash Price of the Thermax ed, go Matins, address, Church School, The accused took his hat and Confirmation Class, Evensong and Iron 375 wended his way out of the precints address, at the usual time by the of the court, while His Honour in Lay Reader.
ordering that the documents put in MULCARE, by the accused should be confiscaby tne police, expressed surPriest in Charge 375 and AN OLD IRON prise to see among the documents a letter by Govero meat Officer making enquiries as Seventh Day Adventist TIME PAYMENTS to terms for a loso. There was also one from a motor car dealer offer STREET CALIDONIA 25 CENTS YOUR OLD IRON DOWN ing to sell a car on terms. There ROAD aear Isthmian Park Pana.
could be no wonder when persons ma. PAYMENTS OF ONE DOLLAR le a much lower strata were taken in.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45.
Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Gen.
Inspector Magee too charge o eral Worship u. Spanish IF YOU the documents which will be lock. Class: YOU CAN DO NOT HAVE ed away in case they are requi ered OPERATE AN THE GAS ELEGTRIG ELECTRIin any other proceedings. 30 Society, ELECTRIC CITY meeting 30 pm. Junior and IRON SHOWROOMS FOR Senior Standard of attainment LIGHTING Up to Date Gas Class, p. Vespers.
TION MAIL of the 15th May, tbe city TION RATE AT YOUR SERVICE FOR ONLY of Kingston and suburbs may soon be supplied with an upto Lieutenant Camilo Daza of San FOR THE date gas service. Mr. Ceorge Salvador, who will make an air LIGHTING BALANCE Evotts an expert from England plane flight from New York to IRONING PANAMA COLON IN PAY.
bas arrived in the island and has Bogota, is the latest in Aviation MENTS been making Investigations on reports are that beis of the Kingston and St. being eagerly awaited by the CoAndrew Cooperation who are lombian Colonies in Mexien, in We are anxious upo to improve the Gis the five Central American Colonies Works. For years now tbe and in Pacama.
Works have failed to give good 10 grand reception awaits this results, to the first place the Spanish American flier who will WHITENS THE SKIN quality of the gas that is beiog add greatly to the popularity of the to be of very good quality; and Creme Blanc Mirette popular.
secondly, only very limited supply is being produced in Marvellous Cream recent years.
recent years House Rent Receipt Book In It is realised that if the Works Spanish and English for sale at Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, ale so improved the supply of the WORKMAN PRINTERY sun tan, and other skin blemishes RUS wil also improve not only in quantity bat ln quality as SOLD IN DRUG STORES weli and householders and possibllities. Mr. Evetts is an bers will consequently be in: expert in matters pertaining to duced to make fa quent use of gas production and it is felt Ras for domestic and other that his ivestigations on bebalf Lurposes.
of the Corporation will enabla With this aim in view the him to make recommendations IN THE WORKMAN AND GET GOOD RESULTS Corporation bave set themselves which when put into effect will out to improve the Gas Works doubtless yield very tangible ADVERTISE and to bring out its bigbest results.
119 go away SPECIAL PRICE ted by acc responsible 200 DOWN beball Circles, and It pays.


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