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14 Istans Valuable Lesson in Economics PI READ THE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN WEEK BY WEEK ANC LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL 16 No. 44 PANAMA, SATURDAY JUNE 1928 PRICE CENTS of ulations Guban Newspapers Insistent Addresses to congrat. Industrieu barrest Rector of British Church is in Their Demands Charged Before Commission With Using Harsh Language and be Deported From Republic Improper Conduct are From Personnel of Colon Country Should be ProBoys Institute pared to Receive Returning men.
That West Indians and Haitians Following on his appointment as Secretary of Agriculture and Public Work, the following letter at meeting on the Council of The JAMAICA MALL states that of Congratulation was tendered the Kingston and St. Andrew The Hoo. Aroremena late Corporation yesterday afternoon, The Jamaica Mail of the fence of the interests of Amer Governor of Colon, by the Colon Councillor Simpron moved the London, May Practically ness to write down the lan.
Boys Inetitute :2nd inst states that Cuban ican capital invested here and THE FIRST COLON BOYS bring forward a matter of great Avening flocked to Gloucesters clergyman against whom it adjournment of the House to everybody in the cillage of guage complained of and the newspapers continuing to the prejudice of the repubtheir insistent demand that Ja lic want to obtain a concession Color, REPTPLIC LEAGUE INSTITUTION importance particularly the maican and Haytian labour to oust the native labourer and PANAMA Bod. Member for St. Andrew yesterday, but only those con. was used.
was there, and he was sorry that nected with the inquiry were Mr. Clements (representing should be shut out the Repub those of other nations on the MAT 31, 1928 the bon. member for Kingston allowed inside the Shire Hall, the Bishop. Was he in the The Hoy, AROSEMEN, lic.
same moral level, and who was not present.
which was guarded by police. habit of using bad language?
El Imparcial of Matanzas, naturally demand fair wages GOVERNOR OF THE PROvince Ho said that there was indus: Sir Francis Hyatt, chairman Not very bad. have heard writes on The Migration Pro for their work so that they Op Colon, trial uarest in Cuba. He did not blem as follows: know what the exact trouble io of the Gloucestershire Quarter him when he was playing tencan live decorously.
COLON, R, Cubs was, but there was a great Sessions, was chairman of the nis let out a damn occasionalWhile the Cuban mill own Some of those Yankees are members of the above oamed In among the Jamaicans and other Hon. Sir: The Oficers and deal of goemployment there. Commission of Inquiry, which ly.
The Chairman: Occasionalthose of Camaguey and Orien maicans and Haitians who ex recent appointment to higher large number of Jamaicans own request.
ers and planters, principally just as undesirable as the Ja stitution learned with joy of your West Indians. He expected that was appointed at the rector ly? Well, frequently.
te, position to of be this Evidence Cross examined the Colonel are trying to obtain the restric industrious working classes, country. We cannot help but island at the expense of the fund tor alleged indiscreet be said he would not call the rection of Haytian and Jamaican which are seeking to work gratulution, and sincera wishes to you our beartiest roo to which they bad contributed haviour was given at the pre tor popular, and if he a large When men immigration, which represents with decent standards and not for success in this new field. No would be little or no work for vious hearing.
congregation the people must a real problem, the American like slaves.
group of persons have better elt them to do, as the street recon Miss Winifred Sharpe, a for. have gone out of curiosity and Chamber of Commerce of Cuyour ability bandle important struction would be almost conA Vital Question ba seeking to have the Presipositions than the Colon Boye lo cluded by that time, and the mer member of the church not to support him.
Dr. Earengey (for the recsident of the republic authorIf all countries tend to close stitute, and we feel sure that your financial bardship would be great choir, alleged that the rector ize these immigrations over a their doors to undesirable im administration in this new oficial following the prolonged drought had acted improperly toward tor. May we take it that you capacity will be as marked migration as the only way of you displayed during your terms as this island, and that would. no. Miss Nina Chipp, a Sunday pose so.
ad that which bas been experienced in her.
are one of the gentry? surperiod of twenty years.
The Cuban government, in obtaining real benefits from Governor The need of the day doubt, force the Government to And that the villagers are dentified with the people from immigration, Cuba out of ne as men and we are eure the respon. institute relief work. He asked school teacher, denied that which it was born, will first gleet should not abandon this cible parties saw in sou the quali the Mayor in his capacity as there had been the slightest in favour of the rector and a tier for accomplishing important the memb listen to the clamour of the vital question, but on the con tasks, thus your appointment as bring this matter before the Le and the rector.
for St. Andrew to impropriety between hers few of the gentry are against him? Well, a few of the genpeople, not only for coming of trary endeavour to regulate Secretary of Agriculture aud Pub gislative Council at its next ressin.
the people, coming from it, but immigration to Cuba, which lic works. We will be lookine with nd if possible to bring it to the It was announced yesterday try are, certainly.
Tennis Court Incident because its clamour is justified only brings disease, social and poterest and anxious expectation notice of the Government before that no evidence would be of for the important things we are the Council met. There was a and its petition founded on other difficulties to our coun sure you will do.
fered on the allegation that Referring to the alleged re.
considerable number of labourers ale mark of the rector to the clerreal practical and patriotic try, besides robbing our comYou know we have ever termed in Cuba who might be brought the rector frequented reasons and aspirations of see. patriots of their bread.
you the father of this lostitute, back. Perhaps Kingston would pay houses, and the Court investi gyman who was on the educaing our country free of unde Cuba needs immigration, because of the interest you showed the heaviesi penalty, because most gated charges of bad langua tion authority. Dr. Earengey our work, and the good things of the men would remaio in the but sane immigration, good im you have done for us. Although city and our pauper roli would se asked witness if the rector did sirable elements.
The American Chamber of migration, farmers, men of dif you will soon be residing away go beyond the breaking point. Colonel Playne, the first wit not say that he was a whiteCommerce serves, represents ferent trades, and above all from us, we know that the dis They would not be able to stand ness, recated a dispute be whiskered old beggar.
tance will not lesson your inter it. Having called attention to The Colonel: No, am cerand backs foreign interests, men who do not ignore the est is our work, and we feel sure the matter, which he felt to between the rector and his of tain he did not say beggar, opportunity of exploitation. not going to lower our stan Riven.
Is your own language bef be begged to withdraw bis mo morial hall.
Moral Standard dards of life, but will aid in Words can hardly express our tion for the adjourment of the There were a lot of people yond reproach? use a damn For foreign companies, which maintaining its high position. Continued on Page 6) House.
about, and he heard the rector occasionally.
entertain no other interests in The petition of the Ameri ossos say What the hell.
You are a lieutenant colonel Cuba than to increase their can Chamber of Commerce of On another ocasion, after a and are accustomed to strong SPARKLETS capital and profits, the free Cuba should not be attended visit of the local authorities to language? Yes.
entry of contingents of those the government, but the rethe school, said witness, the What in the Army was elements of inferior culture, of quest of the Cuban mill own(By KING)
rector used language which known as the vernacular. low moral standards and in ers and planters and the peo. Thrown out in the Cold tion in remuneration had forced do not wish tell the public. Yes.
contrasts to present civilized ple in general who are alarmthe West Indian Elitor of the One of the authorities was a You put it forward that you conditions, is an advantage. ed before undesirable immiSection, who was also cable trans clergyman, and he would ra object to any of these words?
Those elements can easily gration, which has not been We must popularize the lator for the paper, to resign his ther not give his name. object to men in the street compete with the native la suspended yet, although it West Indian Section of the Pane position.
Colonel Objection To Bad using them before schoolchilma American, because it is only The upstated dismissal order bourer, because due to their never should have been from there are we able to air our many well be summed up thue Language Before Schoolchildren.
way of living they spend less thorized.
viewe, make our just demande, West Indians on almost bended Mr. Hare, the village schooland therefore can get along No Middle Way get proper attention and, con knee we solicited your help to the The chairman directed wit Continued on page 5)
with smaller salaries.
El Sol of Mariano says: sequently, desired action from extent ofthousands of dollars to those in high plac Substuntial build this institution. Long before That is why the American The first solution of our im ly, this is tbe term in which a that we had carefully studied Chamber of Commerce, in de(Continued on Page 5)
West Indian literary contributor your pa O Roxy thereby Cladys Pitterson Laid Panama Wesley to the aforementioned Section knowing you far bet:er than Activities tried to convioce me that the in you know yourselves.
to Rest Battle Royal In Colon Local Coffee Planting trinsic value, the basic usefulness and effectiveness of a section of section in this institution. Your For your help we alloted you a Jail The subject What does it mean The mortal remains of Gladys merit more Coffee as a local product is the estimationer of West Indians representative after futile efforts Pitterson. a member of the Wes was cell taken care of on Wednes.
to me that all men It is assumed that it takes ex tion of small growers in the Pro bere than that of the humble is to obtain remuneration commen leyan Sunday School, and Iday night last by the Vice Presisend to be attracting the atten.
six surate with the work he traordinaris courage to put up a vince of Chirigui This movement onreisely work maosh cd Pepresent perfonai oro considerationen he eight which compose the performing for this institution a day last in the Herrera Cemetry. bad was Society) was laid to rest on Sun dent Mr. Harris, altho, ba fight when one is behind prison very technical bars, courage that would not be 18 Sponsored by Mr. Escoffforts exclusively West Iodian, knew from the very beginning we Decensed suffered from Tonsils points to tackle, he succeeded in bequired not willing. audience with his beances; but this did not in any very echivorable reports in this distorted ideas of the fundamentals forced to do sono arcorene od was necessary which was perform explanation.
way deter Fersando Blandon and of self help and the virtues there conditions over which we had no 00 ed last at the Ancon Hospital, but, Special reference was made to Dionisio Pinedo from engaging on 90, 000 planis have been put in the pantal, fortunately for both, the control we would hastily abolish unfortunately, hemorrage followed the various societies now operating Papams American gnickly came to when we can safely do so resigned, Tuesday last, in what they would grounds recently, and the cost by aid, It put my freind to sbamein addition, for some time we bad cut off in the prime of life. The on the latbmus in the cause of biblical Blandon unfortunately became the per acre. It is gratifying to both ousting West Indian literary 30 Ding to feel at home in the speed the Panama Wesley Church, who log, received both moral and vanquished with a thres inch eut planters and laborers alike that tivities from its columns!
by the Rev Wade, Os the forehead and two inch such success is achieved locally.
which you know very well is ent on the left arm, and wounds, Coffee is splended beverages instant, West Indians were throwa chis institution, we feared conse On the morning of the first situated almost in the center of eave a brief sketch of the life of Spiritual benefit, bis remarks were emphasized by the President of the deceased.
immensely by (Continued on Page 6) quarrel over a minor crimi claeses of persons, and when ship in the cold tlie Panama American quences which, in accordance with The choir of the Sunday School nal case which had reenlted in the piog expenses can be saved, and slammed in their face the doors our tradition, we would be com. took charge of the choral part of al rest of both, and wbich was ober inconveniences eliminated, of the Section which it had allot pelled to strongly resent and the service which was very im young life which had just cipal Court at Colon was said to small and popular Republic.
pending trial in the Second Muni the credit goes to planters of this ted to them in return for the very probably combat with force in the pressive. In the procession to the reached its 15th birthday bas substantial support they bad con future. To avoid such probable cemetry the bier was preceded by departed with all its promises, be the cause of the combat.
tributed in making the Panama unpleasantness, we bereby dismiss the children of the Sundav School the community joins with relatives the superintendent, All road lead to Juan Franco American Publishing Company the you. You will, however, find that with and and friends in mourning for the All road leads to Juan Francoforce which it represents today. this abrupt dismissal is not without members of the Society by departed who has joined the throng race track tomurrow race track tomorrow.
Preceding this, unfair discrimina. Continued on Page 6)
wbom beautiful wreaths were sept. of travellers who never retura, aula some

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