
FIFTY CENTS GOLD 20 Taree often.
SPECIAL PRICE Ladies of Aspirant deserving Cause THE WORKMAN Club Uoder tbe above captain the Barbados Weekly Herald of Pay Visit To Colon racent date says: Boy Instituto Pablished oa Saturdays by Ritss for Advartusena on appilea.
We bave been banded. pamWALROND, at the office No. 16, tion. Correspondence on all rates pblet by go tleman of this Stacel East Central Avenue Panama of public interest invited.
The following ladies, officers and city setting forth the activities All copy for publication mast be members of the Aspirant club of Victoria Docks, London This IDof the Coloured Men Instituto, PO Box 74, Panama the Pacific Side functionioc at writton on one side of paper only, and TO RECEIVE Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the nams of tho Silver Clubhouse, La Boen slitete le under the direction of Canal Zone, paid special visit Weslayan East 40 Cy.
the writer, not necessarily for publica Dae Year to the Colon Boy Institute on Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Church, and the tion but as a mark of good faith.
Six Months.
Sunday Inst the 3rd inst. viz Mrs. Society for funds. The appeal We do not undertake to retara reA. Neely, organizer and Di Com jested correspon leace.
FOR SOMETHING WHICH IS USELESS One Month rector, Mrs. Jump. President, West Indies because West comes home specially to the Mise u. Ravenenu. Vice Presi. Indians TO YOU are rescued dent, Miss Dixon Secty. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS and assisted by these noble The above ladies, on their ar workers. The Instituta is SATURDAY JUNE 9, 1928 rival were received and kiven a described as rallying point We will Make hearty and graceful welcome by ir religious philanthrople and you a Trade in AlCommander V, Wataon, on social work not only for the bebalf of the Boys Institute. Valuable Lesson In Economics lowance of 50 Cents for any Old The main object of the visit the nieghbourhood, but also for Iron Traded in for a Universal to the Atlantic Side was then coloured seamen of every pation and there made known to Mr. ality and creed wbo call at Isthmian West Indians received another sad jolt early Watson: that they came over to the Port of Londoa Among (THERMAX) Electric Iron in the morning of the first of this month, when the West present to the instituto pre inch seamen, there is many. sont consisting ol Star Readers, gracious act il people here would Bsroadian, and it would be Indian Section of the PANAM4 AMERICAN, a local daily value 23:paper, did not appear. The reason for the non appearance send donations however small It was toqtested by Mrs. Nee to the Pastor Rev, Chunwas, however, apparent, as a day or two before the West REGULAR PRICE OF THERMAX IRON 75 ly, previous to handing over the chie 13 15 Tidal Besin Road, Indian Editor, Sydney Young, in charge of the Section book to see the inmates of the Victoria Docks London. In the had resigned on account of unsatisfactory treatment in institute. Mr. Watson then pre Methodist Recorder of Decemremuneration which he claimed had existed in his case for sented such of his wards us were ber 29th last Mr. Stanley Nowa long time without even a definite promise for improve.
prezent, amouting to about ball top tells about a visit he made 325 YOUR OLD IRON of the inmates of the institute, earlier in December with Rev.
the other 50 being absenton Chuncbie to various houses in This is the first time in the sixteen years existence of the streets about town, the pecu the district. It is quite natural the WORKMAN that we have found it necessary to make This offer is Limited to the first niary needs of the institute mak that mention should be made newspapers specifice reference to any section of local ing it necessary for the boys to of Barbados! We found ourbe out and about during the day selves in a tiny kicben, talking allotted to West Indians. We never had, nor do not now Six Hundred Customers to earn what they can to aid in to an old Barbadian who bad have any ligitimate cause to be hostile to these papers theup keep of the work. been desperately ill and was for their grant to West Indians who have not yet been Mrs. Neely retnarked to the obviously in pain even as he able to educate themselves up to the standard where they THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS boys in a unique address that in talked. Life was evludently should stand on their own feet in the local journalistic consideration of thier need she had going bard with him though all field. But nevertheless we appreciate the help given brought them some books. Boys, the time he was thinking more (GIA. PAN. DE FUERZA LUZ) she said, have brought you about Mab bog But for the them under the circumstances.
these Books but it is with the lad the father would have gone However, in the case of the PANAMA AMERICAN, we hope that you become hooks in into the workhouse long ago. As feel compelled to refer to the abrupt closure which has been PANAMA COLON yourselves. Little do your know. was nearly everthing be had that Mr. Watson has bren that was of put on West Indian activities on its page, for the fact any value bad that West Indians have been so closely identified and Thanks to making a great sacrifice for been put away.
sou. There are many children Mr. Chunchie and the friends associated with its birth and growth.
that have never learnt to appre. back of Mr. Chuncbie the old Not long after that paper was launched in the field of ciate the good done for them by Barbadians Christmas will be NOTICE others. You however will by and brighter than it would have local journalism it foundered and was almost totally wreckby, find out the good that Mr. been.
ed on the dreaded economic shoals hidden in the sea of Watsoa and others are doing for We hope tbat we shall bave local journalism. West Indians moral and financial aid was The office of Doctor Arnulfo Arias, located at you.
the pleasure of learning that immediately solicited. With their characteristic gullibility, the funds Booker Washington. is ac. Association have been augmentof this deserving plus a promise to them of unobstructed publicity of their CENTRAL AVENUE No. 137 knoledged to be the greatest Negro ed by gifts however small from views and opinions, they rallied to its rescue to the educator of the United States. Mr.
tune of, we are told, an amount in the vicinity of 10, 000 Will be opened every day from 11 a. to Barbados.
Watson, from a humanitarian point of view, is the greatest Negro of or 15, 000. The PANAMA AMERICAN, we must frankly p. and from p. to p.
our time in Panama, Cricket Tour to United admit, lived up to its promise to its West Indian supporters Mrs. Neely co workers also with the exception to the only West Indian on its editorial eulogized commander Watson States staff whom, we understand, was the lowest paid in that work; io adding to the well redepartment in spite of the fact that he held, very satisfactcieved remarks of Mrs. Neely, torily, the important position of editor of the West Indian they too emphasized the debt West Indies Side Selected Section and cable translator for the paper.
poor restitute boys of the community owe to commander WatWe are not unmindful of the fact that, technically, son for his work sacrifice on Team Sailed on June West Indian financial support to the paper is not very their behall. They exhorted the significant in proportion to that which is really necessary boys along the lines of gratitude, obedience and due respect at all The Trinidad WEEKLY GUARtimes, as well as to their strietest DIAN for May 12th says: only West Indian representative on the editorial staff of a ondeaver toward a a life of bonest Through the instrumentality paper which depended to the extent that the Panama doubt interesting, books when you usefulness.
of Mr. Brathwalte of BarAMERICAN did on West Indian support for its primary Bringing a pleasant Ittle func bados, who visited New York existence, the West Indian Editor was, entitled to better can haue them neatly bound at tion to a close, which the visit of mot request was sent out last year, and Mr. Jemconsideration with regard to remuneration.
the Tadies afforded, commander mot Watson on behalf of the boys recently asking that a team It might not be in keeping with the North American THE WORKMAN thanked the ladies for their kind representing the West Indies policy of salary proscription to the advantage of coloured and British Guiana should visit and appreciated thoughtfulness of people, but it would surely be keeping faith with and the needs of the boys of the ins: the United States during the No. EAST 16 STREET living up to the moral obligation to West Indians here to titute, hoping that such interest summer of this year to play: will increase and that others will of cricket matches.
have paid Young a salary commensurate with the duties follow the example set by the offi. In conséquence invitations he performed for the PANAMA AMERICAN Publishing Opposite the Wesleyan Churh cers of the Aspirant club of La were despatched to various Воса, cricketers in the various Islands Company.
Before taking leave of the ins: to get the stars of West Indies and though it was not possible In any case, West Indians here have been given antitute. Mrs. Neely, conferred with cricket, a fairly strong combinaother valuable lesson in economics. It is sincerely hoped Mr. Watson with reference to tion has been selected. The that they may learn and properly digest it.
aiding the work with funds accu: team selected is as follows:mulated for same. stated sum io hand was mentioned namely, Barbados: Gilkes, Snapshots FOR REAL WORKER.
one hundredi dollars was stated Clarke, Moe Ward, Mr. Watson then told the ladies and Dr. Gibbs.
that the present most urgent need Trioidad: A, Cipriani, Sealy.
of the boys was FROM THE NEGRO PRESS We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men had decided to chclothing, that he St. Bill and Hunte.
the uniform nd women, in which an exeellent income can be made even of the boys from white to dark Antigua: Barrow.
to those who work but PART TIME. Duriag onr 35 years in color clothing for economic reosons St. Kitts: Brooks.
It was then decided that because of Grenada: Cherubin and There is error in the best of us none perfect none business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who supp said reasons the Aspirant club Parris.
good. And yet it is possible to become the best of the our household necessity to our customers in every country in representatives would purchase British Guiana: Jones and imperfect. He who sees himself in the light of reason sees he world. Many of our agents bave been with us over 37 raw material over in Panama and Phillips.
a very imperfect creature not erroneously made, but full years and have achieved Financial Independence. Increassend over to Mr. Watson with of errors after all. Bnt he can eliminate these errors. He Mr. Clairmonte, Secrefunds in hand to make uniforms tary of Empire Club, will ing local demands and repeat orders, make it necessary to for the boys.
must admit them, hate them, correct them. The admitting accompany the team as Manager. It appoint more local representatives in many localities in the that they are in him is the most essential thing in the United States. No special experience or capital required. it In speaking of bis high appre. was hoped to obtain the help of process of ejimination. Few men can do that. One own ciation of and gratitude for the Mr. Heacley, the promising is a straightrfoward, dignised business. Wny not represent the faults are real hard to see, anyhow, and harder still to kind thoughtfulness of the associa young Jamaica batsman, and largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send tion of ladies, which has only come Hardy, of Jamaica, but owing admit Tampa Bulletin.
us your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau into being this year, Commander to dificulties of communication will send you full particulars. When we appoint an agent Watson remarked how easily the the intention was abandoned.
work he is engaged in could be The team sailed for New York The individaual who sets about to snjoy his or her we furnish free samples for Trial Tests in the homes in the supported if other associations and on June 7, and the tour will last freedom at the expense of what is fitting for place and time locality of the agent.
persons were as interested as the eight weeks, returning home or occasion is a menace to the freedom and rightful or In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in former at so early a stage in their about the middle of August.
proper enjoyment of freedom by other people. Negro which you saw this advertisement, undertaking and getting together. The tour was arranged at the Mr. Watson remarked that as reqoest of the Inter colonial and people, grown ups as well as children, are sadly in need of Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, more training with reference to respect of what is proper far as promises of support their Caribbean Association. Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street was no lack, but that persons and or fitting in the way of behaviour. The fact that many organizations well able to come Negro people do not respect or appreciate more the necestp the support of the work be was paternal spirit as shown by like sity of observing the fitness of action for time or place carrying on both for the good of institutions as the Dorcas Society makes for far more contempt and animosity towards Negro IN THE WORKMAN AND GET GOOD RESULTS the poor boys as well as the of the Wesley Methodist Church, public realizing the material value the Aspirant club of La Boca of people than otherwise would exist. Indianapolis kecorder.
ADVERTISE of such promises was quite another all among others seemingly waitthing. He prays for more of the ing for such or similar examples.
Book Binding!
to its proper muintenance; but we believe that, being the Why throw away your old, but no number GOOD POSITION


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