
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 9, 1928, PAGE THREE STETSON HATS TO The Chi same motor, LA MASCOTA the 1927 janecus New York Paper Lawyer not Hired Good Traffic Receipts Comments Assassin Highest in History of RailON POSSIBLE DEVELOPMENT Says Chief Justice of British way at Trinidad OF BRITISH GUIANA Guiana.
The Weekly Guardian states Says Colony Has Large Area that the good traffie receip And But a Small Population thony Dereltas Chief On Friday h. Sir Anare the highest recorded in the history of the Railway. This The New York Times of a Justice of British Cuiada bad comment by the General Man recent dat: published the fol some very strong remarks to ager of Railways in bis com Dwing about Backward Britisb make on the duty of a lawyer parative statement of railway during his bearing of a Divorce Guiana. revenue based on the March case.
returns, is of mucb significance The House of Commons learned James Bishop, a diamond putting on firmer grouod the the other day that British miner petitioned for a dissoluhopes of a turning point in the Guiana, of the siz; of the United tion of his marriage with Ida Kingdom and the poly British Bishop on the ground o! her fortunes of the ralvay. There have been cow and then chce. colony in South America, bad inisconduct with James George ing statement of rises in been neglected for 125 years, an ex road overseer.
avenues of Railway rectip certain although its natural resources Chief Justice refused principally those from passen would bandsomely repay deand goods traffic, but as the velopment. In moving the second to grant thò petition. He remost lucrative work and one readig of a bill giving the Crown fused to excercise the discrsFor the World Best Dressers which the railway is eminently authority by Order in Council Lion of the Court in favour of a suited for is good transport, it to modify the Constitution of man who had been living in is of considerable importance to British Guiana. Mr Amery, concubinage with another woread of this increased patronSecretary for Dominion Affairs man from 1921 up to the day and the Colonies, explained that before the trial.
There is no article of men wear that has the world age by the public. It is always of by the original capitulation easy to explain decreases in Chief Justice continuing the numbers of wide reputation of Stetsɔn hats.
passengers 1803, under which Great Britain said: In 1915 the President of by pointion to the keen bus competi tion, but it is a diferent thing acquired Guiana, a cumbersome the Divorce Court, Sir Henry legislatura was inherited as well Duke, now Lord Merrivale, an when it comes to accounting as the combined Court. The nounced Io future will not In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue for beglect of the public of the latter body had power to tax and Brant any relief to any petition undoubtedly superior carriage deal with the tinances, but could er kullty of adultery, unless in de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads facilities of the railway for comnot change the Constitution. the petition the unisconduct said modities. There is not, by any of fashionable men who know what what That might be done only by the to be excused is admitted, and means, the rivalry by intervention of Parliament. Mr. In the prayer the discretion of Tinne of Liverpool, the only the Court is specifically asked in men headwear.
It is seen from the published native born British Guianan, said that the causes of stagna Now in the case the petitioner We have the same styles here as are now being traffic returned 61, 090, 15; tion were a very limited popu has been habitually in concubiin 1927, 32, 628. 49, lation, DO more than 800. 000, page with a woman who is not wolle in tropical conditions, difficulty of his wife since Jannary, 1925, up worn in the style centers of the World, March this year revenue amount ing to 61. 483. 59 was derived access and a low state of bealth to yesterday, and he filed his ao advance o: 11, 000 odd over The United States in thirteen Court by omitting from the pepetition. He has deceived the March last year and 000 in years of Supervision has been tition that he was equality guila reference to March, 1926. Pastoe Haitians a system of modern senger receipts were disappoint.
sanitation. After a century and of adultery. When the wife ing on the face of this compara.
and a quarter of British rule counter charged him with adul.
tive table but this feeling ig the colony of Guiana has a very tery he then admited it for the modided on reading the explar.
bickward system. The rate of birth time. Se on the authority CARLOS MULLER be of the president of the Divorce ation of the General Manager infant mortally continues to be Court should not grant it on that unlike the previous terms high and tropical diseases are SOLE AGENT Mar March does not carry the Carcommon, although the climate is, be general ground of public salubrious, excessive heat being people to think they can play morality. It is to possible for aival traffic which was incaria February The porated PANAMA CITY 87 CENTRAL AVENUE rare and the nights cool. This figures were: March last, colony of large area and a pupula fast and loose with the contract 824 788. 54; Mareb 1927, 828 971 37 tion of only 33 to the square of marriage. Tbey must come aud Marcb, 1926, 832, 185 47, Th: wile, bas a debt of 24, 3000. 000 into Court with clean bands. It totais place Ma. ch, last in third years there has been a deficit Io allowlog a man to get divorced la every one of the last seven pot possible for any Court place with March. 1927 ia to violete public morality by lead with 107, 885 67. But it is 1927 it was 230. 000. Something trom his wifa wbon he has alremarkable that in miscelhad to be done to put British Gui.
receipts coniributed ana on its feet, to make it selvent ready taken the law into his 326, 099 37, 24, 813 representing and to gateken the development owo hands de deserted bis We wife in 1924 and established a pipe line way, leave, while this of resources, such as sugar year the quota under this head tobaco, rice, rubber, timber, pas new relationship with a coscuis only 1, 626. 07 to a total of turage for cattle and mineral blue which persistenly went on erar up to yesterday. 91, 009. 13 All things considered deposits. Millions of tons of March last was a remarkable sugar could be produced annual TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE month in that although being but the average yield is bare It will be a travesty of justice.
deprived of the advantages of the 13 84, 000. The fertility of the It will be flucing public moralCarnival takings and in the abcontrol plaids is posurpassed.
sed: icy to allow such a person to sence of pipe line way leave, it Droughts are rare, and in the to 18 only 16 826. 54 beblod the other hand, there are seldom to get divorce at any time. He bas some motive to seek a leader of the table Mareb, 1927.
prolonged rains. Hurricanes are divorce. It is not material what UDKOORD. No better coffee is his motive is baths is not going No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue grown answere, but the crop into use the Cour. So on that Jamaica Teachers To Visit British Gulaba is meagre.
ground refase the petition and PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Cuba VALUABLE WOODS proceed to dismiss. it order Eighty per cent of the total him to pay bis wite coste.
Toere will be no order as to The Jamaica Mail of the 26th area of 78. 180 quare miles is in the correspondent costs.
ulto says: 1xber, including dyewood, reNews was received in Kingston Finous trees, mahogany and DUTY OF LAWYERS this week to the effect that Senor other cabinet woods, and the The next thing tbe Chief In OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Armando De Leon, Cuban Consul indispensable greenheart.
in Jamaica, who sailed for Sanaroma and flavour the base justice washed to say was that it was the duty of every solicitor tiago on the d inst. on leave tobacco grown is equal to the and every counsel to put the full of absence has been meeting Havana leaf. Only a beginning facts of every case before the has been made in getting out Curt. It was gross misconduct Work Done While You Wait with some success in the argold and diamo ds. Bauxite to hold back anything. If such rangements be is making with the educational authorities in and koulin occur in commercial wa discovered on inquiry be Santiago and elsewhere relative quantities.
Among the other would strike both counsel and to a number of Jamaican teach.
deposits are platinum, copper, solicitor of the Role ers making an excursion to the TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED silver, graphite, galena, coduoRepublic in the near future to NOT HIRED ASSASSIN dum, and lignite. The produc.
see the manner in which the tion of gold from 1834 to 1923 Tha rule was clear that they was valued at 9, 615, 221: that should not suppress or bold Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices system is carried out This would be a return visit to of diamonds io 1923 alone back information and in divorce that paid by some 150 Cuban But cases the duty was even bigher. amounted to 033. 014 Ladies Garments carefully handled teachers to Jamaica 00 Palm agriculture would always be the tor the reasou that it was public Sunday, which visit lasted fouc mainstay of the colony. Enough policy and public morality. It days and was highly successful.
rice could be produced to supply was not a species of liugation the wants of the west Indies between party and party, so that REID Propietor The scenery of British Guiana House Rent Receipt Book in it toey suppressed any facts should make it attractive to that would deceive the Court.
Spanish and English for sale at tourists in January February is was the duty of every solicitbe WORKMAN PRINTERY and Marcb, it the country Ware or to examine his cleot. He to be opened up by railroads. was not a hired assassin who The Kaieteur Falls are neary charged his client a fee to attack ence. The worker will want to five times as high as those of his enemy. He must sind out the is more significant is the fact jers pledged to keep wages down only be satisfied by a week share. We do not see that any Niagara. Their finer proportions is laas been said, makerpe tacus of the case or refuse that the labourer isbecon og to a certain figure may have co labour; than when as now a two Kreat barm, would be done If to institute any proceedings in the day when the field worker minds, but we bave no doubt it ha think he has any right to courage untractable, or rather less docilesiderable auraction for some days suurt provides bion with all wages were increased and en Kaieteur the Magoificent an.
at bigher rate the incomparably more grandIn mare direct contact workers would spend more, the was living in adultery and yet was a obedient and willing would tend to exacerbate the si want.
no country excels Britishracityme Cour two un future ba boped that with his lot, and he is bargaia would suggest to employers that stronger must belopto. bar. thecial conditions gintinitely better.
wealth producer is gone. To day tuation, and precipitate ills which must be established between em. prosperity of the island would potential hydro electrice coole dared to fileter peritivo pia that we is assertive he is dissatisfied to one would want to see. We puyer and workers and the be not one wait less and the scwith its Essequibo: Courbatyme bat would not be done tor hoing for the utmos tha can extract they trankly accept the situation burden of the weaker, le other. and Barima wiany.
Here indeed is work for the rivers. The country zreatly man who did it.
that labour in the fields is so words the worker must be en Social Rzformer. Tha employer Detag railways and good rods.
distaste! ul and operous that the couraged to feel tbat he is a coBut it cannot have them, Dom The proprietor is therefore copditions should be made as easy partner in the sugar industry bo loss than the worser needs first time pereducation Barbados is ertering better public buildings, butels Bod bospitals, until the revenues The Labour Market haps in the history of Barbados as possible and the remuneration and that good markets and gocd unless to face a situation in which rough streched to the almost the iodus prices will be reflected in his upon a periodo transition and the Wisest counsel preare increased and a reserve.
turn be fand built up. The reform of and ready methods will not avail try can bear. This is, of course, a weekly wage.
Writing editorially under the a serious examination is neces bard saying for Barbados. Wo The other idea of coercion given 10 events. Let the rece an clear the way to the development above caption, the Barbados sa y, and the application of scien have too long been accustomed to and intimidation is one that will ploger take the worker that comes the idea that the lower the nan bring the utmost ill to Barbados confidence, treat himas a partWeekly Hera tifie principles.
of the really vast resources of ber of wants of the workingman It cannot be that the ner, however humble in his Britisb Guiana. wave of unrest has spread In the first place we would the better for all parties con Barbados sugar proprietor is a business and encourage him by over the sea of labour in Birba regret to see any attempt on the cerned. Tha fact is that the workpoor man. There is every evi adequate wages and by taking do3. At the present moment the part of employers to combineer should be encouraged to have denco around of bis prosperity, an interest in his living con House Rent Receipt Books in estate proprietors are experien. merely for the purpose of keep more and yet wore wants, he is the number of motor cars, the ditions to give of his best CoerSpanish and English for sale at the clng the utmost dificulty in gett ing labour in ite place. The idea more likely to be a steady worker wearly exodus to Earope, all point cion may endure for a time but WORRMAN Printery.
inglabourers for the fields. What of a strong organizition of plant when bis week necessities can to a substantial condition of afflu. trouble will come in its wake.


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