
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable XXXX 3EXTRADICEMENAMBWAVAA Distressing Conditions. Jamaica Public Service Co.
Nicaragua Borrows More Money Obtain in and Around Greenvale District of Manchester Parish JOB. PRINTING Does Sucessful Bussiness This Year From Bank Under the Control of Americans DUE TO LONG DROUGHT Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS DESPATCH AND Many Persons Pledge Title Deeds to Obtain Flour And Other Articles.
AT THE FIELDS ARE PARCHED UP McCoy WORKMAN PRINTERY 14, 950 paid The British Pharmacy COLON Tunds IS NOW LOCATED AT Under the above head lises the Jamaica MAIL of tbe 26th ulto writes as follows. Very distressing conditions prevall at Greenvale, Manchester, and its surrounding districts. In that particular por tion of the parisb the drought has been in existence sinca November last. Water is regard.
ed as a luxury. The tank supplies, according to news which has reached this journal from Manchester, have been exbaus.
ed which means that, in mass many cases inbabitants of the district are compelled to travel long distances to purchase the precious liquid.
Crops bave been burnt out by the long spell of drought. Potatoes, yam, etc. bave falled. So severe bas been the shortage of Supplies that rodents have turned their attention to yo heads that were prepared for planting and bave deroured large quantities of the plants.
This sear corn and orange crops will be late; and when it comes to pimento, output will be extremely small.
In the Endeavour district cultivatore last year were able te produce and seli burcbes ot bananas aegregating seventeen hands each. This year bacada production is an unknown quan.
tity, so much so that trees have bad to be levelled to: tbe FEEDING OF STOCK In cattle ard small stock, large and small land owners bave suffered alike. In one Instance, a land owder drove seventeen bead of stock to Christiane to provide water for them. When the cows were driven back to bis place sixteen of them collapscd and died.
In an adjacent district the extent of drought can be assessed when it is stated that one shopkeeper alone has durlug tbe!
Tbe Jamaica Herald of the MANAGUA, Nicaragua, May 12. 26th ulto says. The National Bank of Nicara The Jemaica Public Service gua has loaded to the Nicaraguan Co. continues this year or Goverment 25, 000 toward the sucessful 1927 tradiog in elec, expenses of the general elections tricity and the transportation of United States misessed by the which will be passengers in Kingston and lowheaded er St. Andrew. For the month The load is to be repata by July Brig. Gen. Frank by of March in particular, from 15 from surplus revenues Furstatistics recently compiled, we note that both gross and not ther loans for the same purpose previoes Merem. bigber than the are probabiles as the elections March. Gross earnings 100, 000 and 200, 000.
expected to cost were 58, 177 against 56, 817 March 1927, and Det 22, 308 The Goverment also bas obagainst 21, 165, with the surplus tained an extension of six month after charges at 16, 971 against for the payment of the remainder last year.
of the million dollar dept cootractFor the 12 months ended March 31. 1928, the figures were: Gross and revolutionary troops. About in May to pay of the federal ed eardioge, 699, 935, agalost 665, 75, 000 still is due on this sum, 889 for th previous 11 months which was scheduled to be net 288, 031, against 270, 311, oft April The extension was and surplus 217, 095 agains: sought because the Nicaraguan 196, 031.
Treasury is short of ready It is bowever likely that with at this period. It is expected that the several undertakings with it will be paid in May.
a view to improviog tbe ser This financing extends the pevice there will be a run against riod in whicb the bank is under the credit account for the en American control. Both the bank suing year. Increased demands and the railroad are now entirely for lighting and current for owned by Nicaragua but the caphousebola requirements, and ital probably further earnings from are pledged to guarantee the reand stock of both concerns aa early anticipated motor bus payment of the loans, and a service as an auxiliary to the majority of Americans are on tram faciliteis may balance the the diretorate of both.
accounts Notice to Correspondents.
past six months given out on credit to the peasantry Contributors and correspondent the greater portion of 250 bags of flour, to be paid are asked to send in their contribu for when the pimento crop tions not later than Thursdays io comes to maturity. The outlook iasure publication. This is impera.
for this particular crop is by tive and must be adhered to no means rosy as a result of the long spell of dry weather. In House rent Receipt Books in the megotime, a many of Spanish and Er glish for sale at those who depend upon imported the Workman Printery foodstuft for sustenance have had to hand over their title deeds to the shopkeeper lo quesDENTIST HOWELL tions.
House No. 912 La Boca Another area in wbich conditions bave become very acute Canal Zone is Maidstone All these disOPPOSITE RESTAURANT tricts are inbabited by industious men and women, many of whom Phone 1941 BALBOA are of thrifty habits. The drought that has overtaken them is the Specialises in all Branches of most destructive that bas been Dentistry experienced in that section of the island.
ALL WORK GUARANTEED 11. 1154 11th STREET Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies good LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN It pays


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