
THE HUREMAS SATUR. AY JUNE 9, 1928 PAGE FIVE Rector of British London Letter, SAVE CEMARK EREG. NTAR ST. CHARLES These UNSWEETENED LABËLS EVAPORATED MIL. They will save You Dollars Our Premium Department has in stock a large Assortment, of Aluminum Kitchen Ware, Toys, Vases Hand Painted Boxes, Teapots, Cups and Saucers, Razors, Manicure Sets, etc. etc.
All Free, Just Bring Your Labels of ST. CHARLES EVAPORATED MILK (Continued from page 1)
British Miners. Welfare master, also declared the recWork tor used bad language before schoolchildren. Witness walkIn many respects the conditions of the British miners are ed away in disgust.
extremely unsatisfactory. As Miss Myrtle Byng, aged a result of the 1926 strike and nineteen, daughter of Lady the circumstances arising out Eleanor Byng, was then callof it a number of mines have ed.
had to close down or restrict She told of the days in 1922 their output, and in conseand 1923 when she had played quence scores of thousands of tennis at the rectory. She had miners have lost their jobs.
to complain to her mother of Worse still, there is no hope the rector language, and her whatever of more than a small mother forbade her to go apercentage of these men being gain.
reabsorbed. Other outlets must Witness mentioned several be found for their labour, and words that the rector used, that is not an easy matter as and there were other words they are mostly men who have which don know about.
spent their whole working life Were the words used when in and about the mines. They he made a bad stroke? Yes.
are unaccoustomed to rapid Mr. George Fowles, who adaptation to other work and, was vicar church warden in of more importance from their 1921, describing what happenpoint of view, there is no great ed utside the memorial hall, demand for labour in other said the rector approached fields.
him and said: What have you That is one aspect of the done with the key.
problem in the British coal Witness replied that he mining industry. It is indeed would not be addressed in the only aspect that is compublic by him in that manner monly touched upon in the and he wanted an apology.
public press; but there is anOnce, when witness advised other and more pleasing asthe rector in his own interests pect that is deserving of attennot to be seen so much in comtion. At the best of times coa!
pany with one of the girls of mining is not a pleasant octhe village, the rečtor used acupation. It is dirty, arduous, busive expressions.
and dangerous. The mining Witness wrote a statement villages are often dull and unof the expressions alleged to attractive places in which to have been used by the rector, live. In the nature of things it and it was handed to the Comis difficult for a colliery dismission.
trict to practice the virtue of Some of the remarks of the cleanliness. The whole queerector were a bit thick, he said, tion of the softer amenities of and he objected to them.
life has therefore been igncred The rector had apologised to in many areas.
him once for using bad lanOf late years a change has guage and telling a story.
occurred, and a determined Dr. Earengey: You were callRichest in Cream and successful effort has been ed the Lord Mayor of Avenmade to improve the lot of the ing?
TO miners and their families. In did not know that.
1920 a Miners Welfare Fund You were rather an imporwas established by Act of Partant person? held nearly liament. This fund was to be all the public offices. applied for such purposes Letter To Archbishop connected with the social wellGeorge Taylor. a motor driPANAMA COLON being, recreation, and condiver, gave evidence of a dispute tions of living of workers in over the rector dog.
or about coal mines, and with One day, he said, the mining education and rerector shook his fist at me and said he would knock my damsearch, as the Board of Trade The money ned head off if kicked his might approve.
world famous Nestlé Sweetened Condensed Milk.
was to be raised by the paydog again.
ment by the mineowners of wrote a letter to the Arone penny per ton on every chibishop of Canterburyaton of coal raised during the bout it.
previous year. The country was Giving evidence to rebut the bad language charge, the rec: bed Mr. Fowle evidence as a parcelled out into twenty five tor referred to the memorial to account for her being drop of the money raised in each mining districts, and four fifths filthy concoction of a man hall incident.
WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR ped at the rectory, and it was district must be allocated to number of people had been with a mind like a cess pit.
now raked up again to use The rector admitted speakthat district.
against him in the case.
waiting for two hours in the clergyman member of rain for the key of the hall, ing of Mr. Clements (warmly. During the first five years which was in the possession of the educational authority as a know you are a priest. Do you 5, 848, 718. Of this 4, 638, 317 the sum raised amounted to Mr. Fowles, the church war: white whiskered old beggar.
No hot irons or special combs required call yourself a gentleman? den. Messengers called at Mr. He did not mean it very disYes.
was spent in the districts by Fowle house for the key, but respectifully as the man was the local Welfare Committees, a friend of his, and he hoped Don you think that what More than half of this was used were refused.
SOLD IN DRUG STORES you have said is a disgraceful for purpose of recreation unWhen Mr. Fowles arrived he still was.
insinuation about this young der such headings as Clubs, Liwitness said: We want the What he threatened the man girl? Much worse has been braries, Swimming Baths, Diskey. We have been waiting Taylor was that he would jolsaid about me.
ly well break his neck if he trict Institutes, and Sports half the afternoon for it.
CALL IN AT It was possible the word Grounds. Hospitals, Nursing Mr. Fowles replied: don did what he said he would do kick witness dog again. damn might have slipped Ambulance, and Convalescence care a damn if you waited or Dr. Earengey: Did you use out when Miss Byng was at schemes absorbed well over a not. It was an absolute lie to the rectory but he had never million pounds of the remainsay that witness used bad lan the word damn at ternis? Not that remember, but realised it.
der; and a quarter of a milguage.
Dr. Earengey: suppose you have played a good deal of Mrs. Hayden gave evidence lion was spent on Pit head had difficulties in this parish: tennis and cricket, and think on her husband behalf and baths, Drying Rooms, WashI should think had. Mr. Fow. it extremely improbable that there was a long procession of houses, and the like. The genNo. 16 STREET EASI les tried to rule the parish. He could have escaped using it.
villagers into the witness box, eral fund, that is the romainwas not called Lord Mayor for do not habitually use it.
Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
all declaring that the rector ing one fifth, which amounted The rector strenuously denever used bad language.
to 1, 210, 401, which way left Rector Says Is Not Im nied that he had other words GOOD SELECTION OF The hearing was adjourned to the discretion of the cenprobable That He Used An complained of.
and the chairman said he hop tral executive, was spent on Mr. Clements: Six persons NEW BIBLES ed the inquiry would conclude research work in matters of Expletive to day.
safety and health, and on techMr. Fowles was always in on oath have given specific inHymn Prayer Books nical and general educational fernally patronising, declared cidents of your using bad lanschemes whereby miners of a the rector. On one accasion hel guage. Are they all lying? think they are mistaken.
said to me: If you only asked What are your words when fy for scholarships of varinus me can tell you. know AADVERTISE THE NEW YORK DENTST kinds.
vening and Avening knows you are annoyed. Tut, tut, 182, BOLIVAR STREET when am extremely annoyThe results have been reme. said: Yes, they do.
COLON, markably successful. In some Asked about an Oxford story ed, but won say that is all.
districts the whole attitude and he was alleged to have told The story of Miss Byng deP. Box 71, CrisTOBAL, outlook of life of the populaIT PAYS Mr. Fowles, the rector descri clared the rector was raked up TELEPHONE 247 COLON (Continued on ge 6)
NESTLE ANGLO SWISS GONDENSED MILK Co. We also exchange against premiums the labels of the Contra Crespo The Workman BOOK STORE Dr. Fred Sterling studios turn of mind can qualiIn the Workman


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