p. 6


PAGE SIX IB WORKMAX SATURDAY JUNE 9, 1928 HOME BREW here is Excellent WWW WAPYcnar SILVER SPRAY KXDYSENEDUNWMX XALJADAPAZONAS is a home product. made in Panama Cuban Neuspaper In British Miners Addresses of Congrat. CHURCH SERVICES SPARKLETS Learning Spanish sistent (Continued from page 5)
ulations St. Peter by the Sea, La Bora Whatever the other considers CHURCH tion has been changed. new Continued from Page NOTICES FOR tions with regard to West Indians (Cotinued from page 1)
some merit. It will help you to living in this Republie might be corporate sense has been de. Continued from Page 1)
FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY correet in time your obfuscated it is noticed that quite recently migration problem is to abso veloped. In one small colliery heartfelt joy, and we trust that you philosophy of life and self help. a large number have been taking lutely prohibit the entry of town in Northumberland a will perceive the sincerity in our It will be you to appreciate the advantage of the Spanish night Antillian labourars to Cuba. monthly magazine is publish tentitoente. Again congratulating Holy Communion, 6, a The virtne in self and give an incentive schools, and it must be admitted principle of elemental eco ed, with a circulation of three you for your new field of activi Rector to learn that it is more bonor that familiarity with the language ty, and trusting your anministranomic and social foresight im thousand, and the articles, stovion will be marked by wobleriul Holy Baptism, 7, 30, a.
able and far safer to fight your of the country in which one resides poses upon us such a duty.
battles with strength genearted is quite essential.
ries, and drawings are almost success, Holy Eucharist and sermon, from your own basie energy.
We are 10. 45, 8, The Rector.
Antillian immigration ousts entirely contributed by the That, zentle reader, is the sum There are many adults who Cuban workers from crop har workmen themselves. At the Sincerely yours, Thanksgiving Service, for Bene total of the cold, grim, unuttered would take advantage of this vesting activities through the same place there are regular TAE COLON BOYS INSTITUTE fit Society, m. The Rector language of the dismissal of Isth. splendid opportunity, but very imposition of a system of low, dramatic performances, of reWest Ladies from the often, the time at their disposal is (gd) WATSON, Choral Evensong and sermon, West Indian section of the Panama spent in some other direction, so COMMANDER. 30. pm. The Rector, wages, which brings hunger to markable merit, entirely arAmerican.
as to augment their earning capa MULCARE Rector city in order to meet life necessihundreds of Cuban families. ranged and acted by the mi Opportunity was also taken by St Bartholon. ew LasThrown out in the cold! Led or tips, and the difficulty comes in diWe believe the government ners and their families. sys the Bovs Institute to congratulate influenced by Mr. Sydney eiding on one of two accomplishshould not delay the solution tem of continued education Jr on bis appointinent as Governor His Excellency Inocencia Galinda Cascadas Young, and aptealed to by the ments learning the language, or Management of the Panama earning mo: ey of this problem any longer but has been developed whereby a of the Province of Colon, as folAmerican, West Indians have not cut the evil short through a considerable number of the pit lows:St Simon s, Gambca It is however, hoped that under only lent support in hard cash, radical but sane measure of lads are helped to attain to LETTER OF CONGRATULA Matins and address 11. but contributed invaluable help to the circumstance, any so placed TION complete restriciton to Antil the Matriculation Standard of Lay Reader msintsining the morale of the in the position of deciding, will lians.
Durham University.
His EXCELLENCY Church School and Confirmation supporters of the infant Panamn not fail to make the wisest Choice INOCENCIO GALINDO JR. Cli s, 230, American Publishing Company, wonder what real impression has Returnea jamaican GOVERNOR OF COLON.
Evening Prayer and address, this upceremonious dismissel left Some criticisms of Cuba were Were Undesirables PANAMA WESLEY made by Mr. Stockhausen, in the island who ought to city of chief of the Colon Boys Your Excellency. In my cap 30, , Lay Reader.
on the minds of the West Indian MULCARE. financial and moral supporters of Continued from page 1)
who has just returned from have been deported long ago Institute and on behalf of the the Panama American?
Priest in Charge that island on the Wan but he disagreed stoutly with said Institute, beg leave to admyself to Your Excelleney, derer, in an interview tester the policy of the authorities in lendering my personal felicitations was never at any time a fi the Society, the Rev.
nancial subscriber to the Panama Wade.
day with a Daily Gleanner re deporting such men as the a as well as the Institute s, at your Seventh Day Adventist American. That paper had, how. The Dext meetin under the ausplever, through its clever economic ices of this society is the one porter.
gents of the Steamship Co. appointment to the high office of He mentioned that he had who comprised the first batch Governer of this city and province STREET CALIDONIA financial support of West Indians weeks ago on account of inclement strategy in gaining the favor and which had been deferred a few of Colon.
ROAD Bear Isthmian Park Pans. and their organizations, stole my weather; on this occasion, The resided in Santiago for about of deportees a short time ago.
We do not hesitate Speaking generally to give eight years and had been inrespect. But my forty two years. West Indian and his prospects Sabbath (Saturdar) 945 ojourn in this cruel world and the Isthmus will be discussed, utterance to our honest and firm terested in a large tailoring Stockhausen characterised the belief that we do not think a Sabbath Schoo: 11. 15 a. Gen. my twenty two years close eno the chair will be occupied by Dr.
business. short time ago manner in which some Jamai better choice could have been eral Worship tn. Spanish tact with members of the more Johnson with Mr.
however, he decided to sell his cans are treated in Cuba as un made to fill the vacancy created Class: advanced peoples have taught me Reydolds and Miss Myers interest and return to Jamai satisfactory. He also said that by the deserved promotion of 30 in, 31. Society, that dare not place implicit on the subject. Mrs Olga King the person who ought to be than your appointment to said Senior Standard of olon most enorgetic executive meeting 30 pm. Junior and confidence in any ruch veneered will contribute to the program.
attainment policy.
This meeting will be beld in the Asked about the possibilities giving the Jamaicans every post.
Class, p. Vespers.
My original, continuous and susChurch, of employment in Cuba he said assistance did not appear to We rejoice with specialempahsis GRIZZLE Pastor.
tained stand is to plače a higter It is hoped that quite a large that just now there was no be taking any notice of them at the occurrence because as an volue on the intrinsic worth of number of persons will avail them.
Mr. Stockhausen admitted Institution whose existence bas the West Indian weekly news selves the opportunity of attendwork whatever for Jamaicans and Haitians and that things however that he was unable to depended upon our esteemed friend or tedious in approaching you as paper, the Workman. than that ing.
and benefactor Dr. Arosemena, we are doing at the present time of any West Indian section of a were reaching a stage when speak as to the conditions of its future support is not lett is with our sincere greetings and friendly paper. have always been it would not be advisable for the Jamaicans on the planta speculate in doubt as regards what state thatet a word met het bestook crateful to the papers which allot prepared to make, for the comanybody else to live in Cuba tions as his experience has will be late Governer, Arosemena All we have done in the post to sections to West Indians, but mon cause, been confined to Santiago.
successor attitude tow rd helping him whose name and kiud acts am conscious of the fact that unbut the Cubans.
the work we are doing and wbose will ever remain precious to us der the latter circumstance we are In bussiness as well as in social Mr Stockhausen said that He concluded with this sig futher improvement is now under individually and collectively as compelled to stoop to conquer. relationsbip in this modern age, it personally he had found the nificant sentence: From a ru serious cousideration, as are fully manager Institution Gosh! Here is where the philopso is well for the Negro to learn to Cubans pleasant enough to mour afloat în Cuba at the acquainted with our needs and managed.
phy of Booker Washington and were portionereblyere when we do has been yourself one of wish you Garvey.
able to practice deal with and had numbered present time as a result of the most untiring supporters in the your executive duties and all that there are times when we must proportioning our demands with the many of them among his cus deportation it would not be com community.
tomers. He had no grievance surprising to the people of the We take great pleasure there ever respectfully and gratefully come what may. Young stand are going to get just no mlich as we entails, while we to remain with regard to bis remuneration are able to fipht for and wio, We against the government or any island if some interesting and fore in ac knowloging and thank The Colon Boys ſostitute.
from the Panama American con are going to hold what we win even sensational developments ing you for your past courtesies and kindnesses, while we pray that Per. WATSON, titute a personal sacrifice which just as long as we are able te deHe agreed that there. take place.
Jyou will not count us premature Compr. COLON Boys Institute, very few of his friends would be ſend it dress ma body else.


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