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파 anti Noted Page WHAT DO WE DO NEXT READ THE WORKMAN WEEK THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IR YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL 16 No. 45 PANAMA, SATURDAY JUNE 16, 1928 PRICE CENTS Panama Wesley Activities Marcus Garvey and Party In England Private Bicycle Four More Jamaicans Deported From Cuba Licenses Was record here.
Cuban Newspaper Makes Strong Appeal The Future Prospects of Abolished in Canal Zone West Indians discussed.
July 1, 1929 Find it Very Difficult to Secure Altho to many persons this sub. The fo lowing Creular Men Taken From Work and ject may not be as serious a. It issued from Balboa Heights on Hotel Accommodation should, it is nevertheless so, and also Tuesday last the 14th inst:sacred, and with the combination TO ALL CONCERNED: Shipped off Without Their handling, it at the Panama Wez Writing from London, Eigland, on May 21st Marcus last, many facts before unknowe license of tax will be required for ly Church on wednesday night Order of Februvy 2, 1928, In accordance wth Executive Belongings.
Garvey says, inter alia in the NEGRO WORLD:were revelaed, and of am now in Englan d, and the country has changed has made an impression for more bieycles in the Canal Zone after reports that four more Jamai which they were engaged at The Gleaner of the 1st inst. chief mate of the ship upon much since my last visit in 1914. anticipated the change, thoughtfulness on the matter.
With the introduction of the June 30, 1925.
cans have been deported from the time when they were sent however, and often spoke of it in my publis ad Tresses Chairman Dr. Johnson, by MeILVANI, and writings during my stay in America.
Cuba. They arrived yesterday to the quarantine station came the Rev. Wade PresiEXECUTIVE SECHETARY, afternoon on the Jamaica ashore and urged the ImmigraEngland has become as prejudiced towards the black dent of the society, who after a. Constantine Lorist of Saint tion Officer to let them go man as America, if not more. England has been ruined, few preliminary remarks introducEdith Cavell Picnic Elizabeth, William Brown, 87 back.
in this respect, by white American tourists. These cheap ed Miss Myers as the first speak.
Charles Street; Aston Ferron Worked As Painter.
notoriety seeking bluffers have scattered their prejudice er who in conuection with the subject touched many phases of July 4th The man was unable to sugeverywhere over Europe so much so that a of St. Mary and William John decent West Indian life their vices and black man has a hard time finding accommodation or lodg, virtues this she divided into ChaRicketts, 36 North Street. gest why the Cuban AuthoriAltho living in the City of Pana ings in any of the first or second class hotels. lodged ses and the details of which ma the relationship which exists Ricketts told the Daily ties should have taken this at the Hotel Cecil, the best hotel in London, for two days, lack of space does not allow us to between Panama and the United Gleaner reporter yesterday, line of action. He said that he much to the displeasure of white Americans who were guests States makes the 4th July the morning he was doing paint went to Cuba in 1909 apd there; but my stay there was made possible simply because The greatest impression was Americ Holiday very popular ing on the St. Mary for the stayed there until 1923 when they knew beforehand who was. If it were not for that jeet, past, present and future and in addition to other made in explaining the sub with all residents on the Isthmus, Atlantic Fruit Co. Working he left for Spanish Honduras.
hicke and I, no doubt, would have been retused accommodations making reference also to the dilo picnics, anticipated for that day Galera He returned to Cuba in 1924 through being a black man, like any other black man. ferent Islunders of the Carribean the members of the Edith Cavell alongside of him was another and went away the following TRAVELING INCOG.
now domiciled here and pointedt Friedly Society of this eity will of the Jamaicans who has year to work on ships trading out maoy inconveniences which bold grand pienic at Juao Diaz been deported.
between New York. He returnWhile staying at the Hotel Cecil, decided to make West Indiens suffersome of on that date.
The Chief Immigration Of ed to his homeland in 1926 a round of London (incog) to visit other fir and Secon which is chiefly due to their own fault the speaker was greatly building at am The first bus leaves Muller ficer, accompanied by two po and afterwards went to Haiti.
class hotels to find out their attitude toward the black man. eulogised and applauded.
Happy In one day visited fifty hotels seeking reservatious for Two most sling codicibutions Band with the latest popul lice men came up to them and He has been in Cuba for some go seven months and has continmyself and party. Wherever went, as approached the pieses will cater to terps. coran told them they were to (Continued on Page 6)
back to Jamaica. They were ued to follow employment as door, there was a sudden whispering among the guests taken to the quarantine station a painter on board ships for and the employees so that when app:oiched the clerk, and from here to the quaran the Atlantic Fruit Co.
generally there was the excuse that all rooms have been tine ground.
Another of the deported Jataken and the hotel is now overcrowded. This is the Beneficial marked change have observed since my last visit here, maicans is understood to have The Immigration Officer stated that he was painting because in 1914 before the war and before the Americans told us, added Ricketts, that and was given no opportunity started to flock to England, the black man was giver accommodations at any of the first or second class hotels. In une if we were going to live in Cu of making any arrangements hotel where was booked by, a lady clerk with courteous ba we must do some work before being sent to the quarwelcome, was given by her my reservation card for mywhich would be beneficial to antine ground and placed on To Stop Antillian and Haitian Self and wife and another card, for my Secretary. Accord the Government.
board the Jamaica.
ing to the customs of their country, we hid been book Immigration to That Island Did you understand what Wanted to Leave.
ed, therefore, all arrangernents for the reservation were he meant by that? asked the Ferron, apparently comes complete with the understanding that our biggige wuuld be sent over from the Hotel Cecil that afternoon. This El Mundo of Havana writes ba has cast its vote in favour reporter. Ricketts replied that under a different category. He they did not.
wished to come to Jamaica but because we wanted to test their attitude, as explained. ful and Dangerous Immigra more naturai nor logical but bout 15 to half past three told them wanted to go, was done not because we desired the accomodation, but under the headline, Harm of such a motion, nothing is Ricketts said that from a not to be deported.
When we immediately moved away from the desk tion, as follows: that now it should quickly yesterday afternoon they were he explained to the Gleaner reA French writer once very raise effective legal barriers kept on the quarantine ground, porter, but did not want to where young lady us, old American woman rushed up to the front from the sitting room spiritually said that perfec against undesirable immigra during which time they had be deported. It is quite true and shouted to the clerk in the hallway, Porter. tion in literary form was a tion, like the Antillian one, one meal consisting of rice, saw the Immigration Officer When the man approached her she whispered something long apprenticeship. Follow. which by said experience has cod fish and red beans. They and told him of my wish to go to him as to suggest that they were about to entertain ing the meaning of this phrase been proven to be most perni had had nothing to eat since home. Niggers. The porter immediately rushed to the desk it may be said that journalism cious to our nation.
then neither in Cuba nor on He told a policeman to arwhere the booking clerk was, whom they called, and the is repetition and that the best Our problem is very clear. the boat.
rest me, alleged Ferron, but three of them ushed out into the little ante room way of having the truth We all are aware of the grave Ricketts also stated that shouted out and said that nearby. Just as we were about to leave, one of the brought home is to persist in harm Antillian immigration they were taken off the ship had stolen nothing. policeattendarits asked us to wait awhile. In a short time referring to it tirelessly. Some causes us, so vigorous and en in their working clothes and man took me to the quarantine the lady clerk who had booked us came up apoluget thing similar occurs to us with ergetic measures must be ically and stated that she was sorry but the rooms the problem of undesirable im taken to stop it.
were not given an opportunity ground.
to go to their lodgings for the Asked how he fared for vicshe assigned us had been taken.
migration, principally of the Those who somewhat stub rest of their belongings. He tuals Ferron replied: Not (Continued on page 6)
so called Antillian immigra bornly are defending Antillian also said that the captain and tion, although it certainly is immigration as their only ar(Continued on Page 6)
not necessary use many gument, which by the way had Phosgene The Dead 15 Year Boy Run words or arguments to show consistency whatsoever, Athenaeum Activities Oldtimer Returns liest Of Ali Gases Over by Auto Truck the grave harms and perils claim that the Jamaicans and Cuba suffers and is facing Haitians cut came better than from such somber immigra the native labourers and at a Ever mindful of the aim and COLON June 15 The Santa Man may glory in a fight or the News from Colon states that a tion.
real pugulistic art because he de very serious accident occurred in minimum price which never is purpose of the Athenaeum, no Marta of the United Frnit Com is spared, no time is be pany brought a pleasant sur.
lights in being brave, but with the Third and Cash Street on Wed To oppose oneself to their considered by our workers. As grudged by the Execu ives of the price Wednesday last for a goodly inodern invention of warfare such nesday last when a 15 year old entry into Cuba one argument is evident, the only argument Association in carrying out its number of Color folks in the as dread oaughts, aeroplanes, and boy (Manuel Atencio) was run is sufficient, which is to be advanced is a weak one in program of literary development person of Louis Lindo, Colon the gas above mentioned, which over by an auto truck and advancement by every avail poineer io the Carage business.
is the most destructive of all The very dangerous habit of found unreputably proven by deed. Ah, it is simply a quesable means, Aa instance is shown Seven years ago Mr. Lindo sailed and all, will not care to urge wars any, by boys in the two terminal cities Haitian labourers coming to profits. Everything else ma ten minutes addres: thut is given bis home. That he has return of the Isthmus, was beiug pursued Cuba begin by ousting our ters little. In such a manner esch evenink by a member og led, proves the truth of the say, This new gas which forms the by this lad; it is stated that he compatriots from work in the those in favour of Antillian subjents previously asigned by ing that once you have drunken hearline of tnis paragraph will was trailing and automobile and fields and they afterward en Immigration care little from a competent committee. It bas of hehe Clagres water no matter lives, more just before meeting truck passed from the experimental stage where you go you must return misery, and do. more damage than go the ear and attempted to ero gross the deplorable rank and what kind of ranks they are and apart from the subject of the some day for another draught.
recruited and whether they evening is considered the principal Mr. Lindo looks exceeding well.
anything that may be hought of the street aud was knocked down file of delinquents.
He expressed the pleasure it gave and unless it could be ed for by the truck.
The front wheel of the truck Proven Pernicious propagate vice and delin item of the evening program.
bim the direct suppression of night to be once again with old against right, such an invention ran across his body, and altho be Less than three weeks ago quency here.
Tuesday night the 19tb.
will be Junior Night and a friends, and they are many. He js Ridiculous Wages.
to be thought of only in terms was picked up immediately and the Second Migration Conof dread and fear.
rushed to the Twelfth Street Hos gress, which had its seat here, special program hae been arranged expects to be here for fort: Those who pay them ridi fpe cine pression. Songs, recitations night.
Wars of the past have been pital, he died, an hour later.
adjourned. In that conference culously low wages those who ard musical selections by specially most destructive eusiog much damage, suffering, homelessuess, state of affairs is not gencerally all attending nations approved provoke the ousting of the prepared contributors will make, able and well known speaker the and destitution as one could pos welcomed, think of Phoxgene the a motion in favour of previous native labourers. perhaps the evening enjoyable to all. The subject of whose address will be crowoing event of the evening announced later.
sibly think of, and since such a deadliest of all gases.
selection of immigrants. If Cu(Continued op Page 6) however, will be an address by an Continued on page 5)
to no effort in ore.


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