
Threo One Mouth 25.
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shame to see the conditions in Bieleck scongratulated the peowith to eat; 400 Alleged Suffering Of Electric Lighting Plant THE WORKMAN Jamaicans In Nicaragua At St. Kitts Opened by Governor of Leeward Island Pablished on Sardsreb, 3un for Alrash Sopitos Fearing that there may be ary WALROND, tbeomice No. 16. tion. Carraspondenso oa allatta West lodiaps bere who are thinkStacet East Central Areaus Panam of public interest invited St. Kit. His Excellency Sir.
ing of going to Nicaragua, we RP.
All copy for publisios mas3 bo PO Box 74, Passa RP publish the following letters which Eustae. Fienner, Baronet, GorTO RECEIVE written on one side of paper oaly, aai appears in the Jamaica GLBANER bor ard Counder In Colet of the 31st May under the above Bon Lady Fiennes E, viof tbe Leeward Islands ard the Rates of Subsoription mast bo scoonpaalei by the asa, of the writer, not neessarily for pablica headline. 40 USC One Year Bited St. Kitts on board Sir tion but as a mark of Rood faith THE EDITOR: Six Months Walter Cowan (Commander in We do not undertake to rotard roDear Sir. Just at the present Chief of the Nortb America and jecte correspoa teads.
FOR SOMETHING WHICH IS USELESS time there is considerable talking West Indies station) Flagsbip and writing, with regard to the Despatch, on 21st April.
TO YOU treatment of Jamaicans in Cuba. They were met on their arri The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JINOIS and as the sub joined letfer might val on the new pier by Bis be of great interest and importance Honour the Acting AdministraSATURDAY JUNE 16, 1928 to people of the class of the writer tor and Mrs. Wigley and by We will make you a Trade in Al attach it for publication. may say that really do not log of members of the Council, large and distinguished gatberWHAT DO WE DO NEXT?
lowance of 50 Cents for any Old know the writer personally, so far heads of departments and their as can remember, but it does wives, seem as if he hails from this part Pablle bodies and the general members of various Iron Traded in for a Universal of the world, and it might be that public. Lady Fleones was prebis ideas will get attention from sented with bardsome bou.
The recent resignation of Sydney Young, Editor of (THERMAX) Electric Iron others of his class.
quet of flowers.
the West Indian Section and cable translator ofthe PANAMA AMERICAN, a local daily newspaper, from that paper, has O, B, WESLEY GAMMON, Hi. Excellency after receiving the Royal Salute and inspecting created a momentous question around which more stronger Sav la Mar, REGULAR PRICE OF THERMAX IRON 75 May 26. 1928.
he Guard of Honcur of the discussions arid forceful comments are being waged by plce Force drawn up on the THE LETTER pier, thanked all those present average West Indians on the Isthmus than any other subject affecting them since the promulgation of the cele SPECIAL PRICE The Letter above referred to sil for the warm welcome extenas follows: ded to Lady Fiennes Bod bim brated Immigration Law which aimed first at ending West Bragmans Bluff Lumber Co. Inc. Government House amidst If. They then left by car for Indian immigration into the Republic of Panama but which 325 YOUR OLD IRON was later modified so as to permit their entry under a quota Puerto Cabezia, larze crowd who cbeered eutboNicaragua siastically. At 30, His Excelsystem of ten a year.
May 3rd 1928 toy formally opened tbe new Whether or not Mr. Young used discretion and good This offer is Limited to the first Wesleygammon, Electric Light Power Station judgement in severing his connection with the PANAMA Dear Sir. As a native of Janoand switched on the current, AMERICAN where he was regarded by the West Indian finan. Six Hundred Customers aica. beg to call your attention illuminating the streets of Bas cial investors and supporters of the paper as an able repreto some of the most awful things seterre sentative of their interests, seem to be the most prominent that are going on in this country His Excellency in the short with Jamaicans Sir, it is most a feature of the question. Concensus of opinion seems to THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS of St.
agree that Mr. Young presence on that paper had, to a the people are treated in tion of Electric Light in Basgreat extent, guaranteed West Indian support of it and (GIA, PAN. DE FUERZA LUZ)
this Country. About three weeksseterre.
justified their investment therein; that it had tempered their ago a boat brought over 300 men His Excellency visit to the and wonen from Cuba bere confidence in the concern and made possible an appreciable Previduuc) on this occasion is amount of freedom for expressing themselves so as to secure PANAMA COLON out any protection and just leave unique, in that His Excellency them at the Mercy of God. presided over the meeting of the attention of the authorities. They, on the other hand They were taken up in the Com the General Legislative Council believe that his severance from that paper has automatically pany train to the Country and which had not been held in St.
dampened their confidence in it and deprives thm of a drop at each place where bananas Kitts stoce 22nd Febuary 1909, useful medium of expression.
are planted without a place to lay 19 years ago. The Coucil was We are not intolerant of the above views. Neither do ibtir head, no work to do, no food beld on 24th April and there just walking from one place was present a large rewe disagree with Mr. Young in leaving the paper. He was to the next for they can getfout NOTICE presentative gathering. After the a sincere preacher. He preached according to his convicthe Country, for the Company af. Administration of the oath of tions. He found virtue in practicing what he preached. He ter seeing that they have these allegiance to the new members.
is a strong advocate against salary proscription as practiced, The office of Doctor Arnulfo Arias, located at people out in the Country pass. Alle Excellency delivered along an order that no one is allowed to instructive and interesting adfor instance, against coloured people in the Cana Zone. He ride on the train without a pass dress lasting hours.
was worked up to a point where the very injustice against CENTRAL AVENUE No. 137 and when they go to get a pass His Excellency gave review which he preached was glaringly practiced against him.
they are refused. Aud if any try of the administration of affairs His intense feeling against and almost perniciouse practice Will be opened every day from 11 a. to to ride the train withouta pass of each of the Presidenotes of the the Marines willmurder them ball colony and in the course of ble naturally made it most difficult for him to subordiI and from p. to p. to death. There are over 450 men speech dealt respectively with nate himself to it. His dissatisfaction was, therefore, a and women in the Country that natural one. His resignation was inevitable under the cirare left without food So. beg, the financial outlook of each Sir cumstances.
if you can try your best if it is posImports and exports, and the vital statistics emigration and Fible to see if you ca a do some of each Presidency over a period Mr Young, by his resignation, has brought forcefully thing to help these to our attention the feeling of hundreds of efficient West am also sending a letter to Mr. Ja of 30 years. His Excellency also Indians in the ssrvice of the Panama Canal. These men, Smith a nd hopethat you ments effected in each Presiou gave a summary of the improvehowever, have not thought it profitable to show their dis NEURALGINA two Gentlemen, itt here is any way dency during the last year and satisfaction by resigning.
possible can help these poor peo of the further improvements Be that as it may; whether or not ple. Please see that this is put in comtemplated in the ensuing Young the papers and thnt no one leave year. He slao sounded a note action is justified in the opinion of everybody, another Should be in every office to immediately that sbore for this Country: of warning to all that they West Indian can now hardly accept the position Thanking you to give this letter should look abead for lean years without subjecting himself as a target for vile invectives your best attention.
soothe any neuralgic pain caused by which islacds such as these from his own community Young had preached close thaoking you for same. wbich constitute the colony of higher valuation. he had stood up for it; and he excessive mental work, Yours truly, he Leeward Islands bas always resigned when it wasn forthcoming in his case. Here to face. His Excellency while MCKENZIE, is the situation which his resignation has created; West From Sav la Mar, Jamaica on the improved figancial outlook congratulating the Presidencies Iodians must either humble themselves back, with hat NEURALGINA strongly urged that considerain hand, bölster up a couragsous breast and accept the Settlers For Guiana Lion should be given to growing vacated position, if it is still opened to them; or, feeling Should be in every school to soothe bad crops upon which they could Interior that they are automatically cornered for a proof of their depend and fall back and to meet the growing trade between intelligence, save their faces by figh:ing their way out headaches and reduce the fever of Canada and the West Indies and honorably. They have been shown up in a conspicuous children.
London Schome to Send the inducement offered by the position from which they must either stand up and Dew abipe of tbe Canadian Goy30, 000 erament defend the intelligence they claim to possess or make for cold gorage of Iraits and The Demerara Daily Argosy Thelr Exvegetables a spectacular demonstration of unfitness to generate NEURALGINA of tye 9th inst says: cellencies left St. Kitts on 28th, their owo energy with which to move the wheels of The English mail arriving last opened the new Bome tor the for Nevis wbere they landed and their own progress.
Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes night brought us a few details of We are firmly convinced that the psychological new compaty which has been Aged and infirm recently con moment for West Indians to eliminate existing party tructed in that island. It is the heart, or is being formed in London for regretted thatthe foregoing was differences among them, close ranks and act intelthe ostensible purpose of settling not published sooner but the some 30, 000 people in the binter delay has been unavoidable.
ligently and discretely in the development of a resland of British Guiana. We pectable news For sale both Wohlesale and Retail organ of their own, is now. The other stand that a prospectus, marked communities are looking on. And, there is a tide in Private and confidential, is AT THE the affairs of men which, taken at its flood, leads on being circulated wbich reveals that Cynical Notes to fortune. That tide is now running directly in their AMERICAN PARMACY Colonial Settlement Pioneer Trast the new company is called The favour Ltd. was promoted by a Mr. Perey Under the above caption, a The daily papers which have been and are still and has offices at St. writer in the CHICAGO DEFENDER serving West Indians, have not been made possible JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor House, Clement Lane, saya, among other things:overnight. Initiative, sacrifice, tact, tolerance, strategy Panama. 4, and has directors Col Women should make great poliJ. Ward, Perey Johnson and ticans, they can forget a promise and dozens of other elements of productive ingredients GH, Robertson, with a secreo quickly. Can waderstand wby have been employed in bringing them up to their pres.
of the name of Bey tarbe also reference bookstotoro prince of liares para can poem. com ent standard. Those who are at present directing them are. represented as the still using such material in keeping them alive; they will information as to the identity petitive contest any ordinary a hundred have to continue to use them, and more, if they own worst enemy; that united we stand and divided we of any of these people, nor eo far woman could outlie him a fall. And until we learn sense enough to recognize that in ever visited the colony. No grants which woman invents a as we koow bas anyone of them to one.
The ready facility are to keep them alive for the future.
Now is the psychological moment jf West Indians nnion there is strength we are going to always be targets of land in the interior bave been caly surpassed by the sang froid are ready to save themselves from battling against for other people and never in position to demand respect allotted either to the company or with which she covers it up. uphill currents to swim with the favorable tide. for our rights. Atlanta Independent.
to any of its directors, por bas any woman excuse for telling a lie application for land been made by is a complicated invention that any of them. We hope to receive the sages of all ages could never Snapshot ADVERTISE is it would not be wise to assume guise of diplomacy, tact and what the next mail. In the meantime a lie. It masquerades under the Let us repeat that the most menacing threat to our that the population of the colody not, but never a lie. The man is likely to be increased materially, who will give credence to a wcracial success is within the race, and not from the outside; that the whiteman is not our worst enemy, that we are our IT PAYS if at all, by the operation of the 18 mau word of bonor is either an concern, optimist or a fool or both.
island, a poor people.
under 88 me with lie is In the Workman


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