
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 16, 19:8, PAGE THREE The High Cost of Ad Fruit Growers Assoministration ciation Gloomy Bishop Looks on Life STETSON HATS For the World Best Dressers market ad 1929 with LA MASCOTA CARLOS MULLER IN WINDWARD ISLANDS Has Unsuccessul First Year Dr. Henson Blames GreyThrough Heavy Rains houads And Cinemas For Referred to by The Governor Crime The Trinidad Guardian of May the 86 says editorially: The VOICE OF ST. LUCIA of The first year existence of UNCHRISTIAN ENGLAND the 2nd ulto ştates that during the Fruit Growers Association his speech at the opening bus been a somewhat unfortaof the St. Lucia Legislature rate one because of the heavy London, May It has been some weeks ago, Sir Frederick rains and it is perhaps due said that this is a Christian Seton James, Governor in Chief partly to this that the agriculcoustry wish to God it were!
of the Windward Islands, refer toral community and others The Bishop of Durbam, Dr.
red to the high cost of overhead of the general pablic who tend Hensley Benson, yesterday administration in the islands to judge me and institutions under his jurisdiction. solely by immediately visible Bishop when he epoke at Dur.
earned the title of the gloomy practical results, bave not come His Excellency said that be pita bam Discharged Prisoners Ad failed to see why the three forward in larger numbers to Society on Crime, islands should have three Chiet give in their names for memCause of crime, he dec ared, bership. As was pointed out Justices, three Attorney Gene in the review given at the first and those favourable to its inrals, three Legislative Councils crease, were: meeting last and three Executive Councils. annual general The disintegrating effect of Said His Excellency: You in moath by the Pre ident, the berit an ancient Constitution fruit last season cwias to the failure of the trees to produce the war There is no article of men wear that has the worldout ot date. Mention abnormal weather which prePossession and facile user which ing next the federation of the sailed during the blossoming the deadly, weapon as illustrated Windward Ielands His Excellen: period wide reputation of Stetsɔn hats.
in the murder of Police conmilitated against any stable Gatteridge: cy said he preferred federation under the wing of Trinidad. The attempt at co operative Progressive dimiautien in the In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue Governor of Trinidad as High ing wbich is one of the import extent and efficiency of religious agencies in the country.
Commissioner of the islands ant objects of the Assoclation but it this disappointinent had could exercise control over the not been suffered it is probde la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads Secularisation of education islands The main thing to able that there would bave been and soaial life.
bringing the islands together able of fashionable men who know what what Shortage of the clergy: and. He had progress of a substantial charThe non observance of the talked the matter over on bis acter. There is now a large in men headwear.
Lord Day.
trip og Heliotrope number of grapefruit plants coming on for future cultivation The United States of America, he thought it would well pay the three islands to which will form the nucleus of We have the same styles here as are now being a vast but extremely prosperous cnuntry, illustrated grossly and provide between them the cost a future export trade and, it of a motor sloop to run betwean the results that are expected on an immense scale the tepthe trees of bearing age give worn in the style centers of the World, them and the Grenadines with this season, there are prospects dencies which were present la Еагоре.
mails passengers and cargo.
that a start will be made in Nowbere bad popular educa.
abipments to markets tion made prouder boasts; no At the annual meeting of the abroad. Toe Government at where had criminality been St. Lucia Agricultural and present bave before them a more extensive and apparent.
Commercial Society, the Hon. scheme submitted by the AS PURSUIT OF GAIN Doorly, Administrator. ciation by which they are asked is President: the Hon. to contribute certain sum to Again, there was the influer ca Peter, Chairman of the Execu be supplemented by a grant on the young of morally dubious tive Commitee, remarked: from the Empire Marketing amusements, includingBoard for the purpose of exSOLE AGENT Inter island communication is The cinema, of which he still perimentation along practical urgently required, especially lines to help in establishing an cherisbed an apprehension; grey.
PANAMA CITY 37 CENTRAL AVENUE between the Winward Island oxport business conducted in a houcd racing and juvenile gam.
bling group. We have discussed on modern way. The basis of the previous questioa Both the gambler and the crimet Federation of these islands experiments will be the best inal exhibited tbe same dispoPersonally, am in favour of methods of grading, packing siton to take risk in the pursuit and handling fruit generally and ve. May ask why Profesor Clerk Powell. the citrus such a move.
of gain. The gambler was at home is it necessary for the islands expert, who is expected to arin the atmosphere of dishonesty.
of St. Vincent, Grenada, and rive here in the course of his Usless he was very falsely inSt. Lucia to each have a Chief tour for the Empire Marketing Cormed greyhound racing wasbeJustice, a Chief of Por Board in July, may be able to coming the popular school of julice, Director of Public venile gambling, and the State, Works, a Principal Medical or give some useful advice on this in its own interest, had better pubject: Mr. Stollmeyer emficer. Surely in these alone, take a restraining band before a there can be a considerable ti phasised that if the fruit grow.
potent vested interest bad grown nancial saving to the ludividual the growers would becefit, but ing industry succeeded not only up.
colonies every individual who had a Referring to unemployment, If the Government can only stake in the colony. The A380 Dr. Henson said, if he underhave issued see their way to bave a good ciation a public stood the mind of his fellowauxiliary schooner to ply be appeal for membership and the citizens, he believed they would Tween the Windward Group, subscrip. ion being low enough support any Government which giving us regular communication to be easily within the reach would address itself earnestly No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue and bringing us closer together, of every body, it is hoped that Jom and adequately to that problem, it should in a great measure the response to it will be instant and that in spite of present break down our insular preju and wide.
PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 crushing financial burdens they dices and assist eventually in would foot the bill for any Federaticn.
really adequate project, Unemployed Create We cannot wash our bands of the responsibility for the preBritish Guiana Muni. Seene in House of Assambly sent tragic situation wbich is as truly one result of war as the cipality cable despatch frora AdeOF THE HIGHEST ORDER National Debt itself. laide South Australia dated May 8tb states that on that day How Did You Die?
Georgetown, Biltish Guina, scene was created in the May 31 The Daily Argosy House ct Assembly by about 40 to day publishes an articule by unemployed men who had been an anonymous writer advocating admitted to the Strangers Gal Work Done While You Wait Did you tackle that trouble that a change in the constitution of came your way lery.
municipality the Georgetown With a resolute heart and cbeerers whereby nina wards will be Me. Butler, the Premier, was ful?
converted into one, and all couns answering a question regarding TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Or bide your face from the light cillors will be elected by one unemployment when man of day common body of voters, shouted, We ara sick of questions With a craven soul and fearful?
Oh, a trouble a ton, or a trouble The article farther advocates and motions and talk we want action!
Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices an ounce that all motions submitted to Council should be decided by a ejected he shouted that be did While the man was being Or a trouble is what you make Ladies. Garments carefully handled it, referendum to electors.
ut care if he went to prison, And it isn the fact that you re The paper further advocates where he could get food and hurt that counts, that there would be municipal sbelter. REID Propietor But only how did you take it, monopolies in milie, bread, fireHis companions shouted jibes wood, etc. which would be put You are beaten to earth! Well, up for tender amoug compet at the Premier, one singing at the top of his voice, We ll hang well what that?
lag firas old Butler on a souarapple tree Come up with a smiling face, LAWS OF DEMERARA.
Afer a struggle during which It nothing against you to fall Georgetown, British Guiana the business of the House was dowa flat, May 31 The Daily Chronicle beld np the police cleared the Small But to lie there that disgrace, The harder you re throwa, wby announces the purchase by the gallery.
Government of British Guiana CALL IN AT DENTIST the higher you bounce: for the sum of 400 of a manuBe proud of your blackened eye!
script of a digest of the laws of Milk Without Cows PreMASONIC TEMPLE It iso the fact that you re licked that British Guiada compiled by Mr. dicted by Briton Office Hours: 8, am to 12 egunts, Belmonte, ex soliIt how did you fight and why? 30 to 30 m)
citor. It is understood that this And though you be done to the London, May 20 Milk without modo uscript will be used in cows will be the next short cut Sundays, by Special Appointment death what then?
connection with the modification of science, according to a stateMasonic Temple ilth St, If you battled the best you and revision of the laws of the meat by Alfred Ring at the Sanicould. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL in Inspectors Association Charles Major, former Chief meeting at North Allerton. ExNo. 16 STREET EAST PHONE: OFFICE 1664 If you played your part in the Justice of British Guiada. periments are now being made at world of men, RESIDENCE 538 Billingham, Northumberland, lookOppsite The Wesleyan Church.
Why, the Critic will call it good.
Death comes with crawl, or comes McClymont ing toward the production of synthetic milk direct from grass with a pounce, GOOD SELECTION OF TAKE NOTICE And whether he slow or Spry, MODERN TAILOR by a process that eliminates the cow.
NEW BIBLES The WORKMAN can be it isn the fact that you re dead CALIDONIA NO. 16 that counts, had at Mr. Sanchez place House Rent Receipt Books in But only how you die?
See us for up to date Work. Spanish and English for sale at Hymn Prayer Books 24th street, No building EDMUND VANCE COOKE, menship at Moderate Prices, tbe WORKTAN PRINTERY Guachapali.


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