
IN THE THE REPUBLIC Always Fresh Quality Unsurpassable Controlling Body For os Dog Racing in England JOB. PRINTING National Greyhound Racing Club Object is to Keep Dog Racing Absolutely Clean Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH WANT PUBLIC CONFIDENCE Club Will Have no Financia Interests in Racing Tracks Under Its Control AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY sport.
The British Pharmacy COLON London, April 23. The National Grey bound Raciug Club becomes from today the controlling body of greyhound racing in this country. What the Jockey Club is to flat racing, and the National Hunt Committee is to steeplecbasing, the Greybound Racing Club will be to the new Our main object is to keep grey bound racing absolutely clean, Raid Captain Stanley, the chief steward of the Gres Express represetts Racing Club to Daily tive We wish the public to bave full contidence that everything is straight and above board, and that they will have a fair run for their money. One of our ideals is that we shall be a controlling body that is absolutely disinterested and will mean that we shall not have unprejudicod. This of course, any financial interest in any o: the great greyhound racing undertakiogs whose tracks will be under our coutrol. We sbali keep ourselves apart From the financial end of the sport and apply ourselves to its racing side.
WELFARE OF DOGS The comfort and general welfare of the dogs will not be overlooked by us.
We bare Bready in some cases taken steps to effect improvements and increase accommodation at the kennels at aome of the racing tracks. Applications for licenees have been received for forty three tracks, and some bave been adready licensed while others are in the process of being Inspec ed. In every case a track before being granted a license must be inspected and measured by our own dicials. We shall, in considering any application for Wealth of United London Letter, States UNEMPLOYMENT FACT3 Placed at 320 Billions An interesting enquiry has recently been made by the The United States is worth 320, 000, 000, 000 its wealth bas British Ministry of Labour in Increased 4, 490 per cent since regard to the physique and in1850 and is still on the rise, dustrial capabilities of the men according to data compiled by and women who are now out Stone, Webster Blodget, Inc.
The survey contains this infor of employment in England.
mation, comparison being with The enquiry is a result of cer1690 tain controversies that have Rallroad mileage has ir creased taken place from time to time, from 93, 296 to 250 000.
in which allegations were Morse primitive telegraph instrument bas been augmented made to the effect that large with 18, 500, 000 telephenes, wire. numbers of our unemployed less telegraphy, radio and tele were physically incapable of vision.
sustained work and ill equipThe value of American manu ped by training for any useful factures has increased from 9, 372, 379, 000 to 62, 700 000 000 avocation. An investigation Short tons of freight carried took place during April 1927 by the railroads have risen from at 400 Labour Exchanges and 77, 200, 000, 000 to 144, 000, 000. the result has now been made 000.
public. It was concluded that Farm products have med in an average of over 70 per cent value from 2, 460, 000, 000 to 19, 700, 000, 000 of the total would be in steady Primary horsepower has employment in normal times, cllmbed from 900, 000 to 35. to judge from the experience 000 000 and qualifications of all thost Exports have risen from 850, tested. With regard to the 000, 000 to 4, 870, 000, 000.
physique of the unemployed Individual deposits in all the figures are equally reasbanks have moved up from suring: 71 per cent were con 060, 000, 000 to 48. 880 000. 000 Popolation has increased from sidered to be good and 25 per 62, 000, 000 to 117, 136, 000 cent fair. On the analysis as a And, in the same time the whole only 175 out of 8, 404 people of the United Su es, men and boys were regarded riding in 23, 000 000 automobiles have wiped out a debt. Europe as verging on the unemployof 600. 000. 000 and built up a adle; and of these 154 were credit abroad of approximately approaching sixty years of 14. 000 000, 000.
age. Furthermore, it was indicated that among the great BOWEN majority of the persons who TAILOR were subjected to this searNo. M Street San Migue ching enquiry, unemployment was spasmodic and not chroPanama City nie. So that, although there a license, ask ourselves whether may be an unemployment proany reasonable needs exists for blem in England, it can defisucb track.
nitely be asserted that it is not There will be something like nearly so serious as many be8, 000 greybounds in training lieve. The experiment recordby the time all the tracks now in preperation are opened. That ed above shows that only an will mean an average of about impetus to trade is needed and 200 dogs at each track. It seems a wonder where all these kier the bulk of our unemployed bounds come from, but Ireland would be absorbed by indusappears to have an inexbsustible try.
IS NOW LOCATED AT 11. 1154 11th STREET Correr Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN It pays supply.


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