
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 16, 1928 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Settlers For Honduras YOU ARE NOT CAMBLING says: Victoria anu bowling when you in PREFERRED STOCK of COMPAÑIA PANAMEÑA DE FUEZA LUZ Cricket News The West India Committee Circular of the 17th May COLON June 15 With two Major Bordon, Governor good games of ericket too for toof British Honduras, visited morrow Sunday, June 17th Kingston, Jamaica, on May 2:d cricket fans are undecided on his way to England on leare as to which game they should sod took the opportunity of distake in. However, it is certaja cussing with Sir Reginald that big crowds will witness Stubbs, the Governer, the postbe games, for everybody sibility of Jamaica assisting to talks cricket these days, due no provide agricultural settlers and doubt to the fact that the West others to develop the resources Iudics team is now touring En.
of British Honduras. Io a stateglaud and doing execadingly well.
pent to tbe Press, Major Burdon will meet Pickwick at!
said that the mainland colony Colon baseball dramond, and sil vas beginning to make strides ver City will meet Kent at Gain economic developments. Roads tun. Victoria oo May 30 journey were being built in the interior ed to Panama and gave Sam in order to facilitate developpicked team a trouncing, this ment. The main problem was bas escouraged the club to feel to find new settlers. At the tbat Pickwick sbould be easy expiration of bis leave Major picking, but ibe opposing team Burdoo proposes to arrange is a very strong oue and has plads witb bis Goverment to ve. ry good record. Fojlowers of atroduce people to settle in the game predict that Pickwick British Honduras.
should win and by a big margiu.
Considering the large number Silver City is going great guas.
of West Indians on the Istbmus Victoria owes them a thrastitog who are out of employment we 10 even tbem. For toat the Silbiok it would be a good idea ver City cricketers are bolulug if some arrangement could be their beads high and not ouly bad to get the Hondura. Governthat, they ars practising baru ment interested in our unennot ouly to defeat Keut but slosed bere. Ed.
some of the top notchers. Wao.
derers for that matter, That the games will be full of thrills goes without saying for Barbadoes Attorney all are out to wid, and some excellent batting invest Ceneral will be witnessed. Ouly the Ralu Man can cause Mr. Collymore Apany dissappoint.
meat aod be is having every pointed thiag bis own way these days.
Let hope that he will be in a better mood on Sunday and Barbados, May 21st. tickle the suo into smiles.
Mr. Allan Collymore, The games start at goon, Stipendiary and Circuit MagisDoo let anything prevent you trate of the Babamas bas been from going to oue or the other appointed Attorney General of of the parks. There will be en.
Barbados in succession to Mr.
enjoyment for you.
It SAFE and PAYS Poyser, Mr. Ernest Allan Collymore is a Barbadian and was educatFalse Fire Alarm ed at Harrison College, Barover 6; on your money bados, and Merton College Oxford. He served in the Great Causes Terror in Colon War from 1914 to 1919. He war CUT OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON admitted to the Bar in 1920. He was senior Magistrate of BridgeCOLON June 15 Should the town in 1925 and acted Judge Police get bold of the party who WW www of tbs Assistant Court of Appeal turned in a falpe fire alarm from COMPAÑIA PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ from July to August 1325 also the box at Fifteen Stret and lo 1926 Hudoso Lave at approximately BOX 650 o clock on Wednesday last he PANAMA The Company would cool his teels a long time maintains a Re. Amusing Characters in jail and no doubt realize tuat Huy your shares Indicate the information you wish by an in the corresponding square what is fun to him ay have endsale Department would like more information about your preferred Stock ed in serious injuries to maoy ploye to assist and ad.
BY BLUEBIRD harmless. at that hour wish to subcribe for. Preferred Shares at 16. 00 per share company. they its stockTo be plus accrued dividends. You may bill me for same.
Have you ever gone to the movies and while enjoying the show you of the siren at the holders who may wish to subcribe for. Preferred Sbares, on the easy payment plan discover that vou are particularly central station and realize that wish to sell their somewhere, perhaps in one in. 00 per share down and a month until the 46. 00 and accrued dividend are paid.
interested in a certain character?
Well! if you never, bave, and mediute neiguborhood, there is a fire must bring terror even to stout NAME BOX am sure others, have and have bearted folks and serious injury if compared them with persons ADDRESS CITY come across not death to nervous people.
everyday life who under certain circumstances, they The Fire Department responded wwws act quite di erent to others.
immediately as usual, to realize tbat: a joke bad been played on Its like one playing his part tbem.
well a part wbich if assigned to Colon has an excellently equipped some other, would make a failure of it, and what may be natural to fire department with its corps of well trained and effecient fire tight Yankees win would have to ask choruses by the choir. The occaone individual would be rather Little Boy Black difficult for another as a certain ers. The community knows that, myself what wrong, said Mr. sion was enlivened when refreshstill the blast of the siren sends Lashley. But that is impossiblements were served, in which all writer says this world a stage, terror to the hearts of every one, be added with a knowing wink. joined.
and we are the actors. Nothing For the Yankeer, Mr. Lopez. By Salem Tutt Whitney)
especially those who have lost relacould be more truthful than such The. meeting continued until tives aud seen thier earthly pos the manager, is keeping all be 10 when it was brought to Oh, little Boy Black!
a statement, but how unnatural it is when one is trying to act sesions go up in smoke, through khows inside. He wont talk, ao close with the singing of their who taught you the knack tbe another part, a part that he may carelessness of semerne of the team. National Anthem.
of setting my heartstrings anot ceivad sealed oders for they, tuo, otberwise.
fitted for humming?
The Police are on the lockout ate dumb. Their friends, though, The light in your eyes, You very often find in a picture for the effenders and it is hoped can see them anything but NEED or a play characters which create it wont be lung ere one or more of wioners and are willing to back British Consulate Notice The sunbeam defies: You smile and the raindrops laughter at every word and ever!
them pay the peualty for this them at any price Both teams cease strumming move they make another characserious offence, are being heavily backed for that The British Consulate General WATCH? ter if called upon to play this matter.
at Panama will be glad of inform. Oh, little Boy Black!
particular part, would make a The game starts promtly at ation as to the whereabouts of With school book and sack, failure of same, then, why should o clock and as it 18 going to be Alice Langley, who left Jamaica DROP IN AT Exciting Baseball long, tiresome way you are not one make a ture study of a hard battle from the start you about seven years ago.
takiog; character and characters; and Game had better not be late. Let go.
The knowledge you gain, since this world a stage and we Will accent your pain, the are acting characters, we sbould Dr. Fred Sterling And obarpen your poor beart for be careful that we act our part At La Boca Diamond To Pleasant Sunday on aching well, 122 CENTRAL AVE.
THE NEW YORK DENTST morrow There are some characters which Garvey Day Oh, little Boy Black! You ill Find Them bring tears, not by their parbos, 182, BOLIVAR STREET Though you may not lack but they Tomorrow Afternoon baseball COLON, The requisite talent for climbing; Moderately Priced. nothing creates laughter more your fans will crewl the La Boca With Books as Chairman Diamond to witness the much Box 171, CRISTOBAL, Like black spider lace, some persons can be funny withtalked of game between the Eagles Undər the auspices of the UniWill tangle your feet with its out having to make any effort, TELEPHONE 247 COLON and Yankee teams, if the interest versal Negro Improvement Asbut these amusing characters and enthusiasm of the big follow. sociation Division No. 18 at Colou, know their business, and the parts of boun teams mean anything. a very plegant Sunday evening Dr. Nathan Rowe Don ever turu back, But Boy. that are intended for them to ing The Eagles, due to their recent was convened at the St. Joseph playvictory over the Pomacks are Schoolroom on the 3rd instant. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON God ever stands with the cour being loudly touted.
Those who The chair was occupied by the a uus; 11th and Bolivar Sts.
piek tuem to win point to the President o! the society, and Though black, be a man!
The best that you can!
British Consulate Notice fact that they won that game COLON, Brave beart and a smile are by the splendid scure of 12 10 members and friends responned to the invitation which made the BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE contagious.
The British Consulate General at Thea again there is their victory evening a most enjoyable one.
over the Picado Arenas, ebam. The call of maplood as featured Chase National Bank Oh, little Boy Black!
Panama would like to know of pions of the Junor League, last by Mr. C, Whittingbam was Office Hours: a. to 12m, Oh, little Boy Black!
Your gun and your back the whereabouts of Mrs. Keziah November. That game ended 2 to P.
the chief subject of the evening Why the pack on your back?
to two in favor of the Eagles and was received with the warmAre all that have save my Stevens (or Stechens) who left OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 Our country your service is Jamaica about 20 years ago.
The manager, Mr. Lashley, is sa enthusiasm.
Deeding Red clay for bis grave, DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 Oh, God. but the roar!
always smiling when oiscussing Where red poppies wave, the possiblities of the gate. He Many other attractive items were The smoke and the gore! Io France. my black boy is House rent Receipt Books in Advertise in the Workman Why Little Boy Black! you are can only see hi boys away in recdered by the Misses Vandsleeping.
Spanish and English for sale at front at the finish. Should the Noble and Wade; also several It pays.
bleeding. From Mellow Musing, the Workmap Printeyi from any emof the vise are our sales.
by the blasts of men.
FULLER twining weeping:


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