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po po mow The Literary and Musical League HE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN READ LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANC VOL 16 No. 46 PANAMA, SATURDAY JUNE 23, 1928 PRICE CENTS Mr. Marcus Garvey Writes Craduation Exercises Madame Alyce Fraser Draft for 10, 000 With Trunk From British Capital and Other Belongings is At Colored Schools on Celebrated Colored So.
the Canal Zone prano May Come to Panama Next Friday will mark a signiSay Section of English Press Sug ficant turning According ouncements apapparently better days as far as pearing in West Indian rebunges. Is Loss Sustaianed By Jamaican gesting to Authorities to as provided by the Madale Alvee Fraser, United States Government for the talented colored Soprano, who the Who Embarked at Cristobal Prevent Meetings children of their colored employees are at present touring the West on the Panama Canal is concerned. Iudies and entertaining large for Home For the first time in the history The NEGRO WORLD of the 15th inst, the mouth of the Canal Zone schools torcy audiences with her melodious singing.
coloured piece of the LA. contains the usual weekly message creise will be held in each school ma in the near future expected to visit Pana The JAMAICA Mail of the 14th inst. understands from President Marcus Garvey, who writing from England for pupils gradusting from the is billed to that for some time past investigation has been proceedon May 28 says, among other things. eight In another week shall be speaking in person to the time dipland for the first arrived at Jamaica early next ing by some parties in connection with the disappear mas wil be of concerts in the Ward Theatre ance of a Jamaican belongings after he had embarked heart of Europe. Already there is much uneasiness among to this class of pupils. Presented month where she will give a series certain people as to what am going to say. certain partsThe decision of the Division of make a tour of the island.
at Kio sto after which she will at Cristobal for Jamaica.
of the press here is very uneasy and they have been sugo has elicted the hearty apprral Madame Fraser will reach the taken two trunks with him on the steamer at Cristobal Schools to establish this formality It is therefore probable that island for fifteen or sixteen years. He is said to have The party in question had been absent from the gesting to the authorities to stop the meeting because of parents and of co they are afraid of hearing the truth, that which generally loured children.
lathus late in July or the early sets men free. But it will be a very hard and difficult Well over twenty pupils will be part of August. But it matters for Kingston. Before he had been at sea many hours, be not when, as it is first sure that the party sustained a paralytic stroke, and was rendered thing to stop Marcus Garvey when he is ready to speak graduated from the La Boca whenever the talented singer bits dumb. He came to Jamaica and in his unfortunate con on any question affecting the Negro, and he is surely going school over which Mrs. Walters Panama she is sure of a tonsing dition, he left the ship without his belonnings. He is to give them as much trouble to stop him in Europe, as from the Cristobal school over welse med brormand et behou omdeiled now residing ring Upper Clarendon and has been making welcome thousytds of which Mr. Johnson here.
IN EUROPE TO BE HEARD The La Boca and Cristobal he is am in Europe to be heard on behalf of the Negro est for children in the Canal Zone. shown iter fan article appearing in draft for 10, 000 in connection with money which he is prinseools are the two larg. That Madame Fraser captures has been able to inform parties with whom and entertains her audience is staying that in one of the missing trunks there was a and shall be heard. Another section of the press is quite While, unfortunately, there is no recent issue of the Dominica had lodged in the National City Bank of Panama; the fair and reasonable, so that opinions are equally divided. high school at the present time CHRONICLE which gives the follow. draft should have been presented to Barclay, Bank The fellows who have been exploiting Africa, also the into which theret e ambitone bowing account of concert sue gave in Kingston to be cashed.
Negroes in America and the West Indies, are afraid to and girls will eater, the Occasion that have the truth told to the conscience of Europe so that will be an incentive for the The Sir Gerald Hall has rarely It is understood that the party name has been seventh and grades to work they are working hard to prevent me speaking, but things for the eight genke Diploma, resounded with applause of the traced as having been entered on the passengers list of are not done here as they are done in America where while, the decision to carry out appreciative character as that one of the United Fruit Co white fleet which arrived which politics have no morals. Here you must show just cause there har noe de 12000 hadi Flinser og med at night. Alyce in Kinston: However, the trunks have not been located. The on Tuesday can the tion that the authorities are reemissing Kingston man and surely shall make them show this. It is time sebeel to the care of the dozens present was moved by enthusiasm branch of Barclay (Dominion, Colonial Oversea Bank. ing the urgent necessity for a high Apparently almost everyone be told to the people of England, and, incidentally, the be graduated each year from the which this lady, possesses. As a journal, the man money is safe in the Panama Bank.
the conduct and methods of these exploiters of Negroes of young men and women who will for the wonderful cut of singing and according to news obtained by a representative of this people of Europe, and am going to do it.
eighth grade.
soprano with high notes of Sine pitch sweeter notes Another circumstance in connection with the parWORK IN EUROPE engale, of tuis city, and the few competitors.
The reverend Artbur Night Madame Arsene Weater level that e ty case is that when those with whom he is staying visited the Treasury in connection with the deposit You may rest assured that my work in Europe will Reverend Claude Couins of She be thoroughly done. All ask is that you keep the home Colon, will deliver the graduating manages her gift with which the man had made under the Emigrant Protecfires burning. After my departure home feel that a new addresses a La Boca no Cristo ability and is an artiste who un tion Law before he left the island, his passport having bal era wili opon in Europe for the black man. say black dations for parents and gunrdians It must have been a beavy strain It was found that res pec ively. Special acccmo derstands the gift of expression disappeared with his trunks, only the name could be traced.
man because he is the man that must be lifted for it will be made at La Boca where, upon some ene had turned up at the to seems that everywhere everybody of color is attempting amour other contributors, Wars: alone underíake a recital, which Treasury in 1915 (this was three years after the man had actually left Jamaica) with the passport, and receipt for to pass off either as an Indian, Cuban, Egyptian or some Olga King, soprano, will sing. Continued on Page 6)
the deposit, on which he demanded a return of the athing else. It is difficult for the Negro pass as anything mount lodged under the Emigration Law. The money else, for he is black. We must endeavor to make a strong SPARKLETS black race to impress the world so that others will not was paid the person. To cap the climax, this journal understands that the voucher on which the money was try to avoid us because of any peculiar treatment to us paid has been lost in the Treasury.
because we are black. Some of the colored race leaders (By KING)
It is learnt that principal officers of the local Govfrom America and the West Indies are here passing as Indians, Arabians, Persians, so as to escape the black man: Coleman. columnist of the Johason. This was my quotation man behalf to enable him to establish, his claim to the Since my contemporary, Mr, standard of judging well Dr ernment have been asked to interest themselves on the the black man, therefore, must buck up and elevate Page of the daily STAR HERALD, at roll call at the La Boca Athe himself, It takes organization, determination, grit is so persistent in plagiarizing naeum last Tuesday evening when 10, 000 in the Panama Bank.
and money and all the other necessary forces to my adopted pet phrase, Gentle the Rev. Father MeDonald admake the Negro what he ought to be, and all of this Reader. and have been quite dressed that society on Social you should put behind the so that we may polished literary style and keen tation know absolutely nothing unable to reconcile my bighly Reform Apart from that quo Bride Changes Her The Herald Comments change the outlook of the black man and emancipate sense of humor with Friends and of Aristocle or Doctor Johnson Mind at the Altar Strongly the African, indeed. am urging every black man and Countrymen. that well known writings In any event, Father black woman to work harder now than ever before to see hrain product of the late Editor McDonald address was a maeterthat the black race is elevated and standardized; to do sof sorts of the PANAMA AMERI: piece presented in the language of Says She Would Not be on the Treatment Meted can; and owing to the further the elucated man plain and Happy in Martial Life Out to Jamaicans by otherwise is to live in misery and die in disgrace.
fact that have not been able simple, readily understandable the Cuban Authorities to evolve nor borrow another of Tech formal way nald address of Fale or in Court. Cheshire)
Noted Soprano To Sing The Silent Brotherhood driven almost is to despondency ofbier words. Go back into the May 31 a remarkable incident me commenting editorilly, in confor my failure to break into print lasterke for dette vou drowning broth occurredert wedding ceremony anaitoa wtit the brutal manner in (BY BLUEBIRD. link of your chsin, bere yesterday when the intensed which Jamaicans were departed Negro Spirituals At Cristobal ng you rise. The speaker bride repented at the altar at the from Cuba, the Jamaica HERALD happened in more than a emphasized the fact that all reminute to вау says will.
Cuba is being elcard of JamaiOn the 19th of next month Mrs. made its appearance but a short disputed the fact that Langebaw which means that our needed aged twenty one who had been have converted their swamps and This new Society which has couple of important arguments forms are brought about by during She was Miss Mary Paxton, can labour now that the Jamaicans Olga King, wili give a high class sime ago in this city is becoming and reverson of Colon carry an social reform must be brought keeping house for the father of ingles into sugar fields, and helpSilver Clubhouse. This recital member of a fraternal organization Chinese to a local paper. have of our methods of social welfare Church to marry.
recital at the Cristobal standard organization, and as a advertisement written partly in about first; by a revolutioniz ng the man she had attended the ed to turn their fever holes into habitable will feature traditional Negro myself, am becoming very curious introduction of them at a recital kuow what Brotherhood means, composer and commision agent. higher learning and better edu extracted the will from the ber hec suficient native labour for Spirituals which, up to the singer about it for man; reasons, 1st. since proven it to be a fact, and work. He ridiculed the social Twe, Rev. Ifor Jones wbo was have nothing to complain of the tube if Charles Reid, ex song writer, reformers who, with their officiating at the ceremony had Cuban authorities decide that Cuwhich she gave a month ago at having been coonected with an La Boca, bave not reolly been heard organization named the Brother is discriminating in what he reads, cational facilities would write and bridegroom bút be received no classical he fore it is unnecessary to import ad. majority of colored people here done excellent work on this Istb bim on my behalf, an an apology. put their preachings and Miss Paxton if she would have ditional labour. This is their preThe Spirituale met hearty mus, and if the aims and objects noticed with immense pride writings into practise by offering this man to be her lawful wed speetave which we certainly prereception from a pocked house at of this new organization are in that my blood relative, the high practical aid to their brothers in de busband, Mr. Jones waited spect. What we object to is that La boca any way similar to the Brother faluting Cespedes Burke of the the ditch.
for a brief interval, and then the now that West Indian and more Mrs. King will be accompanied bood to which was connected, Army, is in fact Secretary of the At this point of the addrese bridegroom told bar to respond, particularly Jamaican labour bone elevated them from their jungles by Mrs. Adella Walker Headly feel sure the city of Panama uewly formed Writers Association, the guilty radustes of this, but she replied shan and fever infested towns and ciwho will a sist ber with the pro will be greatly benefitted by hav. and, that the President, is my one that and the other school who The minister asked Miss Paxton incorr. Dal spurn ignorant gram. Doris Rodney willing such. friend the se pianist, while the Atlantic Cience is golden, and Brother symplete. Leacock, cabinet maket, practices terra vehetne moret e the intended to marry, and the dies, and so given them some vital replied (Continued on Page 6)
Orchestra will intersperse the pro hood is Christian, therefore, there ex music critic and vacationing to take refuge bebind the shad to the vestry, where she said she gram with appropriate selections should be great qualities in the jourealist, I, extend to them ows of the benches with a super kaew that she would uot be happy.
adjective qualifying this noun. through this column my right bend abundance of saliva lodged in their The only relative of Miss Pax she took her daughter bome after of friendship ton, in the wedding party ws: her be minister was satisfied tuat she All roads lead to Juan Franco All roads lead to Juan Franco Criticism, as first introduced Father McDonald address con sister who said they did not want would not go on with the ceres Race Track To morrow, Race Track Tomorrow. by Aristocle, was meant as (Continued on Page 6)
her to marry mony, The theme MeDoEllesmere is a lift be him revo certainly bot The mother was sent for, and thuraxes.


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