
1928 PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JUNE 23, Activities of the Sala vation Army THE WORKMAN LA MASCOTA New Officers Comming to Panama Just received a fine selection of says: Pablisbol o Salus by IV 3153 for Alveai sopilea WALROND, at the office N3. 16, tion. Corraspoadease on all mattes Stacet East Coatral Avean Panam of public interest invited RP.
All copy for pablication must be PO Box 71, Pansas eittoa on 009 side of paper only, and Rates of Subsoription mit by accompanied by the name of 029 Year 49 CH to writer, not a sassarily for publica Six Muaths 25 tioa bat as a mark of good falsa.
Tares e. W, do not undertaks to ratura roO Month 23.
jesta correspon lencs. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights INUIS ENGLISH TWEEDS in the very latest desings. Also BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT VICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS SATURDAY JUNE 23, 1928 THE LITERARY AND MUSICAL LEAGUE The Gleaner of the 9tb inst.
The dedication and commissioning of Salvation Army cadets who have been under training will take place at the Wa theatre on tbe 25 inst. Te service will be divided into tw parts. 1) depicting the work of ibe Salvation Army officer by pletures, tableaux and songs, ect 39 and (2) reading of the sessional report and the dedication, commissioning and notification of appoictments. Among the cadets to be commissioned, some wil be gairg to Panama, Nicaragua, Santo Domingo, ana Cuba Comandant and Mrs. Marsand have been appointed to ake charge of the Salvation Army, work in Panama and their specifc sections. These officers are coming from Can.
ard, and heir appointment is in connection with the develop meat and extention of the Army work on the Zone. It is expected that two officers from Newfoundland will take charge of the Salvation Army Hostel in Santiago de Cuba.
Brigadier Charles Smith, JP and General Secretary of the Salvation Army to the Indies, will be leaving here next week to visit Santo Domingo in connection witb the develorment of the work in tbal colony All at moderate Prices Always kept in stock a full assortment of TAILORS TRIMMINGS West of every description MULLER, Prop. ROPER GAS STOVE CLUB Though, perhaps, not taken seriously by the majority of those who happen to have glanced over the announcement the following morning, an important meeting was held by the Isthmian Literary and Musical League in the La Boca Clubhouse on the fifth of last month. The League is a new organization coming into being but a few months prior to its meeting of the fifth, that meeting being the first convened since the ratification of its constitution early this vear.
The League has for its aims and objects the bringing of the literary and musical societies on the Isthmus into closer relationship. so that a competitive spirit in all ventures will be displayed; and, to disseminate in the various communities literature of a nature calculated to improve morality and advance educational standards. For the vigorous prosecution of this work, the League intends to employ its best efforts to publish a small magazine to be developed in proportion to the growth of that organization. member of the League is the venerable La Boca Athenaeum of the silver clubhouse at La Boca, the oldest and most prominent literary society on the Canal Zɔne.
Other members include the promising Forum of the Gatun Silver Clubhouse, the literary branch of the Colon Technical School, the Alliance Literary and Debating Association of the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse and the Etude Club of this city, the last named being the only musical member.
The plans of this new organization remind us of those of the Isthmian League of British West Indians of years ago which, unfortunately, were not properly developed on sound basis and consequently died.
We are not going on record as favoring more useless organizations among the colored people here. There are too many of them at present, But we feel justified in giving prominence to the Isthmian Literary and Musical League with its noble aspirations as set forth in its Constitution.
The League, as has been stated, is a combination of societies nearly all of which have been and are still identified with active community welfare work. One may look back with pride on the educational accomplishments of one of the League foremost members, the literary branch of activities of the La Boca Clubhouse.
This society, which some time ago took on the more classical form of identification La Boca Athenaeumis responsible for many high class programs stretching over a period of about fifteen years. Under its auspices the first singing competition among colored people on the Isthmus was held in which th: now famous West Indian Soprano, Mrs. Olga King, won her first gold medal as first prize, Alfonso Ferreira, champion Isthmian elocutionist, Clan McKenzie, Reynolds, La Boca school teacher, Russell Phillips, local school teacher and Miss Lillias Cragwell of this city, can with others, poiot with pride to medals of high intrinsic worth won by them in literary contests promoted by the literary branch of the La Boca Clubhouse.
It is possible to also recite more or less weighty progressiveness behind the literary branch of the Colon Technical School a school which furnishes most of the talent for, one of the biggest businesses conducted by colored people on the Isthmus. The Alliance Literary and Debating Association which nursed the idea of the League into reality is composed mainly of promising young people and has a good record of lively comunity work. The Gatun Forum. although young, is showing healthy growth and same can be said of the Eude Cluh.
The League is consequently a natural outcome of the progressive thinking of some of our active men and women, In addition to the many West Indians and Panamanians who are linked up with this movement, it is noted with satisfaction that the American Secretaries of La Boca, Gatun and Cristobal Silver Clubhouses have given it their approval and further support by being active members. The Secretary of the Cristobal Clubhouse is Vice President, that of Gatun Clubhouse member of the Managing Board and that of La Boca Clubhouse one of three delegates representing the Athenaeum on the League.
The intention of the League to publish a magazine is quite in order. An organ of that kind would represent a step forward in helping to further the education of the people; if properly developed it should serve to give birth to and foster other educational projects. The League has appealed to us as a necessary field for progressive community welfare work and as such makes a direct automatic appeal for support.
Horse Racing At Jamaica Last Meeting At Knutsford 37 CENTRAL AVENUE, Park Was of High Standard PANAMA.
The marca Herald of the 9th inst. say. Tue Kingston Racing Association stake their Jun. meeting as Knutsford Park og Monday laer (celebration of the Krog birtday) and the rac og was of sch British Guiana a bikh standard, that the bigg win pool for the day was only Newspaper 17. paid on Dick Morton in the First Class Handicap turlong the biggest place Advocates war Mosquito pool was 70. paid by The Diver for comig in second in the Second Class Handicap Georgetowr, Britieh Guiana. six furlongs, and th: next Jude Toe New Daily Chro best being 37 paid by TutankSTARTS SOON picale in a discussion incidence hamen for finishing in a similar of malaria in the Colony, states position in the Second Class that the ravages of the mosqui Handicap furlongs.
to have been responsibl for ONLY PER WEEK th9 fall of more sugar estates, jockey) had a day of it, thRamsing (trainer) and Parkins chimneys in Bri ich Guiana, than in roads of sugar bounties former posting six winners in The ROPER 902 stove is finished or barriers of the American riding six winners. The trainer eight races run, and the latter tariff wall. The paper further won in Grey and White porcelain two events with Silver local entomologists for Texas. one with Comedy King, and one enamel, burners Oven and to equire into, and report up with Lesbia, all with the excepon, the war on adult tonequition of Lesbia, being ridden by Broiling Oven toes being waged in that Siste, Perkins, who also rode Mr. Ben with aid of bats.
Olibani Fagleman in the last AUTOMATIC OVEN HEAT The paper says: race, bringing be: in first, and It would be money well beatiog Lesbia, who had now to CONTROL spent if either the planters or be content with third place.
he Government or both could Amongst those present during ve induced to despateh a mission the afternoon were His Excelo Texa to study the method lency the Governor, his SPECIAL TERMS TO CLUB od its efficiency. Such mis and Private Secreters, Wor.
sion, especially where there are ship the Mayor, whose VolupMEMBERS.
already whole time officers avail. tary won twic, Hons. able, say Messrs. Moore and DaCosta, and Pailipps.
Free installation of new stove, Mood Sawmy, should not prøve ruinous. After all, no promis: were offerred, of which Mr.
Parses to the value of 625 free removal of old stove and a beglected in a manner of such Georke seymour ing avenue of study should be Keelink won 150, Hon.
the liberal trade in allowance for vast importance. British Guiana, yor) 105, Mr. Lyssops 100, Seymour (Mxa in the cane moti bier, Messi8. Olphant 70.
old stove should strike it owo trail and Faris Zadie 50, Broderick 50, not sit supinely bv. waiting fo leads from the John Hopkins Cecil Cordova 25 DuUniversity or any one else.
phy 620, Hendricks 15. NewJOIN TO DAY No campaiga agsinst malaria ton, Miss Olive and Mr.
will caunt for much if it does Bloomtield and Bunt each.
List 10 eacb.
and Mesers.
CLUB STARTS SOON not embrace war upon the adult infected mosquito to which apTHE MARLIE RACES.
parently little or no attention Thnext big meeting will 18 being paid.
be staged at Me Altamount THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS Dolpby country course, Marlie, Old Harb yur, on the 27th inst.
Vivian Phillips Exoner The majority of the COLON Cracks PANAMA have been entered, and Mr.
AT YOUR SERVICE ated From All Charges Dolphy is prepariog to give turiitęs time of their lives The Gleaner of the 7th Inst. felt that it was a waste of states that the Hoo. Rad public money for any further cliffe acting Attorney. trial to take place. Ever slucu General, bas given directions tben Phillips has been out on NOTICE ibat a nolle prosequl should be his own bail. There was acother entered in the case of Rex vs. case peodine against him, but Vivian Phillips.
the Crown bas come to the conThe office of Doctor Arnulfo Arias, located at The defendant, it will be reclusion that no further trial membered, was charged with should take place and so the CENTRAL AVENUE No. 137 sending menacing letters. He charges against him will not be tried th ee on seperate oc proceeded with.
Will be opened every day from 11 a. to casions and the jury, disagreed. At the trials Mr. ManAt the last trial Mr. Juetice ley, Instructed by Mr. p. and from p. to p.
Adalan Clarke, let out the de Simpson, appeared fendazt on his owa bail as he, defence.
for the


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