
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 23, 1928 PAGE FIVE ter Dont Wreck Your System With Doubtful Drinks 5285XXUNNTUN QUINTANANAAN dara There are no Doubts in SILVER SPRAY EVERYBODY LOVES tt.
SERVDE со гло IMMUM Georgetown SVOU SE introduction of Barbados Constitu. there, regarded the struggle in.
Cuban Authorities The Demerara Oil British Guiana will undoubtedly tional Crisis eubolden ine Colonial Office in Maintain Fields Limited any decision to Reform the Birbados Legislature; but if that Watched by Neighbouring regular extension of the Barba Reform takes the shape of a They Are Justified in Is Name of New Company Colony of British Guiana dos constitution few democratic Deporting Jamaicans spirits will regret it. With Pope Registered In British Guiana Hennesey ever a bogey to be troti.
The Glenner states that the to Look for Oil The New DAILY CHRONICLE ofel out, in an out of season, it may local Government are still in comBritish Guiana in its issue of May be assumed that the Colonial Office munication with Mr. Ewen, the 3rd states that an interesting situa would think twice before attemptSecretary for Immigration in Caba tion is developing in Barbados ing to disturb the ancient priveA Direct West Indian Cable relative to the complaint which despatch which British Guians will watch leges of the classes in Barbidos.
from was recently made by the Jatda British Galana, dated June with unabated interest for some But the Pope Hennesey legend cans who were recently deportedi states that a cew local company other reason or another, friction will not live for ever. That imis gr»wing between Executive and murtal, stormy patrel undoubtedly from the Republic. The men as called the Demerara oi Fields serted that they were apprehend Limited registered in the Doods Legislature, and signs appear every lived before his tine, but 50 years ed without any just cause, takea Registry following its formation where that a crisis is impending is about long enough to produce a to the quarantine statios at San. about a fortnizht ago. The com somewhere. At a recent meeting modern and a more well balanced iago and hustled out of the many will control no fewer than of the House of Assemblı, oe necessor in a the work that is over PURITY country. They also represented 55 blocks of lands in the Corenmember went so far as to excuse due to Barbados, tbat Mt. Ewen, the Secretary «for type district, rbice, and there another of being guilty of intrigue THE COMPLAINT. Immigration did not take any is also a likelihood of 118 acgelto faciliste the It would appear that the preAt all our dealers or a phone call steps to help them Crown Colony Government; while Ing another large fild. Large from recent press atterance. rent complaint in Barbados is brings the goods to your door would appear that yarious factions that Government is experiencing Mr. Ewen to make a full report capitalists abroad for the neces?
are already beginning to line up no little dificulty in getting its respect to the enses of the men sary operations to make sure measures accep. el by the House and he on one side or the other, is what of Assembly. For some reasoa or is now engaged in doing so. wbether mineral oil exists in the may yet develope into a first class arother tne Bouse is displaying an THE From what representative of jarea in question. The Chairman tle Gleaner learnt last evening of the Company is Mr. Victorina constitutional struggle. For a increasing hostility to the Exethe attention of the Cuban Pires, well known diatoond struggle of one sort or another is cutive. Whether that hostility is PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY authorities has been called to the miner, while the other directors overdue in the little islaod.
an accurate reflexion of public statement which the deportees are Messrs. and e.
CLASS REPRESENTATION opinion we are unable at this dis have made in Jamaica, and pub Dasilva. and De Headles. Mr.
The citizens of Barbados, dispite tance to decide. If the House PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 lished in the Press and it is stated Luckboo, and Mr.
its alleged liberality of constitu reflects public opinion then there that the Cuban officiale contened Ramotal are the legal advisers of tion, have the poorest representa is only one course for GoveroManufacturers of that they were justified in the the new company.
11on of any colony. under the ment to adopt. Retreat. If og action they had taken, and it is REFUSAL TO PLEAD hossting anything like the other hand, opinion is hosti e believed that they will furnish The to the House and behind Governrepresentative institutions. CLASS GOODS Georgetown, June certain evidence to Mr. Ewen whol burglar was the subject of a members of the House of Assembly ment a matter very dificult to wll no doubt communicate same special enquiry by the jary beare undoubtedly very able meu, determine with an electoral roll to the Government of Jainaica, fore Sir Anthony de Freitas at and men fully representative of such as ex sts in Barbados then the Criminal Sesione in the the class when returns them. re in all probability an sos will quently, without even the excuse be sent to the Colonial office.
Advertise in the Workman Supreme Court yesterday, bec Pleasant Sunday of an election. But they repre and the democratie of Barbados whether it was the mere proand get guod results.
cause of his refusal to plead guilty or not guilty and other sent a class; aot Barbados Writing my yet see such a broadenine mise which failed to win over acceptance: indications that be was a maniac.
Afternoon from memory the whole electorate of the franchise as will gladden the recalcitrants Sometimes, however, even good Dr. OGILVIE The of Barbados numbers less than their hearts from mora jary returned a verdict thai 2, 090 per ons divided between Taere is no other way; us we doubt bleeding to souhalin heartedlycap. Held Under the Auspices of the prisoner was one and it to No if the as its purpose.
Eden Bloom Lodge PAYSIGIAN SURGEON stand bis trial. 01 a trial of twelve divisions person may substantive charges, the prisoner be registered as a voter, no matter made to introduce in Barbados Sir Wm. Robertson plan was an 80 Street, Chorillo. was found guilty and His Honour wha: bis qualification may be, if single chamber Government with excellent one, if, however, it only hant qualification is derived from Reserve powers to the Govera the fold of the Executive, then it as chairman of the above named Boyke who contributed three very years penal servitude.
With Mr.
thereafter sentenced him to menial or domestic employment. or.
That means that Throu dosa consists exclusively of Advocate in dealing with the crow Bxcecutive must help to mould evening was a most enjoyable one, tiomary itemThe pauper death Dr. Nathan Rowe Our contemporary, the Barbados bers who join the fold of the society, and some very popular fine vocal items.
Miss Mae Male Reproyes of labour. Otsinds and wants see hera e forever or more people of the Perceutiset lue and or the doubt sa ne the stand bed wragtala, andia e addition, ite: PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON men of the professions of leisure ernor scheme bringing If we were to close our eyes and recalcitrant members of the House in Barbados the idea seems to be ard of the Lodge 50 per to admit them only to the ExcecuThe prograin was rather too acquitted themselves creditably.
per cent.
the programthe juveniles venture a prophecy in such a within the fold of the Executive tive Commitee while excludior 11th and Bolivar Sts.
state of affairs, we would say that has failed of its purpose, for the them from the Fxecutive Council long to mention each item here, The quartette by Mrs. Hollingsif and when reform comes from recaltraut have shown in an unCOLON, but, there were some good roes worth Mrs. Williams Boke.
the Colonial Office, it will come mistakeable manner that they for which credit must be given. and Dedier was a fine item; Miss. BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE in the form of breaking such have no intention of being wun BOWEN The vocal solo by Mrs. Sarah Rejist presided at the organ in Chase National Bank archaic restrictors on the electoral over in this matter. This does was well interpreted, several items, Office Hours: a. to 12m TAILOR not give sufficient light on the sub Miss, Findley also rendered a The chairman closiog remarks the equanimity with which jest, is tow biber the Governor No. M Street San MigueReeca, the Misses Markland Beatrice Lewis brought the evefine. also Mrs. Doris vote of thanks by Sis. p. to pm.
OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 Barbados. Trinidad and Jamaica, actually put his scheme in being Panama City and Hamer, and Mr. ning entertainment to a close.
with a solitary exception liete and and it failed of its purpose, of DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 15 Crown to to eve Williams roll.


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