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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 23, 1928 The Prosperity Tailor May CLEANER DYER 12 Zipo 100 207 100 DYEING, CLEANING a Silver Spray 90 treated descendants.
117 The British Pharmacy Ch qui COLON We can Dbole Madame Alyce Fraser The Herald Comments Tomorrow Races (Continued from page Continued from Page 1)
The following is the Frodelighted her audience for one ity they should not first seek to!
gram for tomorrow races hour and a half. Coming out to make themselves gentlemen who sing three songs at a time, and enn be grateful and courteous inFIRST RACE then with a short rest returning tead of dis playing their igoorace Farlongs Parse 100 to sing three more, was the method ingratitude. We have kept 90 employed. The whole audience quiet as to their deporting JamaiHoney. Dew seemed to catch the inspirations cans from Cuba after the manner (Fenomeno of these soogs. Nobody knows of the pirate days of theis ances115 de trouble ve seen and Peter tors, until we get all the facts of Silver Spray 93 go ring dem bells will be bom the case, as we do not want to be med and thought over in Dom unjust to even the most degarding SECOND RACE Lucy for many a long day.
No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue and currupt of governments, any61 Furlongs Perse 100 Such old favourites as May where, though we well remember PANAMA Mayara Morning and Rosary iu Ma what, a house of refuge Jamaica 95 CITY Telephone 695 El Caicbi dame Frasers hands became Dew has been to the Cubans, and how Dardanels revelations of beauty and force. well they were treated by us in the a Cococha 196 At the close of the much enjoy. days of the Spanish American (Tunney ed recital, His Honour the Admin. War, when many of them certainly PRESSING istrator ascended the platform to deserved more than deportation.
THIRD RACE congratulate the singer, and well! Wben, howevər, we hear the Cu7 Farlongs Parse 123 he might Everyone preseot would bans snying of the Jamaican laOF THE HIGHEST ORDER have liked to sbake bands with so bourers, in their newspapers, that Miscbiat 195 talented a vocalist.
they are people of inter or culSocia 117 Marcela 117 second night with Madame ture and low moral standard, disGa zo 125 Fraser voice was needed to entributors of disease, exploiters of Resuiute Work Done While You Wait impression made at the honest and industrious Cuban hance the 114 Bandera the irst hearing and a large workers, uncivilized, indecorous, 126 audience availed itself on Wednes. slavish intruders, we say it is time day of the chance afforded, FOURT RACE to call a halt, We can only take it The Vocalist again seemed at her expressing the sentiments of Cuthat if this new paper is correctly Furlongs Purse 100 TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED very best and the potes rang out Intimo full and clear in the large hall, bans in general then it is the 123 igaoDieciais 125 which was so widely filled. The rant ungentlemanly method of Grafico programme was a coa plete change ficiently cultured to use correct 121 Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices debased people who are not suf.
Zapo 108 from the preceding night, altbough Fenomeno 90 by special request, one or two methods to clear their country of Ladies Garments carefully handled items, such as Peter goring other people who having served FIFTH RACE dem bells, were very kindly add their purpose are no longer necesed by the goud natured singer. them out by beaping insults 00 sury. The intention is drive to REID Propietor Furlurgs Purse 3125 Madame Fraser appears to them. The chief fault of the Ja(Mim sa 118 know many languages and she maican labourer is of course the Gravedad us to Spanish, German, fact that they were willing to do 116 Ocurrencia Italian, French and Euglists alike. the Cubans dirty work of clearing 122 La Neoa 08 Her voice triumptied in eul, but up a country which the inhabitants Billy Deuni thiuk inost of us felt most bad not tue energy or skill to do 136 responsive to those song in our themselves. Now they have their SIXTH RACE owo native tougue. They seemed reward, which is the only reward to ring truer wo an English spesk they could expecs from Spanish Furlongs Purse 100 ing comunity.
Pan Americans Some charming little gitties What annoys us more than aay.
Gratico 100 one en tittied Joshua fite de thing, however, is that our own Pistol 115 buttle ob Jerico and another government sit still making no ef113 He loves ine; he loves me not fort to cope with a difficult situs fairly. brought down the housetion and to prepare for the home SEVENTH RACE The latter was all the more delightful in that Madame Fraser coming of these unfortunate peo Furlags Purse 125 kept plucking the daisy, petals We do not believe in can t, we Kitty Gill 121 one by one, gladly as she sang are firm believers in can Popo 124 He loves me and with a most make provision for our people here Bit Or Miss 126 melancholy expression when sbe Mischiet 55 sang He loves me not. la the to their own advantage and that 105 end, the closing notes told us of the country. The solution if the that all was well, for she ended problem is in the lands, which by IS NOW LOCATED AT with the long triumphant cry the way attracted them to Cuba He loves me.
CHURCH SERVICES and from wbich they are now beAt the close of the interesting Cubaus are now sufficiently rein driven. As we have raid if the 11. 1154 11th STREET St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca evening the Hon. Charles sponsible and industrious to do L. as scended the plat their owo work they are perfectly form and with moving earnest right in seeking to remove foreign Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE THİRD SUNDAY AFTER ness assured the suger that her labour We for one are please friends in Dominica would watch that at last they have learnt that Where our customers will receive the usual TRINITY es and that the feeling was for than butchering one another en Holy Communion, 6, The general that when England and and stealing offices so as to be in a courtesies Rector other European cities were exposition to rob and plunder for a Holy Baption, 7, 30, a.
ploited, she would find all music short while. Let them work lovers at her feet.
Matins and sermon, 11, a mlands by all means; for if The Rector Madame Fraser is most simple are now inferior to them, and ple and unatfected manuer thank is our men are really carrying disLOOK FOR THE SIGN Anniversary Service for Court Paradise, La Boca, The ed him and all ber audience for ease their virtuous women it is the tributes of appreciation so time the leave. Any people in generou iy shown her. The early ferior to Spaniards are too iafeChurch School, 30, pr.
morning after her first recital rior to be tolerated anywhere exChoral Evensong and sermon, bouquets of what she loved above ceptio their own country. It is 30. The Rector, auytbiog sweet flowers were set the duty of their country to get ANISUAL MISIONARY to ber lodgings, and as they saw, hold of them and endeavour to imSERVICE the piano casing was covered with prove them. The Cuban swamps flowers that night.
aud jungles, to say nothing of the Will our tried members and association with Cubans are deferuable freinds kindly SPARKLETS en tot het to make any people in Coloured Men Who Activities of Saint John Sad Tragedy Causes ferior.
permit us to once more remind Pastmaster Grand Christian ther of and cordially invite them Great Excitement The audicity of this Cuban paper Are Winning Fame Encampment to the annual Missionary service is the limit, the indifference of our (Contioued from page 1) coming off next Friday night, the government a little beyond the limit. Shall we light a fire under In consequence of the death of stitutes a sound lesson on bow 29th inst.
This service will be held in conWoman Falls from Trae it to get it to make a move on? London, May 12 (Children Broo John Inniss, the meeting social reform might be easily One listener nection with the Patronal Festival and. Dies Suspended We would be sorry for this; we do Newspaper)Hr. Proud wood scheduled for sunday lust 17ubhought that he would have of St Peter By The sea, The llev.
wbo fought for by Wire Fence no twant to go the limit, the tabolition of Waverge in the inst. under the auspices of bebe heari more on economics. which Pr. Edward Cooper, rector of could have lived to see ih splen above named society will preach the sermon. After the Juvenile Hold Up The Spanish Town corresponaid progress made by the Ne postphoned and will take place to has a big band in social reform. Christ Church By the Sen, Colon But economic reforio is built presentation of the offerings, there dent to tbe Jamaica MAIL groes of America, who were morrow evening 8:30 pm in con bought and sold like catile e ineeting relative to the encamp educated leaders arrive at a point Glergy the Choir, the Church Coim; junction with another special upon social reform. When our will be a grand Processiou of the writing to that paper states that COLON very daring Hold bundred years ago.
ment, where they gain the confidence mittee, and the After Guild, through the St John Road was thrown up took place in the city of Colon into excitemeat today on account on Sunday last by three lads who Three Negroes are among 75 All members are kindly asked of the gaorant masses through the isle and alleys of the Church, of the sad and sudden death of attacked a ten year old girl and young American artists. scholars, to attend and not over ook the the channels of geouine and not after which the ie Deum will be one Mrs. Mary Ann Peters, a robbed her of the contents of her and scientists who have katıly importance of this dual func. Veneered or formal love, our com sung.
well known resident of the dis. purse which fortunately was only won awards from the Guggen tioa which means so much to the munity will be well on its way MULCARE Reetor trict, fifty cents.
to institute economic reform.
heim St Bartholom. ew Las On Monday Mrs. Peters took According to reports, the girl 34, 600, and they have been progress of the orgaoization, Signed:Cascadas her doukey to Taylor Rum to father Mr. McDonald, and on to go abroad for special courses Gibsou Eminent Command.
was sent on an errand by bier given fellowships enabling them gether naseberries on reaching returning from the murket while of study.
DENTIST HOWELL St Simon s, Gambca near the spot she tethered the Matins, address, Church School dookey and went into the bnsb awaiting a bus to convey her bome They will go to widely dil. Green, Crand Secretary House No. 912 La Boca Evening Prayer and address, at es to gather her fruits. She When the daring act was com feient places Mr. Countee ColCanal Zone the usual time by the Lay Readers.
poet, will go to Paris to climbed tebe treine des boer hed not yell for help, she ainted that tinish writing a sloup of narra Dr. Fred Sterling OPPOSITE RESTAURANT and fell, fest len MULLARI. Rertor to the tree. She, apparently was could tive word of ap opera. Mr. Ernest Derwent THE NEW YORK DENTST PHONE 1941 BALBOA Seventh Day Advertist wing out and struck ber bead ct speak.
Walrond is going to the West against another tree; she was STREET CALIDON LA suspended by her feet by the and found the body. Deceased studies of the life and country Indies, where he will make 182, BOLIVAR STREET Specialises in all Braoches of ROAD aear Isthmian Park Pana.
COLON, wire with her head hanging down was taken down but ma.
Dentistry for short stories and novels. Box 71, CRISTOBAL, Monday evening berson removed.
Thelbert Archer went home and ALL WORK GUARANTEED Sabbath (Saturday) 945 The matter was inmediately the work of Ballante, who Particularly interesting wil be TELEPHONE 247 COLON Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Gindid not seen her as usual. He reported to the police who took will go to West Africa and fiod eral Worship anh waited until about o clock and charge of the body. Deceased TAKE NOTICE more about music Class; not having see ber he became was about 45 years of age. Her of the African peoples, which Now that he has been Bibite 80 Society, suspicious and arranged search death has cast a gloom over the bas done so much to influence the same chance 88 the wbite The WORKMAN can be party to go and look for her people.
man a high proportion of bis had at Mr. Sanchez place meeting 30 Junior and of The searchers were out the whole attainment post mortem will be held by modern, European music, race has won a distinction that night but did not find her. This Dr. Campbell, for Thus we see the result of would be coveted by esers civil. 24th street, Nc building Class, p. Vespere.
morning they resumed the search, Spanish Town.
kind treatment of the Neg:0. izid people.
Guachapali. GRIZZLE Pastor.
their if our peo Rector.


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