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Best West Indian Labourers Abroad READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY WEEK ANC THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY to VOL 16 No. 47 PANAMA, SATURDAY JUNE 30. 1928 PRICE CENTS Jamaicans Warned Not To Go Keen Factionen Seeks Prince George and Marcus Keen Faction Seeks Prince George and Marcus Garvey Interviewed By Euslavement To Haiti In Search Of Work of Aliens Who Helped To Royal Scion Driven to English Pressman Build Panama Canal Police Station Correspondent States That West Employees, of the Panamt Canal, gold alike London, June 11. Prince Geor. Refuses to Disclose Financial StaIndians are Crossing From Cuba urnishdd the following interesting ge, who is now in town, has bit of news yesterday by the been amusing his friends here by tus of Organization Discusses to Black Republic morning papers giving results of telling them the story of how the Democratic Convention in the he nearly got arrested the other Sentence in America United States of America, which sight. He had been visiting correspondent writing from Haiti to the Jamaica of New York to run against the hour. Hailing a passing taxi. he nominated Gouernor Alfred Smith sick friend and did not leave the latter house until a late Mr. Marcus Garvey, President General of the UniverGleaner on the nth inst. says: Republicat nomice, think it would be a good thing if you issue a solemn Hoover, in the November election told the driver to take him to sal Negro Improvement Association, made his first public Buckiogham Palace.
the United warning in your columus to intending immigrants. Your for President of appearance in England at the Royal Albert Hallon June States, correspondent has noticed of late a great influx of Jamaicans Great was his surprise, however, 7th. We farour the employment of whea after driven but a few hunand other British West Idians from Cuba, in which The following telegram was received from Mr. Garvey island, from their report. there is a great slump in the American citi ens in the operation drood weeds Latio cabe stopped outside and was published in the Negro World of the 16th labour market. Reports have been circulated there, and canal in all positions above the constable on duty: This bloke police station and Prince overheard the driver say Royal Albert Hall on June 7th.
also in Jamaica, that there are great happenings in Haiti; grade of messenger.
Success despite underground methods of press. Great and since the Americans are in charge, it leads one to The above is one of the promises Buckingham Palace. What shall inside wants me to drive him to triumph for organization in Europe. Garvey.
think that this is another EL DORADO of the Panama to the citizens of the United do with bim?
MR. GARVEY INTERVIEWED Canal type States of America, and particular. The policeman thus addressed London, June Mr. Marcus Garvey, President GenI think Jamaicans had better disabuse their minds of peoplehoren who are employed. went inside and brongh a coure ele eral of the Universal Negro Improvement Association which, the this as the Americans have got wise to the labour Democratie party Wishing you need night Sergeant who, ft:r exchanik. claims to represent the 280, 000, 000 black people in the situation in the Wesi Indies and are now treating labour in power for four years.
ing a few words with the young world, sat at his desk in the new European headquarters according to the treatment meted out to the natives by. Editor note: That shameful low his original instructions man inside told the driver to fol at West Kensington.
their own country people. The only works of importance bit of material which is injected short, squat figure in a loose brown suit and a light that are being carried out here are road improvements and in the Democratie part; plat.
This is the second time recently striped neck tie, a round, fat, ebon face, with negroid lips the building of a seawall along the water front of this city. torm was approved and most that one of the royal Princes has and nose, sparkling eyes, and short, curly hair these are In the former case, all the engineers are Americans with likely dintroduce by the Keer London toolleermate content or with the main impressions of the man who on wednesday night local Haitians as their assistants and as the country has more coavention which was held at the enee involved the Prince of Wales. will surely be the strangest central figure that the platform labour than is required, it will be seen that there is weeks ago in the Canalle Zone. Too Late one night or early one of the historic Albert Hall has ever witnessed.
nothing in this for Jamaicans Along the water front which we commented on editorial: morning, some days aro, he was The bills announcing his Albert Hall meeting described down Piccadilly with some can find employment but this is only a limited ly in our ise of the 26th May, friends low a scoutsentee veral him as the Moses of the Black Race.
number and they can only receive a wage based on the under the headline Murule Ileari. We have 11, 000, 000 active members, he said. and ed Ingratitude. Continued on Page 6)
importance of their work; the pay of the common labourer 1, 400 branches, all governed by the parent organization.
is from tbirty to forty cents per day. The building of We are out for the betterment of black communities all constructed by the Government has now been completed and this has The Universe Not For Any One ºver the world. People say am self styled, but was elected by.
The one other line which calls for skilled labour is Group Of People 25, 000 delegates at New York in 1920. Have you a balance sheet of your organization?
in the motor world and as Haiti only has about one asked the Daily Express representative.
third the number of cars that Jamaica has the mechanic Under the caption Through Black Spectacles No, was the reply. have not one here. They will see that he has no chance here. Haiti has started Haynes says inter alia in the Negro World :are in New York in the hands of our High Chancellor. upon the upward grade think, with the One weiter said that the world would have brought one bad thought it would be asked man in charge but as quick as these people are developing really belongs to those who can workers who tave given their martyrs science research for.
a country, it will take them many years to get things harness it and keep it. This lives in the quest for knowledge. cannot say what our total revenue is.
going, so that the country financial and commercial pro. fellow must have been an im Dr. Hideyo Hoguchi. Dr. Adrian My salary is 5, 000 dollars. 1, 000) a year and all gress can be felt.
perialist or son of builder. The conclusion smacks of West Africa, victims of yellow tion.
empire Stokes Dr. Guillet, died in expenses, said the President General, In reply to a quesI think something should be done to deflect the stream imperialism rather than human fever, for which they sought of immigrants which is now coming from Cuba as there justice. God never bequeathed The President General made no bones about discussing are many here already who cannot get work, and to be this expansive universe with its positive cure. Dr. Alvaro Alvin out of work and out money, here is almost as bad as being priceless taeasure for man happi Braziliano rootgenologist, died his sentence in the United States six months ago to five.
a result of his experiments with (Continued on page 6)
stranded in a desert ness to any one group of deople When He said, Let there be light the effects of similiar researches.
any only particular set of men: preacherobria Maxime Menard, roentgenologist, diedfron OBITUARY Commander God had stocked the earth man Shamrock New Panama Wesley storebuse in with sufficient sapa logist, alter submitting 19 40 up. George C, Williams, London radioWatson. Daughter plies for those then living and operations, gied as a result, Charter Un Veiled Mr. Edward Frances Cato Bur.
of Anniversary those who were to come after so bis studies Dr. Alexander Bros. fatigable social worker in his ton, teacher, cateebist and indofar as actual living is concerned dapox COLON Sunday last 24th iost. The usual Sunday School Anni thao be what must now have, but cular student to himself, Dre home in Kencot, St. Mary Jaman can be satisfied with much less transfusing the blood of a tubers community, died last Thursday at Pay Visit to the Capital rable day for the Loyal Shaarock Chures took place on Sunday fast, sources at his command, the more aesthetist, died while experiment will go down to history as a memo versary of the Panama Wesley the more he digs into the vast re Ruw. ca Wilson, an English an maica following a short illness.
He was in 78th year The news Colon Boys Institute and his Commander Watson of the occasion being the 24th inst. at 3:30 m. with the he is eager to kill off his brother and ing on himself in search of a form of Mr. Burton death bas cist unveiling of their new Charter Rev. Wade presiding hog all for himself. It is this phase ing on daughter Miss Inez Watson of man conduct, his greed and permit patients to retain when their Lodge was officially general anaesthesia that would cloud over his children and friends visited the Capital on Frid iy last changed from the Independent con here, for they know that a good The children acquitted them. selfishness, which accounts for the sciousness, father, a noble worker and a true Order of Mechanics, Preston Unity special business friend has been laid to rest.
The visit ceatered in matters and placed them under the selves in a very creditable manner chaos aod confusion with which In every country there is a of importance PanamaIndependent United Order of both in the singing of the tunes society is now obsessed. Races Mechanics Friendly Society.
selected for the occasion, and the are willing off races, nations ex. small group of men and women. He was born in October 1850, pian official la relatih Pan recitations terminating nations, individuals who have voluntarily dedicated in the parsih of St. Mary. He Institute.
lives to the of secured his education at Montego was nicely arranged for Mr. Watson takes delight in The Rer Cousins, of crushing individuals, all in the their friends, families and the occasiou, and members their Coloned duties assigned to bim and keep it for themselves. For Bion behiud closed doors and in Manchester, and ever since his above siated was in every way representaties from other Lodges including those at on cost of to. who went about doing aging.
Brother Edwards Illustrative was continued, and was also very to be conservative in spite of wuat pusly, absorbed in their experi good. In 1880 be married Miss Aanie Grand of the Lodge called the interestiue, the lesson was read is happening round and about him, whoses humane taiments whichy rob Elizabeth Gordon, eldest daughter to be residence with her father Miss Watson has just returned eager to rid society of audience to order at p. by by the superintendent Mr. E. is to invite a catastrophe of huge tho singing the Mechanic Ode which Grant, and the children showed proportions. If the Negro is to us of youth and the essence of of the Rev. Joseph Gordou, and on the annual three months vato of of the Obispo Training this union, ten children were survive in the race for a of by after euthusiasmthey he introduced Bro. Sanuel Pario heartily, has recited all, a vocal boodshem musta ceo find levelty their interest in our welfare it to bora. Two died, and four of the school.
as chairman of the evening.
Apother daughter of Commandoubtfuf whether we can make others, o. and E, The new Dispensation was then Markland.
solo was rendered by Miss Vera section of Master vineyard them happier, add to their zeal Burton and Mrs. Richard der Watson, Miss Kathline is exthe conclusion the what supplies be pected arrive in wards and Sybil Bovell, alter in making the aoniversary a suc complete the looting and leave him solicit applause nor crave publiunveiled by the Missę Olga Ed. chairman thanked all who assisted lest his white and yellow brothers and inspiration by praise and Bocas del Toro in August to join adulation Isthmus.
which it was placed in its case by cese, to a tragie fate.
Many have arisea to call him ber sister Inez at the opening city always with them is that blessed. He laboured in Man school. And the balf sister of both Brother Ronch, Msster of Cere.
as the coming term of the training monies. very appropriate pro been added to the staff of Sunday Miss Ivy Myers of La Boca has PRO BONO PUBLICO consciousuess of life worthwhile, of chester, St, Catherine and St. the Misses Watson, Miss gram was reauered and much ap. School teachers as was announced immoral practices, so weighted there is no greater peace of mind. faithful in his service to God and Jamaica during the next month to preciation was shown by the audi on this occason.
Society is so contaminated with a duty performed, than which Mary for 50 years, continuing Hart, is expected to arrive from ence during the rendition of the dowo with sin and corruption that They build their own monuments bis fellowmen to the time of his take charge of the sewing departwe too often forget that valiant and write their own epitaphs. death.
Special mention must be made race track tomorrow.
All road lead to Juan Franco band of humanitarians whose lives Greater love hath no man than him it may be said, He ment of the institute.
of Miss Betty who spoke on Fruare consecrated to our spiritual this, that he lay down his life rests from bis labours, and his BUILDING ACTIVITIES OF ternity and its Virtues At the NOTICE development and general welfare. for his brother. It is from such works do follow him. He leaves THE INSTITUTE.
termination of her address she We are remiuded by their gallant an affection that peace is born, bis widow, eight children, twelve The Workman can be had at comrades that the names of eight that races and nations are welded grandchildren, and a host of The funds necessary for startreceived a long and warm ovation. Sanchez place No. 6, 24 Street distinguished men have been added together in one common bond of relatives to mourn their irreparable ing the building of the proposed (Continued on Page) Guachapalli.
during the last year to the list of fellowship. Let us perpetuate it. loss. Contit ued on Page 6)
of 80 as or Lodge the 24 Chairman on tbe Toe hall service Wesley Church was present. mad scramble to harness the world humanity. Bidden away in seclu. Bay College and Ebenezer in giving it out that his errand as n son are items


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