
Six Maths.
25 TAILORS TRIMMINGS Whither West Indies THE WORKMAN Writing editorially under the above caption, the Grenada WEST INDIAN of a recent date says: Publish on 31. 1V. 1031 tles If the West Todies are to beWALROND, at the office No. 15, Corraspoalease on all rosttes come united entity In Ibe Stace: East Catral Avenue Paum of pablic interest invitad.
Empire scheme, it can only be RP.
All copy for pablication must be Just received a fine selection of as a result of what Trine calls POBɔx 76, Panana RP waitta 03 one side of paper oaly, aad togetherness of purpose.
Ratos of Subscription 311) 833333aled by the asn of The greatest curse of the West. 4) ritar, nos 930ssarily for publica Indies is our disucity our in1. 20 a batas a nurk of good faith.
sular cindedness, our perisa, to apt undertake to retara repump parochialism. These are unfortunate characteristich, İL.
One Month. jati srrespoa lease.
deed, but lest we forget, they in the very latest desings are more or less inseparable The Liberty of the Press is the balla tiun of our rights JONUIS from the features of small places, The conditions of our isolation SATURDAY JUNE 30, 1928. Also dɔ not make for such warmth of feeling, or a quickesed pulse in connection with adairs. as in WEST INDIAN LABOURERS BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT the case of countries where large bodies, of men mix and mingle, ABROAD compete and clasb, in the broad VICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS tields of opinion and action.
To be be condemned to insular conditions, Keographicaily spealDisgusting, sometimes almost revolting, are some of All at moderate Prices ing, however, does not necessarily mean that one must be the reports which have reached here by way of the insular minded.
We can get Press with regard to treatment meted out to British be broad and big. The miliWest Indian labourers in the island of Cuba, where streams that turn the clappers these people have been forced to immigrate in quest of the world arise in solitary of better means of living.
Always kept in stock a full assortment of places. Much good can come out of Nazareth. But no island Since the reported strong British rote to the Govcan achieve greatness of itself, ernment of Cub? some years ago, direct criminal asby itself, for itself. We must saults upon British West Indians in that island have, toink continually of The West however, narrowed down to Press abuses in caustic Ladies. The question is: Wbitter, West Iodies!
and insulting language. Of late a section of the Cuban As if iotercolonial petty pride population seems to have developed marked hostility towards our labourers and to their immigration into AND PETTIER JEALOUSLY that country: while a section of their press has been of every description were not sufficient injury to toe Cause of West Iudian Unity, we agitating intermittently for cessation of Anitllian imigraand that the Colonial Office and tion. For the information of West Indians on the some people who fatten ald Isthmus we have from time to time reproduced from batten on the West Iudies are our exchanges this reported unfriendly attitude of the MULLER, Prop.
very skilfull at discouraging any natives of a friendly country towards our countrymen.
attempt on our part at West Apart from the investigations which prompted the It diag solidarlly. West Indians should be wise in the underBritish note to the Cuban Government, we have not 37 CENTRAL AVENUE, been reliably informed whether any of the reported abu tacding that a United West Iodies is what the Colonial Ofice does not want.
ses against British West Indians have been properly investigated by British or West Indian Government PANAMA.
Now and again, one or two representatives with a view to demand appropriate respurious schemes appear Under pretence that the Colonial Ofice compense for the wronged individuals when their cases is really interested in the cause merit same, and compensation for those who have been o!
West lodiap Unity the Trintwilfully killed It seems to us that had such steps dad Windward Islande Fusioa been taken the Government of Cuba would have by Question, for example but.
this time taken the matter more seriously and conditions. London Search For Apart 1rou spousoring some pale idea for the purpose of would have een more tolerable for all concerned.
Motto easier Colonial Or ce control, Except in cases where Governments sit by and with the logical effect of indetipassively sanctions violence against our people, it is not aitely postpuning, accomplisbour intention to raise a voice in protest or defense of London, the beart of the Brit while we should bope for no ment of what is really worththose who choose to break th: laws of the countries ish Eup. is one of the lew sucb miracle as proper luterest big cliea o ibe world that oa: in the question at the instancu to which they immigrate for the purpose of earning a DO mutto says a writer in the living.
NJw York Times For many of Duwbing Street Being also in a foreign country it becomes our years now tha Loudon Cuoty Tae West Indian Catral Con.
special duty to call the attention of those responsible has been delixentis ferace supplies most damaging for our protection to the fact that ample safeguard and striving to find one. Sub com eg dence in this connection. For mittee of tbe Gentral Purposes seu bw the yearning of the protection are not only needed but are looked for at Committer, whicb bad throatWest Indies far intercolonial all times by bread winners from the British West Indies ter in hand tiod early 15 vears, fellowsbip. under the pretence who, due, for the most part, to economic conditions bas given it up as a bad job.
of being satisfied by our Masover which they have absolutely no control, are forced Thousacds of suggestions have tere, bas been squelcbed! The been received and ex. miled by Conference was attended by a to emigrate to other countries. To emphasize our right inauguration of the West Indian to make demands as above described, we make hold the council, and a co. diok to the tourish of trumpets that shook in stating that British West Indians abroad rarely re.
report eccotiy made public: the heart of old London. With PURITY Tocy are all 0145 pes. or apory what result?
nounce the British flag or their native land; rather, they declaratory, religious, and humcontribte liberally till it hurts in many cases to the Those wbo expect the West orous, and it is evidence that babe Indian Conference to lead to proper upkeep of their respective government.
At all our dealers or a phone call The hostility which developed against West Indians in been deligently searched and that West Indian Unity had better Scriptures and the poets bav brings the goods to your door up. It promises, one Cuba is, of course, due basically to economic reasons, in have not been idl. Without the other hand, to set the seal which case we are not blaming the Cubans nor any other coming down on the side oi tht of premaneuce on our disunity for the only woity we are going people for protecting themselves; self preservation is the ott pbu or tot topbobe THE first law of nature. But loose and depraved morals to see the sinister unity of sately assure the committee There is nothing lowering of wage standards of the natives and like that in our considered dgment officialdom.
foreshadowed in the arrangecharges against our labɔurers are mere pretexts, carrying PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY 00 suitable wotto, eituur in Eg lish or Latio, bas emerged from nents for the Conference to eug.
absolutely no semblance of truth. The fact has been too the multitude of sukkestions 81 unity of tha people or sov.
long brought to light and unanimously concurred in by creignity of the people. It will PANAMA 65 PHONES made.
COLON 84 intelligent dealers in labour, that West Indian labour is not Dot even be a dull ca root copy we think it of the original asphalons of Tais being so, preferred and demanded by them primarily from the viewuseless to set Oui tu llad, mucb West Indians; it is going to be Manufacturers of less to frame, motto. It may another point of cheapness. In most cases where common labour be that the motto wbich will NEW POLITICAL MONSTRCSis concerned native labor may be obtained from fifty to one CLASS GOODS appeal to all Londoners will hundred percent cheaper than that of West Indians. The suoner or loter emerge sponITY latter is preferred for its intelligent training. constancy, La pecusly out of some striking invented for the mere purpose effieiency, reliability and civility. But with all this we are event in tdu Councii bistory. of fooliog a people wbese fatbers Tois event cannot be depended seemed ready and aoxious to be not here showing our labourers abroad as the finest exhibits employ appropriate means to bring about for themselves a upon to happen witbio any de ooled, but in the days that are of morality and intelligence. There are a few of them to higher valuation. Jamaica, for instance, which years ago traite length of time. Other dead and dying.
whom permits for the purpose of leaving their respective boasted of its flourishing sugar cane industry is still, we great cities of the world have Trust those who prosper from islands ought not to have been issued as, at the most, they are almost sure, possessed of vast areas of fertile sugar cane invariably looked to past, rather the sweat and tears serve only as specimens from which the ignorant, misin lands which have not been taken up nor needed for banana matoleo tuture history for their pared, underfed, ill house people formed and prejudiced foreigner conveniently bases bis industry. Cannot the sugar cane industry, which is the sole.
to water down the West Indian contemptuousness and disrespect for the whole, attraction of Jamiacans to Cuba, be resuscitated so as to certain amount of difficulty Conference scheme to insipidity.
On the Panama Canal, West Indian labour is, in most offer proper inducement to at least fifty percent of those has been created by the com Already, it does not appear that to use a Concases, unfortunately proscribed to its absolute detriment who are compelled to leave that island to face and en language but Eoglish Excluding terence at all. It will not, we solely because of governmental control which disregards dure insults, illtreatment and humiliation abroad? Further, this restriction the first sug potice, be Conference to be run the ability of these people for citizenship rights of the why wont British capitalists develop British Guiana and offer gestion made in Juts, 1914, was by red Indians through their owners and builders. For the excellent contribution by an outlet for British subjects where they will escape being 63 far the best and considered to come dice din elected representaentirely The tives, volcing their West Indians to the building, operation and maintenance of maliciously libelled by people who are in many cases be citizens of the old Roman Lou wishes and desires as West the Canal, were that undertaking a corporation which must low the moral and intellectual standards of British West dinium represented by Iodiaos It promises to be a necessarily purchase labour for what it is worth, Wes Indians? In addition. why don West Indians at home Taotius as refusing te flee be super Crown Colony Conference Indians would receive much better returns for their labour, organize a labour federation by which their labour will fore the advance of Boadicea te instruct us how to behave Colonial Office and would be preferred to any other class of labour at that be able to receive fresh growth and, consequently, remu because, they said. Laci dulce de acordate to place for several high positions. neration in foriegn countries commensurate with its nos attinet. The charm of the standarde!
place bods us. However, in.
Is it made fully clear that But while all this is the pure and simp e truth in de widely known all around ability?
these days when all who can go the constitution of the Core fence of our bread winners abroad, it is high time that the out of town for the week aods ference is to be based on West respective West Indian Governments help their emigrants and a vast number of th. sg who Indian public opinion? And that to obtain better consideration for their labour. The time ADVERTISE work in London dwell in th: Oficial and Nominated Suburbs, this motto woold per official Members of Council will Unis also ripe for the latter to pull thernselves together and IN THE WORKMAN AND GET GOOD RESULTS haps seem a thitle cyniu. Continued from page 5)
Council Aw2 02 LKW MI. 20 PORASB Can are


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