
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable Scene Greated at Meeting Reported Loss of Schooner Drought at Jamaica Causes Serious Shortage In Foodstuff Of Society for the Prevention Throws City Into Consternof Cruelty to Animals ation NESTLÉ were grave: Our vi teccion Bill.
NESTL wwws WEETENED CONDE MILA The poorer Anbide NESTLE COW Barbados Exchange states London May 10. There were that Bridgetown was thrown remarkable scer es at an extra into coosternation on Thursday, ordinary general meeting of the Royal Society for the Prevention May 8, when it was learnt that be Cruelty to Animals at Cen ling to Messrs. Manning Co the schooner Walcott belongtral Hall, Westminster yester had sunk with passengers and day.
cargo at Ketile Bottom, off the Lord Banbury, who presided, Belehton coas.
Fears was bowled down, and later he somewhat allayed when inform declared the meeting adjourbed. ation reached the town that all The trouble began when the the passengars and 24 puncheone chairman referred to circular of molasses on board had been letter issued by the Hon. Steph saved. It appears that the en Coleridge, in which it was schooner rudder shifted from alleged that Lord Banbury had its position and she became on, spoken against the Dogs Pro controllable. As the result of puffy land breezes the schooner From the back of the hall overturned and sank. Fishing came a demand that Lord Bar crafts and shore boats barried bary should vacate the chair in to the scene and the passenger order to make his reply. and crew were saved with small Lord Banbury remained stand personal losses. The molasses ing at the table.
were taken from wieckage by LOUD OUTCRY. a lighter sent down for that purpose. It is believed that the Immediately there was a load boat has become a total wreck.
outery, silenced for a moment by the shout, Have you berp elected by the Council to take DENTIST HOWELL tbe chair?
Lord Banbury Yes.
House No. 912 La Boca Uproar broke out agaid, a Canal Zone number of people shouting for the production of the minutes. OPPOSITE RESTAURANT Lord Banbury Yes.
Phone 1941 BALBOA Uproar broke out again, a number of people shouting for Specialises in all Branches of the production of the minutes.
Dentistry Lord Banbury. IC members here do not wish to hear the ALL WORK GUARANTEED truth, the best thing for them to do is to go out. member (angrily. You are wished to hear all that he had told Lord Banbury that they taking sides.
to say, but let some other Lady Cory, who sat on the member of the conncil take the chairman right, clapped her chair while you make your bands, and Lord Banbury, speech. applause) Lord Banbury turning to her, made a remark. What am doing is perfectly in At this point the Hon. Stephen order. If the meeting will not listen Coleridge walked from the body to me shall simply dissolve the of the ball to the foot of the meeting. Applause. platform and was loudly cbeer.
After more interruption, Lord ed. He said: What some of my Banbury adjourned the meeting friends apparently feel is that it and let the building.
you are going to make attacks upon me, some other person Later, while Lady Cory was should be in the chair. speaking, the lights suddenly We bave no chairman, quick went out, and Mr. Coleridge ly became the general chorus.
remarked, sball be delighted IN THE DARK to pay for the lighting that has been turned off by Lord BanThe Hon. Stephen Coleridge bury.
The MAIL of the 16th inst states that the drought in some districts bas become very acute.
Cultivators, large and small in Lower St. Thomas ye Vale are experiencing great hardships, Portions of their crops are withering. Unless rain internes venes in the next few weeks the situation will become extremely Chapelton Correspondent writes: The long drought bas wrought bavoc to our local field producLons. Foodstuffs are at its bigbest premiun known for years.
The peasantry, who have been selling ground provisions for scores of years, are now purchasing themselves.
classes have to hang arouud the railway stations to get buaches of rejected bananas. Peas and other leguminous staples are iu large quantities but yams, on whole can bardly be purchased.
Neither prayers, nor any other entreaty could persuade vendors bere to sell a shilling worth of yam. most amusing episode took place at the carket bere on Saturday last. town woman asked a countryman for a sbilling worth of yame. The anatbemas heaped on that would be purchaser would set the Thames on fire. The astonished lady could only escape the wrath of the countryman by getting into a motor car Under Wednesday date our May Pen Correspondent states. The drought continues in May Pen; and the districts around are experiencing very bigb winds daily. There is no fodder for stock to eat. Very little food is to be procured in the market.
Wbut is obtainable comes from Trelawny and is sold at almost prohibitive prices.
Clarendon can only supply sugar and a little inferior bananas which are net even good enough for pigs to eat. Denbigh and Sevens Plantations have finished their crop, making matters more serious for the working class.
The provision shops are doing well.
Supplies the WORLD with MILK You will have good value for your money if you insist on NESTLE ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN And get Results House rent receipt books in Spanish and English for sale at tbe Workman Priotery.

    Working Class

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