
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 30, 1928 PAGE FOUR For Sale Cheap Good Assortment of pappan to Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Wiwiu Writiib tilivi im вое Maanan Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City English Newspaper on board grounds made the use of si Why Dry Laws Repeal these most West Indies. Tour If the grounds bad been softer Satisfies Norway tbey would not bave felt the studs so acutely and then they BY THOMAS MOULT waald bave been used to the Drunkeness Decreases As different wickets. Coming to Eaglaod to play cricket is no Phohibition Yoke Is In Weekly Despatch sinecure for tbe West Indian.
Thrown off Notes From The Cricketes When the Surrey innings end. CONSTANTINE HUNDRED Prohibition, enacted Oct. 16, ed just after five o clock at the The West Indies match with 1927, turned out to be a great Oval several of the West Indies Essex ended in draw. As misfortune for Norway. Instead stayed on the field and gas against Sarrey, they dropped a of makiog the peeple temperate away their autographs readily fearsome number of catches, it made them lawbreakers. The all the hero worshippiog but their bowling never oked wealthy class got all their thirsyoungsters who dodged past the easy and they bad the satisty souls loogid for, if they sterd looking policemen and taction of watching Conpaid enough, while the poor peoasked for them.
Atantine play brilliant inuings ple paid ProSibition prices for That is tbe spirit we reed of 130. Although Coostantine every doubiful mixture. This on our country rounds; auds was rather reckless in choosing stutt often made them sick in manifestly did this summer the balls to bit he showed some cases they even became visitors play the ger erous and himself a very fine stroke player.
blind, while others died. You willing game for the game There was style, as well as may understand it when you sake all the afternoon, that power, bebind his drives and bear tbht the pooreet drani they won every beart in the sweeps to leg, and bis century aboe polisb mixed with the juice Saturday crowd that assembled will probably prove to be far of well cooked raisins. People ten thousand to give them from belog mere fish in the wbounder normal conditions welcome.
pao. The Crowd that sees him bad never possessed wine cellars Bspecially to the way they at going out to wia and drank very seldom, now bemateb gan to outdo one another in ofer tacked some of England most against time will see Ing wine to their guests.
redoubtable batsmanship did the really fine batting as well as West Indies make an impressive some fixing of the ball which Politics became mixed up with beginning to the first of their will make the top of the pavilion Prohibition and from early exreally important matches. The a dangerous place.
periences we knew that enforcegbosts of great cricketers, it ment of it was doomed. The has been said, look on at the The Old Weakness long broken coast of Norway game where it is played in the made a speadid base for GerThe first day play at the Oral fasbion that need to make the man rum running operations.
bapplest. If that be so then an in th: ma ch between Surrey Many adventurous young men lo visible company of the famous and the West Indies provided started in the bootlegging businfast bowlers of the old time plenty of food for thought. There ess. It seemed that almost every must bare given their soundless was, in the first place, the ng men in the pital, ly. clapping approval when rather sad reflection that Es.
with a car of his own or a sailFrancis Constantive and Griffith glish batting has not perbaps ing boat took up boot leggiog smote Surrey with real dismay proved qaite so much in the Joriog summer. Some parents we had for two bours before lunch and last fw years as and clergymen became really for balf an hour a! terwards. thought, and tbat, given first shocked over this state of affairs.
class fast bowling to contend NUMBED FINGERS Millons cf kroner were spent on against. wa might bave a repeNever in these days do we lition of the debacle of 1921 attempts at enforcement, to littla encounter such a feast of fast Certainly it was surprising to avail. And while Sweeden saved bowling as these three coloured see Sarreys great batsmen noldover 0, 000, 000 kroner by not players gave us. And bad they ing out tatae and irresolute bats having total Probibitir, Norway been more worthily supported to rislag balls and asking to be SPENT MORE THAN THAT by their fieldsmen, who must caught. Teere were thise who trying to enforce it.
have missed quite a score of suid that the wicket was not as Toe German brandy was not catches, probably through the it sould be, and thatballs jampOPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH always good, and was very exnumbed togers a disappointing ed, etc; but th; fact is that the ly bleak afternoon caused them, West Indies rast bowlers, Franpensive, but it was at least next door Nash Motors Garage those small autograph busters cls in particular, bave high and brandy. Otten large German would have been busily berging easy acutons, and it was their teamers or bired Norwegian far sooner than five o clock. For goud bywing, and not flaws in anumita na na naman na namamanMARAMI und brought into the harbour fishings bouts would be caught at one time Surrey were 122 the pitch, that made the ball for six valuable wickets, and rise above the beiget the modero unless they had time to throw they might easily have been all batsmen finds inconvenient.
their cargo over board, and out for a handful of runs more.
many thousands of gallons of spirits were destroyed. StatieFrancis is fast bowler who The Importance of Sliptics show that there was more does something in addition to drunkenness during this time sending out the asual streaks of Fielding in Norway tban ever before, lighting Having so nearly got Surrey In 1921 the Goverment was He forks them.
out for a sensationally small obliged to modify the law. Spain Hobbs was so surprised by score wickets were down for refused to buy any more of Francis unexpected break back 56, and, had Small accepted their fish (one of the principal that be was quickly driven Into the easy chaoce Gregory gave Should be in every office to immediately articles of export) if they did battioz on the defensive, and him in the slips, would have not buy her wine in return.
not even world cbampu been down for 122 tbe West soothe any neuralgic pain caused by It was possible to a preeau follow such a negative po Indie, must be the more upset scription from the doctor for a licy as that against fast bowl with thimselves for their uncerexcessive mental work.
ing. When the score was only taip fielding their uncertain you felt by paying five 16 Hobbs did exactly wbat was slip fielding in part cular. side DROP IN AT kroner and often much more.
required of bin by that demon with three last bowlers depends If you happened to have an antrundler: be played specu enormously upon its slips and iwal a cow pig or even a calatively at a raising off ball and it is useless to pretend that up nary, you could get some cognac Constantive shot out bis left to now the cold weather of Should be in every school to soothe bad or whisky for it, it it was sick hand to its fall stretch at back last week bas, of course, a cerand it was really strange how ward point and he a low catch tain amount to do with the, headaches and reduce the fever of brilliantly.
West Indian slipfielders have 122 CENTRAL AVE.
sick all the animals became.
looked equal to their responsi GREGORY MISSED.
Tne druzgists and doctors You ill Find Them earned a great deal from this bility. On Saturday, it seemed Barling and Shepherd were to me, too that they might have business, but as the bootleggers beaten 10 rons later. Sandham been better placed. Sometimes at 56 while Fender and Daily there were only three men in NEURALGINA ters got both left at 122, each after th, slips an inadequate number business.
wbat had been either an ioglo when the batsmen are playing Prohibition enforcement at last Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes riously breit or uncomfortable the strokes the fast bowler became so farcial that a year. wher the heart, ago new election was nical work accomplished bebind fourth was added, the gap by.
There was great doubt as to them. So far, Indeed, it was tween second and third slip was the outcome, as too many were entirely bebi. the wicket criket. inconvenieatly wide.
For sale both Wholesale and Retail really profiting by having ProThen came Bad moment for bibition. Thie tim, bowever, those irresistible attackers Challenor Partners the women of Norway rose and AT THE Gregory was missed before be voted it dowo. The women bad had scored. He and Jardive, Io passing the Surrey total, rally been respocsible for the the two genuine artists of the the West ladies probably felt AMERICAN PHARMACY Probibition law, but when they Surrey side because only they they had gone a good day worked out, knew what to leave out, went work. The batting of Roach on to increase the score by 108 and, as in the Essex imaten, of JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor THE NEW YORK DENTST before Jardine departed. Constantine, seemed the most Panama.
182, BOLIVAR STREET drunkeness has decreased severSince the repeal of Probibition Jardine bat bad been the interesting of the innings. Roach main instrument and a very who is about the same viza as COLON, al per cent. Norway is again a Invely one lasten ming the Sindham reminds one little Box 171, CRISTOBAL, tree country. Exchange)
West Indies triumph. He was of him in method as well. He TELEPHONE 247 COLON content to act as stone wall has that beatiful late cut Sandand the bowlers effort to demo ham can produce when he wants Ancient Mystic Order lisb it eventually tired them to, but he is a dowuright bitter of the ball, qalck on his feet, Small out.
and not afraid to drive, CongRemember that ungrate: tantine fallowed up nis 130 at CALL IN AT To Hold District Conful Opalites who barracked Leyton by a 50 in which he deDENTIST clave Jardine because he scored monstrated once more the exMASONIC TEMPLE no more than 10 out of 66 inceptional firmaets and resoluOffice Hours: 8, am to 12 an hour and a quater and toa with which he plays his The Ancient Mystic Order of made orly run every three 30 to 30 IT)
Ethiopia will cor vene a special minutes. Sundays, by Special Appointment meeting at the Heliopolis Temple Gregory was thus made free Dr. Nathan Rowe Masonic Temple I1th St, at 10 o clock July 4th where dele to deal out punishment in a realgates will treat upon matters of O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL ly polished, all round style.
vital importance officers for the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON No. 16 STREET EAST PHONE: OFFICE 1664 easuing term TOO HOT FOR WEST INDIANS 11th and Bolivar Sts.
The Mystic Order of Ethiopia The West Indians bave taken Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
RESIDENCE 538 has beea recently established in COLON, a little time to settle down and Panama, and very little is known strangely enough the almost tropi BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE GOOD SELECTION OF TAKE NOTICE about it, it is however paviog its cal weatber which came with the Chase National Bank way start of the season was one of Office Hours: a. to 12m, NEW BIBLES The WORKMAN can be fouy through, and making a name itself such as other organisations the causes. p. to p.
had at Mr. Sanchez place are doing.
Most of the players are abOFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 Hymn Prayer Books 24th street, No building solutely unused to playing with Advertise in the Workman bools that are studded, and the Drug STORE TELEPHONE 154 Guachapali.
and get good results.
NEURALGINA to get NEED WATCH? bottle of cognac for instance, NEURALGINA FULLER Moderately Priced. Erew more prosperous, the docDr. Fred Sterling they were the first to want it The Workman BOOK STORE


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