
THE WORRMAN SATURDAY JUNE 30, 1928 PAGE FIVE VIAX We do not Brew Just BEER Ours is the Supreme Effort of Thought and Study SILVER SPRAY XXLNEHATANNADLAVAGABUNDARASAAN Cricket Team For America King Birthday Honours ROPER GAS STOVE CLUB Birthday of SO The Barbados HERALD of the The Barbados BERALD of the 9tb inst says: 9th Inst. states that the King A large and very enthusiastic award of the MB. E, to Mro.
bonours include the gathering of both sexes accomA. Aanchell; Miss. Bowen and panied the West Indies Cricket Mr. Rawle Parkinson. Both Team to the SS Vestris on libese ladies are well knowa Thursday to wish the members social workers and deserves goodbye, The following members the sailed. Messrs B, Gilkes (Capt) their recognition. The honour Clarke Moe and will no doubt spur them on to Werd (Barbados) Sealy, greater eftorts as well as enSt. Hill, and Hunie (Trinida. courage other well to do leisured Parrio, and Cherobica woman to assist in social work (Grenada) Jones and Parkinson is epochal It is the in the. of Philips (Demerara) Barrow (Antigua) Brooks (St. Kitts) West Indies, so far as know, first time in the bistory of the and Clairmonte, Secretary toat 80 elementary scbool Manager. teacber has been of the Empire so bonoured, Mr. Gilkes was accompanied by and am glad to on that the his wite and daughter, and claims or Mr. Parkinsou to In. Messrs Gitteps, Job Beckles and Pickering, sraibe Herald: On March 17ih last parial recogaition was urged in also making the trip. Flannigan, in an editorial paragraph the as baggage man, has an oppor attention ot His Excellency the tunity or tourlok tbe land ofthe Governor was directed to Mr.
Stars and Stripes, and telling the Parkinson career. It is reAmerican folks that George is William the best batsman in the world. assuring to sind Sie The Governnient water boat Ida promptly and Jeffectively. He bas Robertson responding was put at the disposal of the Royer made better recomteam and it was thronged with mendation to Downlog street.
friends and well wisher.
The team will return in August, Arrangements are being made TAKE NOTICE for toatches in Boston, Pbiladel The WORKMAN can be phis, Brooklyn and New York had at Mr. Sanchez place Chy. It is boped also that match will be arranged against 24th street, No. building McGill University, Canada Guachapali.
In New York, the team will meet several of the veterans, although they might not be play BOWEN ing. Layme, Shurland, Hinds, Shepherd are all keen and follow TAILOR the game still.
There are several fine cricketers too among the No. M Street San Migue younger sat. Margatson of St Kitts is a fine polished bat who Panama City wants oply opportunity to be in the first class. Holder is a good bowler and strong bitter and FLOWERS young Olivierte son of the famous fast bowler of St. Vincent is also Abogado. Attorney at Law upholding the traditions of the game. We know that the tourists OFFICBNo. 44 ST a hearty welcome, BOX NO. 38 PANAMA CITY and that everything will be done TELEPHONE No. 1377 to make their stay pleasant. Wo Practicing before all the courts of wish them the best of luck, and look to them to show the the Republic since April 1914 Americans that we can send one West Indian team to Eng sympathy to Dr. o Gibbs land, and yet supply another who was unable to make the good enough to give them an trip on account of the illness of interesting game. We extend our his wife.
British Guiana Chief Whither West Indies Justice (Continued from Page 2)
Scathingly Comments on attend in an advisory capacity only, with no voting power?
False Claim It we do not take good care, the West Indian Conference Sir Anthony de Freitas Colet our rod in pickle for our own way more likely than not be STARTS SOON Justice of British Guiana bad backs. our frankenstein Created some scat bing remarks to make by ourselves for destruction of recently to the plaintiff in an our own best interests ONLY PER WEEK action brought by a Mro. Jeffrey against Mr. Mendes for ripe to sit in Conference and It is that we are not yet 1500 for alleged damages re make recommendatioas in our The ROPER 902 stove is finished Ceived through a fall as a result of defective kitchen floor own behalt? Must we still be Plaintig jockeyed and dictated to by in Grey and White porcelain besten dan hende deg betalatorom other claube pretty claim the right month in things, what deciding, enamel, burners Oven and In the course of his judgement the Colef Justice said. West Indian Central Conis gond and not good lor us?
mb Broiling Oven. falsely swore that while be was bonestly established, will be the msiataining himselt and his wife means of AUTOMATIC OVEN HEAT and child out of his wages as a with progress and prosperity.
bringing us in line salesman in a retail spirit abop he It will cause us to feel that CONTROL paid 316 (included in ber claim eltizenship in the Empire is fo: 1, 500 demages) for the really something of value socialfollowing things falsely saia to ly and economically, and not SPECIAL TERMS TO CLUB have been Consumed by the merely something which is un.
plaintiff when sbe was suppossed substontial, being of sentiment MEMBERS.
to be sufferiug from per yous principally sbockhundred sod One of the grounds of decision Free installation of new stove, sixty in connection with the question; plots of milk (in 90 days. 45 Whitber, West Indians? is the free removal of old stove and a doz an bottles of Sebweppes West Indian Central Conference.
soda water, 454 lbs barley, 39 If it is found to be a delusion chickens of to lbs each, aod spare, we will have to liberal trade in allowance for the bottles of Hall wine, 26 bottles cast longing eyes otherwheres.
of Virol, 10 bottles of brandy.
old stove 12 bottles of wiskey, 18 doz egka, 39 bottles of bay ra, 16 Keep Looking Up bottlers of Esu de Cologoe, 13 JOIN TO DAY this of Ovaltine, and 720 lbs of rice. Little girl, playing near the CLUB STARTS SOON Dr. Nichols said that the edge of a precipice, suddenly plaintift was in bed for three neath her. Before she bad time felt the ground give way be weeks. In support of bet pre to spring back to place of posterous tecital of the vast salety, she had slipped over the THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS quantity of things that she ste rim of the abyss. Snatchlog at sod drank, she swore that she the grass and weeds that grew was fed on milk and soda along the side, diggicg ber PANAMA COLON water for three weeks. In the fingers into the earth sbe AT YOUR SERVICE particulars ia ber claim no time succeeded in cbecking her fall is mentioned withia which the and for a time she hung therf, 45 dizen bottles of Schweppes suspended to the sit. After soda water were cor sumed, but what seemed to her hours of It is there stated that, that the waiting, she heard a volce say, 360 pints of milk were consum, in reassuring tones. NOTICE ed in 90 days. She abandoned the 90 days when she was (Contioued on Page 6)
witness, and sbe then falsely The office of Doctor Arnulfo Arias, located at swore that all the milk and She commited other perjurous soda was used in the three exaggeration and it is astonishing weeks that her avarage con that any person could be found CENTRAL AVENUE No. 137 sumption was more than 17 to assist her by filing in the pints of milk daily and more highest Court of the colony so Will be opened every day from 11 a. to than 25 bottles of soda water preposterous a claim for expendaily! The plaintiff is a small diture incurred. Barbados p. and from p. to p.
woman and she is not robust, WEEKLY HERALD)
will receive


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