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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 30, 1928 The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER 100 126 youths. Davoso.
Work Done While You Wait people material on their when an Grafico The British Pharmacy Dixie Respecting One Tomorrow Races Junior Essay Contest Qualifications and Closes Today The following is the ProDesserts gram for tomorrow races:FIRST RACE Laboca, C, Juce 29th. semi acoual Junior Essay Contest Small But Diserving Tribute To Furlongs Parse 100 under the auspices of the La Boca Sid Zapo 115 Athenaeum, which was opened to Honey Daw 1161 juniors below the age of seventeen By PILGRIM WILKINS Pistol 126 residing on the Pacific side as far Silver Spray lus Dorth as Gamboa, closes tomorrow When man is not destitute and within a short time the public, SECOND RACE of proper appreciation of his own and especially the youngsters who Furlongs Parse 100 had competed, qualitications, it is most likely will hear the Dardanela be lbose No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue qualifications will result which is to be decided by appreciated. realized and even Cococha three judges, two members and 98 respected by Ochers. Or at least El Caicht PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 oge boumember of the Athenaeum.
103 bring a measure of respect to Fecomeno The subject selected by the their possessor.
Mayoral 90 Athenaeum for this contest is what has caused the lack of It is bardly realz u to any THIRD RACE DYEING, CLEANING tbe very appreciable extent.
ambition among the majority of PRESSING Farlongs Purse 125 our amount of appreciation there is 113 The winner of this contest will in evidence at this side of the Mischiet 126 Isthmus, the stand taken by Mr Guz da OF THE HIGHEST ORDER receive five dollars from the 105 Sidney Young, late edito inAthenaeum, preferably in books, chief of the Weet Indian section Marcela 117 There will also be a second priza 112 of two dollars.
etc. of the Panama American for the stand he has taken in FOURTH RACE his appreciation of the attempted wrong he was expected to suder Furlongs Purse 100 Prince George and.
because of the color of his skin Mayara 103 among the active staff of the Grafico 126 said Panama American. Chiqui 126 very young policeman on duty Intimo SYMPATHY UNIVERSAL TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED 116 FILLED WITH AMBITION Femeuono 103 Wherever one who reads news Mayoral to make good records looked at 30 prints turns in Colon and news Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices the approaching vehicle and for papers are discussed in relation FIFTH RACE some unknowo reason concluded to the support given by colored Furlongs Parse 125 Ladies Garments carefully handled it had been stolen. So he held people in sald directions, unup the automobile and began bounded sympathy and auproval Ocurrencia 116 asking questions about ownerare connected with the mention La Nena :14 ship, registration number, xe. Ia of the Names Mr. oung and Bandera 102 REID Propietor minute, however, an elder police those who stood Dearest to bum Rolando 100 sergeant came up to see what the in the operation of the w, Billy Dennis 126 trouble was about and immediately Section of an organ which had Caigala 120 recogaized the Prince. The sergeant mude a few pointed remarks to made sucb boasts of fairplay SIXTH RACE West Indians when this the ambitious constable and the 10 support was Farlongs Parse 100 Prince and his friends proceeded 80 manifestly needed.
way. guess that the argument of Fenomeno 90 The Prince of Wales, incidentstooping to conquer might ba Chiqul po 115 ly, has become tremendou sy fond 113 advanced bere, but of Baby Pripress Elizabeth, daugh113 organ with the boasts of th: ter of the Duke and Durchess of Panama 103 American Infimo toward York, and makes frequent visits Pistol 126 justice and equity in its attitud to the nursery there to play 116 toward the rights of the people Honey Dew with her. The visits are invariaas The People Paper refuses SEVENTH RACE bly accompanied by a suitable to retain the man the colored Farlongs Purse 125 present for his niece. Sometimes people want to steer their sblp COLON he does not have his arrival an126 of destiny in the realms of news Kitty Gill nounced to the infant parents pa perdow stoops as low as to 121 who have occasionally eotered the deny that man square deal, Malmirada 117 nursery and bave been suprised 98 to find him there sitting oa the Ikat is overstooping the mark. Gravedad floor engaged with the little PrinTHE HAND OF DESTINY, OR Commander IS NOW LOCATED AT 0988 in trying to teach her Teddy DIVIMTY Bear or woolly dog how to walk.
Watson am not among those who It is the Prince of Wale fault that the Princess is now embarattribute every little freak of 11. 1154 11th STREET dally happenings to the immerassing members of the royal diate direction of Divinity, but Continued from Page family with the frequency and obthere does appear to be truth new home and school of the boys Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK equiousness of her curtsies. The in the old sages, proverb about have not yet begun to come in, Priace, as a joke, taught her how there being a destiny shapiog but the prospects are promising, to make such obeisnece and told our ends, however rough Wejin as much as many of the PC.
Where our customers will receive the usual Per to do 80 whenever approac may bew them.
Silver employees have been coming any member or the Who knows but thet it is ing in with injuries as to the steps courtesies family. The result has been that Mr. Watson intends taking to get the Princess fateful in Mr. Young young now curtsies every time she meats or leaves any career to be given the greater the monetary help of the employees chance to more useful spheres, generally, and suggesting that royal presence, regardless of the withi olace or occasion and oftea greatgreater scope and the ne. Mr. Gilkey good offices ly to the embarrassment of the cessary support to champion the be invited to cooperate in startcause of our dowo trodden pering a fund consisting of a dollar LOOK FOR THE SIGN royal personages and to the deple in a country where news per month froni each employee light of other onlookers.
Now that the Prince of Wales colums in their interest are sc toward the said buildivg fund for BRITISH PHARMACY has made two successful airplane mesger and meana: to make a given or stated period, which trips in his special Royal Air the color of a people skin an amount, collected month by month Force macbioe for the purpose excuse for supporting an alres to be turned over by Mr. Gilkey of keeping his social engagement dy corrupt and uogodiy prac. office to the Colon Rotary, the the Duke of York intends to tice of defrauding the said peo said Rotary Club and members follow suit and use the air route ple out of their just dues because of the Colon Chambers of Comwhen rail and road transportation Almighty God permited the dark merce baving been intimated by won suffice.
er hue in their buwan mechat many of the supporters of Mr.
ism on the exterior only. Watson work to be asked to act Seventh Day Adventist Marcus Garvey Interviewed in the capacity of building trustees CRINGING AND COWARDICE SHAMROCK NEW. or commitee connection with STREET CALIDONIA the construction of the new bowe. ROAD aear Isthmian Park Pana. Continued from page 1)
Continued from page 1) do not believe in being swell beaded and rude no more than Commander Watson believing ma.
Sabbath (Saturday) 945 a. years imprisonment for obtaining money by false pretences mended for his contributions, Mr. Collymore raust be comI believe that a man simply be said advice io order begs to use, cause bis skin is dark be should this medium to invite tonther sug Sabbath School; 11. 25.
Gen. This sentence was. afterwards commuted, and he was especially for his Sacred Sulo en cringe under the fellow who gestions and advice from those eral Worship Spanish banished from the States as an undesirable alien.
titled heard the voice of Jesus perchance is lacking in the interested in the new scheme and Class capabilities of bis dark co workeffort he is making toward its 30 in, Society. They put a man in prison in America just for the joke say. Come unto me and Rest. to er. Say this sort of pussy foot accomplishment in person or by meeting 30 Junior and of it, exclaimed the President General with a self satisfied refreshments specially prepared for ing can bave been a menace and letter as he is contemplating Senior Standard of attainment smile.
the coocasion terrible bandicap in the attain interviewing Mr. Gilkey at an Class, p. Vespers.
The Daily Express representative before leaving. The Loyal Shamrock Lodge ment of the dessorts of a deser early date on this phase of the Sunday night at 7:30 Song Serving people in this country, undertakine the said gentleman vices Preaching and baptiemai again steered the conversation round to the balance sheet formerly operated under Charter of the and with the country growth having at all times showo much services will fallow.
No 14 of the Preston Unity, but due t) certain dissatisfactions with and general prosperity, done will interest in the work be is carry Subject: The Purpose of Baptism The Germans will not tell Great Britain about the the head of the Order, they severed come our way it we fall og on and willingness to help it GRIZZLE Pastor, state of their Exchequer, retorted the President General. connections with that factor, and to asgert our claim to a due forward. will not make any statement, as it may not be the best are now working under the indesbare thereof and that with the pendent United Order of Mechabics necessary organs at work to Talented Soprano Boca Clubbouse early last month. policy.
make it known we are far from The Spiritualisation first clase Negro Improvement Association, however, throw some light KEEP LOOKING UPWARD she The Constitution and Book of Laws of the Universal Charter No. 12, oblivicus to your importance in the land. This need not mean program the first of local colored on the matter.
expensive speech making and To Sing To Atlantic Artistes to have made such gas blowing characteristic of Article of this document enacts that each active pleasant introduction in the local Sides member shall pay a monthly subscription wbich shall am coming. Keep looking up. Continued from page 1)
ncted type of West Indian Colon June 38 Madan Olga Negroes of the attempting aristomusical world, Madam King is a West Indian, not be more than 25 cents (1. month, and also a Bhe never glanced downwards, cratic autocratic specie. King of Balboa, soloist Mr. Editor, could say much Wesleyanoi Methodentlig harshif she had not the opportunity of these a tax of one dollar per annum for the expenses of safety.
velh the from the island of Jamaica. While death tax of 10 cents a month. There is in addition to but clung fast to her only hope more in this trend, but believing Ploedru City area neading estbected pro essional training abroad, ber and upkeep of the organization.
Arain the voice this time is coloratura soprano its as impossible to thiok that the kind of material of which men on the 19th of next month when in the vocal art has not been un Membership as 11, 000, 000, therefore, assuming that active The President General, as stated, gives the active nearer spoke hopefully: like Sydney Young are made she will give a recital at the Sil successful in the least. She has am coming. Keep looking up. Io wil!
you covered ver Clubhouse in Cristobal. This natural melodious voice, and she members pay on an average only 10 cents out of the 25 cents trong hand head more and more on worthless servant who buria talented soprano has been beard bere on more than one occasion. bas it trained to he point where which is the maximum subscription, in addition to the own in firm clasp and be his in the earth and tried asion. she now knows how to use and death tax and annual dollar Tax, this provides the sub telt herself drawn gently and blame others for his failures. Madam King expects to feature control it.
cautiously upward. Then she and believing to, that your traditional Negro Spirituals on her The distinguished singer is pop stantial income of nearly 5000, 090 per annum.
was lifted into loving arms, worthyorgan will be broad enough coming program. Her popularity ular on this side both in social and and closed her eyes her father AS to give utteraace to this on the concert stage gained wider religious circles, and it is expected breast.
bumble comment in its impartial fame and sbe made more friends that she will be given an appo ADVERTISE Keep looking up, is motto columns have written same, and gained on her already large priate reception at her recital we migbt well keep in mind with thanks in anticipation.
number of admirers at the Lon the 19th of next month. IN THE WORKMAN AND GET GOOD RESULTS throughout our lives. Liguorian.
another moment two


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