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pa seul The Commencement Exercises THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL 16 No. 48 PANAMA, RP. SATURDAY JULY 1923 PRICE CENTS Marcus Garvey Speaks At Albert Hall Speaks At Commencement Exercises On Garvey Meeting at Held at Red Tank School Albert Hall Commencement Ex London Newspaper West Indies Cricket Team in England Croft ition plat.
239 The commencement exercises states: Hon. Marcus Garvey.
The Daily Express of June Makes Demand For Negro Fair held at the Canal Zone Colored president. general of the Univer. Details of First Test Match Schools on the Pacific Side on cal Negro Improvement Associaplay and Freedom Friday night June 29th, turned toin, makes elanu tha: hi ha Against All England a bright new page in the history in to milloins in the Uni ed and that neither DernosThe following as the address delivered by Mr. Marcus dire training of colored children could stir men hearts and West Indian touring cricket teatn ieing not out at the finish. Cas of these schools and in the enthenes, Cicero, nor Mark Antho, LONDON, June 25. The lustily for the last wicket and Garvey at the Albert Hall, London on June 6th:o the Canal Zone.
minds as Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentle on the platform here native sons playing their first test match at ualties came quickly when the He unfortunately stirred very men, Fellow Citizens of the of Africa, descendants of the elaborate program was preparecen coressing the monster single innings defeat.
At the Red Tank School, an ewlitie Albert Hall last night the second day play faced a West Indians followed on. Chai British Empire: slaves in the Western World, by Principal Kinnimouth, assistudiener of what was selieduled Scores were: lenor misjudged one of Tate de am here this evening as the Negroes of America and Negroes ed by Teacher Cragwell and the bus stations to be au lis West Indies 17 and 55 for sis run was scored. Martin was clean England 401: liveries and was bowled before President General of the Univer from the West Indies. We have other masters, and presented in toric for.
sal Negro Improvement Associa: come to tell you how we feel an excellent manner by the pupil At eight o clock when the wickets. The tourists made a bowled by Hammond after 000 Negroes in Africa, the United at the present time to prevent associates. Mr. Sidney Young is dimensious would be 303 making a pretty stand. Later the safe hands of. Hammond and tion, an organization of 11, 000. about it and what we want done of the graduating class and the meeting was timed to begin, the bright start today in their first brief lie at the wicket. Fernan 10. generous estimate of innings Challenor and Martin des hit weakly off Freeman int States of America, South Amer a recurrence of what happened late editor of the West Indian se tu ils feet to sing From after the lunch interval. the Nunes put his leg in front of a ica, Central America, Canada and to us hundreds of years ago.
relu ley Mountains.
page of the Panama American, the West Indies, to present to Presenting the Case for the Negro delivered the commencement ad it would not be delivered for tine pins, Jupp, the Northampton. tried to pull Freeman and misse. The hymn West Indies wickets fell like straight ball from Jupp. St. Hill you the claim of our race upon want diplomas were pre your civilization to do so with the best of feeling sented to the proud pupils Nearest report or shire amateur, being in a dead being out leg before wicket. The.
Institution of Slavery toward all concerned. came to Mrs. Williams, wife of the Secre dent la viung oress, white shiny mood. He took four wickets West Indians last chance of mal For more than 500 years you England under instructions from tary of the Red Tank Club Valet. double burrelied for 37 runs in the first innings. ing a fair innings went glimmer whie assumed a leadership over us, those millions of people to ap house.
IV: 1sica, double gold The tourists followed on and ing when Freeman scattered!
chain and gittering spectacles, met with a variety of bawling Constantine stumps much against our will, the result proach you through your govern for of which took us into slavery, ment, through publie opinion, pils gave evidence of the care The items presented by the pu fisnored the climatic con frem Freeman, leading bowier duck xteen thousand specta and we labored as such slaves through your King and through ful training While the opening remunrks by chairman, Hon.
which they re. England this (first season, which tors watched the match during for 250 years in the country now the crowned heads and the govceived and reflected ereditably being bellowed at sote lew theus were drawn his analysis showed asi perdent general. were was disastrous. When stumps the day.
known as the United States of ernments of Europe, especially Bowling Analysis: on their capabilities. Recitations, and empty seats. Hon. Marcus that he had taken three wickets M RW America, and for 230 years in the those that have dominions at the songs and addresses were given out and wateu at he exit signe, for only ten runs. England was larwood lay back in his chair on the countries known as the West present time in Africa. England, by the student body all featuring and markets Lottien spectueles unfortunate in losing the services Tate 14 27 Indies. British, Spanish and France, Italy. Spain, Belgium, the happiness of school days and od urgeul mentes of the audience of Larwood, the Nottinghamp. Freeman 27 54 French. can well remember Portugal, have assumed within expressing ideals for the future resember ve Airican peoples shire bowler, who, once again Jupp 18. 35 40 when you, the English, entered the last fifty years the right po37 upon the slave traffic, litically to parcel out the land Mr. Young, spoke forcefully in their wills, strained a muscle. He was com MIXED AUDIENCE BEFORE THE MATCH Tohn Hawkins, whom You of our fathers without anybody and impressed the large audience Ali ti le tue ardieure bad pelled to retire from plav.
afterward elevated to knighthood, saving a word to us. At the ver present. He referred to himself With the score at 70 for no In the Athletic News of June at least twentyin seeking a charter to empower sailles Conference, at the League Colored School at Empire and aud 10. Nareus was introduced it looked as if Challenor and offered the following comments as a product of the Canal Zone! we ied by live que vous colar and white, wickets at the luncheon interval lith, the Gentleman in Black him to take slaves from Africa. of Nations, the representatives from Elizabeth, then Queen of of those governments created expressed a close kinship with the moster audience by Martin were in for a long time on the Test fixture.
Tingland, said that he wanted the certain mandates without asking (Continued on Page 6)
Contined on Page 6) However, after the interval both One would like to be able to slaves from Africa for the purus. nearly 300. 000. 000 people woo succumbed very quickly; Chal. feel that they will put up a good pose of civilizing and Christian one word about it. We are here enor was taken at the wicket by fight against our representatives, izing them. Under a pretense of to let not only Europe but the SPARKLETS Smith off Larwood while Mar. but it is very difficult to do so.
Christianizing and civilizing world know that the new Negro in was out immediately after that they are a most enthusiastie them, the Queen signed the char is not going to be railroaded into (By KING)
vards leg before wicket to Tate. side there can be no doubt, an!
ter. That traffic removed millions slavery, into becoming a peon, in Today, gentle reader, will oc. whereby we exchange copies. Fernandes was clean bowled by they always play bright cricket, Their hatting, however, is cer of black men, women and chil. to hecoming a serf, as was se cupy your time briefly on Isth. The idea is that read primarily late before he could dren from the West Coast of easily done in the centuries gone mian West Indian Journalism, to seek useful information and dunes, the skipper came tainly not up to Test Match stan: Africa to your Dominions ane by. Applause. that celebrated subject which, it knowledge. and played a useful inni dard, and the same, it is to be Colonies in the West Indies and Africa for the Africans couple of years ago, drew out for As to the weekly Workman, litting briskly when a loose ball feared must be said concerning in America en their work in other departments We are men; we have souls, your entertainment much thought in spite of the fact that the edi. ame along. He got poor his team of the game, and especially so After 250 Years we have passions, we have feel from Gaskin, Miss Linda tor at one time consigned to his curagement from As have said, for 250 years ings, we have hopes, we have de Chubb nee Smart and the writer permanent files a respectable rates as none of them staver far as wicket keeping is we struggled in America under sires, like any other race in the into the columns of this great correspondence of mine eulogizery long. Constantine reache! cerned.
Some of their bowlers are the burden and the rigors of world. Applause. The cry is indispensable family journal. My ing the Honourable Marcus Gar. hirteen and fell to a fine catch quite good, but the variety in slavery. We were brutalized; we raised all over the world today reference back to this subject is vey, do not know that have y Larwood.
were maimed; we were killed; of Canada for the Canadians, of inspired after having read Mr. missed a copy of that genuine! The bowling of Jupp was an their attack is limited. It may were ravaged in every way. America for the Americans, of Barileau little article on it example of Isthmian West Indian enigma to the West Indian bats. happen, as it did in the Surrey Then in America a man sprang England for the English, of in last Sunday Star and Herald. journalism anytime during its men. Nunes was clean bowled by match, that their fost bowlers up by name of Abraham Lincoln, France for the French, of Ger.
For the past fifteen years existence, outside of whenever this player. Francis livened the will get some wickets cheaply (Conti and on Page and in 1865 he liberated the Am many for the Germans do you have been a constant subscriber the Management halts publica. game up a little by hitting out erican Negro slaves. woman think it unreasonable that we, to the Star and Herald, and if tion for time to generate fresh by the name of Victoria the the blacks of the world, should you are arithmetically bent you energy to carry on.
In spite of my limited prepara Etude Club Loitering on the Canal Cood, the Queen of England, in raise the cry of Africa for the can be readily enlightened to the 1838 emancipated the West In: Africans. Applause. fact that have spent approxi tion and knowledge, have de Zone.
dian Negroes. Tonight we have (Continued on Page 6)
mately 225 for that journal. Hadtected from time to time a cer.
the Panama American swapped tain amount of laxity in speech Outing on July 4th Endate of birth with the Star and and badly prepared expressions joyable Affair Cristobal. Julge Murray of Gatun Junior Forum Women Day at Chap Herald, the former would be at indiscriminately used in handing the Cristobal District Court was the In addition to ter 17 Tomorrow This new club has become a ilt considered merciless whea he eenregular this time the proud recipient of out bouquets to or administering org nized Form of Gatun which 225 of my hard earned monthly curses upon local journals. The tle more popular since Wednesday tenced Oleniel Cab zı, and Trap last, July 4th, by having arranged quilino Morales to 15 days in jail consists of adults, and which Women have always played a stipend. But it is not for its (disinterested observer may, in the a very grand picnic for its wem for horfing on the Panama RailSecretary Moore is Presi great part in this world affair, West Indian page nor its policy same manner, detect defects in hers and frieuds at the san road docks without permission.
dent, a Junior Orxanization is and this is no ss a faut in the towards West Indians that have my grammar, logic and rhetoric. Francisc» bathing resort.
now being op rated for the bene Chapter 17 of the UN invested 225 in the Star and Reniel Castillo, another laborer The bus lift the Panama Rail was given a fine for sleeping fit of aspiring orators and for Tomorrow evening at 6:00 as it may, were to thouse desirous of improving thein. Miss Ethel Lery will preside over Herald or would have parted write a letter of appreciation to read Station, in 8:00 m. and thede Panama Railroad checking trip at Relves along lines. special gathering at Liberty from a similar amount for the the local daily papers for jour. 6:00. but, unfotunately, a litile This reprim and will of course Quite recently a very interesting Ball.
program was conducted ty Mr.
credit of the Panama American. nalistic facilities afforded to my inconvenie was experienced ac be an example to others who were Blake at the Clubhouse tes will contribute to the Program. dimes to date for the Panama to take care of their own in the sistence of friends to relieve the Many of Panama leading artis. Although not having spent tive people here, due to their inability count of beavy downpour of perhi ignorant of the gravity of necessitated the ssöffence, in which the members them elves in a very cornnend Schampioned vahew hcauses of wraca American have not missed read fiekl of journalism, would most bus from a muddy track.
Levyalways indulged in. All expressed them ble manner The organization con needs no introductson to an tb ing as many as five issues of that likely go about it in this way: The valuable assistance of selves at being perfectly satisfied journal. Not being able to an a platform worthy of note.
re working to place themselves given a good account of Cherself. purchase both papers have en sincere appreciation and grati. werth made mrny difficulties essy are to be congratular for having The chief aim of the society is the organization will assist in the tered into a little agreement with tude for the consideration you ditio nof music from the Victrola, ciative recreation, and one which and cn the whole with the ad so well arranged such an appreto make its members masters of the Englis tongue.
a Panama American subscriber Continued on page 6) seabathing and refreshments were will add greatly to the clal interest.
Score con.
a quitted


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