
Ne Plus Ultra THE WORKMAN Writing in the Negro World under the caption More Bevond, a correspondPublish on Says but for A1793313 applica.
WALRN. at th) o llice No 15 tloa. Corrotoa on all mattas ent Haynes says inter alia: Stace: East Catral Ava: Paano pablis intarest invits1.
All copy for pablication must be Just received a fine selection of When Spain was at the height POBox 71. Pain RP weitton on a siis of paper oaly, aal of her glory as a world power Rates of S3535ription mast by 1:33nasiel by the nans of she had stamped on her coins e Year 1) C; the writer, no: 1930ssarily for publica tiga bat as a nurk of good faith.
the pillar of Hercules, and took W, də aɔt undertake to ratara rafor her motto, Ne Plus Ultra Oas Month 25.
jest correspoa lea33.
no more beyond. But the dis in the very latest de sings covery of America y Colom The Liberty of the Press is the palladiun of our rights INUIS gave Spain a new vision and she speedily e iminated the Ne.
SATURDAY JULY 7, 1928. Also leasing Plus Ultra more te yond.
THE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT From time immemorial mes and races have added to the sun VICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS of knowledge and intelligence ly As was announced in last Saturday issue of this reaching out beyond the confines of their immediate communities, paper, the Canal Zone elementary schools for children of coloured employees on the Panama Canal and Panama All at moderate Prices Human needs have given birth Railroad Company of the Isthmus held, for the first time an army of adventures, explorer in their history, commencement exercises for pupils grad and pioneers whose intrepidi uating from the eighth or last grade. Fifty nine graduated, Irm the more of resent day twenty five from La Boca, ten from Red Tank, nine from Always kept in stock a full assortment of liza ion. There were times Gatun and fifteen from Cristobal. Each year, for the past dass gone by when men though several years, a greater or lesser number have gradthat they had reached the border uated, from the highest standard of education which is, land of truth, but the rooid de up to now, available for the children of coloured employees velopment of science, mission of the Canal and Railroad.
nctivities, and the entransion world trade and commerce cout The occasion is certainly a history making one for West Indians in the Canal Zone whose children make ed with the new taste for travel and adventure unfolded the vast up no less than ninety five per cent of the total enrollment of every description in the coloured schools. As a matter of fact the event resources of God and nature was a notable one, as it was the first time coloured childdwarfing our imagination an!
ren in the Zone were given such an inspiration with giving us more light and unier which to fire them with ambition for higher learning. In standing. Plus Ultra has been well thinking coloured circles this is taken to be a clear MULLER, Prop.
he urge of nations dependent indication of the Government keener observance to the in the economic strength of direction of providing high school facilities for the children therlands for their existence of coloured builders of the great Isth nian waterway. There 37 CENTRAL AVENUE, It rave Britain the empire on is no gainsaying the fact, this act on the part of the whe the sun never sets, an!
Division of Schools has elicited for them much praise from PANAMA.
made France the second god cf the parents and guardians of the children as well as from imperialism. sent Japan int the colouredcommunity in general.
Manchuria, inspired the Monroe But in this gladdened mood the occasion also forces 47. ctrine and gave the United hefore the immediate attention of the employees a gloomy States lier territorial possessions outlook pending the time when the Canal Zone Government It is realization that there is more will be moved to provide a High School for their children.
Egbert Moulton beyond which makes white men Already, it is a problem, the solving of which is no where and yellow men roam the seas in sight, as to the fate of the boys and girls who during Funeral and explore distant lands ia past years have been graduating from the eighth grade search of wealth and power. It is unnoticed but by their teachers and immediate relatives.
this that causes their business R There have not been a few of these!
Influences Of Garveyism Or, men to invest billions of dollars E From another angle the employees have been for in foreign bonds and securities Marcus Garvey Paper.
a long time confronted with the problem created from Plus Ultra invited Sir Thomas lack of a trade school which, in the absence of a High Egbert Molton now rests Lipton to turn his back on the School, would offer some relief.
in the bosom of Mother Earth rica shipping, cotton and cont As the principal speaker at the graduating exercises at La Boca put it. These boys and girls are until the Day of awakening markets of his native land to fini But why did the colored people leaves of Ceylon. It sent the oil acres of diamonds in the te now given to you parents, as well as to the commuof the Atlantic Side, some also nity at large. He had certainly stated a point of ct.
hamns into Roumania Russia.
OUT We noted with much regret, however, that the learned coming over from the Pacific Mesopotamia and Mexico. It gentiemen steered clear of mentioning the necessity for Side, turn out to the funeral and directed Cecil Rhodes to South a High School!
along the route of the funeral in Africa. It brought millions to the PURITY We understand that there is a posibility that adsuch numerous quantities?
firmond kings in Amsterdam, ditional facilities for elementary education will be proviIt is said that the young man Brussels and London from Kim.
ded in the near future, and in that connection we are At all our dealers or a phone call Egbert Moulton was possessed Serley and the Rand. It sent a not unmindful of the fact that the greatest number of a very attractive personality, handful of adventurous white brings the goods to your door should be rescued from the posibility of total inundation despite the fact that he was mo men down to the West Indies and by the dreaded sea of complete ingoranice. But with the desty in its remarkable essen Central America, who gave to great United States of America for which the coloured em.
tials, proportions. unassuming the United States two of its ployees, parents of these children, have given most of THE.
and all that a refined temperala gest commercial institutionstheir best days, there would result no financial embarment calls for the United Fruit Company of assment in the event that a High School is provide PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Moulton as a young leader. Resten and the William Wrigley at this time.
one much loved by those under Co. of Chicago.
PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 his immediate control and We believe, in addition, that the lack of higher eduWe of the Negro race shoul!
cation for the hundreds of eighth grade graduates who others, his unexpected demise have been thrown on their parents and the community Manufacturers of etc. all tended to enlist untola nail this motto in our schools ani from time to time will, in course of time, form a dansympathy and the unspeakable newspapers, our churches and gerous problem which will not be easily solved even CLASS GOODS feeling bespeaking actions and homes, our lodge halls and places by the Canal Zone Government. For such children expressions in connection with of business, for beyond the limits have not received enough preparation to allow them to his death. These factts however, of our community, our litte maintain their present ambition to be respectable citizens are only secondary to other world out there in distant lands, of any country. Only in rare instances are their parents causes or agencies making for the peace, the prosperity, the sue cess we are deniel here a wait able to keep up the sacrifice ani endure the want to DENTIST HOWELL (Panama Wesley the real causes and effects as our reaping. Others are gather enable them to send their children abroad for a more Activities they exemplified themselves in dependable education.
House No. 912 La Boca connection with Moulton death we. Africa needs every ounce of Canal Zone and Lurial.
ing the harvest and so should There is no question but that the Canal Zone adour energy, every pound of our The chief reason as we take inteligence and manhood. Let ministration has been spending a respectable sum of money OPPOSITE RESTAURANT New Syllabus Arranged for the elementary education of the children of their Phone 1941 BALBOA time for reflection is because the our vision penetrate beyond our coloured employees and intend to spend more. But it late leader in a specific sphere lawn with its beautiful flowers, Keeping in line with the new of the and was bevond our farms and backyards must be remembered and borne in mind that stifled Specialises in ill Branches of menblok edhe Patronna Wesley care not only a disciple, but an apos with their array of poultry and education in most cases proves dimaging not only to the Dentistry of E.
recipient but is also of comparatively little, when of Society met on Tuesday last in th tle of Garveyism.
ALL WORK GUARANTEED vegetables, for these can be mul.
any, benefit to society.
vestry and arranged their quarterly It might be to some, syllabus, and it is also gratifying satisfactory to be semi christian fertile spaces of the universe.
more tiplied an hundred fold in other We heartily appreciate the laudable move made by When you have a Prescription less interesting than the last; all than to be agnostic or atheistic We are slaves to the shortsight: to mention that it is in no way the Division of Schools of the Canal Zone in initiating makeup stake it to the Natioerd who have in the past showotiter and kith and kin to like ics and edness of our predecessors sho a move which spells the dawn of better days for the Pharmacy, Sinta Ana Plaza, where appreciation in the last ilks.
you will get it carefully compound arrangement, will be quite sati.
education of their coloured pupils. We sincerely hope ed by obliging and taught us to let well enough It however seems a pity that a one. We are prone to settle corteous fied with the that the time will not le long before they will bring into pharmacists.
present quarte. Frangement talents which were doubtless giv down on the dictum, Ne Plus existence that which their nobie action apparently indiThis new scheme has dore en to persons for proper use in cates the establishment of a High School and Trade wonder and since it has satisfied the realms of literary science Ultra. And we are choking eco.
NOTICE School for the children of the coloured employees of the The Workman can be had at timeand trouble to have a well as where the talented is drawn like white and yellow men, con a long felt need, it is worth the should be misapplied in directions nomically because we are not, Panama Canal and Panama Railroad on the Isthmus.
Sanchez place No. 6, 24 Street ranged schedule which treana Guacba palli much to the interest of the society. (Continued on page AND YOU quarter for the Continued on page 6)


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