
THE WRKMAN SATURDAY JULY 7, 1928 PAGE FOUR For Sale Cheap e of wwwwwindi Good Assortment of Photo Albums hbibi with it Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
aaammmh mainnam Wikiiiiiii Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City 15 What a Britisher With The Rush To Never Whibienie Wide Social Survey of Ax to Grind Thinks of son London India Why Is It. Coatinued from page 3)
plentiful supply of material for Raves About Soviet Gold, as (By Veritas. sensational stories.
Usual Indians Must Not Be That John Neverson name has Now the social secrets of the Treated too Seriously, He become famous in Colon as a leadLondon of today are to be re Declares Country Quiet ing shoe dealer, ie beyond guestion. There is however an innovended. Se William Beveridge, Contented vation in Mr. Neverson business Director of the London School of wbose dimensions require changes Economics, and Sir Hubert in the firm name. It is now the (From the New York Times)
Republic Store. This more metroLlewellyn Smith, lace perman An intense Soviet propaganda is politan came of the firm is at ent Secretary of the Board of being carried on in India, Sir the present time exemplifing itTrade, are to make a new sur Hubert Winch Carr, general di. self in the big sush to the Revey of the London people. Sir rector of Balmer, Lawrie Co. public Store, special eale which 30th Lid. and former president of the begun on Saturday the Hubert Smith was one of Mr.
European Association of India, ultimo when they display of a Booth most valued assistants.
bare ford ehera prices variety to the over a quarter of a century ago, Hotel Barclay. Sir. Hubert is here so that he is specially fitted for oo a world tour with his wife. business grunden of the man and the present task. The work will Lots of Bolshevist money has his co workers or som? bing, must come to India, and the Soviet the big and contiouous rusb to the bave been and is responsible for not be approached from any spegovernment is always trying to cial point of view, and the pro cause trouble Yet it will certainly sa e where the faces of the buyers moters have no idea what wil not succeed in turning the country seem to beem with satisfactico over the bargains they are getting.
come of it. They are simply con red, he said.
At the present time in the cerned to elucidate the facts. New Sir Hubert discussed the work of history of merchactile life in Colon, tendencies will be revealed, and a the Simon commission, which is 10 dry gonds lines especially, and clearer view will be possible studying bow far success has at particularly in men clothing tended the establishment of the prices are unprecedented, and the advance made in the genera!
elf governmet granted to the whom, like is the cause with Mr.
conditions of the masses of the country eight years ago.
Neversoy special sale venture, people. The benefits of the legis The result the commisson ar. similar articles can be sold at lation and social improvements rives at will decide how far the still greater reduction in prises, due to Mr. Booth survey will responsible government can be something that is hardly far short also be assessed at their true extended, modified or restricted, of over production must have he continued. Britain has re taken place in the manufacturing value. Instead of a static picture quested all India to co operate in world.
of the life of the Londoner, it collecting evidence on which to But Say, it is a common belief base the commission report. The among men that period of will be possible in future if the Indian politicians, however, have PLENTY is an omen of a time suggestions of Sir William Bev oycotted the commissio because coming of scarcity. And to boot, eridge to carry out a similar sur they feel that lodia ought to be Joba Neverson special sale, am vey of each succeeding genera represented on it. The commission told, will ooly last twenty days.
tion is acted upon to get, as it is entirely constituted of members It depends. Hence the big rust of Parliament and headed by Sir to doubt.
were, a moving picture.
Jobo Simon, Lib tal lawyer. The Fortunately there are 110V fact that be bas been appointed by tbo Conservative available official and unofficial govertiment Moans of Communica shows that it wants to do what 19 tion Today Comparod records which were not available best for India.
With the Past OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH at the beginning of the present Months before the commission century, so that the record anived Hindus and Mohammenext door Nash Motors Garage should be more complete, than dans were trying to frame com By Wireless was Mr. Booth Also new mon demande. They could not agree, so finally, to hide their methods will be possible ani, and purpurinam mana nanananananananananamnamo dissension, they declared the boyWe are living to lay in a very where advisable, there will be no cott. Yet it will not prove el modern age, and what was new hesitation in adopting them. Dur fectual because it is bely the fity or one hundred senrs ago is political parties that are boycotting, certainly new in these days.
ing the last twenty years there not the individual. The commisIf we were to compare the mod you were not smlin Like begets like, so let us alostaju! snowcus ut uas se sion will undoubtedly get all the ern means of comunication of in population in the outer ring evidence it order to to lay with those of yesterday, we ways be cheerful and have will complete its work.
certainly see what pleasant word for otbars. Try it.
rapid of London, and this outer ring im Liguorian.
provements have been made in will be thoroughly canvassed. Al Sir Hubert said the politicians this connec ion in a comparative.
in India were not to be taken ly short space of time take for in ways, however, the former sur tuo seriously. They generally im. Stance. in wars of o d, news bad vey will be kept well in mind, so izate the speeches and behavior to be taken by a inessenger with that, while the new one may of their colleagues abroad, he de piper in hand on horse brek; THE NEW YORK DENTST serve as a basis for further in clared. The boycott Imd been think of the times when they were 182, BOLIVAR street soothe any neuralgic pain caused by copied from Egypt, he asserted. no vestigations, a close comparison Treat the heart of India with po subways, no telephone, no wire CULON, excessive mental work, may be made with the old one. to we who all seriousness, but do not treat living in these modern days can Box 71, CRISTOBAL, Further, there will be at the be the Indian too seriously, advi ed boast of all these things even Sir Hubert.
TELEPHONE 247COLON ginning a certain amount of ex when we don have the immediate periment in order to discover Like all countries, India has use of them, we know that they periods of uorest, but on the are being usd to good advantage.
the best ways and means of ob whole the country is quiet ud Small Should be in every school to soothe bad is taining the necessary facts.
contented. India has probably compatibe United States which There will be no lack of capfelt the after effects of the war composed of 48 diferent states DENTIST th: improved headaches and reduce the fever of less than any other country, cation has made much business means of communi able assistants. Among others, MASONIC TEMPLE The budget is well balanced and me children.
Office Hours: 8, am to 12 Professor Bowley, the fa.
the currency has been on a sound pustible with the aeroplines, telephones, telegrap mous statistician, who has made basis and railroads, the distanc, from 30 to 30 NEURALGINA Asked about the relig cus gues: one state to the next (regar less Sundays, by Special Appointment a special study of this kind of in vestigation in other countries, tion in India, the director said of the buadreds of miles wbich Masonic Temple lith St, the feeling between Bidus and seperate them) is a small matter.
has promised his assistance. The Nohammedans, which was very! It would be quite rilly if any. Box 787. CRISTOBAL Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes London County Council has strained some years ago and cau. el bad intercom nuual rist, of improvem:nts in any venture one were not to think or speak Phone: OFFICE 1664 promised its cordial co operation.
the heart, The mass of material in the pos.
has now waned.
or ia any undertaking, for as we RESIDENCE 538 session of the Ministry of Labour The English, however, have move along, there can be noted For sale both Wholesale and Retail and other Government Depart to keep order, and at all native the remarkable inventions which meetings Hindu police are on are taking place year after year.
ments will also be available, and guard, be continued. It is a AT THE the resources of the London peculiar fact that the more goSchool of Economics will of vernment control they get the Scatter Sunshine AMERICAN PHARMACY keeper becomes the course be utilised. The first part between the two parties. There of the work will be got through must be somebody to bold ABRAHAM LINCOLN or ce JAVIER MORAN, Froprietor very rapidly, but the entire en the scale. large number sald. When am dead wao!
of educated Indians want to have it said of me by those who quiry will extend over a perio!
of five years. The total cost will the British and feel they cannot know me beat, that always do without them. The Indian plucked a tblstle a plant de NEED be about 15, 000 pounds of which Priaces have much to say, too flower where thought a flower 10, 000 pounds is already in hand as they are absolute autocrats ia would grow.
their diferent countries.
and another 2, 000 pounds is proWATCH?
That is the spirit of true traternity mised; so that only 3, 000 pounds DROP IN AT Let us Scatter is required to cover all estimated When you have a Prescription seeds of CALL IN AT expenditure. There can be to take up take it to the National kindness along the way. If the doubt but that the investigation Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where world is not better on account you will get it carefully compound of our living in it, then it were will be thoroughly well done, and ed by obliging and courteous better that we had never been that it will provide a complete pharmacists.
122 CENTRAL AVE, p eigant word or smile will survey and picture of London lighten many burdens and You ill Find Them and its people today.
Dr. Nathan Rowe mike them easter to bear.
We once beard a man wbo was PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON accosted on the street by a Moderately Priced.
No. 16 STREET EASI TAKE NOTICE 11th and Bolivar Sts. strauger wbo said to him: My friend want to thank you for Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
The WORKMAN can be COLON, belplag me, to wbich the map had at Mr. Sanchez place BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE addressed replied: don reA GOOD SELECTION OF 24tb street, Nc building Chase National Bank member ever having met you; how Office Hours: a. to 12m, tben, have NEW BIBLES Guachapali. That is true, p. to pm.
replied the other, but have passel you OFFICE TELEPHONE 320 Hymn Prayer Books House rent treipt books in on the street many, many times.
Spanieh and English for sale at DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 and have never seen you that the Workman Prin cry wants in NEURALGINA Dr. Fred Sterling Should be in every office to immediately NEURALGINA five years.
tension no FULLER The Workman BOOK STORE helped you?


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