
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable Egbert Moulton Funeral our When you want Palatable Pure, Wholesome Milk JUST ASK FOR we Nestlé Condensed Milk Continued frm Page aside by the old Deceiver into spheres where it is made to feel that things mysterious and unsolvable to the human mind e. the inexplicable nicknamed the teaching of the Hominum Sal.
vador socalled, is of first and foremost importance to mortals.
This very thing has had more to do with the befogging of the mentalities of the poor toiling Negro, and his neglecting of the essentials of human existence, as to make him a dupe and tool and toy in the paws of the other fellow who tells him he is his inferior.
If more of our men of the cloth would come right out as real men and stand in the spheres where they could serve to greater advantage, they could better help the poor fellow made the under dog by unscrupulous discriminators and revilers of the facts of equity to rational beings like themselves.
And so it seems that Moulton was born to be attractive. To be a leader among his poor oppres ed brethren. But it was also said of him that he was a meek and modest young man. This reminds us of two figures of speech we have often meditated on in holy jo sərə18 əyi jo pies OM legislators that he was the meekest of world leaders; refer to what is said of Moses, the man of God. The David, the man after God desire, a man who failed but never failed so far as to doubt his Maker and not pray to him for help, declared thy gentleness hath made me great.
Egbert Moulton was a great young man among the disciples of Marcus Garvey. It was then appropriate, that at the conclusion the preacher who read the burial services over the mortal remains of the departed, when he seemed unprepared to conclude 030303032030 203302 303 like others in committing the in the republic of Panama (an!
dead to mother earth, that the not such a bad place after all if young man who has gone to the we will make another effort at great beyond has gone to heaven, doing the thing right) for seli he seemed to have found satis improvement of economic faction in the utterance of at least and other conditions is confidence one biblical text, and one found in those we elect and select to in the utterances of our blessed Sead and serve us. secondly, the saviour himself in the articles of necessary organ to teach us the the beatitudes, viz: Blessed are way and express our righteous the meek, for they shall inherit needs and demands.
the earth. Of course we take it! can hardly see how the effor granted that the said preacher forts of Marcus Garvey could correctly understands that the have survived till now, despite earth is meant to be man ever failures and mistakes and so lasting home rather than heaven. forth, hadn he a news organ.
And of course that correct. And say it now as have often Amen.
said before, that despite the 99 of Spectators of scares and fears of some about Population what might happen if we have In the concourse among fol. any thing of a fearless and de lowers and onlookers on the oc cent newspaper of our own, cancasion of Moulton funeral, it not see the use of attempting was very notable to those who anything unless have took pains or could not help not, newspaper to inform and guide ing the fact, that there were on our people, a paper of our average, ninety nine per cent of own (it being plain that we cant West Indians among the fol expect a square deal from other lowers and spectators at the channels in said lines) we may as funeral.
well let what little savings we The foregoing struck the writ. accumulate remain at the disposal er partícularly, until he found of the fellows of other breeds that he was asking himself what and creeds of self, if we do not was mainly accountable for the intend to use the abilities of our specific spell under which so own blood and flesh to make it Fiany of our people were influenc known in the country to which ed. The answer was not far to we have in its every sphere con.
find, it was the name Marcus tributed much more than Garvey and the means he had share in its progress etc.
employed to get at both the The Workman News Paper heart (if not the brains) and The writer must close pro tem, the pocket books of Negro peo. but not until he has given out ple.
the idea of his intention to say Marcus Garvery publicity taca few words regarding the des tics were in the main responsible for what Marcus Garvey had serts of one and the only news achieved and is yet achieving with organ in this country that has the material support of Negroes. lack of recognition and adequate stood by its people despite their The Deduction And Lesson The death and funeral in Colon support during the years of its of Young Moulton will not have issues of the Workman.
fight etc. Follow the succeeding occurred at such an early stage VERITAS.
in his earthly career without profit if we will draw the deductions from what we are endreavoring When you have Prescription to point to and the lesson the loss to make up ts ke it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, to others can teach.
where you will get it carefully comAmong other things lacking in rounded by obliging and cou. trous the present status of our people pharmaci is.
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