p. 6


ed game.
a Marcus Garvey.
SPARKLET CHURCH SERVICES West Indies Cricket (Continued from page 5)
AMERICAN EPISCOPAL (Continued from Page 1)
Hindering Tactics CHURCH have given my people in allowing Somebody with an evil mind them to practice journalism upo: before the dew disappears in the morning, but England batting has placed a wrong interpretation the columns of your valuable OF FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER should prove strong enough to upon our motives and upon my paper, at a time when they have TRINITY prevent anything like a complete expressions. They have tried to not yet arisen to the standard collapse.
make me all kinds of things. at which they can take care of COMPLETE ELECTRIC St. Paul Church, Pan They tried to make me a Social their own affairs in that field of City On paper, their opponents, will ist and a Bolshevist, and when human endeavor. Kindly transii (Rev. Nichtengule, but also men who for the most be not only stronger all round, they found out that was neither to Mr. Nicholson Nichols Rreto)
they szid was a crook. Laugh Mr. Coleman, and Messrs part, have already appeared in ter. And they sent me to pri. Young and Bell of Commemorative Anniversary games of the first importance son as a favor (they said) to the your respective journals, my Nerves may play an important Services colored people; and after they community most sincere grati role in next week big match, and if it does one trusts it will kept me in prison for two years tude and high admiration of the and ten months and found it was splendid manner in which they (JULY 7th AUGUST 15th) am. Holy Communion (ho not be so our visitors, will for ral. The Rector not a pleasure but a grave dis have used the opportunity you the reason stated probably be 10:15. Mains Mr. the side so handicapped.
pleasure they found an excuse to have granted us to represent our Atuell, Lay Reader comute my sentence, and then case to the world and further our 10:30 am. Holy Eucharist Next Saturday week will le they deported me from Amer progress. No less are we appre YOU CAN HAVE CIRCUIT sermou The Restor the most historic day in West ica. thought of coming from ciative of and thankful to Mr.
12 a. Holy Baptiem Indian cricket annals, any America at the request of my John Baxter, late editor. in p. Church School Servie nervousness would be quite ex.
organization to speak to the Enchief of the Panama American INSTALLED FOR ONLY (Sung in Spanish)
cusable. Did not a batsman glish people about whom read for his frequent expressions of 7:30 Choral Evensong and the inter University match, owing so much and about whom hear:1 sermou Prescher, the Rt. RV to stage fright, once rush past sympathy, his protestations Harry Car on, Bisco the wicke keeper towarls the so much for their liberal attitude against our exploitation and his DOWN WITH of Haiti and Santo Domingo towards all men: thought urgings that we get together, MONDAY, JULY 9, pavilion when called by his part would have a fair hearing in Eng employ our own oars to row our ner for a run. land, to present a clear case not own boat across the sea of dis 7:30 pm. Choral Evensong and BALLANCE IN SMALL serinou Preacher, the Rev.
The West Indies side would not only for the organization reprecrimination and the like to the utcare, Rector of St. Peter s, Le human if they did not feel dis sant but for the Negroes of the land of independence and affluAMOUNTS. ASK FOR Boca, appointed with their experience world, and to clear my character. ence.
DETAILS of last week, for after being The first thing they said about There is another local paper.
7:30 m. Choral Evensong and seaded on the first innings by me when arrived here was that ermea. Prearber the Rev. Don Durham in a drawn game at Sun. was a desperate crook and however, but whose efforts are Drake, of the Cathedral of derland they went down by far from being all that is de St. Luke.
the person who wrote that about THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS runs before Ireland in College me never saw me, knew nothing sired, Mr. Barriteau said among WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, Park, Dublin about me, had had no dealings other things in his little Sunday (FUERZA LUZ)
7:00 a ru. Poly Communion morning speech. This reference It was the first reverse during with me. but he and others were 7:30 pm. Choral Evensongana willing to state a case against Workman. am assuming that was, of course, made to the PANAMA serinou with Procesion. Preacher, heir trip, and they have the con COLON Bishop Carson. The Rev. Jsolation of knowing that they me so as to prejudice the success Cooper, Rector of Christ Curch were not at full strength. Neither of this meeting, without investi Mr. Baritenu is an intelligent AT YOUR SERVICE West Indian who ought to know By the Sea, Colon, will assist in Constantine nor Challenor play.
rating that conservatively, there are ed. Had they done so the result An Empty Envelope fifty thousand West Indians here might well have been different.
CHURCH SERVCIES Still, their absence does not pre Do you know what went to who, after more than twenty prison for? They said that some years, keep shifting sentiments Commncement Exe NE PLUS ULTRA vent one from congratulating unknown employee of mine, be. and criticizing policies, and still St. Peter by the Sea, Boc. the sticcessful side on a well de cause was President of the remain unable to educate them ercises (Continued from Page 2)
CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE served win in a capitally contest Black Star Line, a steamship selves up to where they will be scious that there is more beyond.
FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER corporation, and an auxiliary of able to subordinate little perse Continued from page 1) One of the safest mottoes for any TRINITY the organization that repre. sonal issues for the good of the the pupils. He pointed to the vast race or individual is this whici London Newspaper sent now, posted letter to community. The weekly WorkHoly Communion, 6, a. The somebody: in the evidence an man is far from what we de and beneficial difference brought Spain coined when Columbus re Rector envelope was presented to the sire. But if we desire a better by the years and said that the turned from his conquest across Matins and address, 11, (Continued from page 1)
witness which he identified as ad. paper we can improve upon the commencement exercises, held the Atlantic. No matter to what Mr. N Cariby. Lay Header the greatest negro in the world dressed to him, but he could not Workman. would not for the for the first time in the Canal degree of perfection a nation, a Church Schol, the most advertised man in the world, the modern Jobp ir entify any letter contained in world seek to smash the Panama Lune colored schools was a happy race, an individual or an instittu. McEnrthy Choral Evensong and sermon, Bunyan.
the envelope, and the prosecuting Symphony Orchestra on account augury for the future higher edu. tion may develop, there is more 30, pin The Rector He rose to his feet took a attorney presented it in evidence of petty differences with Car cation of the children. He voiced beyond.
long draught from a glass of water, JUVENILE MISSIONARY and proceeded to outlire the as a fair assumption that the en field Murray its director: nor gra. itude to the Canal Zone auSERVICE velope bore mailed matter from would embarass the Panama thorities and the Saperintendent LEADER OF THE history of the negro ages in detail not forgetting such bi torical perthe Black Star Line, of which Canal West Indian Association of Schools, Mr. Ben Wilson sonages as Abrabam Lincolo was President, and because of on account of a personal row with and urged the pupils to aim highA an extension of the Missionary Drive begun at St. Peter on the Victoria Queen Elizabeth, and that an empty envelope was President Whyte. But would er, pointing out that there were 29th ultimo, u Juvenile Missionary sent to prison in America for five not hesitate to criticize their of boundless opportunities for them His Campaign to Place Service will be beld on Wednesday, came to England under Pears. Cries of Shame. And ficial acts without prejudice to and every one, that they have no Case of Negross Before it better under the auspices of groes Marcus declared, and ur.
night, Ilth inst you call me a criminal for that the movements, nor to fight hon handicaps greater than those of the British Pub ic. the Young People Service Lengue sed in melo dramat e tones that and the newspapers in England ourably within or without their their forefathers, and quoted as and as it will be the maiden England was owned by the have published only that evil ranks to remove their heads or shining examples for the emula Missionary Drive in the history of English, France by the French, side of it without seeing the good any of their members for the tion of the graduating scholars, MISSIOM TO LONDON the Church to be manipulated by and America by the Americans our young wurkers, it proinises to and Africa should be peopled by that the organization which re. common or organization good, such famous members of their be successful the Africans, and should be present has done in its fourteen and that only.
race as Henry Cristophe, Booker The JAMAICI MAIL of the 26th ulto publishes the following taken Addresses on the maning and Washington, Frederick Doug from the London Daily News: utility of the General Program of the Africans srley for years of existence.
As West Indians here, we are lass. Toussaint Overture and Opposite to him rose myraid which What have we done in fourteen what we are and where we are others.
red plust seats Marcus Garvey, who has been the Church (Episcopal) and also empty called the Moses of the black ra. Jua the Church works in variou zaped and gaped years? In fourteen years we have no more and no further. Whenthe uncrowned Emperor of will It was rather tragic that this organized 11, 000, 000 black menlever we are in a mood to scat.
Mrs. Williams, speaking eioAfrica, hagarrived in this country Cer delivered by five mate oficers eloquence for Garvey is a fine (Applause. We made an effort ter bouquets to or swear judge. quently and pointediy, told the from Jama ca of the League, wd appropriate speaker was lost, to prove to you who have helped ment against our friends the pupils that commencement He is bere to draw attention Hymns, Songs, ao Athens sung throatby echos arount the althe grueral Dost empty Albert HI. some of you, with very good Star and Herald and the Panama ercises meant that they were to the woes of the negro in Ame. by the members, intentions to help ourselves that American, let first weigh our commencing the struggle of life other regions where the white man rica, West Indies, Africa and public is beurty invited.
we were capable of doing some words well. Just the other day and that they should prepare to holds away. He has hired the A!
After the pre entatioa of the ROAD aear Isthmian Park Pana.
thing for ourselves.
the finest bit of compliment was make their mark in the world bert Hall for June when, in offerings for the General Program ma. 945 Destroying the Black Star Line paid to Wood Dance Orchestra by having some object in view. his own words, he proposes to of the Church, there will be a We started a steamship line on the very front page of the Nothing could be achieved with present the case of his people urand Procession through the aisle Sabbath School 12:52. alleys called the Black Star Line, the Star and Herald and but a week out an object, she said, and in better understanding between then Procession will be made up of the eral Worship on. Spanish Negro ar officer and members of the Lague.
object of which was to offer an ago the Panama American in a presenting the diplomas congratu and the wl. ite races 30 Society, tists will provide the Concert MULOARE, meetinz p. Junior and opportunity to the Negroes in most prominent position on its lated each successful pupil.
which will form the first part of Rector Senior Standard of altainment the western world who were de front page lauded Professor Gar Principal Kinnimouth explain the programme, and peyro spirit St. Siman s, Gamboa Class, p. spere.
sirous of going back to Africa field Murray and the as missionaries and as settlers to Svmphony Orchestra. And our the examinations and urged the yesterday, but (writes a Daily 10 45, a. Rev. Mulcare Panama ed the process of preparation for uals will be sunr. GRIZZLE Pastor, Mr. Garvey was out of town The Litany and Holy Eucharist.
help develop their country. Pre West Indian representatives on parents to take a greater inter News reporter) found ivre Church School, 230, Mr BAPTIST CHURCHES paring for that, we started a com both these papers are rarely est in the school studies of their Carvey sarrounded by typists Clarke, Lay Reader mercial relationship with the stingy in singing praises to our children as this would both assist busy on the preparation of the Choral Evensong and address, Colon 11 a. Deacon Spencer nearby Negroes of the West In community and its leading char. the masters and children. He campaign.
7, m. Ls, Reader.
7:15 pm. Rev. Witt Subcies and America. big fruit acters whenever they merit thanked Mr. Young and Mrs.
When asked her if she had MULCARE jest Marriage.
company in America that has ex same.
Williams for their participation rities might interfere to stop the ren the suggestion that the autho.
Priest in Charge Chorrillo 11 a. Leader Tait ploited the Negroes of the West in the program and gave high Albert Hall meeting she prompt St. Bartholomew s, Las 7:15 Rev. William Indies for 50 years and piled up When you have a Prescription to praise to the staff of teachers.
ly expressed her surprise. It is Cascadas.
son A.
a reserve of nearly one billion make up take it to the National The program came to a close revolution. said.
alleged that our object is a world Calidonis 11 a. Deacon Crook dollars starting with one little Pharmacy Santa Ann Plaza, where 7:15 a. Mr. Liston Matins and address, 11, a. We have nothing to do with Red Tank 11 a. m, Deacon three masted schooner and today you will get it carefully compound with the singing of the Star ed by obliging and courteous Spangled Banner.
any revolution, she replied, ex Mr. Jos Brathwaite, Lay Reader having a steamship line of 150 pharmacists.
Cummings Church School, 30, Mr.
cept that which comes from the ships when they saw that we gradual penetration of ideas of A, Swaby, Lay Reader. 7:15 Deacon Reid Advertise in the Workman justice and the habit of right T, MULCARE, were in earnest and we were vants of the American Govern and get good results, Gatun 11 a. Deacon Edwards instead of wrong thinking. As to Priest in Chagre 7:15 Supplied making a serious effort to help ment, bribed our employees so as our invitation to Indians, ChiNew Providence 11 am Pastor the Negro from a commercial to make it impossible for this Dese, Japanese, and others to be point of view, they influenced the little venture of ous to succeed. ish and English for sale at the We want our viewe known to all House rent receipt bock in Span present, ours is a world Williamson matter. Seventh Day Adventist Pueblo Nuevo 11 a. Rev.
politicians and influenced ser. Continued in next issue. Workman Printery.
the world. STREET CALIDONIA Yearwood Queen ces ex


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