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am PIA Marcus Garvey In Europe THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL 16 No. 49 PANAMA, SATURDAY JULY 14. 1928 PRICE CENTS Constantine Mr. Marcus Garvey Speech Negro Sent Back to At The Albert Hall Jamaica Quota For America Increased by Twenty 140 this year.
men than was father.
reach unity Toujours audace After Being Pardoned On Affidavit of White Barbados WEEKLY HERALD of Under the above Captions the Woman the. Says Negroes Shed Their Blood It is not too much to say that Fifty Per Cent of Quota Made For Britain and America Dur COLOMBLA, C, June 22. tbe more cookies to iden: Available For Preference Classes Ben Bess, Negro, senteuced to today is Coas antine the great ing World War shirty years for attacking Mrs. Trinidad all roand Cricketer, 11 Under Immigration Law Maude Collins and pardoned after has gone from success to success (Continued from our last issue)
when the woman swore he was until today he stands, not head thirteen ye rs of imprisonment in the Criket Tour of England The Gleaner of recent days United States for permanent res.
Stocent, was sent back to to snd shoulders above his fellows, PROSECUTION BY QUES. also in the employ of the Gov. State Penitentiary today for sufs but on the mountain tops. One sugit is in a position to idence.
that keeping while the Grand Jury might search England from Joha announce the ernment. When was indicted iu vestigated several myfterious anding his peet; one wiglitrant ca quota allotment for entry to each nationality for such year nt TIONAIRE Groats to Lands without Jamai. Any portion of the quota Aiter they had done every by the Government they called angles of the e se.
thing in conjunction with others him out from serving us as coun The grand jury based its suck the great Antipodean sub the United States under the im. required for the issuance of int who were dsirous of preventing sel general, and, after convicting decision on information obtained constante si de buyt fordon in their migration Laws of that country migration visas to the classe side side with us from entering into any serious me, they made him an assistant by Johnson, State detective, young Lochinvar cone out of has been increased from 120 to specified above shall be abailah business proposition, after the Attorney General of the United seatestyor Gori Richards at the The West. There are greater bats of in such year for the issuance had destroyed the possibility of States. If anybody should have to einges tigate the case in This fielders perhaps as good but no United States Authorities it is immigrants of such nationality.
be, better bowlere, Under a recent ruling of the immigration visas to other quot the counsel of Timmuns success, they found some person organization, who gave the ad. of Florence, retired farmer and such capacity in each department provided that, fifty per cent of woman who was a citizen hos min alive combines in bimself to complain and after some pre vice to the organization should furnished by Bess to sign of the game. The character of the quota shall be made available tence they indicted me for the failure of the company. They have been indicted. They did not affidavit which resulted in tho his play is inspiring, flashing, for preference classes under the of the United States and who the of the Negro early in May of youth. Eighty runs in forty of very embodiment would indict him, however; they in release found somebody who the spirit prior to September 22, 1922. lot immigration Law.
her citizenship by reason of her vouchsafe to say that he bought dicted the President, who acted Bess it is said, won the money minutes, bundred ruos in fifty, The remaining fifty per cent marriage to an alien, but at the stock in the Black Star Line on on the counsel general advice, gambling wito fellow prisoners.
who is this au lscious young man of the quota, plus anl portion of time of her application for an In the second a fidavits the to put fear in the hearts of my urge, on my request. After and after the President woman said in part: the finest flower of old England, the fifty per cent above referred immigration visa is unmarried indicting me they seized the convicted they honored the coun have not at any time signed Britain Bravest and Best? to, not required, shall be made under the amended law become in seria ory available for the issuance of im a non quota case 35, 000 names and sent out a ques. torney General of the United fom the penitentory. did making at Lords runs in the It is understood that quite a tionaire to the 35, 000 stock Statos. Those are the morals oi mien ja paper saying that fo gave mily Nobody to use an Irishisan migration visas to quota immi.
bion for the wrong he had done. who can rememb. Constat grants of such nationality who few people who have relatives, holders of the corporation, ask, politics in America.
me, or that is what thought tine pere will ever forget him are the unmarried children un who are citizens of the United ing them if they were satisfied Surprised at British Press 11 signed, can read at all, and and nobody who has seen Caus, der twenty one years of age. States, and come under the new with the investments they had in. And am surprised that the paper when it was read to mo will hold the soa unworthy of the or that is how understood the tantine fils on the cricket field the wives of alien re ruling, will now be able to get the undertakings of Marcus Gar. English press should influence in the probate Judge office.
sident of the United States to America on the non quota vey: did Marcus Garvey influence the English public to condemn Tus affidavit reiterated that it is a good thing this that who are lawfully admitted to the basis.
them to buy stock? and so on wthout a hearing, trying to Bess was Huilty of the charge the West Indies the least impor.
ther were over 100 other ques. state that am a criminal and Timmons was not called by the tant of the Empire possessions He told newspaper should met the Great Mother sot eigtheen people to say that cunstances. voice: Because pathy for the Negro, who tiad Teach our emand mother to suck men his only Former Resident Of Colon they were dissatisfied. Those the principle exists here just the traded at his store He denied eggs? Of course we can. com eighteen people were all mploy same. Another voice. That is realisere potefited a tantine mites harder the Hebbe Deplores Discriminatory Methods At Panama ees of the Americai Government. right. Order, please! Now, be read in the had been misrepresented and said hus ever seenis no paper to the bowler. Let the Mi idle ex trundThose are the people they used am not here to present my story, woman the preseace of ber lers tell if they ever dreamt ir to convict me in America. but am forced to make a state, son.
88 Edgecombe Avenue inhabitants, colored people should be their philoso shy that such bitting New York City, treated more squarely than they Legal Adviser ment so as to clear the minds It is said the pardon however was possible. June 30, 1928.
have been, and are still being treated promoted of you, and regard you as good will bold and that se cannot Stail English critic: have com The Editor in the republie.
In addition to the fact that for friends, who have come here in be tried again because of dual White employees of the Panama Canal are paid twice the calaries paid six years 25 per cent of our spite of all the vicious and wick jeopardy. Detec ive Johnson has plained that he does not select the The Workman Printery for Bess charging right balls to hit Why should Panama ity, de he pick and choose? He hits them employees were secret to colored employees for work that service ed things that have been said. felonious assault and battery agents of the United States Gov. you have come to hear what with inteat to kill. He is accused all. Toujours audace. ch ball Dear Sir: Allow me space in your widely read sometimes require much less skill. In attacking a can be hit by somebody. It is fellow prisoner paper to write a few lines that am the hospitals, colored patients are ernment, it is peculiar also for have to say on behalf of my race with it kife. Continued on Page sure will be of much interest to your limited to certain sections. In the you to realize that the counsel and on behalf of my organizareaders.
commisaries and post of:ces there is the so called GOLD Not very long azo, while reading SILVER general to me and to my organi. tion; though secret propaganda zation, on whose advice acted has been engineered to prevent SPARKLETS one of the most prominent New system. Canal Zone swimming pools. not being an American citizen th success of this meeting simply York newspapers was especially at. and hotels are exclusively for the but a British subject, not know. because those who were chiefly tracted by two articles which had for whites. By KING)
their headings. Discrination at its In mentioning these conditions, ing the American laws the coun instrumental in my imprisonment sel general of our organization in America and those who profit Better Workman And Now, therefore, am about to peak in Panama and Colored chil. do not want you to cherish the opihad dren refused admittance to Christian nion that am an advocate of an out me, paid, like myself, most by interrupting the success Other Things ask for a transfer from this page School. After reading these articles and out minling of the whites with the to a private corner where from the common funds of the of this organization desired to da and can carry on coafortably became so extremely horrified that blacks, on the contrary, believe organization, an American citi. that. It is such a grave question and not bound by journalistic despite my effort to calm myself and that the more we are forced to keep to ourselves the better it will be for zen, who was responsible for the that will endeavour to present To quote the local daily peo ethics and all that sort of conto conserve my opinion on the matlegal phase of our business while it briefly in parts. But erase from plese paper, am in possession veintionalis thus settling down, ter to which the articles referred us to fully realise and develop our of relible imformation that we will not be slow in, among was inevitably forced to apply to to possibilities.
he was in our employ he was Continued on page 6) will soon bave a bigger and other things, calling upon the you for the publication of this letI do feel however, that a person better Wo kman and published lexicographer Profesor ought to be at liberty to go wherever Viva la France at least twice in one week. And Nathaniel Fraser Roberts to exLa Boca Athenaeum there are tangible evidence of plain in understandable English For the past ten years, the dis. he feels. That labor should receive this, reader. for, if you language some little verbosity eriintion of the Negro from publie its just compensation irrespective of remember, were able to in which he gives us once in a utilities and institutions has led to color. That people should denounce Today, all subjects of France telligently follow my last week while through the agency of Nick a great deal of uprising in the United mismanagement whether it be seewill demonstrate their lovalty to berrations without eacoun section in the daily Star Herald. States. Quite a lot has tional or governmental.
Installs Officers been actheir country by the celebration tering typographical errors en complished in an attempt to check The barring of colored students of Bastille Day in Panam Before closing want to in this great evil, but not withstanding from St. Joseph College, as mention misplaced On Thursday evening last the In connection with the celebra maske and other develry know form you, confidentially, gentle fallowing officeren elected by the tion, ice President of this pub well that oftentimes when you day meeting of the newly for: tain sections of the country. Nearly cuka roboy behet pierite me pendeng you reader, that attended last Mon these efforts, it still persists in cer. ed in my first paragraph, was partiJa Boca Athenseum for (6)
read colum term endiag December of our of attending with a perfectly clear conscience which Dalrymple pa Leakcock and Western states however, have the school that had been for many 31. 1928 were installed coopera beautiful office by William William Desarza. Wil B, poremetion of the members to be trup normal disposition, sou were for religne supreme nad of which are either abolished discrimination have years, the capital institution or mamy. Cespedes is Secre. extent is ing in Coloón, is a direct infringeand improve upon the reputation ced to swear by tie the dent, Wesley, Vice President and prestige of the Athenaeum heaped curses and damnation upon floor of the house in albis slow proress of its complete abol. parents are financially unable to during tary, and met Mr. Charlie Moun chiefly in the Southern regions that ment on their educational rights. It of er det er jo story be donet Na Chele Mole et le mont elementy practised Prescott. Secretary, The means that those children whose King, Asst. Secretary, Miss. achievements during the Among other outstanding Walrond, his enKedir. Jump, Charlain, G term were the stitutione opust tire editorial staff, linotype oper: youthfuil vigor, vim and tivaci. tion has been attributed to the send them abroad in the pursuit of a Neely. Treasurer Palmer. Critic.
and w, serni annual literary contest, the alters, compositor angetype de y under the command of the numerical weaknestei borteche toneelor higher education, will not be able to gavel of Vice President Christy the colored people being only 99 cope with the intelligence of khite The meeting was a colourful one was closed on June 30, the only, men (f you don understand willam. You may keep your of the total population of the United boys and girls.
first of which for Juniors papers this language it is your loss) eyes on that fellow Moulton; with the similar attempt was made to bar outgoing Secretary, being at present in the Judges and me. But you didn do any he will yet do something to make Victor Smith, giving a detailed hands; the resuscitation of interest such thing last week did you? bistory for us.
The condition in Panama (particu colored students from the college in rport of the Society activities for in the reading of books from the You were able to read in clear the term larly in the Canal Zone) is entirely 1918. The attempt did not materialize also Clubhouse library and the society type ninety cine different. There, Negroes represent however, due to the vigorous protests the President Clifford Sewelle becoming a contributor to the percent of the entire Workman.
splendid address recountigg his luminous Washington weekthe mass of the population, and since made by some of the prominent efforts, with the help of his ly magazine, the Pathfinder.
That a clear proof that there Alt roads lead to Juan Franco the law of a country should be pri colored Catholic Church supporters.
is a good time coming.
race track tomorrow.
marily of benefit to the mass of its (Continued on Page 6)
you George ter gentle med Purrent over or It is couree States.

    EnglandFranceWorld War

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