
final e Year Six Moaths Tarse Oae Math ENGLISH TWEEDS 20 23 TAILORS TRIMMINGS MULLER, Prop.
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tably (BY DYNAMO)
Pablish on Sua lys by 31538 for turn. appllosNext Thursday the Panama WALBOV. at tb) o llice 16 tioa. Corraspo31933 og all mattes Canal Silves Clubhouse at Stacel East Coatral Avenue Paaamı of public iaterest invited Cristobal will be charged with some enchanting music. To be accurate, All capy for pablication must be Just received a fine selection of Madam Olza King of La Boca is PO Box 71, Panas RP written oa ono side of papar only, and inaking arrangements to Ratas of Subssription nast by acompanied by the nans of present to the community of 40 CY the writer, not neessarily for publica Cristobal and there abouts as tioa bat as a mark of good faith.
excellent a program of classical We do not undertake to ratura refungs and Negro Spirituals a: jasta correspon teacs.
that which she rendered OS packed house at La Boca on the in the very latest desings 17th of May last. Accompanying The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights INUIS her will be Madam Adela Walker Headley, who will assist her on SATURDAY JULY 14, 1928. Also the prograte, Miss, Doris Rodney, her pianist, and, most likely, Mr, BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT George Abbot with his silverMARCUS GARVEY IN EUROPE toned flute to play a flute obligato an operatic number from Mignon.
VICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS This Week we give another installment of the historiYou must have wondered why EXI maintained silence following cal speech delivere in London, England, on June 6th by Madam King last Resital at Mr. Marcus Garvey, President General of the All at moderate Prices La Boca, after having led many to Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Comwhat was generally conceded by munities League, in his supreme efforts to put the case of nu icians, expecially those who have some knowledge of the find art the Negroes of the world before European nations for luf singing, to have been the last proper adjustment. As was reported by a London news.
word iu programs of the kind paper, Mr. Garvey address was delivered to only about Always kept in stock a full assortment of rendered locally by colored local three hundred persons of whom we later learned to have talent. There was a reason for my been composed of several nationalities including Englishmen silence on paper, had not been silent in frei. My spare time, and North Americans.
during the time when a comment The address was delivered in the historic Royal Albert from me wooll most likely be Hall which is capable of seating several thousand persons.
appreciated, was given to di cuss.
According to a London despatch, it was rather tragic ing the tranditional Negr) Spirit that this eloquence for Garvey is a fine speaker was als wbuch the singer so well 10lo in throathy echoes around the almost empty Albert erpreted, as well as her general of every description intepretne abilly, distinctiveness Hall. We feel, however, that, that eloquence was not and melloweens of Lotes, voice entirely lost, if it is a fact tnat, as reported from other control, the apparent comfortable.
sources, the address was reported by forty newspaper ness with watch she modulates, the comparative case with which reporters.
she leaves what seems to be her We do not believe that Mr. Garvey address in toto highest note, to negotiate will receive serious consideration by the Government and her lewest, and ber almost general public of Great Britain; but there are some high faultless phrasing wlich is so spots therein which cannot fail to command serious at37 CENTRAL AVENUE, tinctly in contrast with that well Knowa tention from some poli ical leaders of that country.
tiresome indiscriminate Garvey mission to Europe bears the stamp of approval breath taking which jars so irri PANAMA.
of the Association he directly represents and the sympathy opoa the sense of hearing of the inteiligent listener. Really, on of a great mass of people including some membsrs of races ibe local ladder of perfect. ou1 other than the Negro. His London address will be widely 17 the art of singing, as far as the read. It will cause Negres everywhere to reflect upon individual is concerned, the lady is easily performing Dearest the what might have been their fore parents condition in the top. dark continent of Africa when many were forcibly taken During the first half of last year Madam Olgar Kips Commander Wat Alantic siders wil, am con away and scattered in foreign countries through the made a laudable forward move when improved fident b: pleased with the innoagency of the despicable. slave trade; they will re study her position on the concert stage by a Recital she son vation in the form of Negro the history of their slavery and subsequent freedom; they gave at the La Boca Clubhouse, in which she was ably spirituals which will be presented will scrutinize their present status in a civilization which supported by the Panami Symphony Orchestra. packed to them on this uccasion. Aod they have helped in no li tle way to bring about and to house with hardly standing room greeted that effort. Official Activity At The bose spirituals will not fail to be maintaining, and last but least, they will study the month ago she repeated her efforts, this time assis Pacilic Side leave a lasting impression on their momentos question whether or not they now have ted by Madam Adela Walker Headley, the promising a real desire to emigrate back to the lan of their fore young violinist, Miss Daisy White, the Panami Symis not unlikely that financial ti From Monday of the Wecyl obligations may stand in the way fathers, if given territory there upon which to build up a phony Orchestra again supporting. She again drew a endine July 28, comrader of the artistes touebins at Gatun Negro Republic independent of mandatory powers of other full house. Watsoi of the Colon Boys where, despite inclement weather, races. This question is the principal issue and consequentFor the three outstanding accomplishments which Institute has been ly foremost in the miod of he dynamic Garvey, Bulbor a most receptioa We observe that the first thing the tacıful English high standard, our commuy is greally indebted to the connection with plans for the fur from fairly large aud representahigre served to bring our musical programs to its present both in Pankinen. mutta ne oblicinis receive deported that Madam Kin therance of.
tive audience a Press requested from the President General was the Atlantic orchestra, the Panama Symphony Orchestra and On Monday he visited Mr. L. In such event it is noped that ago.
numercial and financial strength of his organizatipite The Madam Olga King. The Symphony Orchestraie andmblis cilik Couplete in viele to get togethe dhe ofrece estilo mora biti to is obviousman singer have on more samples couperate in the matter of the program at Cristobal.
seize oprortruity take in places little, if any, value on the strength of words in such of their high standard of accomplishments to radio fans gattioze dhe the support of silver cases, when they are not adequately backed by substantial of many lands, receiving acceptances and congratulations compare the previously intimated towards new building fund force.
from many, including noted artistes.
of the proposed home and school Stadium To Be ErectMr. Garvey success in Europe will, we believe, depend in a great measure, upon the numerical and finanAll this, however, is looking on but one side of the of the institute.
ME picture. There is the other side the more important one cial strength behind him in his decision to reason with the financial side, which is the vehicle bee led to pro by Mr Gilkey, and is expressed Watson speaks in highest ed At Isthmian Park words in place of the age old world custom of doing it duce and maintain proggressive efforts. How much indi willingness to do all in his powes with unsheathed swords. But Europe is reforming itself vidual effort and financial layout, not mentioning sacrifices, for the good of the poor boys.
Sx months fruto day, the and is apparently in a mood to appeal to reason. Hence. which mad in the opinion of Europe, if Garvey is reasonable in his are necessary to enable these contributors to our culture. The said gentleman advised any entertainments possible) will request, he will accomplish some good for his people. And to carry on and improve? For obvious reasons the Atlan Mr. Watson to get out receipt have an added attractions based we believe that, to some extent, Garvey has been tic Orchestra failed to continue the very high mark it set. forms to the number of 8, 000 with a Stadium, waich will be erected by Those obvious reasons are financial reasons. pure and view to collecting donations from Messrs Grebien and Martniz reasonable.
simple, the sacrifices required of our people here to en stese ver employes which deo (contractor) and will cost 62, 384 able them to build up the standard which they have at io. us eleintimates will, as fast approximately.
as collected by. turned set for us is not hard to picture. Their efforts financial, the bank towards the building loternational Series will funcA star Cuban Baseball team with BETTER MUSICAL PROGRAMS ly and otherwise, are peculiarly different from those of fun to be handled by a com tion for the Inauguration mittee which organizations and individuals who only solicit contributors is proposed will be formed of members of the cided change in the quality of musical programs of a popular support to the efforts of the present leaders of our vise the e new building construction classical nature being rendered by West Indians here. musical progress, as well as to those who are to follow.
This is as it should be. It indicates a progressive turn, morale, the artistes inability to further carry on, and we donation by each silver employee.
Sparsely attended programs spells discouragement, broken that 100 will be the requested Mrs Gulkey has also conclu led Threatened Everlong overdue. The old way of individuals and organiza will have succeeded in handicapping our own of all get progress tions requesting, indiscriminately, items to make up progreen Saved the necessary sanction from Lis grams a system which was going past reasonable bounds, at the cross roads of the New World.
superiors of the Executive depart.
and consequently proving very unsatisfactory to all con.
ment with regard to what support The WEST INDIAN COMITEE cerned is gradually taking its exit.
be plaus coatributing as shown CIRCULAR of above and in any other avail Mr. Charles Haynes, bae That splended aggregation of instrumentalists who able directions.
kindly supply the photograph of compose the Atlantis Orchestra of Colon, some time Relative to the questio of help the Evergreen Tree in Bridgetown, ago struck a most gratifying high mark in musical proftom colored employees, those at Barbados, reproduced on the opgrams but for obvious reasons were forced, after a brillant The Atlantic side have been posite page.
regularly record, to curtail their activities.
making This Tree is historie. During Three years ago, the Panama Symphony Orchestra Why throw away your old, but no promises of thir willingness to help the hurricane in 1898 it was op The lodges also have vouchesafed rooted, but so promptly wus it of this city came on the scene when, with the Atlantic replanted that it soon regained doubt interesting, books when you their support in a pracical its vigour and has ever since conGlee Singers of Colon, and aided by the local prima manner.
donna Madam Olga King, Madam Adela Walker Headley tinued to provide shape for job can haue them neatly bound at Follow the papers for further hands awaittng employment 10 and Miss Rampie, the last named from Colon, reninformation. The Green or Trafalgar Square, dered an excellent program at the Variedades Theatre.
Unfortunately, however, this effort proved a financial THE WORKMAN TAKE NOTICE loss. This did not discourage the Magement. That concert only served to drive the first milestone for what When you bave a Prescription to No. EAST 16 STREET The WORKMAN can be make up take it to the National is now enthusiastically looked for by hundreds of music had at Mr. Sanchez place Pharmacy Santa Ana Plaza, where lovers of many nationalities, as the Annual Concert of Opposite the Wesleyan Churh 24th street, No building you will get it carefully compoundthe Panama Symphony Orchestra and Concert Party.
ed by obliging and courteous Guachapali. pharmacists.
terms of a An History Landmark 14th states that Book Binding!


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