
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 14, 1923 PAGE FOUR For Sale Cheap Good Assortment of Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwww bibibitiwikus wy taken is organised.
Governant Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymnn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Health has their Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City part of the Trinidad School Pastor Tells What He sü www Weekly London Teachers Saw While Driving Letter. Cootinued from page 3) Night Tax. By Andrew Blackmore. Co ordinating Scientific Research There is nothing very start New York. June 20. PreschNearly a year ago the Goverment ling writes Carton jo the Galog the first of a series of serzette about the Colonial honouracons derived from bis exper:constituted a Committee to enquire awarded on the King Birth ences as a night taxi driver in into various official activities in the day this year as far as the New York, the Rev Thomas realm of scientific research, to repe report West Codies de concerned, Wbelphley, pastor of the Chelse whether measures were necessary to except possibly in one very Presbyterian Churcb, No 214 co ordinate these activities or to welcome respect. Of course West 23rd. Street, took for bis prevent overlapping and generally to re er to the awarded text on Sunday, Moses looked advise upon future polies. This Com.
to Mr. Rawle Parkinson of Bar. this way and that way, and wben mitttee has published a first report bados. Few and far between be saw that there was no man bave been the honcurs conferred bemalen we heb sabat in which, itt is true, no definite reslew the Egyptian and hid commendations are made, but which in the past on educatiɔnists in.
forms a a useful guide to the way the West Iodies, and as far as dido know it was possible whith scientifie research under remember such as have been to learn so much in so sbort a or asisted by riven to the ranks of the 10 time as have in the two weeks pectorate or the masters of in which stepped down from There are at present theree main fields of scientifie public or secondary schools, and the pulpit and climbed foto the even there bav. been few and cabby seat be said, bave endeavour to which particular at far batween. It is sometblog in witnessed tragedy of the upobtention is given by English official the nature of a revolution that served in this great city. Met research departments: there are in a primary school teacher should and women in all walks of life dustrial, medical and agricultural. be decorated, but one which we who, looking this way and that In dealing with the various esta all welcome in cases like that of way, seeing no one they know blishment of the Industrial Research Mr. Parkinson. Toe recognitis and believing themselves unobDepartment, representatives of every of the growing importance of served. commit, murder tbelt tbe primary school teacher in and adultery.
other government department interest tery.
ed are appointed. As regards medical Colonies such as the West 10 They live, move and bave search, the Ministry of.
long. Wilb its own body of workers who are in Bishop Berkeley, and the Rosheir being by one commandment Don get caugbt; take close touch Nichols, Mr Parkinos what you want, Buddy. it with the Medical Rewas one of the Barbados de coming to you, but dun get search Conunci. Subjects now being gation to the Intercolonial Edu caught. Go as far as you like, investjated by agricultural research cation Conference wbich the Se Girlie, the sky the limit, but workers include forestry, veterinary cretary of State for the Colo don get caugbt. Millions of science and fisheries. Experiments nies assembled iu Port Spain faces streaming past the cab, are being made with soils and crops, in 1921. Here be took sound but not one face they know. The and much valuable work is sing aititude against the child labour scund of many voices, but noi done in plant physiology, animal Raogs which are feature o one voice they known. God is pathology, and agricultural econo some of the other West Isdians, long way from Gotham Town.
mies. was amount of useful infor.
wod advocated very strongly tb Behind the steering wheel o mation is being collected and collated pecessity for a Central Tralo my taxicab have gone with the unted by the se departments for the benefit ing School for teacbers, and crowds to their night clubs, of the puble. Their whole work forms proper salaries peosions and beir gambling deb, status for them when they wert houses of Ill fame, their bal the general march of science in this country and the system is trained. His longest and most bedrooms, their duplex Park keine observed the forein resangh eloquent speech was give! Avenue apartments and their in support of the motioc which wretched holes of the lower departmonts, which, in some cases, was lost in favour of Trinidad East Side. Tired to death, torhave already established relations with the English departments in. that the College should be neated by nameless fears keyed located at Barbados, aud one o o the breaking point, they look whose work they are interested.
bis main arguments was tta bis way and that way and, see OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH Barbados was absolutely freeing no man they yield to temp Cinema History in London.
from malaria and tbat Trinide dtation. Alter darks they walk residents bad to come to Bar lhe sidewalks of New York.
next door Nash Motors Garage The most wonderful collection of bados to free themselves of it! They bail a taxi. Dive us up motion picture machinery is at preMr. Parkinson bimself had the Speedway, buddy, and say mananamama centre of London, but before very sent to be found in a shop in the Eplendid but rather exceptional turn the lights out back bere!
traicing under the Rev. Hundreds of thousads of lost long it is hoped that these priceless Wright, who came to Barbados souls wbose tragedy is their and quaint machines will be housed from the Chelsea Training Col belief that no man sees their in a permanent collection at the ge, and a visit to Tuskegee ebauchery and sid. Tvey bave Dr. Fred Sterling Ken sington Museum. In 1976 a and acquaintance with the fogone to Sunday School in thei.
Rudge of Bath invented what he mous Dr. Boker Wasbingtowarly years but the religion of THE NEW YORK DENTST called the Bio Phantoscope, whereby bad impressed on bim the valu reeds and ceremonials nas Dol of band work in education. Mr. stood the test. Face to face with 182, BOLIVAR STREET with glass slides and a the effecett of the present cinema rotating drum CULON, personal hygiene and med cal lip service bave proven insuffi Box 171, Cristobal, Parkinson was also very keen on life, ecclesiastical liturry and was rouhly obtained. Seven years inspection of schools, and grew cient.
Should be in every office to immediately later this was improved upon with elquent on th: need of play TELEPHONE 247 COLON the aid of a mirror. But the first centres and technical schools it Theological controversies and real motion picture film was made Interdenominational disputes soothe any neuralgic pain caused by the West Indies.
by Mr. Friese Groene who was have fearfully undermined tb respect for the cburch, and to Small the authentic father of the film, for excessive mental work.
not until four years later did Edison Dominica asks Deme the average wan the cborch. closely allied with bia nel gion DENTIST succeed in putting his Kinetoscope rara to take some We live in a bard, last material NEURALGINA to praettical uses.
MASONIC TEMPLE Deed religiou but In 1896 the first cinema in London Labourers they need it in a pratical modern Office Hours: 8, am to 12 was opened, and since then develop building. Toey need religion 30 to 30 IT)
Should be in every school to soothe bad mentst have been rapid and wonder.
presenti to them in a language One company has made a film they can understard. And no Sundays, by Special Appointment headaches and reduce the fever of embodying some of the first motion Last Year Cuba Took 700 man can speak their language Masonic Temple IIth St, pictures ever seen, and contrasted. his Year None wbo has not live with th:m. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL children.
them with the same scenes as recorded by present day instruments.
PHONE: OFFICE 1664 The result is a fascinatins picture.
Georgetown, June 28th. Sceptics Nab Ghost At NEURALGINA The films of 1896 are extremely in. The cal press published the RESIDENCE 538 teresting. They are slow and somfollowing communique from ao Seance ewhat jumpy, but they are good films.
eminent dominican extracted from Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes One baby picture could senreely be a letter to a local planter: 1:beaten by any child study today.
Last year we sent some 700 Get Beating For Their the heart, Other films of London Bridge, the Jabourers to Cuba, but this year Trouble changing of the guard at they have not take any. Shoulo and the London streets of thirty you require any. do not think For sale both Wholesale and Retail you uld regret the experimeat vears ago, with the hopes tie and Paris, June 18. Two men who There is so little doing re, that went to considerable trouble to the queer costumes of those days, AT THE the labourers are doing theit are really valnaable historical records.
One remarkable feature of those old utmost 10 Ret jos away. Please expose an alleged spiritualist seance bave been rewarded for their let me know what you ibiuk films is that they all record actual pains by being severely beaten by NEED AMERICAN PHARMACY who did not their scenes; the idea of making up definite illusions destroyed.
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor stories for the film had apparently Victor McNally Passes The medium exposed is a never occurred to anyone in the gardener natne Blaise, who is cm Panama. eighteen nineties.
Away ployed at a villa where the cances took place, which is much DROP IN AT Mrs. Pankhurst.
by spiritualists. The death of Mrs. Pankhurst in There is life beyond the grave reporter for the Paris Journal London at the age of the age of 74 Fays a writer; and such a refer and Charles Quartier, Secretary recalls one of the most hectic periods ence may be made of many dear of the metaphysics Society at in British political life. Twenty year: ones who bave left these shores Pontoise, attended the bet meet 122 CENTRAL AVE.
never to return, especially when ing.
CALL IN AT Mrs. Pankhurst achieved world ago their presence is still felt by Spirits of departed local cele You ill Find Them wide fame by her determined comtheir friends, and such may be brities communicated with the paign for Votes for Women. For years there had been a demand for pbo but few weeks philosophe manitested women franchise, but the movement taken to the Santo Tomas Hos themselves. Napoleon himself had been ordely and constitutional pital suffering from an attack of responded. But the prinespal and had never made any serious iman malaria.
materialization was that of Madepression on the general public. Mrs.
He was employed at the lene, eighteen year old daughter Pankhurst broke away from Stranger Club at the time of of Mme. Alexandre, traditional methods of publicity and bis illnese, and prior to that at villa, The girl died wer of the years No. 16 STREET EASI adopted a militant policy.
With tbe Tivoli Hotel ngo.
small number of The funeral rites were perOppsite The Wesleyan Church.
supporters she began to harass all members of the Goformed by the Rev. NightHer spirt appeared in a white vernment whenever they appeared in ingale Rector of St. Paul vapoury form, but the two sceptA GOOD SELECTION OF Church on Sunday last, and from ics seized her, tore off the shroud public. Meetings were interrupted by bere to Herrera Cemetry for and found Llaise under it Enraged women in all parts of the audience NEW BIBLES by exposure, the audience set upon interment.
and disturbances were created whenQuartier and the reporter and and fraud, Blaise told the police ever possible, so that it became almost beat them untill they fled. They he knew nothing of the affair Hymn Prayer Books impossible for a supporter of the Advertise in the Workman have now formally charged Mme. because he was in a trance all (Continued on page 5)
and get good results.
Alexander and Blaise with assault the time.
NEURALGINA Men TUL Whitehall, WATCH. frequented FULLER raid of deceased (Victor MoNally assembly Horopters Blaise Moderately Priced.
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