
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable ABVEENENWENDURECURVISEPASALAMATAN Water Problem Acute In Manchester Jamaica.
Railway Drawing Water In Tenders To Be Sold To Famishing People: When you want Palatable Pure, Wholesome Milk Muck From Pig Wallow and boe but JUST ASK FOR the conferring Nestlé Condensed Milk tanks, by means of mounting a Trinidad School 300 gallon tark on a Dailer chassis to convey the precious Teachers liquid from the Spanish Well to Kendal, Williamsfield, and Greec.
vale stations, from which the Congratulate Mr. Parkinson distribution could be made to the people, that the sale price sbould be incaeased to general meetiog of the Ele30 PER KEROSENE mentary Teacher Union of Triat Mandeville and 2:d at Kendal the Public Library on Saturday nidad and Tobago was held in and Greenvale stations.
The Chairman told what armorning says the Port »f Spain rangements were being inade Gazette the Chair being occupled by the President Mr.
to keep th people supplied, aud Codricgton stated that old There was an 3, 000 gallons fairly large attendance of mere teader bad been found at Ken bers and the Secretary Mr.
dal, which could be in order Quialan and asst water could be stored there. Mr. Martin were present.
lu so that the people to the Burrounding districts could get After the minutes of the last supplies there. Regarding the meeting hsd been read by tbe Mandeville Suppls, the people asst. Secretary and confirmed of the districts of Jackson Hill, the Chairman asked leave to and Newleigh, also other settle mention something of great mente, were coming into the moment to the teaching fratown of Mandeville, he added to ternity was get water instead of going to on brother teacher of the Kendal, and there was gone to That honour done to Mr. Rawle title of Applause)
give them. The people would very likely have to go to the Parkinson of Barbados was an Georges Valley lack miles honour dore to the whole of away but even this the teaching body of the world source and cannot be relied on, and it is and was an ackcoledgment for sincorely hoped that seasonable services rendered. Suche ocea were rare Teachers as sbowers will soon fall in mercy on the day districts, which con. they knew perfectly well were stitute at the present time the not considered as much as they ought to be and therefore when the highest au hority condesThe people of the Walderston cended to acknowledge his works district can get no water to they in the far scattered pordrink, and tbe demands of tions of the Empire must feel nature are driving them out of somewhat grateful to know that their haunts to quench their teir work bad been acknow thirst. At the neeting Mr. ledged. He thought it was the Reld gave an instance in daty of the Union to secd to Walderston where people were Mr. Parkinson cf Barbados, ite taking the muck from congratulations (applause) 801 therefore he would move, subA PIG WALLOW ject to any amendment which and boiiing it over and over to they thought necessary, that get something to drink, and after the Union offers its hearty all that efort it was still murky congratulations to him and the He asked that a supply be sent teaching body of Birbados on to Walderston, but this could the acknoledgment by bis man not be complied with It was jesty The King of the teaching eventually decided to get the work in Barbados by conferring Railway to supply tender of on him the title of water daily at Greenvale ard (Applause. Kendal Stations, and that the Seconding the resolution Mr.
selling price should be ball Edwards vice President pendy per tin and it and when of the Union mentioned that Mandeville, Porus: Kendal Hat was the first time such an districts may be in need of water member of the profession in the field, Walderston, and any other honour bad been conferred on the chairman be empowered to West Indies and it was a cum make the necessary arrange pliment not only to Barbados ments to supply them.
The but all the West Indian teachers.
Chairman bas elso been em (Applause. powered to give water free to The motion was carried unanindigent persons this resolution imously having been passed at a previous meeting (Continued on Page 4)
The BERALD of June 30th states that the water problem is acute in Northern Manchester, and the people are faced with a water famin. The Battersea reservol. at Mandeville ran dry on Friday a! ternoon last week and conditions can be imagined when it is stated that ibe Saniiary autborities have turned off ibe water supply to flush the public sewerage system.
On Monday morning last water had to be taken into the town from the Spanish Well, miles out of Porus on the road to Clarendon Park. Toe Mancbester Parocbial Board held a special meeting on Saturday afternoon Jast, at which arrangemeots were made to supply the people with water at hall penny per kerosenetin The Railway Department started hauling water on Monday to Kendal and Greenvale in 3, 000 morning from the Spanish Well gallon loads, wbere it is being sold to the people from the tenders. Lorries take some of the supply to Mandeville, where it is emptied into the tank at the market For months past we bave been receiving reports from residents at Devon and other centres, complaining of the famine, and the Duck Pood at Devon was in such a state during February and March that the people had bad job straining what little water there was from the marats and shrubs wbicb settled in the three to four inch depth Buppiy.
In tbe present case, Manchester bas been in such a state. that for weeks past be Parecbial Board has bad to be selling water in the Mile Gully district at a farthing per kerosene tla.
At the Board meeting on Saturday last the clerk reading from report, stated that there were 90, 000 gallons of water then avallable in the Georges Valley tanks, miles out of Mandeville, and the Superintendent recommended that to meet the cost of putting the water in the various OR Nestlé Evaporated Milk CONDENSED ESTLE YOU WILL THEN OBTAIN THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY Sold everywhere TEET 20 Cents per 14 oz. Tin 12 Cente per 16 oz Tin Advertised in the Workman and get good results


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