
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 14, 1928 PAGE THREE When Better Beer is Made John Angerer Will Brew it.
EVERY CODY LOVES It to America Discovered.
GERY the fortune guven the series They set fire to public and private 2 TOT WIB WLWIOur Cricketers Weekly London Letter Plan to Send Whisky Cricket In England in Derby (Continued from page 5)
According to recent reports with regards to tbe Cricket team George Fletcher and Co Government to hold an open public meeting M. Admits That He Was in England, there has been some Hospitality Gradually the militant tactics Co Adventurer. Bartlett scored 109, Hoad 73, improvements in the playing; were developed until the Suffragetand Nuens 62 in the game against tes. as they were called, became The firm of George Fletcher the central figures of public life. London June 14. plao to in a draw. The team was presented Nottinghampshire which resulted Ltd. has been associated send 500 cases of whisky to King George Fifth on the West Indies and British Juiana property, they horsewhipped Cabinet America was discovered in the 10th inst.
for a great many years. Its name Ministers in publie, and they created Klog Bench Divis on yesterday during the bearing of a case us, moreover, a household word disturbances in the Houses of Parliaconc rolog a bill of exchange.
among sugar producers. Conse ment. Many of them were arrested, The scheme was unsuccessful quently it was a happy thought and then they defied the autohorities because the whisky was never BOWEN in the part of the directors to even in prison by going on hunger taken out of bond.
vive the members of the West strike. The outbreak of the World TAILOR Indies cricket team an opportuni. War put an end to the campaign.
Sir Harry Seymour Huster, ty to inspect their works on the Mr. Pankhurst promptly ceased all for Portsmouth Central, who No. M Street San Miguel PURITY occassion of its visit to Derby her destructive activities and devoted brates his golden wedding Panama City to day, was the plaintift, and The County mateh, extending herself to national service and to he gave evidence before the over the weekend, pertnitted of furthering the cause of recruiting At all our dealers or a phone call opening statement ended to orthe visit being made on Sunday, and the vigorous prosecution of the der that he might be free, 2, 500 and Sir Harry Foster May 6th. At the time the firm war. But her work had not been in brings the goods to your door was busily engaged in constructing, vain. By successive stages the franSir Harry, who lives at St. advanced 1, 000 to enable Dris.
amongst other things, a complete chise was extended Jame court, Buckinghaw gate. collaad Miller to buy the ship.
until today. It was anticipated that Mr.
Westaloster, claimed damages plant for another part of the thanks largely to the propaganda Empire, namely, lodia for the work of Mrs. Pankhurst and her folTHE for alleged breach of agree. Lindsay would satisfy the Casananufacture of high clase direct ments, the return of bill for toms authorities and take the 500, and a declaration that wbisky out of bond, but he gave white sugar by the Double Carlowers, British women have the PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY it was void, only transter in bood, and the bonatation process. good deal Parliamentary vote on the same terms result was that the scheme broke of time was epeat in issing Safety at Sea.
The action was against Messrs. down.
and examining this plait seinThe International Shºpping Conferand, Driscoll and Miller, PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 Mr. Jowitt added that the trading as the Tower Trading whisky was still in bond. It although the works stopped for ence held this year in London was he usual Week end rest, arrange remarkable for the general spirit of Syndicate, of Harp lane, Mr.
bad Lindsay. of Mark lane, Manufacturers of been arranged that inents had been made to demoo. friendliness towards one another Sir Ntrate the working of some of shown by the delegates of the fourand Mr. Attfield, of War Barry Poster would recive 1, the special machine tools which teen countries represented. The object wick road, Worthing. The hear 500 and Mr. Attfield 12. 750 out CLASS GOODS of the profits of the scheme.
have been installed during recent of the conference, ing was adj urned.
as Sir William years to produce sugar machinery Seager the chairman pointed out, was Mr. Jowitt, C. for Sir Sir Barry Foster said to evlLoth cheaply and expedit. ou ly. to pool knowledge and to try Harry Foster, said that Mr Att deace that he was an financial busfield pleaded that the whole and carried on At the conclusion of the tour of avopu way to bring about internatransaction was illegal and con10988.
the wurksthe party, acompanted tional conditions which shall be just trary to public policy, and that Ho stated that when he dishy one of the directors of the to everybody. Although the diffirm, journeyed to the Peak Dis. derent countries might be compe Dr. Nathan Rowe DENTIST HOWELL contract.
party to the covered that :8888 Dricoll ands Miller bad borrowed 500, with of Derbyshire, End were Hitors for this or that trade route.
the wölsky as security, and had privileged to view that delightful thor was general agreement that PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON House No. 912 La Boca Mr. Lindsay, wbo agreed to pay 575. He did not wbisky distiller, was to supply ako entre of beauty, Cnatworth House, omnetition should be on a fair basis.
be coun ry seat of the Duke of When the conference dealt with 11th and Bolivar Sts.
Canal Zone 500 cases of whisky to Messrs give anyone authority to alter the bill.
Driscoll and Miller, young men Devonshire. As is well known, the safety of life COLON.
OPPOSITE RESTAURANT Duke is President of the Derby matters concerning the Sir Harry cross examined by who had no money, sod Sir shire Cricket Club, and this at sea, a report was presented adBUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE PHONE 1941 BALBOA Harry Foster was to finance the Mr. Pritt, who asked it lent added interest to the visit, vocating certain improvements that Chase National Bank scheme by giving a bill.
he knew that the whisky was to be unlawfully run into meOffice Hours: a. to 12m The party were essorted throughi meht be effected in regard to the Knew the Ropes rica, said that he nderstood the exteusive grounds and guri nature and numbers of lifeboats. p. to pm.
Specialises in all Branches of!
dens by the Duke of Deveushire The loss of life by disasters to pasDentistry OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 Mr. Auttielt, who knew the that Mr. At feld bad purchasAgent (Capt. Cradock super vessels had steadily decreasropes, was to arrange the sale jers whɔ uotiaat ly intended to ALL WORK GUARANTEED Hartopp. whose description of the ed, and figures were given show DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 of the whisky to America, and States, but they would purchase take the to the Uaited typical English gardens was great ing that in the last fifty years only it was agreed that the bill drawn from us without risk so far ly appreciated by all present. one passenger was drowned for as House rent recript ja When you have a Prescription by Sir Harry Foster sbould be we were concerned.
The tour of the Peak District levy twenty million miles travel Spanish and English for sale to make up take it to the National accepted by Mr. Attfield, and.
was then continued, the return led.
Mr. Stuart Bevan Has she Workman Printery.
Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, then endorsed over to Mr. Lindjourney being made by way of Bonrd of Trade has always been eAs is well known, the British where you will get it carefully com. say: The whisky was to be ship. 000 worth of Whisky I cannot Mr. ndsay given delivery of 10.
Gellia and Asb beurne, Derby being Beting in the regulations it imposes the greater part of the world pas pharmacies.
pounded by obliging and courteous ped to Dublin, said Mr. Jow say what it is worth.
later in the. alitt, and then transferred to ter a very enjoyable and interest on all British ships carrying pas sengers, still holds the record for You entered into this as a ccanother ship. tbe Wearholme adventurer? suppose that we ing day. West Indian Coinmittee sine rs, with the result that the the greatest measure of safety on Advertise in the Workman which was bought for the pur were all co adventurers in Circular British mercantile marine, carryig board its ships.
and get good results.
pose. Mr. Lindsay advanced sense.
in he was not WAS trier whisky


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