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ANNUAL SALE 99 123 106 99 93 90 Gazioa 90 00 MONTHS TO PAY THE 124 100 119 119 206 200 Pontificate.
123 10 121 Popo 121 every PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 14, 1928 CHURCH SERVCIES Tomorrow Races Mr. Garvey Speech heir Government to go into the Black man country and disposat Albert Hall sess him of every bit of his native St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca The following is the Prorights in his own home, and, if CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE gram for tomorrow races:he goes abroad, will tell him, as SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER Continued irom page 1) lady told me in Hyde Park last FIRST RACE OF TRINITY your minds that am here as Sunday. Go back to your coun 619 Farlongs Parse 100 an ordinary criminal trying to try. when asked a question of 101 Tomorrow the Missionary Drive Chichi influence you to do something a speaker on the anti Socialis: COMPLETE ELECTRIC instituted in connection with the Dardarela 180 that is not right. am here be platform.
Patronal Festival of The Parish, Excuse Me will be brought to a close. It is (Cococha 117 cause am in earnest, because Deportation Has Humorous Side hardly necessary to again ask SECOND RACE of my love not only for my own Now, this is something about LIGHTING IRONING our members and friends Furlongs. Perse 100 race, but because of my love for which you ought to be serious. If co operate with us to make the zipo 121 humanity. Applause. you want me to go home, should closing services the the Campaign Honey Dew what they are intended to be Pistol 126 Preventing a Righteous Cause not you make it so if you can help INSTALLATIONS spiritually helpfal to all concerned. Gratico Since arrived in London the it, home is really home to At 6, a. there will be a cele. Dieciseis many interviewers of your race me, and ought not to be forced bration of Holy Communion, fol. Chiqui 98 who came to see me only wanted to make that home in other lands (JULY 7th AUGUST 15th)
lowed by the administration of THIRD RACE Holy Baptism.
to know if we intended to use where am not wanted. The Commening at 10. 45 a. there Furlongs. Parse 125 force in getting possession of joke of deporting a Negro from will be Matius and Holy Eucharist Marcela 126 Africa, and they wanted to know America! Have you looked upon with sermon. The Reitor will be (Dudoso what part of Africa, and all the it from the humorous point of be Celebrant and Preacher.
YOU CAN HAVE CIRCUIT La Chola rest of it. We are not evil mind vicw? It was all a joke to me At p. Church School will 119 be beld.
Bandera 123 ed. As the Chairman said, we never took myself to the At 30, the Rector will Skid believe in righteousness. We western world. They of their INSTALLED FOR ONLY siig Everong, and the Rey. P have a righteous cause, and we own free will, went 300 Nighiengale, D. Rector of St FOURTH RACE years Paul s, Panama will preach 692 Furlongs Purse 125 are going to present it from that ago to my native land, where. Alter the presentation of the Gravedad angle. But you Britishers, you was happy and at peace with DOWN WITH Offerings, a Grand Procession, Rolando Englismen, who have suffered myself and with my God, and made up of the Choir, Committee La Chiquilla as much as we have suffered, be took me into the bosom of their Men Social Committee, Girls Ocurrencia Friendly Society, and the Young Bolsheviki 126 cause you, although far removed own country, and then, after 300 from the period of today, were years, deported me.
BALLANCE IN SMALL People Service League, will be La Nena Now, is it indulged in.
Cap. Alvarado 104 as much slaves hundreds of years uot a joke. Laughter and ap AMOUNTS. ASK FOR WEDNESDAY EVENING, FIFTH EACE ago as we were slave sixty, se lause. JULY 18TH, Furlongs Purse 100 venty or eighty years ago in Little Revealing Incidents DETAILS Next Wednesday evening, the (Fenomeno 115 the western world; you grew out 18th inst, the Rev. Harry Robert (Mayoral 104 They claim that am an un of slavery, the slavery imposed desirable alien. Just imagine, af Carson, D, bishop of Haiti Harold 112 and Santo Domingo, will preach lotimo 125 upon you by the Romans: you ter 309 years, a Negro becoming THE GAS ELECTRIC SHO NROOMS at St. Peter s, La Boca. The Rev Dieciseis 123 have developed wonderfully to undesirable in Ameica. It is suc!
Jas, Craik Morris, D, bishop Lucky Strike 90 the point where you are in a posi huge joke that we have not of the Panama Canal Zone, wil SIXTH RACE (FUERZA LUZ)
tion today to treat with others. finished laughing at it yet. But accompany Bishop Carson and (A Voice: That is why they are those are the little things that FurlongsParse 150 PANAMA COLON Bishop Cerson is still a very loney Dew good slavemasters. close friend of St Peter s, and Barba Roja weaken you.
that weaken 121 When Englishmen Were Slaves white civilization in the eyes of AT YOUR SERVICE will receive very warm welcome.
Grafico We want to place you mentally the thinking darker peoples of The general public is extended a Pistol 126 back into the position that you the world. Those are the little in most cordial in vitotion, Zapo were in 55 when you were cidents that cause us MULCARE, SEVENTH RACE to think Rector.
slaves to the Romans. Surely you that you are not serious. Furloois Purse 125 Constantine do not feel well about it. It is be.
St. Simon s, Gamboa Former Resident of 125 St. Bartholomew s, Lascause of that that you have be Fought England Battles Kitty Gill Colon Cascadas.
Copi 12 come such a sturdy race, deter. We are not here to do anything!
Piet (ex Susp ro)
115 mined that you shall never be that is unreasonable. We are (Continued from Page Continued from page 1)
At the usual time Matins La Chiquilla slaves again that Britons shall here to present a just claim. You left for Constantine to his Church School, Eveasong, will by Dixie 105 ever rule the waves and that Bri who know your relationship with significant that the Cricket autho Since these white gods were de conducted by the Lay Readers in tons never, never, shall be slaves. the Negro know that we have rities recently decided upon a smul cessful in their efforts now? Surely should they be T, MULL ARE.
News Notes As you feel about it, so do we done everything possible to assist ter ball in the interest of the Priest in Chagre feel about it. Applause. Yon and to help you. The history of bowlers. The Ce will have you are not going to tolerate the are human beings; we are human the centuries tells it. In nearly smaller ball for Constantine but crackers, who have resolved to domto meet again, and decree a still diettorship of a hand full of white AMERICAN EPISCOPAL An enjoyable time is anticipated by the members of thebeings: we are not asking for all your wars ive assumed a com even though the de inate the Negro herever they go.
CHURCH Cristobal Colon Baptist Young anything that is unfair and un mont responsibility with you so cides to bowl at the young West You are not going to allow them to People, Societv tomorrow evenreasonable: we are only asking to preserve the Empire. Why ludian with a lime, when he is prevent you from enjoying the fruits SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER ing at oclock which will be the occasion of their 6th anniverTRINITY for the right to repossess oursel. we ourselves are responsible for ready to bit that lime will ap of the labour you have exerted in as big as ves of our country. Applause. adding so much to your Empire. ary, An excellent program is Good luck to the West Indies standing.
placing the college on its present St. Paul Church, Pan ma being prepared, and there will be Would you like anybody to go Nearly all your possessions in side, and thanks be to Provi Whether or not these atrocities will many representatives from City into your country and dispossess Africa were made possible by the de. ce that we have the best all kindred societies.
be removed depend entirely on your of it? Surely not. You love the blood of our men under your di rouud cricketer in the world.
own initiatives. It is for you to Rev. Nightengale, On Suuday last, the 8th inst.
old homeland too well, too much. rection. The West India Regi Rector)
denounce them. YOU are the ones at p. the St. Lucian Friendly for that.
ment, which you have just dis gro labor. Upon that cotton your a. Holy Communion The Bociety, working in the that comprise the majority of the population. YOU are the ones that Rector banded, tells a tale in history industry has prospered and you pay the greater part of the National Hall, Sth Street, installed officers Appeal to Public Opinion 10:15. Matins Mr. for the ensuing term as follows: You tised the British. West In haver been able to build the geat taxes. YOU are the ones that should Atwell, Lay Reader Mr Quislon, Presidet; Mr.
So tonight we come to you dia Regiment to add nearly all British Empire of today. Hear, benefit by the laws of the country.
10:30 am. Holy Eucbarist Louis Spencer, Vice President Englishmen and Englishwomen, West Africa to your Dominions hear. Have you no gratitude for Thanking you Mr. Editor for the ermon The Restor Mr. Theodore Charlee, Treasurer; you who form public opinion, be. applause you used the West a people who have helped with privilege etended me.
Voluntary before sermonfore going to the Government, indian and African Nego soldiers all that God gives them to give beg to remain, Innocent, Secrerary; Introit Paslm 119; part Mr, Pichon, Assistant Secre because we interpret government in the last war to take over all in fellowship and in good grace Former resident of Colon and rad 554. 179 Eugene Lupane.
Hymns (A. 474, 260, After the ceremony. 30 interesting program was rendere only as an executiv for the peo the territories that you have to others. uate of the St. Joseph College. Wilkio Communion Service in ple. Before we go to the Govern taken over from Germany. Hear.
There are two cricket cup fiment we go to the people to test hear. Negroes in this World War 12 a. Holy Baptism tures for tomorrow in connection with the surprise cup competitiva the sentiments of the people so We are not before you tonight Panama Contribution p. Church School that you can, by that sentiment, Negroes Shed Their Blood For asking you to pay us for 300 Choral Evensong and sermon, Wanderers Vs. Silver City at is asked for America Hope, and West Doreland vs. Piek. 30, The Bishop direct the attitude of those who years of labor in slavery. No. We wick at the Colon Baseball Park.
Voluntary before service represent you from an executive Not only have we fought to add are only asking you now for Monument Hymns (A. 304, 513, 271, point of view. We do not con new territory to the British common justice. With the terri223 The Rev. Wade 18 template rushing on the Govern Empire, but we have fought to ble system of dishonor that exist Psalter Psalms 30 and 31 cheduled to preach in the Colon Wesley church tomorrow at 11am.
ment without proper preparation, save the American Union; we ed in Euope you were forced in Marshall Ferdinand Foch, ComVoluntary after service. and 7pm. At o clock the Rev.
for the Government to excuse it. independence possible. The first to a great war the war of 1914 mander in cheif of the Allied St. Matthias Mission, Las artaies the has senta gentleman will preach a special self by saying, Well, we are not man who shed blood in America to 1918; a war that never con letter to Don Rodolpho Chiuri, Sabanas sarmon to a lodge.
instructed to do this and we for the independence of the corned me: a war that never con President of this Republic, re. Rev Nightengale, Priest cannot assume the responsibility American Union was a black man cerned any black man in the questing this country aid to in Charge)
Tomorrow 4:30 pm, a meeting will be held at the Gabriel Union of doing this. That is why we on Boston Common by the name world because for the last 309 wards the erection of a monnment to the herres of the war 7:45 a. nu. Holy Communion have come to you your pub of Crispus. Attucks. In the years the black man has been a on the Liege battle firld in Bel 4:30 pm. Holy Confirmation Lodge Hall. 6th street for the purpose of formulating plans for lic forum to get your opinion Civil War, the black soldiers sav. man of peace. It was your war: gium.
the formation of The West Indian about the matter. We want to ed the day many a time. The but when it was too much for Seventh Day Adventist Commercial Company. Mony These comunication bave been prominent gentlemen have been find out if you Englishmen, if great Theodore Roosevelt that you you called for help, and two received through the Panamanian STREET CALIDONIA invited, and a large gathering is you Englishwomen, who make you have heard of. Theodore million of us black men went foriegn office.
un the horfe, and sinew of your Roosevelt the blessed he was from Senegal, from the Sudan, Marshall Foch is chairman of ROAD near Isthmian Park Puns expected.
nation intend that Africa must saved to serve his country and from West Africa, from East the committee in charge of carry ma ing out this scheme from which Sabbatb (Saturdar) 945 am in exploited, must be taken away humanity not by his own Rough Africa, from the West Indies, contributions are expected from all Sabbath School; 11. 15 Gen Viva La France from its native people; that black Riderls, but by black men. from the United States of Amer. the allied nations that formed eral Worship Spanish men from Africa must be kicked Prospering Through Negro Labor ica, and tonight the blood of our the allied bloc during the world Class: Continued from Page about all over the world, without Do you know that we have boys has soaked the soil and their war. 30 Soclety At present, the Panamanian meeting 30 pm. Junior and ic and members of his cabinet, a home, without a vine and fig gladly borne your burdens for bones ae buried in Flanders Government is undecided as to Senior Standard of attainment and society leaders from Panama ree of their own. If you say you hundreds of years? The cotton where the poppies grow.
Not the manner in which they will Class, p. Vespers.
and theCabal Zone attended the empower your Government to mills of Lancashire, the great for any political reason on behalf cooper te in the communications presentation of Doni Zetti delightA. GRIZZLE Pastor, ful opera Don Pascuale by carry that out, then we will hipping port of Liverpool, tell of the Nego, but in answer to recas ved from the French war veteran.
the National School of Opera, at know exactly the attitude of the he tale of what we have done as the call to save the world for the National Theatre, last night.
English people and how to deal Sack men for the British Empire. democracy and to protect the TAKE NOTICE In connection with this prewith the matter. But we do not The cotton that you consume and rights of weaker peoples. That when you have a Prescription The WORKMAN can be seotation, the singing of the Na tional Anthems of France and believe that the hearts of English se in keeping your mills going was th urge that called us onto to make up take it to the National men and Englishwomen are so as for centuries come from the war. Two million of us answer. Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where had at Mr. Sanchez place Panama by the pupils cof the depraved, so unreasonable, so southern States of the United ed, and hundreds of thoutrands you will get it carefully compound. 24tb street, Nc building school of opera will also be an courteous addition to the musical arunfair, so unjust as to instruct States; it is the product of Ne of us paid the price.
en los oddele plan houTOOR Mr.

    BolshevismCivil WarDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyWorld War

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