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Our Cricketers In England THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IR YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL 16 No. 50 PANAMA, SATURDAY JULY 21, 1928 PRICE CENTS Protector Of Jamaican Immi Commander Watson West Indians at Cuba Continuation of Mr. Garvey grants at Cuba Speech at Albert Hall, London as follows: said and and rightly on away un eve: if they firm?
in the Makes Special appeal for Urged to coperate For Self the Building Fund Preservation Fellowmen of the Negro race, The Havana Post in a recent and silver Employees, Greetings:li sue says:Visits Kingston in Connection The time has now come when Says he Considered Himself Hon.
shall present to you the fulness recognition of the need of With Recent Deportation of of my request. It is a well known of the British West Indians here working together is the great need oured When Imprisoned in fact that you are quite aware of Jamaicans my eighth year struggle for the in Cuba, says Percival Hikson, the United States upliftment of the destítute boys vantages overlooked by his coun of Cienaga. He points out adand girls of the Republic. There The GLEANER of recent date says: are many of you who have been try men and gives timely advice.
The letter atter is as Mr. Ewen, Protector Continuing his memorable and brilliant Address at the TTE DEPORTATIONS but today have reached to half It is of Jamaican Immigrants in Cuba Is there any prospect of of the foot of the Alps where sell preservation is the 69, that Albert Hall England on the 6th June last Mr. Garvey first law says:arrived in the Island on Satur wholesale deportations of Jamaicaopot make another step forward of life. But how are wesel: DISTRIBUTING THE SPOILS whom? was associated not with without your aid.
day on a short offficial visit for ca labourers from Cuba as a represerved? Is it merely satisfying the purpose of discussing the pres. sult of the above conditions. For eight years have been telling from beiningerne der in in het ware Treaty was to be signed. you called was an associate of and a fellow At Versailles, when the Peace the ordinary criminal of the streets; bodily. away you of ent labour situation in Cuba asked the interviewer. That creating a home of redugo for are building upon a foundation everybody in and you distributed the convict in companionship with men with His Excellency the Aeting camot say replied Mr. Ewen; destitute boys and girls of this firm and sound that will withstand spoils of war to everybody. You gave like ex Governor McCray of the StaGovernor at present the Cuban Govern Republic, of which the greater the avalanches of adverse criticism to the Jew Palestine; you gave to te of Indiana, and of Senators and Mr. Ewen returns to Cuba on ment have no intention of mange. We have been paying a FO100 is of Wist Indian paren that are daily launched against Egytians a larger modicum of self Congressmen of the United States. government; you gave the Irish so you will understand that being Wednesday this week and, in an king wholesale deportations. heavy rental for years, and for British West Indians are sure Home Rule Government and Domi imprisioned in the United States is interwiew with the Gleaner on those that have been made are the keeping up of the school; We ly not building for self preserva nion status; you gave the Poles not like being imprisoned in England, Saturday he states plainly, that merely those of undesirables, to keep the ups burning our we must cu operate and unify; we what did you give to the Negro? not condemn me without trying me have been struggling day by day, too. To build for self preservation new Government of their own. But (Hear! Hear. Therefore you should the present condition of Ja and apply to other nationals, as sympathizers of maican labourers in Cuba is much as or even more than Ja bazes never chatowed the most de band to protection (A voice Nothing. What did you on the principles of English justice.
us to and defence: we build do to the Negro? You threw his dead do not believe there is any law on serious: there are, he estimates, maicans.
strugde aloce, but in a way of lily and for all that makes for smashed the coffin and kicked the a man because some unknown agent economically and 50. 000 Jamaicans now in Cuba so body on the streets of Cardiff, your statute book that would convict Whether in the future, in view other we always found them out of work and in serious straits, of the conditions have alluded bob with us Now the timeladenment and success putting corpse about and made a football of of his posted an empty envelope.
the many of them actually starving to, the Cuban Government may hand of every man and woman to and destroying agents as perso In America 200, 000 boys had hardly book of England; yet you say am has come when it needs the helpios from such devastating it after he came back from the war. There is no suen law on the statute and the remainder living on take steps for deportation on a help to put the program over, and nal malice, envy and hatred and what their womenkind earn and large scale cannot say.
the first to begin with is the all such things that make our taken off their uniforms when, on a criminal because was convicted with little or no immediate prosstarting of a subscription fund self preservation mockery and parading in the streets, one of them on such a flimsy charge in the United AN UNTRUE STATEMENT which will be termed the Balla a tool for those who would scoff, was lynched in the very uniform of States of America.
pect of obtaining any work to do.
In spite of the severe straits Is it true that all the Jmaiing Fund This appeal is special and cast out vile epithets, tend the United States in which they had MEANS TO AN END ly to the Silver employees of the ing to eliminate and destroy us. bled on the battlefields in France in which they find themselves cans deported so far were agents of the Panama Cunul and sound economic foundation is and Flanders. Is that a just reward things that are being done aginst But, men, let me show some of the employees of the Atlantie end us. My imprisonment in America was Jamaica where TRUTH MUST BE TOLD only the means to an end approach me with a desire to self preserving peoples. It makes could not find work, they would This is absolutely untrue know how soon the drive would for power, for protection and for are not vexed about it; we only of men who are creating so much for comatort, for independence, Yet we are not sore about it; we commercial and industrial schemes be better able to live with the relied Mr. Ewen.
be started as they were quite defense.
asistance of their families, and Is there any truth in the fact ready and eager to subscribe.
want you people to know the truth; trouble in the world today. Take the the grounds which most of them that those who were deport at that time, as promised that omy. What have we invested in hearts of all Englishmen are bad; we could not accept their donations Investment is the means to econ because we do not believe that the great rubber shortage.
possess. They prefer. Mr. Ewen ed were harshly treated, given not a cent was to be receive by that we can look back on with do not believe that the hearts of all IN THE CAUSE OF RUBBER says, to remain in Cuba in the insuffficient food, etc?
me, have taken the matter up pride and satisfaction that can the American people are bad. When There was a great rubber shortage hope of winning a prize in one of Here again there is absolutely before the Hon. Giikey of stand to our credit ia the years spoke of the lack of morality in in 1922 up till 1925 on the part of the lotteries, meanwhile existing no truth in the statement was (Continued on Page Continued on Page politics in America did not mean the Americans. You English had as they may on what their women Mr. Ewen positive reply: to infer among the people, but mean cornered the rubber market; you had kind earn for them, as there is can personally vouch for the to infer without any reserve among all the rubber plantations under your always work for women over fact that they received perfec. Large Congregation Miss Myrtle lona the politicians in power. Hear, control in the Malay Peninsula. The hear. Americans had no rubber reserve.
there of a domestic or other na tly considerate treatment and Barnes were well fed.
PROUD OF HIS IMPRISIONMENT Mr. Hoover acted as foster father Listened To Bishop Carson CAUSE OF UNEMPLOYMENT NO WORK ELSEWHERE Now, consider myself honored to for all American rubber interests.
At St. Peter Graduates at Westwood have been indicted at the time and He set out to get control of rubber The cause of so many of them The diffficulty is went on to have been sent to prison at the lands in any part of the world where Jamaica being out of work is of course the Protector to know what to time under the administration of he possibly could get control of them.
Last Wednesday night the compulsory restriction of do with these out of work and such a rogue and vagabond like the Just about that time my organizathe sugar crop, and there seems starving labourers just now, as si. Peter s, La Boca, for the care of La Boca recently received States of America, Harry Daugherty, Bramme of rebuilding Africa through specielte service was beld at The Rav. and Mrs. Mul ex Attorney General of the United tion, in carrying out its serious prono hope at present of any altera. there are at present no prospects purpose of giving The Rt. Rev. news from the Manager and the very man who engineered my the help and influence of the edution in this direction.
of any work elsewhere. Several Harry Robert Carson, Principal of Westwood West going to Haiti Bisbop of Haiti and Santo School, Jamaica, High indictment, plotted my indictment, cated Negroes of the that These conditions, and what hendreds went over their indictment, plotted my indictment with the Liberian Government for home, had completed an agreement may be done to better them. lured there by bogus statements Domingo, who is indulgio in daughter, Miss Myrtle Ion with others, who was such a rascal that Government to place at our a sbort furlough, an opportunity Barnes, graduated with bonors that they had to kick him out of form the chief object of Mr. as to large works being started, not only to look at the faces a few weeks ago, taking the first office and indict him for fraud in country of Liberia so that we could of this old La Buca friends, but place on the Honor Roll of her connection with 7, 000, 000 of alien start our experiment in helping to disposal four sections of the little Ewen present visit.
Continued on page 6)
also of giving them a resume Form which consisted of twenty. con of of his work in the sister se ven students.
enemy funds, and whose only plea to build Liberia and make her worthy republics.
the jury was that he had an Bishop Passes Sentence on Rector Haden ago Migg Two bundred persons attended left these shores por Wesbaona, mother! But because he belonged to of a worthwhile Negro State in West the service. The v. Jas, Jamaica, Shortly after she en. the party in power they convicted Africa. We sent four delegations out Prays With Him as He Hands two years. The living will de se. the Canal Zone, on the invita disposition, she won the affee urge, and let him go. As have said, President of Liberia and by the Li.
Croik Moris, Bishop of tered the school, by her genial the other fellow who acted under his to Liberia, who were received by the Document Inhibiting Him guestered and after making the tion of the Rev. Mulcare, tion and confidence both of her feel honored to have been indicted berian Government. An agreement necessary paymeots and providing rector of the Church. accomº fellow students and the entire under the administration of such a what time we should start sending was entered into. They advised us at for Two Years a curate the rest of the income panied Bisbop Carson.
wili be paid to you. This will be staff of teachers. So rapid was rogue.
out our colonists to Liberia.
Gloucester, June The Bishop conditional on your leaving the rector previously requested by studies, tbat at the expiration At the close of Evensong, the the progress she made in her COMPARISON Acting on their instructions and on of Gloucester (Dr. Headto do do so, formal of ber first year at the school, When was in the Federal Prison their urge, we spent fully half a millam) and the Rev. Oswald Hay If at the end of that time you. y introduced Bisbop Carson to she was entered for the Cam in Americ was associated with (Contioued ca page 6)
den the rector of Avening koelt return you will be able make a the large congregation.
bridge Local Examination.
together in prayer to day in the new start, and hope that the bymn was then sung, and The report of her last examlstudy of the Episcopal Palace in failures and the enmities of the the visiting prelate ascended the nation at the school and in Big National Park To Be Established this city.
past will be for gotten, pulpit, and in a most pathetic connection with the Calabridge few moments before they The income of the benefice is manter extended his felicltations Exa nination shows tuat she that said lands be used exclusively went on their knees to implore estimated at 858 a year.
to his dear old friends, after gained high marks not only in The Government of Papama for the National Park. This park forgiveness for any injustices they Mr. Hayden visited the Epis be held the audience spell schol, but also in the extra area of land extending from the which, in his illuminating style the compalaorv subj ets of the has acquired possesion of a large will serve as a place of recreation might have suffered or any iafor the johabitants of the city discretions or improprieties they copal Palace to day the bound for nearly an hour with subjects placed at the disposal old ruined city to the new village and it is that the had heen guiltyn oppi the bishop invitation of the bishop to make most compelling account of of students who caa afford to of Sanfrancisco de la Calleta. Municipality contribute half of who said the prayer had handed any observations before sentence bis work in the black republic be coached in Miss Panama Golf to the rector a type written do told the beshop that being a Ligh was thout himnine Be The Acthen Send ko ce publisey Barnessheded up the brilliantis near the bana Clube which the amount of the 1925. 005 be cument.
human being he had on occa the large vested choir, and in her favorite subjact, music Juan Calvez and for which paid the Messrs Parades for the rendered (theoretical, practical vocal) that the sum of 3, 000 has The paper contained bebis sensiuns used an expletive such as Offerings were presented by she was duly entered for the agreed upon as compensation.
This suggestion was favorably tence on Mr. Hayden because a damn, but he repeated his Bisbop Morris, Then followed exam.
receiver, and a commission of the commission had found him guilty denial that he ever employed a solemn procesion through the of using foul language on seve stronger language.
At several public functions be entered into with the occupants Treasurer have to call on SecreSimilar agreements will also Chairman and the Municipal ral occasions during the past aisle and alleys of the Churcb. Miss Barnes is reported to have of lands within the limits of Od tary Morales for the purpose After listening to Mr. Hayden seven years, The procession coneistəd of exhibited marked ability as a Panama to which will be added of reaching a definite agreemeot statement the Bishop baoded him the girls Friendly, the Church violinist and pianist, acd to have twenty hectares of forests extend, for the purchase of the land.
Dr. Headlams sentence was in the Typewritten document con Commitee, the Social Commitee, won the unstinted applause of ing between Old Panama and This project is really the complethe following terms. taining the sentence and when the Choir, and the Clergy. appreciative audiences.
Sanfrancisco de la Calleta for the ment of the idea of the National propose to inhabit you for (Continued op pgae 6)
Continued on page (Continued on page 6) sum of 25000 on the conditions Assembly.
ture at than been land,


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