
PAGE TWO THE WOREMAN, SATURDAY JULY 1929 The Commencement Exercises THE WORKMAN LA MASCOTA Just received a fine selection of. 20 TAILORS TRIMMINGS MULLER, AT CRISTOBAL COLPabils on Sasarisys by 3V stes for Advastase 32 on appilea.
OURED SCHOOL WALROND, to Ofice No. 16 tioa. Correspondence on all rates Stacet East Ceatral Aveau Panama of public interest la vited. By Elijah Hunter)
All copy for pabllestion mast be The night preceding the 20th.
PO Box 74, Pauan RP.
written on one side of paper only, and of June seemed to have been Rates of Subscription mast bo acconpanied by the name of longer than the usual night.
Ose Year 40 Cy the writer, not assessarily for publica tion batas anak of good faith.
Six Months.
Sleep to the concerned did not ENGLISH TWEEDS Тогее 630.
wa do aos adertake to return reperform its usual function in One Month 23 josted correspon tegee.
that it was not enjoyed. The naps in the very latest desings were short the bodies The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS restless. something disturbed the mind, and the peaceful slumBATURDAY JULY 21, 1928. Also ber which was the heritage of the people was converted into OUR CRICKETERS IN ENGLAND BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT something like a dog watch, and the dawning of the day was des.
The doings of the team of British West Indian VICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS ired, prematurely of course, but it was, and its coming was hailed cricketers now in England have, for the past two months, with delight.
been occupying front pages of great British and West But what was the cause of all Indian metropolitan newspapers. Their works are almost All at moderate Prices this? What could it have been. foremost in the minds of West Indians in general, at will tell you. It was the anxiety of home and abroad, the islanders peer hurriedily over the the populace the eagerness for names listed in each report of them, to gain intelligence first of the doings of their respective quotas.
the coming of a great mo.
Always kept in stock a full assortment of ment the moment when a new The last occasion on which a team of West Indian page would be written into the cricketers visited England to play a series of matches, it was not accorded the distinction of meeting an allhistory of the West Indian in these Isthmian parts. It was to English eleven with the willow and leather. The present representatives of West Indian cricket are now in be something epochal some England to face, among a series of county matches, thing new something unique the Mother Country best in three test matches. Up yea, something greater than that hich caused the statute of to the present it is gratifying to West Indians everywhere to know that the West Indies team are winning: England of every description Liberty to bow its head in the losing, of course. But it must be understood that Engdays when Roosevelt lived!
land eyes are strained, principally, on the Test Matches!
The morning came at last, and Playing a test match with England amounts to playing the tension relaxed. The tortu eleven of England best cricketers! When those eleven rous night had speeded on its win, England is victorious, of course; when they lose, Prop.
way, and the brilliant sunshine it the reverse.
of a radiant morning was wel The West Indies have already met the Mother coun37 CENTRAL AVENUE, comed with delight. Everything try in the first Test, and lost before twenty thousand seemed now interesting the sun spectators. The fact that 20, 000 people turned out to was shining overhead in its witness a cricket match is conclusive evidence of the PANAMA.
meridian splendor the Sea Gul.
extent to which England prides her cricket and the im. soared and dived the moving pression which the West Indian cricketers had left on 244. 1motorists dashed gaily to ant the public through their previous performances. Yes, En.
fro in seeming jubilation the gland is taking our cricketers more seriously.
pedestrian paced the side walks Those who have been following the reported perin comparative freedom, fanned formances of our representatives in the present series of by the gentle breezes of a pea matches, including the first day play of the Test Match, ceful ocean, for now, it was all cannot but conclude that, after making such a brillant peace, perfect peace!
start in the latter, they must have encountered unusual The minutes flew, the hours difficulties in the second day play to have suffered went, and so did the day. gen such a crushing defeat.
tle mist had gathered on the In any event, the Mother country as a whole has horizon, and though toward the scored one against the West Indies. There are still two evening, the clouds hung low, other tests to be played the second one starting today.
there was no hail storm. no England best wielders of the willow and spinners of the thunder, but only a sprinkle of leather, as well as thousands of other sportsmen and refreshing dewdrops which cool cricket fans are now standing on tip toes, as it were, ed the sweltering atmosphere.
peeping over into the results of this encounter.
No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue Nature itself seemed to have With the redoubtable all around Constantine of Trinibeen expectant and she would dad a name which, to Trinidadian everywhere, is as PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 do nothing to dampen the arder Challenor to Barbados and Martin to Jamaica and the rest of the people, for Zion was to of our side. there is a combination that is forcing England be reached in its beauty of sit.
to bring into service their best scientific methods in dealuation!
ing with the leather and willow. This is most gratifying to the Weat Indies.
The Twilight hour had. come the not too brilliant sunba11 Our cricketers now in England are entitled to the OF THE HIGHEST ORDER had settled in the west now greatest consideration and praise for their brilliant accomcrimson, and then darkened as plishments, thanks to our indomitable fast bowlers, and the shadows of night came to our splendid batsmen. They merit the highest commendation from two principal angles; their scientific know Work Done While You Wait gently on and hid her from the gaze of mortal man.
ledge of the game and for the fact that they are, in no The stage was set the actors doubt a majority of cases, playing under extreme handicaps. those caused by the cold weather.
were ready. pedagogue and English cricketers visiting the West Indies play under TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED student, parent and guardian.
the curious and the intereste!
more favourable whether conditions than our boys do when all tramped with happy footsteps playing in England. The extra artificial impedimentsclothes, shoes, gloves which West Indians must of necesAlter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices toward the appointed rendezvous sity contend with are distinctly unfavourable to our tourists to witness the epochal event.
in England; while, on the other hand, English cricketers Ladies Garments carefully handled There was hustle and bustle.
playing in the West Indies are rarely, if at all, affected men and women, boys and gir adversely by bright sunshine, for they may don light found their seats, and seats were tropical wearing apparel, thereby dispensing with much REID Propietor at a premium; but the faculty of of what they are themselves handicapped by, while playing the school, like well trained main their own country.
hals distributed themselves over There is no gain saying the fact, our representative the floor, and with dignified bow cricketers in England have been making nothing short of and complacent smile seated their brilliant showings. If a few have not come up to general Dr. Nathan Rowe large audience with as much ease expectations it will be hardly justifiable to credit such AYSICIAN AND SURGEON their scholars in the class room.
and efficiency as they would failure to anything but the contrast of weather as it affects them physically as all are good players. In the next two 11th and Bolivar Sts.
It was eight, and a quarter tests matches to be played our boys are fully alive to the COLON, after. Mr. Johnston the hazardous task they are up against and England is not a BUILDING I0. 123 OPPOSITE principal stepped upon the plat.
whit unaware of the fact that should their country Why throw away your old, but no Chase National Bank form and was greeted with a vig weather man decide to be courteous in the main to doubt interesting, books when you Office Hours: 9a, to 12m orous applause ere he had utstrangers from the tropics, an altogether different report p. to pm.
tered a single word. With erect to that of the first is not impossible in the next two en can haue them neatly bound at OPTICÉ TELEPHONE 320 posture, and becoming deportcounters in the classics.
DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 ment he welcomed his audience, Socially, England is treating our representatives in the THE WORKMAN and explained to them the purgrand old British style royally. We don have to praise them for that. it is the way Englisbmen do it everywhere.
House rent recript books in port of the event. His cleat.
Spanish and English for sale at distinct and sonorous voice resNo. EAST 16 STREET she Workman Priotery. ounded over the auditorium, and ADVERTISE woe unto him who saith did Opposite the Wesleyan Churh Advertise in the Workman not hear!
IN THE WORKMAN AND GET GOOD RESULTS 239809458osa essere (Continued on Page 6)
It pays.


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